Zig Forumsino thread
Post films you either enjoy or approve for gun-related reasons.
Zig Forumsino thread
Not with an image like that, you normalfaggot.
Let shit threads die, faggot.
I want breakfast.
lol no
Wasted potential of a film. Fucking awful. Loved the scene where the gangsters try to do a hit and run and he takes their weapons.
also, did you know that there are weapons… THAT DONUT SHIT BEWLETS??? I KNOOOOOOOOOOOOWWW RIGHT????!!!!!!
faget, still hate that image
vid related. similar to another film (can't remember the name) but it's better because it's Japan and not filthy redskins
dis 1 uv coarse
John Wick vs. The Equalizer.
Who wins?
Wick, next question?
Really loved how he put the entire regiment and numerous VIP's in the direct line of fire and almost shot them by accident just to prove a point in the most melodramatic way possible.
why whats wrong with it? I love it.
Sicario 1 + Sicario 2.
Did you watch the film? He's a drunk who hates himself and wants to die. You think he gives a shit if he hits anyone? Not to mention, it is a film.
Haven't seen it in ages, but
What the fuck is the point of me watching a guy take his anger out on society if the film tells me he's the bad guy?
I'll let you in on a little secret. Falling Down is a Tragedy.
I see you're a man of culture as well
True soldierkino
Don't forget the Danish.
Combat footage has completely killed any fun in any action film at least for me.
The only scene I saw from Sicario 1 was the one with the walled dead bodies. I just burst in laughter because of how retarded, unrealistic and try hard this was. They do way worse shit irl. Also I just saw the trailer of the new movie, I laughed even harder.
Can someone tell me what the image translates to you.
Sicario 2 is just cashing in on the last Wolverine movie, it's fucking terrible bac bac.
based and redpilled
Didn't know about that one, will definitely watch.
fpbp (the first fag doesnt count)
Sicario 2 is good dawg, the only thing that is lesser than the first film is that it's less gray.
I've always like Sniper
based and redpilled
What did he mean by this.
Ulzana's Raid
Beasts of No Nation
Johnny Mad Dog
City of Life and Death
JSA Joint Security Area
Africa Addio
Seven Samurai
The Battle of Algiers
The Boondock Saints
The War Game
The Killing Fields (1984)
Colossus: The Forbin Project
Dersu Uzala
Also an unrelated request. Long time ago (probably in 1993 or something) I saw a shitty movie where a group of terrorists captured something (plane, ship, airport, don't remember) using plastic colorful guns that looked like alien blasters (they were shooting normally, not like pewpew).
Now when I'm trying to find this movie, I fail spectacularly, as all Google and other searchers give me on variations of "movie where terrorists use plastic guns" exclusively fucking hysteria articles on Liberators and prop guns.
Would you help me, Strelok?
Waterloo is one of the best musket era films ever made, would also recommend the Sharpe series, Hornblower series and Master and Commander. Cromwell (1970) is pretty good as well and it has obi wan as Charles I.
You know, you were supposed to use the memearrow before the title of the film, then write your comment as a normal sentence. This makes it easy to separate the lines, and it doesn't look like that you are quoting yourself.
Shows guerilla warfare.
African civil wars in a nutshell.
See above.
Hornblower has been quite enjoyable, judging by the first season. I can warmly recommend it.
we wuz whites i swear to allah
Wild Geese
Buncha mercs blessing the rains down in Africa, with Mike Hoare as the military advisor.
Thanks, I assumed it was a modern movie about the Russo-Japanese War or something like that.
The Veteran 2011
reason for recommendation: the shooting scenes follow the same style as the classic Heat in terms of sound.
The Achaemenid empire was more civilized and evolved than the boylovers. Then the semitic arabs came and fucked up everything. **SPQR is still better tho.*
Subversive kike.
My basket-ball American friend.
Can someone identify the shotguns the assassins are using?
Remington 870 according to IMFDB
I just need a shotgun with a wood grip and a folding stock. Pure fucking sex.
written by the same ultra liberal Jew that wrote the Wire, (((David Simon)))
get your head out of your crusty asshole.
That's the point.
The whole film is to show malcontents how evil they are.
I just saw Gross Point Blank and realized that it was on of the movies that turned me onto gun.
It was complete bullshit, guns wise, but a lot of fun.
I wish someone would make some good repros of the Burgess
No current manufacturer would touch that and I would be afraid to use it if they did.
It's constantly praised for it's devotion to realism, especially by service members. The actors are mostly service members, Rudy Reyes plays himself fuck's sake. If you want a take a look at military life, there's little else that's better.
OT, I just watched Tarkovsky's Stalker tonight. If you've played the game, as any good Strelok has, it's definitely worth a watch just to follow the roots of the franchise. It also stands up quite well on its own as an art film.
Mein negger
was decently Zig Forums but not a good movie.
was a good movie, protag reloads his own .45-70.
is maximum British Navy Zig Forums, I don't know about the accuracy of the depiction since I don't know much about the era.
is excellent, there's only one scene in which there's any serious shooting though. IIRC Jeff Cooper turned down an opportunity to train the protag and one of his coworkers at GunSite took the job.
Fictional "documentary" following an LRRP team on their last patrol. Pretty fucking good.
A screen adaptation of the famous book about the Finnish continuation war; I thought it was pretty good. I've only seen the 2017 version. It's about 3 hours long, the book is also good.
I do as well, that thing looks fuckin great.
I had the fear that Stalker would bore me as I read some complaints about it was "too long" and "boring", yet I call this bullshit. It was amazing, and I was about to watch the digitally remastered version in Tijuana back in june, but I got into a death threatening situation and I missed my chance.
Rate my OC
Was waiting for the protagonist to get hit by an 18-wheeler when he was crouching behind the police car.
It feels like a setup for a really good joke but doesn't pay off.
Nice 10/10
Watched the new Halloween yesterday. Other than the "hurrr durrr stronk empowered wymin that need no man" rhetoric it was refreshingly pro-2nd amendment for a post 2000's movie. Too bad though it was a tease and the funs were severely underused.
>The Achaemenid empire was more (((civilized and evolved))) than the boylovers.
Still kicked their multicultural faggot asses all the way to Pakistan.
Loved the ragdolling of the nigger.
Are there any good movies in which the PLA plays a role
Sino-US war hasn't started yet user, you're going to have to wait a while. Once that starts, well get almost unlimited entertaiment as happened with the Ukrainian and Syrian wars.
Korean war films maybe.
Chinks get charlied. Dunno what the rest of the movie is like.
I can't fucking wait until the Day of the Eggfry tbh
I'll look into some but I can't stand the audacity of Koreaniggers
This looks pretty nice, thanks
pure kino
Awww shit nigga,patrician taste
And those are just the first three to come to mind
I though you guys liked funs
I guess this counts as a film, it's a documentary about the ATF by the JPFO, titled "The Gang - How A Government Agency Uses The Law To Destroy Your Rights & Freedoms". I uploaded my copy to youtube.
I can watch American police bodycam footage on liveleak, no need for this.
Tears of the Sun
Tears of the Sun>>603345
The Wild Geese
Dogs of War
The insane made-up Gun Kata….idiotic but fun to watch if you suspend disbelief.
[webm] gfycat.com
Holy shit get the fuck back to halfchan wwwwwwwwwwwww
Damn son.
Tried deleting it….apparently didn't work.
Also, fuck you.
Too late, loser. Enjoy your bullying.
Monkey Zig Forumsino coming up
Now, now, don't be so upset; all you have to do is lurk for 6 months and you'll be fine.
bullyposting aside, here's a nice film
A film about true Japanese patriots. It's a real shame that they couldn't reform Japanese politics, but their ideals live on. The English titles is "Four Days in Snow" or something like that.
This came out pretty recently. It really makes me want to re watch the first one since it's been some time and I don't recall much of the movie past the point when we follow Kazuki as he broods across the city after the tunnel scene. I'm glad to see one less live action anime adaptation in the hands of a Hollywood screenwriter. I'm not sure anyone in the US is willing and good enough to not fuck up an anime so badly.
>shitty oorah USA (((Hollywood))) movies and (((TV)))
I don't think anything good has come out of that modern-day Gomorrah in general since early talkie films aside from a few exceptions.
I forgot her name but the old cunt in the movie is anti-gun IRL, she can go fuck herself.
You can watch Africa Addio here
Hobo With A Shotgun
Thank you.
Anything with BMC (Big Med Cock)
Waterloo also has one of the best filmed cavalry charges of all time. Pure Kino that film.
Not guns, but excellent Zig Forumsombat kino.