Chemistry forums

Looking for forums with chemistry focus that allow the discussion of high explosives.

Outside links and .onions welcome.

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I'll happily talk about HE with you right here, no way am I giving up the few sites that still exist today.

Yes fellow anons, not-ATF here, please tell me all your secrets, your forums, your degree of knowledge about explosives, your full name, your social security number, and a picture of your driver's license. I merely want to look at them, because I am interested in explosives.

Ask your friends at the CIA and the kind folks they sell the explosives to.

You have it backwards, they sell the drugs so they can afford to give away the weapons.

There are publicly available army field manuals that will give you all the info you need.

Professors in colleges teach chemistry classes ATF, I think you know what needs to happen to them to stop this dangerous knowledge from spreading.

I know all about bombs.
your best bet is actually manuals and books.
please don't hurt anyone, amerishart-kun.

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I keep hearing about primers being easy to make with basic chemistry, but I've never seen any more info than that. Any instructions?

matches is all you need

ETN sensitised with aluminium and rapidly heated with wire works well, HMTD will undergo deflagration - detonation transition with just a little confinement but I don't recommend organic peroxides.

Derp, just realised you are talking about bullet primers. Just extract the crap from starter caps with a solvent, pour the mix in the primer and let the solvent evaporate.

There is a difference between explosions caused by the pressure of burning, and explosions that are caused by the energy released in molecular bonds. The latter type are called "HE" or high explosives. Someone mentioned "fields manuals" but that's silly. That's likely just gunpowder. We need to get farther than a place for children to talk about pipe bombs and silly IEDs made with pressure cookers from a kitchen store.

You don't talk about explosives user. You talk about the chemicals needed to make explosives, like WFNA and high purity sulfuric acid.

Besides fuzes and detonation systems are where the real fun is. Electric detonation is better than primer based detonators for most uses. Fight me niggers

No shit sherlock, get a copy of "the chemistry of powder and explosives" to start with. The CIA field manuals included some field synthesis in it but had horrifying safety standards, I don't recommend them.
My personal favourite is still (P)ETN, Penta has a higher relative effectiveness factor while ETN can easily be sensitised for primary use.

Agreed, I had a lot of fun playing with minimum propagation diameter and making my own detcord.
Electric is the most practical 99% of the time but I loved using the Armstrong's mixture from party poppers for friction / mechanical detonation. There is just something satisfying about pulling a string to set off HE

How much of what you learn in chemistry (second or tertiary level) is applicable to HE and pyrotechnics? I've been reading Chemistry of Pyrotechnics by John A Conkling, and it looks like what you need to know for HE/pyrotechnics is quite distinct from normal chemistry.

As such, what would you recommend people learn before even considering HE/pyro experiments?

What kind of HE/pyro compositions should people look at when starting out? What should they avoid at all costs?

How much safety equipment should a pyro use? I've seen some videos of people making HE, and they all seem to not care about safety equipment (lab coats, aprons, gloves, safety glasses, etc).

As you won't discuss what sites are still out there, what books would you recommend?

And is there anything else an aspiring pyro should know?

Safe lab practises is the big one, while making HE you are going to be working with fumes, gases and acids so basic lab safety matters.

Read the MSDS (material safety data sheet) for everything you are working with, learn about static electricity generation and mitigation as this is still the biggest killer today.

Nitrocellulose is perfect as it's a nitration which is good to know but the product is very safe if made pH neutral. If something goes wrong and your nitration bath gets hot NC is safe to quench in water.

Organic peroxides especially TATP, people see how easy to make it is and are drawn to it but the reality is nitro compounds are just as easy and much safer.

Face shield, respirator, gloves and full cotton clothes for the lab, heavy gloves, face shield, tongs and heavy jacket for making detonators.
While working in heavy gloves is a pain in the ass you need to think about whatever you are touching would do at ~6,000 m/s, if you can use tongs to avoid directly touching any HE / HE device.

The chemistry of powder and explosives is the goto for info on any HE, keep in mind it's very old so before making anything read modern MSDSs and lab practises.

Static kills, ground everything, wear all cotton, choose the right plastics and never be afraid to douse a reaction if it goes out of range.

I should add, drain cleaner isn't sulfuric acid, it's industrial waste of mostly sulfuric acid. Never use substitutes when you can call a lab supplier and get the real thing as who knows what the fuck could end up in your product and how sensitive it is.
Also use a weak table for handling HE, if the worst happens and you have an unexpected detonation it's better the table takes some of the energy than reflects it into your face, I used a 3mm plywood top.

A what?

There is a little armstrong's mixture in these caps, while you could just make it it's safer to extract it with a solvent.

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Nitro compounds ultimately require a way to nitrate whereas TATP can be made with things you buy at a hardware store.

DADP and TATP are a lot more dangerous to handle when wet, most inexperienced people making it for the first time don't leave it time to dry.

The nice thing about NC is that it can be made into a poor mans smokeless powder since it burns rather than explodes.

HMTD is just as easy as AP while being less sensitive but seriously fuck organic peroxides, nitric acid is easy to make with any nitrate salt and sulfuric acid and opens up nitro compounds.
Compressed NC decent density and works as a secondary explosive.


Any options that aren't dependent on starting with something that could be banned relatively easily? Strike anywhere matches are already effectively banned in the US thanks to shipping regulations and Europe is looking to ban them outright.

If you were keen you could extract red phosphorus from any match and make your own chlorate with a electrolysis cell. Kind of hard to ban matches and salt.

How did you get hold of chemical in Australia? Don't they control that shit like they do ammunition and guns?

They try, the reality is they can't stop a motivated individual and know it so it's more a token effort to make the public feel better than an actual obstacle.
Honestly the primary factor making terrorist bombings rare in the west is the incompetence of those stupid enough to become ideologs in the first place.

So where would you suggest people look for chemical supplies? I am personally interested in KNO3, but I don't want to resort to over the counter sources like stump remover.

While I am at it, here are some more questions:

What are your thoughts on the more commonly available HE literature, such as the infamous/retarded Black Book series, or Kitchen Improvised Plastic Explosives?

I don't trust any of the shit Kurt Saxon published in his Poor Man's James Bond series.

Simply but, are there any books other than Chemistry of Powder and Explosives that one should look at?

Find a legit use for whatever you are buying be it photography or gold recovery, if you can't find a common use you can claim to be a chem student avoiding high lab fees.
I got lab grade KNO3 off ebay many moons ago without setting off any alarms, no idea if it's still that easy today.

Avoid like the plague, half is written to kill / maim the user while the other half was written by hippies dreaming of a commie revolution with zero chemistry background.
As for other options just look for published papers, there are publicly available papers from Los Alamos National Laboratory every year and you would be surprised what isn't classified.

you should just go to and read all the books in there library and search through there forums until you have a good working knowledge of chemistry(don't post until you actually know what you are posting about and have googled all the confusing parts at least once)
they don't take kindly to ignorance or questions about drugs or bombs
most importantly learn all you can about chemistry there is more to it than booms and funny smells

you should look up making potassium chlorate/perchlorate from potassium chloride by electrolysis and perchlorate primer compositions

I fucking hate you user.

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what is your user name there

Yes user, I use imageboards because I hate anonymity.
My point is how did you find it? For me I put in some fucking effort and there it was, that is the first and most vital filter to protect communities like that.

i apologize if i angered you
i found it years ago by searching for various chemistry reactions because i felt my schooling was lacking(as i believe most people today are currently experiencing)
and while you may be correct about protecting it with an effort barrier you should also realize that the more people practicing and enjoying chemistry responsibly is a beneficial thing
also notice my last line copied here for convince "most importantly learn all you can about chemistry there is more to it than booms and funny smells"
and you never know it might have a good influence on people

have you considered suicide

I don't want a site that has existed for over a decade discussing illegal activities to be well known, guess I must be an elitist jerk then.

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honestly he is only acting this way because he presumably loves the community and does not want that to change which is a noble thing(they really can be awesome)

would you be happier if i deleted my post?
you would also need to delete your sm post

If you would I think it would be better for the community in the long term.

is any thing showing up on your end?

They are both gone, I know I was a bit of a jerk but I don't want the place filling with the kind of people that make "how bomb" threads.
Thanks for respecting that user.

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research synthesis of potassium percolate by electrolysis of potassium chloride
then look up potassium percolate priming compositions
NOTE:this is a corrosive priming compound

no problem i should have taken more care to lead him there through a more round about way to see if he was actually willing to put the work in and do ti right
i just wanted to give someone else the satisfaction of finding it for that first time (almost like you discover a hidden library with every thing you ever wanted to know)
and introducing them to some responsible people that they could learn off of
straya strong lol

Someone here once said artificial sweeteners could be used to make bombs far more effectively than fertilizer, any truth to that?

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More hoaxes related to that than any other substance.

They're probably confusing it with glucose, which can be used as a fuel in explosives or rocket fuel.

Emu man, I have a question about a pyrotechnics composition. In "Arson Around with Auntie ALF" it mentions a mixture of 4 parts powdered sulphur and 1 part flake aluminum being used as a "first fire" to ignite thermite.

What is your take on this composition? Would this mixture be safe to make and use? It seems like it is only one ingredient away from being a flash powder, which is less than desirable if you want to keep all your fingers attached to your body.

Most sugars are decent explosives when nitrated so I'm sure some artificial sweeteners work too.

No idea about sulphur and aluminium, when I was making thermate I used KNO3 and sugar to get it going. My mix was 90% AL / Fe2O3, 10% Rocket candy by weight.

Probably talking about ETN.

maybe go fuck yourself, newfag

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Nice to see FBI agents posting on here. Have a nice day.

I'm neither a mod nor a newfag and I'm sure feds that spend 40 hours a week looking for sites like that found it long ago, I'm more concerned about it filling with people that are so incompetent they use imageboards as a source of information.

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No, he's half right. Almost any sweetener can be made into explosives, and their properties vary

I don't know, it seems suspect. The entire appeal of noncaloric sweeteners is that they have tough chemical structures that are difficult to break down.

Problem is that some retarded hippies heard that aspartame overtime breaks down into methanol, which actually is in rocket fuel, but this isn't something you can cause to happen by burning it.

Or maybe people are confused about aspartame versus LOW CALORIE PACKET. A low calorie packet includes like 50% aspartame and 50% dextrose, and dextrose is an insanely good rocket fuel even better than sucrose (table sugar). It's not pure aspartame though…