Camoflague thread

Can we get a thread on cool camouflage through out history?

Attached: dazzle.jpg (907x529, 69.76K)

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Is there a 'flecktan' for flecktarn?

Attached: 705054.png (1920x1200, 2.2M)

Quite like the "Lozenge" and "Ambush" camo patterns.

Attached: ambush_camo_by_daimion1-d3j0pyq.png (702x363 912.66 KB, 376.58K)

Attached: images.jpg (417x121, 50.9K)



I have a cool addition. I was obsessed with camouflage for like a week solid and I read about it and shit.
Now, I see the world as a system and sometimes you can hide in plain sight if you lay still enough.
Anyway, after you read about things you notice other things, like in movies for instance.
In the movie Unbreakable, where bruce willis is basically superman, he senses that a guy in a ticket line has a gun on him.
The guy in the line appears to be wearing a WW2 german jacket worn by the waffen SS.
Another thing to point out is that in a seperate scene, the guy's jacket camo pattern changes, as if they just have multiple, rare, ww2 jacket just laying around on the hollywood set.

Attached: poncho5.png (1920x1080 1.29 MB, 2.11M)

That is not a ww2 german camo pattern, that is fucking US chocolate chip desert camo.

In any case, he makes a decent point on camouflage, it ONLY works in its proper element. Wear the wrong style in the wrong environment it can stand out as bad as anything. and in non combat conditions in cities it stands out very strongly. This clip is an example, it helps to identify the man in the crowd. Wearing camo around civilians or anywhere it doesn't fit in CATCHES attention. It can be effective but it must be used properly.

There is something to be said of certain shades of grey for urban environments that doens't reflect much light and tends to blend somewhat into a lot of backgrounds, especially in low light, snowy, and urban environments. Black certainly still has its place for the same reason, in night raids and fighting the darker the harder to see.

And yes, its about how you use the damn stuff. Sitting still, not making motion is crucial. A good ghillie won't help you if you run around in the damn thing and don't conceal your movement. People will just start shooting at a "walking plant".

Not technically, it's an arab (possibly iraqi) copy.

Attached: US chocochip.jpg (1023x605 215.33 KB, 185.23K)

Here's some camo from something cheap I picked up at a surplus store

Attached: 20180805_220032.png (4032x1960, 14.9M)

Top tier taste.

The legend has it that the idea of using camouflage was born in a grim realization that the main feature of classic military uniforms - long distance legibility - can be taken advantage of by the enemy. Regular forces uniforms had bright clothing in order to assist commanders in keeping track of the units. Of course the enemy also had such uniforms, both sides could see what the enemy was doing and it balanced out - battles were won on an even field by strategy, training and numbers. But insurgent forces didn't had proper uniforms, instead they wore cheap basic clothes that were naturally colored and stained in shades of brown, yellow and green. Not only regular forces were at a disadvantage because their commanders couldn't see what the enemy is doing while insurgents could clearly see where the enemy was, individual soldiers of regular forces couldn't see the enemy and had to shoot at random most of the time while insurgents could see enemy soldiers from a very long distance. A battle was lost despite sheer superiority in all aspects including better uniforms. Soon enough a single-color uniform was adopted. Later, ghille suit was invented, but as it is impractical today, it was moreso back then, but it was an improvement over single-color uniform and was used on special occasions. In WW1 some countries experimented with camouflage with mixed success, apparently because they didn't had hard scientific data and had to make educated guesses about it. WW2 camouflage use became a little more widespread but notably no one but germans bothered much with doing it, apparently it didn't improve things by a whole lot. After WW2, multi-color camouflage became standard for all troops and equipment, camouflage patterns and coloring are now computer-generated and evaluated and do for a fact decrease visibility.

As for dazzle, it's not a camouflage. Obviously it greatly increases ship's visibility. The idea was to disrupt spotters' ability to tell how many ships are there, which direction they are moving and what are the distances and speeds. Invention of a split lens rangefinder nullified any and all advantages of using this painting method, and ships reverted to plain gray.

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I am not sure of the effectiveness of green as a camouflage color. Nature is the best at camouflage since it has hundreds of millions of years of experience and it rarely uses green camouflage outside of aquatic environments. The only nonaquatic vertebrate I know of that uses green camouflage is the green tree python and that is because it disguises as a fucking vine. There are also lots of green insects but they are usually no larger than a leaf which means solid green camouflage is very effective when used properly. Look at all the cats that live in very green environments. Are mammals fundamentally incapable of producing green fur pigment or is their brown black and orange camouflage more widely effective? Any thoughts?

Attached: leopard.jpg (650x433, 64.87K)

Many animals don't have full-color vision, as a result patterns that break up the silhouette matter more than the specific color.

We should come up with our very own camouflage right here user.

Attached: ribbit.png (602x705, 185.07K)

Some mammals can not see green but most birds can. Why are there no small mammals with green camouflage. Most birds can see green but I am mostly sure they never use green camouflage although they use green for other purposes.

You first I know jack shit about camouflage. I know a few things about nature but I have no idea whether this stuff applies to modern combat.

Why don't armies use hunting camo? Regular camo is near-worthless unless you stay still inside tall grass so the whole "dude it only works in specific terrain" argument is invalid.
With hunting camo you can walk in a forest and if it's windy chances are the enemy won't even notice you. You can hide in plain sight in a position you personally feel comfortable with and the enemy won't see you until it's too late. With regular camo you will either have to go prone in shitty uncomfortable grass and mud or cover yourself with leaves and crap to have even a slight chance of staying hidden.

Attached: breakupinfinity-4.jpg (1920x1080 520.92 KB, 614.66K)

If I had to pick a universal camouflage pattern with my little knowledge on the matter I would pick this flecktarn although I would make the lightest tan darker than it looks here.

Attached: chinese_plateau_camouflage.jpg (1024x768, 251.87K)

here's one I made.

Attached: DELTA CAMO.png (871x622, 32.49K)

I think the distinctive shapes and potential contrast with the background of hunting camouflage would make it easier to spot at close ranges and with optics.



Are you expecting to be in forest with lots of blue moss? I am not even sure that occurs naturally.

Putsch-chan/Putsch-tan/Putschi is the one you are looking for.

Spanish moss. Very common in Florida and the other southeast/gulf states.

what the fuck is wrong with that state?

The yankees got so scared after a couple squads of twelve year old boys and some 80 year old men managed to defend Tallahassee from their invasion force during the war they made it their mission to completely break our spirit by inflicting their most deadly secret weapon, the jewmouse.
That and it takes a special kind of flatlander to live where the seminole wind regularly wipes out coastal cities, if you're swimming you're probably dodging gators and moccasins, and because the kikes can't stand the cold they pretty much divide anything not swamp south of I-4 between them and the island niggers.

Attached: republik serbsk.jpg (1280x828, 147.87K)

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green pigment is fairly easy, it can be made in the eyes.

Whats actually rare is blue. There are maybe 2 instances or a blue pigment in nature, and they're both butterflies. any other living thing that is blue uses a complex nanostructure that bends and refracts light to make it blue, rather than absorbing other wavelengths as a pigment would. This includes not yours, fellow mutt blue eyes in humans.

spanish moss isnt blue you fucking retard its pale green or grey

Attached: 1435017464560-2.png (346x364, 52.51K)

Butterflies use nanostructures for blue coloring, too.


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He's talking about organisms you autist

Hunting is more like sniping. So, really, it's snipers that should wear this stuff. The doctrine that matches realtree, mossy oak, etc. is one of not being seen at all.

For large groups of fast-moving infantry, disruption is better because the idea isn't to be hidden, but to lower the chance of being hit (similar principle to anti-radar stealth and jamming).

Different doctrines, different camo.

You're not wrong, but Realtree has problems retaining concealment vs a human who knows what he's looking for. A dedicated sniper would be better served by a ghillie suit, although Realtree could work if you have a budget limitation.

Is 'spooky graveyard' an effective camouflage?

Attached: 1416081495070.jpg (500x270, 31.86K)

I feel like that'd be better suited for gorilla warfare where an occupying force fucking with graveyards could be used to for the guerillas' advantage instead of conventional battles where the enemy is bombing the absolute shit out of everything because "MUH PEEEEEEE AAAAAARRRRR HEARTS AND MINDS" isn't an issue.

Sure. And if they throw a FAE with a 100m blast radius over it, you're pretty much set for a funeral.

bong pls

Can somebody help me remember the camo I'm thinking of?

-it looked somewhat like pic related in terms of color.
-much more simple and jaged though
-the pattern was like jagged spikes
-its a fairly common hunting camo from what I've seen

Attached: 101_DC_1000px__81817.1522252226.1280.1280.png (917x1000, 665.85K)

This one?

Attached: i herd u lyke ASAT.JPG (2048x1536, 1.03M)