Have to agree with the general sentiment, I never really liked the chest rig all too much. On one hand they can be integrated with modern body armor, and their greatest advantage of all is the fact that the human body is built to carry an enormous amount of weight on the torso, just look at fat fuckers. There is some real merit to their weight bearing ideas, you just can't argue against that. Its a strong position to carry around that kind of burden in a strong upright position.
I'll have to agree that the modern chest rigs we are seeing today are becoming clowny joke looking as some are starting to stick about a half mile in front of the bearer. A few magazines attached to the front chest to distribute weight now sees some people load up their chest with the venerable kitchen sink and everything else to go with it. Someone took the idea and ran with it, ran too far like always. Smart idea turns into excess as always, but we can learn form these limits.
I think too ancient myself, but I hate the idea of having a rig that sticks way too far out, it destroys the ability to maneavuer a weapon. The article writer makes good points on how the fuck can you get into prone with that kind of over built rig on, I keep thinking about how difficult it is to use a rifle or any other tool if you have a bunch of shit sticking so far in front of you that it gets in the way of your arm radius. It limits your movements, hinders you, gets in the way of natural and effective movement, especially the arms.
Isosceles stance is arguably the better shooting stance, but its also popular with police and military because it forces the shooter's position forward to maximize armor and minimize unarmored body area. It also becomes necessary as chest rigs become impossibly huge and one cannot possibly shoot from any other standing position than isocsoles because their rig shit gets int he way of any other possible shooting stance or position. Again, how does one go prone when he's got 2 feet of junk in front of him?
If one needs to fight hand to hand in a desperate situation the chest rig is possibly the very worst, again, bad maneuver, poor arm radius. I heard Arnold Schwarzenegger had to let some of his pec muscle go to do Conan because it got in the way of sword maneauve, something that makes very real sense. What does an even bigger chest rig do to your ability to move and fight?
Lastly, I prefer the old system, I think its natural to grab magazines, anything else from the belt, its natural and flows freely. You watch some people t-rexing those magazines from their chest rigs it looks uncomfortable, difficult, slow, uncoordinated. Lowering your stuff to the waist loses that good load bearing of the torso, but it also means with proper rig weight can be distributed to both the shoulders with a suspender system AND through the belt to the hips.
As said, they have their place, but they are far from perfect, and old fashioned fuddy duddies like myself are going to keep using hip rigs because of stated reasons. The German author is right with his title, its just common nature, something becomes popular for good reasons and soon its the toast of the town and everybody's gotta have one. Just keep in mind all strengths and weaknessse.