John McCain died
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Should've died 50 years ago.
Good. One RINO down, more to go.
I know the comic is '68: Jungle Jim, but where the fuck can I read it without torrenting or paying for it?
Couldn't even eat a bullet like a real man, had to die surrounded by toxic people who were hoping he'd put them into the will at the last second.
Fuck, I have to get news from Zig Forums because I'm banned from twitter again.
Satan's gonna butt/pistol-whip him in hell for eternity. What weapon do you think he'll be using, Streloks?
The cheapest, shittiest double barrel made that still sort of works and is made from Australian hardwood so that it never breaks from clobbering him.
definitely a Taurus 980
pic related
This tbh, but better late than never.
Am I the only one who doesn't get why is he hated here?
Nice shitpost
Do you really think all people in the world are familiar with every single US top politician's biography? I just asked for the short explanation.
Because he was shot down in Vietnam and divulged a bunch of secrets because his father wan an admiral. I also think there's also some controversy about how badly he was tortured.
Don't forget the USS Forrestal.
You're going to have to educate me on that. I don't know much about McCain before he was a Senator other than he was a POW for 6 years.
You forgot the parts where he's more of a stereotypical neocon than all the Bushes together, that he actively sabotaged his party in favour of Hillary in the last elections and the part where he was more active than even her in supporting moderate hearteating wahhabis.
McCain is a man that made his entire political career by banking on the fact he was POW in Vietnam, tortured and everything and a true American hero.
And he's been using that to lead the neocohen branch of the republicans (which aren't conservatives) in constantly pushing more wars for Israel, using his veteran status to justify it, while most US vets associations are quite logically, systematically against sending troops for BS reasons…
When in reality:
-He was the son of the Admiral in charge of the entire forces in Vietnam and only got his job due to nepotism.
-He's suspected to had something to do with the time the Forrestal (his carrier) almost sunk due to a negligent discharge of rockets on the ship from a plane given how that investigation was largely botched and buried (and was the single biggest loss of life of the USN since WWII and ever since).
-He was shot down due to it's own mistake and not following orders.
-When he ejected, he didn't follow the proper procedure and broke his own arms ejecting then back and feet in the subsequent uncontrolled parachute landing.
-He was never tortured, on the contrary the vietnamese knew perfectly who he was and has the son of the guy wagging war on them and treated him the best they could to mark propaganda points and try to convert him to communism. There is video footage of him taken by a french journalist in the Hanoi hospital, where he spent most of his detention, proving that yeah they were clearly healing him and that, no his injuries aren't related to bad treatment.
-Other people that were POW with him always said he was collaborating and had VIP privilege, which is where he got the "songbird" nickname and it's also what the Vietnamese are saying.
-During his recovery at the hospital he made a confession of his "crimes" to be broadcasted by the Vietnamese for propaganda, proof that he was collaborating with them. All those similar recordings are available from the library of congress the "songbird" recording that many vet remember taken at that date which is known to have exist, is suspiciously missing from US archives despite being indexed.
-All of this shit was reported by the biggest US Vietnam vet association which isn't exactly known to weave BS, quite the contrary.
Asking why people hate Mckike is almost like asking why people shit on Dubya or Killary. He's a pretty fucking prominent figure in international geopolitikikery, not unforgivable for not knowing him but he's pretty fucking gateway-tier in international politics.
This. I forgot to emphasize how much of a good goy warmongering chickenhawk he was, by lurking Zig Forums a bit too much I took it for self-evident after mentioning that he supported sunni extremists.
Found this on another site… Jeezus, just when I thought there were no other reasons to hate McCain…
Oh yeah it's pretty awesome how the entirety of the limousine liberals are in tears over his death…
That should tell you everything you need to know about the men.
the left are flagellating themselves over how sad they can pretend to be, after calling him a racist nazi non stop.
honestly, his worst betrayals weren't in vietnam. they were after he got home.
Charles E. Johnson had them dug out from the archives:
They were misfiled under a similar sounding but different name IIRC.
wollen brain mccain
The world is that much safer without him.
He is everything boomer and wrong with this country and its military. He is what I hate most in this world, and his death is the mark of a new beginning of American politics. Now we wait for the rest of his kind to DIE!
Don't forget that his wife got in an accident and had her legs shattered in a car crash, and spent the Vietnam war years recovering while waiting for McCain to come back. McCain comes back and cheats on her almost immediately and goes off to marry some other chick.
Good riddance. When is Fonda going to join his traitorous ass?
An M14 with a stock that has a little jungle rot in the right place effectively turning it into a spiky meat tenderizer. Or just a 1911.
So how many strelo/k/'s did we lose to alcohol poisoning last last night? Speaking as a fag who is heavily hungover cause of this news
λολι ις λοβ ρε μαλακα
λολι ις λαιφ λεμε
γουελ σεντ φαμαλαμ
I remember that, he is a dishonorable prick!
Could that faggot had been any more trash of a human being without being jewish by blood or hillary?
You truly are my greatest ally!
A .40 hi point.
I'm honestly enjoying the media's fawning remembrances and the effect it's having on brainwashed normies. I've already fried a few circuits by asking people what McCain did that was so rrmarkable and then forcing them to remember what they thought abput him back in '08.
I knew that you were under full blown U.S. occupation but that's ridiculous.
Probably all those M1911A1s from worst korea that he refused to turn over to the CMP and sent to the scrap heaps because "they would be used by criminals"
GOA gives him a F rating.
In addition to being no funz, he's an all around piece of traitorous shit.
Massive whopping S
My only regret is that he did not have a more undignified death.
Your excuses and lies are no more, glad to see you rot in hell
McCain's dramatic last moments caught on tape.
I've got the whole miniseries.
Crosspostan from >>>Zig Forums12076243
Primary for AZ Senate and Governor is today:
Arpaio is a dipshit and said he supported DACA. So much for america's toughest sheriff.
AZ anons, you guys need to vote Kelli Ward and Ken Bennett in the primary today.
/r/the_cuckold is going to vote for the neocon shit McSally (pro amnesty) and Doug Ducey (who will appoint Cindy McCain to the senate seat)
As much people hate the Bush Family, Bush Sr.'s service in ww2 never comes under attack.
Isn't that an interesting observation?
Just hold it by the barrel and swing it like a club? I'm down.
Decades later than it should have been. May his soul burn in hell.
Stealing this, thank you.
The moment of John McCain's death.
Literally spitting. Good riddance
an ar 15 with a spiky knife dildo bayonet attached to it
So anyone watching his funeral?
He is an american neoconservative that stands for the least popular type of American conservative politics and is against both libertarianism and Trump style populism and has went to great lengths to shit on both.
File is no longer up. Care to repost it?
Where would that be?
Worse than the USS Liberty incident of 1967?
1 1/2" from the grip. Those stocks get nasty if water gets in where the cleaning kit goes.
Jungle Jim refers to an M60 as a "sixty caliber".
No. Gadaffi will have his vengeance
A reminder that the shitbag John "songbird" McCain claimed there were no more Vietnam POW's in order to expand his political power:
Good or bad? Never heard of Kyl beyond his role with Kavanaugh. As far as I can tell Ducey picked someone who already voluntarily retired from the Senate so even people who despise Kyl think Kyl will only be there till 2021
I'd like to hear an user on this as well.
Way worse.
A carrier is way more populated.
More on Mc Noname and who replaces him at the head of a fvey branch.
Swollen brain mcain
swollen brain mccain
"We finally agree on something"
Swollen brain Mcain
You guys check out this video
Pedo McCain was EXECUTED
Kasich had a Freudian slip.
Other webm is proof of McCain's Freudian pedo slip