Air Force silent after huge meteor hits earth near US military base

What are they hiding?

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It's cute that people think we can detect everything coming from space, our radars watch other nations not straight up.

As for the event itself what do you want the airforce to say? "A rock exploded from friction heating 140,000 feet above a base"?

As always, israeli false flag.

How big was that "rock"?

I hope it's aliens and they come to fuck us all over.

I hope it's aliens so we can fuck them.

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Do we have a snownigger strelok willing to go up there and find out what it was?

Space nazis confirmed

Give me a few days, if you don't hear back from me within a week, it was the jews.

That would have been pretty cool to see. Not entirely sure as to why Air Force would have had to make some press statement regarding that event. It's not their job and it's in the bumfuck middle of nowhere. If they had camera footage of that then yeah, sure someone would have made a press statement. Or a twitter post.

Can you livestream it if it is possible?

They didn't say shit because it happened a million miles from the nearest eyewitness and the less normalfags know about this kind of shit happening the less risk there is of everyone deviating from wagecucking and paying taxes.

If you come back and say it wasn't the jews, you're a jew.

Couldn't find a way to make Drumpf look bad so it wasn't considered important that an entire air force base could have been turned to ash.

What color of alien do you like the most?
For me it's Blue or Purple.

Can you imagine being this naive?

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I guess missile warning bases aren't the kind of base that like a lot of press attention. Still, meteors are newsworthy as fuck, I would have hoped for liveleak footage at least.

lmao this is why you shouldn't rely on news agencies for scientific coverage. They completely misinterpret whatever study he was referencing. That number can only refer to meteors of above a certain size. No idea what size since they don't say, but there's certainly a minimum there. Consider that the stronger showers of the year can typically put out tens of naked-eye meteors per hour, and that's just in the sky visible from any given point, not across the whole planet.

Radar only detects them when it's too late anyway. Once they do hit and you have a giant ionization trail it's easy enough, but when they're still interplanetary you pretty much have to rely on optical and infrared. And the problem with the those is that while there are several such telescopes looking (e.g. Pan-STARRS) there's a huge swath of sky where you can't see shit because a) the sun saturates everything, and b) they need to be reflecting sunlight towards you if you're looking in optical, so objects close to the sun aren't very visible. Guess what direction Chelyabinsk came from. Guess what direction Tunguska came from.
A meteoroid this size isn't very likely to be detected anyway. 2018 LA, which hit Botswana in June, was a bit smaller and was only detected 8 hours before impact, with an orbit poor enough that even at that time they could only put the hit probability at 85%.

There is also a dearth of meteor research. NASA shut down most of theirs in the sixties, and today it's largely done by Eastern Europe and Canada. NASA contracts us for their meteor forecasts; a grad student in my department recently gave a report to NASA about whether there was a risk to spacecraft posed by this year's Draconids, for example. Probably not for Earth, but Gaia over in L2 might be at risk.
Daytime showers (such as the Beta Taurids, which Tunguska came from) are particularly understudied.

The good news is that NEOs bigger than a few hundred meters are mostly found. Though the joke is that "we've found 95% of them, now we just need to find the other 20%".

t. recently started a MSc in astronomy.

Probably somewhere around 4m, at a VERY rough guess. Kilotonnage is a pretty poor measure since it's more directional than a nuke.

This. Man was made to breed and fuck aliens. We will end an alien scourge as husbands, brothers, sons, etc. All will be trampled under our feet as the interstellar fleets are forced to end their wars or face the wrath of their wives.

this is a declaration of war, we must go forth and kill space

I doubt any resources in space are worth immediate costs, nor places to spread democracy.

you misunderstand, we must kill space, it has killed the dinosaurs already and it now attacks us, we must kill it before it does more harm

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And before someone bitches about the price of space, SpaceX I know they're a meme, shut the fuck up would need to bring back an approximate elephant's weight in platinum to make their money back on an unmanned drone sent to mine said asteroid, and in theory they could just orbitally launch the precious metals to a lake ground site to be collected.

A warm orange with some nice red highlights.

You know what they say about reducing production cost of your product:
Have it fall out of orbit at many kilometers a second, disintegrate upon reentry, and then fall into a lake or ocean as tiny particles so you can invest millions on collecting it again.

haha Benis :DDDD

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This was an alien spacecraft full of advanced technology that was shot down to further empower Queen Elizabeth II. This is obvious due to the fact that it came from space, and it exploded. There is no other possible explanation for something to explode. Friction heating, according to many researchers, does not cause things to explode, they merely disintegrate. There are thousands of hidden high-powered satellites and ground ultraviolet scanning stations that have been captured on tape and on Google Earth; clearly they knew of this object. I wouldn't be surprised if it was an envoy of sorts to establish relations, granting major boons on all of society, but per the usual, it was shot down by Kazakhstan anarcho-syndicalists who are jealous of people not living in poverty. With the fragments of tech that fall back to Earth, they will be able to replace more key elements of Queen Elizabeth II's body with synthetic material, with the goal of eventually making her immortal.

Well aren't missile warning bases basically a just a electricians depo in middle of fucking nowhere? That's so bumfuck middle of nowhere that I wouldn't be surprised if they had automated that "base", and that it was only occupied by humans when it was time to to do some maintanance.

Meteor-strikes falls on the plate of NASA or meteorological services.

And even if they notice a swarm of rocks that are going to be occupying the same airspace with our planet, similar size to the ones that probably caused younger dryas to occur, why would one tell public about it? Basically all you can do with a shitstorm of that size is to dig a hole and embrace the suck. That's what people may or may not have done in the past. Northern europeans hid inside the world-tree, south american huehues hid inside a tree of their own, Persians hid inside a mountain, and jewchristians hid inside a boat. All were meant to preserve life, or seeds of life.

To build seed-facilities you'd need public's co-operation, so you tell them after you've done all you can for future and hope for the best.


Cool post.

but what if the ayys only came to watch?

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Orbital ring

Nah, the radar dishes need constant de-icing in winter.
There were no de-icing robots in the '70s when they were built so they kept a bunch of "send-him-somewhere-he-can-do-no-harm"s to de-ice the dishes an antennas.

Then they get to raise the human sons of their wives.

I don't worry so much about them as I do some KBO or centaur coming out of left field. Those things can get big. To say nothing of oligarchs in the Oort cloud.

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I hope a KBO with atmosphere come into Earth orbit and become a second moon just like Triton so we can colonise it and become our white ethno-planet.

What is /b/'s BO doing in the Kuiper Belt?

O'Neill cylinder

Dyson sphere

He’s big guy

You and I both know the cucks at NASA (or whatever space agency does it) would intentionally staff mixed-race couples or booksmart niggers to send to another world. If the military colonized it, it would be like how they explicitly send all the niggers in the Navy to Japan. If China colonizes it, no white man is gonna be on that mission. Don't kid yourself, user.

How else are chinese supposed to colonize it?

We can destroy any non-white spaceships to KBO to prevent them from colonising our future minor planet.

Wasn't Thule the one where a B52 with nukes crashed back in the 60s when a blocked heater caught fire or something stupid like that?

It was a fucking crashed UFO, no reason to keep quiet about it if it wasn't

Pic related.

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2.2 ktTNT = 9.2 TJ
9.2 TJ = .5 x (24.4 km/s)^2 x mass
Mass = 30.9 metric tons

This is, of course, not accounting for inefficiencies and miscalculations since "2.2 ktons" was probably calculated using the dimensions of the explosion. I'd estimate the mass to be upwards of 60 metric tons. I'm not an expert and that's a very conservative estimate, by the way.

What's the matter Chicken Little? No one listens to you?

Meteorites land on Earth all the time. The issue is that they're either too small or they end up landing in bumfuck nowhere like in Antarctica or the Sahara or a combination of both. Even fireball meteors (ones that explode and vaporize and thus don't make it to the ground) are common but they too also fall around the large, uninhabited areas of the Earth.

So higher than average range in terms of space rocks falling on the Earth.

Are these delusional subhumans so fucking eager to kill white men on the blink of an eye? Is the Russian boogeyman so scary to these idiots for fucks sake?

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It's a mix of jews jewing and boomers going "hey we were strong and manufacturing existed before we sold it to the chinese communists back when we were in the geopolitical equivalent of a mexican standoff, let's do it again surely that will fix the problems we created"

tbf that DOES look like a ((("Russian"))) missile strike the US pussied out of.

It's just a bugman saying blumpf will cause nuclear war. Also the United States is much whiter than russia ever will be, considering "russians" aren't even white and the entire state has been a mongrel empire for it's entire existence.

The last time USA was white was back in 1492. Ever since then you're a cesspool of niggers, chinks, mudslimes, mullato rape babies, gooks, jews and a few surviving whites.
Russians are white. If you unironically fell for the mongol meme without spending a single nanosecond in searching information by yourself then you're a fucking idiot.

They're minimum 80% white, and that's counting the ukrainians and caucasian ethnics as not white.

I wasn't as clear as I should've been. I meant upwards (probably significantly) of 60 metric tons.
On comparing this meteor to others (according to Wikipedia)
Wikipedia has a good chart on this on the page "Impact event". Someone should make a bell curve of this.
This isn't too out of the ordinary.

You will understand when the time comes.
Wir kommen in Frieden.

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Have you idiots not been paying attention to anything ever since WWII? There isn't a single government or bank not controlled by the kikes. Both Putin and Trump and good goys. The only thing that will happen from his predictions is civil war, and that will happen only after certain European countries elect Nationalist parties. Germany, England, France and the USA will play almost 0 role in what is going to happen.
The civil war will start in either Greece or Italy. Those two are the countries with the most commies and 50/50 populations. Half are hardcore Stalin-tier commies and the other half is Hitler-tier nationalists. Once there is a spark, the fire will rise in the rest of Europe. The white man will not fight back until he sees someone else do it. Western Europe is far too cucked to start the spark. It has to happen in the Balkans, and it will.

yeah I don't see the word oil anywhere on that page so i'm going to have to give that asteroid a hard pass.

Nice blackpill.

It's only a blackpill if you're a commie or a kike

The only optimistic part about your post was the
and it's almost less true than the rest of your bitch and whining post.

Just because kikes controls every single national bank except Best Korea, Iran and Syria doesn't mean that every single individual in position of power is a full-blown zogbot.

If that was the case you would not have a constant stream of (((news networks))) and (((newspapers))) bitch and moan about impeachments and war with dem ebul ruzkies and isnotrael would have control of 2/3s of Syria at this point.

You cannot be this retarded to think Russia and USA will unironically wage war on each other. And if you think Putin isn't a zogbot you're delusional. He follows money and nothing else. Israel has full control of every big power. They won't wage war on their own assets. Literally nothing to be gained from these two countries fighting. Nothing.

Worst case scenario there will only be a proxy war, not a direct one. And even then it won't be the spark that wakes up the European man. The only resemblance of nationalism left in Europe is from Italy, Greece and to an extend Hungary. Krauts won't do anything, frogs won't do anything, Britbongs won't do anything, Swedes won't do anything, the western man will not do anything. Their communist parties are half-assed pseudo-commies and their right-wing parties are pseudo-patriots.

This had been the kikes' wet dream since the 50s you fucktard. Why the fuck do you think (((they))) invested so much in "taming" drunk slavs and the most recognizably corrupt and warmongering Dem candidate with minimal chances of getting elected?

I bet you retard also think Jewromaidan was a spontaneous nationalistic colorful revolution too.
l2realpolitik you intellectually indenbted mouthbreather

>nothing to (((gain)))
Google Samson Option and lurk the fuck moar.

If you seriously believe all this then which part of my post was blackpilling? I refuse to believe there will ever be a total war between the burgers and the slavs. And saying that the west isn't going to wake up by itself isn't a blackpill, it is the absolute current reality. Thousands of rapes, murders and total destruction of many cities. Muslim niggers in every street and entire towns outnumbering whites 100 to 1. If they haven't genocided the shitskins already they never will. Over 3,500 Swedes are allowing the government to put chip implants to their bodies. These people are going to start a revolution? No, they will not. Not without an idol to follow.

Just as planned. There are some higher things working. Some things no mere mortal jew could change.

plan means keikaku

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Just as predicted in the dead sea scrolls

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You have to account that half of these might not even go off due to defect. These are 50 year old missiles and even older warheads.

Plutonium warheads by themselves don't last very long due to helium offgass and need to be remanufactured every 5-10 years.
Irradiated explosives and primers don't last well either and are unreliable.

A lot of these nukes are in few 100kT range, mostly for tactical purposes of stopping advancing army.

Mind you, US has nuclear-anti-aircraft platform. Basically shoot a nuke into enemy air formation for shits and giggles.

And what are they supposed to do? Go to DefCon 1? Issue out a press statement? "Yes, ladies and gentlemen, a rock has fallen to the Earth from outer space for the 1,300th time this year." Scramble the Jets? What for? To shoot down the space aliens using psy-beams to bombard us with astronomical phenomena?
What exactly do you expect the Air Force to do? An asteroid hit the Earth…..congratulations?

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Post 80's ABM defenses were deemed as uneconomical since their cost greatly surpassed their target's even without counting dispersing warhead-clusters per missile, decoys and chaff, after the later their cost became prohibitive.

The best anti-ballistic shield against more modern ICBMs with their MIRV warheads and decoy/CM spam would be high-altitude super/hypersonic-bombers modified to carry an interception radar and multiple short range ABMs, patrolling over metropolitan areas in times of high alert.

This would probably allow a viable cost for interception of multiple targets since AB-missiles launched at high altitude and high supersonic speeds would spare their design a lot of propulsory load and consequently would dramatically drop the cost and design complexity and would allow much more warheads for the same cost to be deployed, potentially with the launching platform being able to also discriminate better than the EWR between actual warheads and decoys.

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Original idea plz no steel.

Complimentarily you could also similarly fill jumbo-jets with ABMs and a proper early-warning/missile-guiding radar for the case shit really hits the fan. Of course the lower altitude, and more importantly, subsonic speed would make the difference from groundborne ABMs operating cost per warhead much less noticeable but the mobility of the platform, resilience against a first strike and potential role as an airborne command platform coordinating squadrons of smaller faster ABM-launching aircraft would probably compensate for it, especially in a non-MAD gradually escalating exchange scenario.

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Is nuclear tipped ABM possible? Can we nuke nukes? Since the world's fucked any if you've nukes falling on you, might as well die hard.

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If my sources greek military mags and encyclopedias from the late 80s and the 90s are not terribly wrong I recall that some if not many 1st-gen ABMs were neutron bombs, that isn't cost-effective at all though and probably the main reason ABMs were largely dropped as a strategic concept. Today ABMs tend to have kinetic-warheads but IMO betting on a bullseye against a mach 20+ target it's too much of a gamble regardless of how predictable its orbit is.

That depends, how many shekels can I squeeze out of congress?

That shows what your journalists knew. "Neutron" bombs were meant to kill every living thing and leave the infrastructure intact, not knock out ballistic missiles.

Don't they know out all the electronics as well?

These are not mutually exclusive:


In the event of nuclear war only cityfags and military bases will get nuked. I see nothing wrong with the world being washed in nuclear fire, and coming out of the chaos like a naked woman leaving the shower, clean and fresh. Radiation isn't that horrible for you, and at fallout levels it can only make you develop cancer later in your 60s; it isn't natural to live past 30 anyways, so count your blessings. The worse danger from fallout is the toxic isotopes in the dust, but those settle and decay within 2 weeks of the explosion. I can't wait to look out my window and see mushroom clouds over the horizon, and get to don my respirator and coveralls and frolic in the dust like snow. Fallout might also turn out to be a good fertilizer. Hell, if you have forewarning of bombs about to be dropped near you, don some welding goggles and sit down in a lawnchair, and you can sunbathe in the light of the explosion.


EMP knocks out electronics

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Davidson cone

I thought they had pressure relief valves like RTGs

A kike and a mick killed America. Wew lad.

so what you're saying is that old age is a spook? :^)