Chief Israeli Rabbi Calls Black-Americans ‘Monkeys’ in Sermon

One of Israel’s most senior religious leaders, Sephardic Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef, has stoked controversy after calling black people “monkeys,” seeming to target black Americans specifically during a sermon.

Yosef is the most senior rabbi in one of two mainstream strands of Orthodox Judaism

Yosef made the remarks in footage aired by the Israeli news site Ynet, reportedly citing a hypothetical story about encountering a black person in the U.S. He then referred to black people using the pejorative Hebrew word “kushi” and called a black person a “monkey.”

In March 2016, Yosef was forced to retract a comment that non-Jews should not live in Israel. He said he was speaking theoretically and in practice non-Jews could live in Israel if they kept religious laws such as not committing idolatry and not eating the limbs from a live animal. He did add that non-Jews in Israel should serve Jews.

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Pretty fucking funny considering orthodox kikes leech off gubmint checks and have 6+ kids just like niggers. The central tenet of Judaism must be "it's okay when WE do it".


Niggers are better than jews, at least you can force a nigger into a delousing shower and force him to perform manual labor. If you do that to a jew he'll call it a "holocaust".

You need to be more cautious around niggers though given their feral behavior. Jews on the other hand are like women. It’s only natural for them to play the victim card.

lol, say goodbye to your shekels, goy. at least niggers you can throw some peanuts at them and they'll go back to their ghettos and behave themselves more or less (I mean, they murder and rape, but almost exclusively each other, and as a tolerant liberal I know that's just their culture)

Why don't you migrate to Israel?
We need dummys like you to defuse bombs,clean our soldiers latrines,etc

Remember folks it was Sephardic Jews that dominated the slave trade in America. The (((media))) keeps telling us it was "hwite people" that are to blame.

Jews ARE white.

Not entirely accurate. The Shephardic Jews were generally the ones behind the companies transporting slaves too and selling them in the Americas. The supply side of the slave trade was run predominantly by Ottomans and Ethiopians both of whom ran slave breeding farms where they produced their 'product' on an industrial scale

When it's convenient

just look at their skin, nigger

you're not white jew

fuck your dubs, jews are not white

WFT I love Jews now.

But seriously, this is much less of a deal than is being made out. Jews view everyone who isn't a Jew as a talking monkey, not just black people. The media is ignoring this face quite (((conveniently))).

*ignoring this fact

In the Americas it was Sephardic jews. Stop trying to mitigate culpability.

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my sides

Is anyone shocked he said this or is it shocking that he declared it so publicly? In reality, neither is remotely surprising. The Jews are the most racist and prejudiced, that's why they are there most hated by all those who know the Truth.

One way to red pill the nogs… Print & hand out as fliers in your local downtown. Much keks to be had

mfw Israel is white ethnostate

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Pic of Jewish girl.

When its convenient.

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0/10 bait

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This rabbi proves egg zack lee why I love all my Jewish friends, and I always say Jews are fucking brilliant geniuses…. while you pathetic white trash, effeminate, cowardly, bitter, jealous, sissy-assed, pansy, latently homosexual, video game playing losers are the last motherfuckers I would EVER hang out with.


I would NEVER hang out with douchebags like you guys.

you're Star Wars / Anime /Zelda / faggots.

no wonder females have laughed behind your backs your whole lives

Whites are indo-europeans. Jews are semitic desert niggers with pale skin.

wtf I'm a Zionist now

Afro-Asiatic, J-Hablotype as opposed to Indo-European R haplotype.

When its convenient.

By your logic, Hispanics and towelheads are black

But they don't hurt anyone. Niggers commit crimes. Orthodox Jews might be welfare queens but you don't have to worry about them putting a cap in your ass. We'll all be on welfare when the robots come, so I don't care about that.

You mean change your soldiers diapers?

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long hrs lying down,waiting for sniper fire to end,no where to piss,so diapers
and you can change mydiaper
we pay better than mcdonalds

I wonder if they have already seen that.

Source on that one? I find it hard to believe, human reproduction is way too slow to be viable. I assume you would have to sell a young slave at least at age 10 to be of any use for manual labor, and one woman usually only bears one child. Just capturing them in the wild or selling war captives sounds more efficient. And if the Ottomans were breeding slaves, why don't we have any black populations today in areas that used to belong to the Ottoman empire?

So it's not just soldiers in the field but even shitposting JIDF wears diapers too? Long hours sitting on your fat ass, no bottles to piss in, so you wear diapers? You're not dodging snipers right now kike. Or is this another holocaust?

my sides

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Somebody is still mad about the Roman Empire.
"Yosef is the most senior representative of the Sephardic Jews, who trace their origins to the Iberian Peninsula, North Africa and the Middle East. Ashkenazi Jews, originally from Europe in those areas controlled by the Roman Empire, are led by Chief Rabbi David Lau."

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It always makes me smile when I see the opinions and theories of the least relevant people on earth.

It's almost as if you guys actually think you matter…

Truth finally revealed.
Forcing the chosen people to work was the greatest crime in history, and the european will suffer extinction because of it.

If you read their sites, the central tenet is "us and them", as simple as that.
So you are very close in your estimation.
Their ´jokes´are all based on that central idea too.
That jews do not work, do not do or make anything, that they pay someone else to do it.
That the rest of the world is below them, seen as mindless beasts of burden to do the work for them. They have polar opposite moral frameworks to humans.
Work = evil
Dodging work = good
Telling the truth = evil
Lying and deceiving = good
And so on.
Once you understand that, everything else makes sense. They are the anti-human.

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That's a biblical word that's been in use for thousands of years. It's not a slur. FFS don't they have editors and fact checked any more?