Texas White nationalist bomber blows self up as police close in

Texas serial bombing suspect dead after blowing himself up inside car - police

Police sources name the suspect as Mark Anthony Conditt as authorities warn that more explosive devices could be planted.

The man suspected of carrying out a series of bombings in Texas has died after blowing himself up in his car as police closed in on him.

.Austin Police chief Brian Manley said the 24-year-old white male - named by police sources as Mark Anthony Conditt - had been tracked down to a hotel in Round Rock, near the US state's capital.

Officers were waiting for tactical teams to arrive to arrest the suspect when his vehicle began to drive away, Mr Manley said.

Authorities followed the car, which ran into a ditch at the side of the road, and the suspect detonated an explosive device when a SWAT team approached.

One of the SWAT team members shot at the vehicle and a second officer was injured in the explosion.

Police said the suspect - who has not been formally identified - suffered "significant injuries" in the bomb blast.

He lived in Pflugerville, 25 miles outside Austin where four of the bombings took place, the city's mayor Victor Gonzales said.

He also urged Texas residents to be "vigilant" for other possible explosives, adding: "We do not know where he has been in the past 24 hours."

FBI agent Chris Combs, head of the agency's San Antonio office, said, "We are concerned that there may be other packages that are still out there."

US president Donald Trump, who had earlier branded the Texas bomber a "sick individual", praised law enforcement officials.

The suspect was identified in the last 24 hours after shipping an explosive device from a FedEx store in the Texas capital, the Austin Statesman reported.

Authorities found store receipts showing suspicious transactions and obtained a search warrant for his Google search history which also showed suspicious behaviour, an official told the newspaper.

Police then used mobile phone technology to trace the suspect to the hotel, according to reports.

Earlier, CCTV images of a "person of interest" were shared on US media showing a white man with blond hair carrying packages at a FedEx store in Austin.

Two African-American men - Anthony Stephan House, 39, and Draylen Mason, 17, - have been killed and several other people hurt in a series of bombings over the past two weeks.

Mr House died after a device exploded at his home in Austin in the first attack on 2 March.

Mr Mason was killed and his mother critically injured in a blast on 13 March after a package was left on his doorstep.

Hours later, a 75-year-old Hispanic woman was also critically injured after another package exploded in Austin.

On Sunday, two men, aged 22 and 23, were seriously hurt in an explosion involving a tripwire device.

In the early hours of Tuesday, a FedEx worker was hurt after a package bound for Austin containing nails and shrapnel blew up at a distribution centre in the San Antonio town of Schertz.


Attached: Police suspect 'serial bomber' in Austin, Texas.mp4 (640x360, 2.82M)

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The fuck is this about, m8?

2 of the victims were white. Click bait garbage

fake news, it's fake news

not mentioned anywhere except faggot OP. I would say its still too early to say anything about motive

Police are unsure this is racially motivated

Police are unsure if this is racially motivated.

Police are assured this is the act of a white supremacist.

The bomb exploded in a mail room and killed 2 whites as it was on it's way to black victims
read between the lines,you of inferior intellect

Reportedfor race baiting.

Thanks for tracking everything we do google. I am surprised you and the FBI did not catch the parkland shooter who posted threats on your video platform called youtube. Pity you missed that or did you?

Wonder why they last one is two men. were they not part of the protected POC group?

OP is a Zig Forums cuck who believes that any white male who kills a dindu is white nationalist supremacist racist

Hitler was right and did nothing wrong.

I was hoping he's have at least one more week tbh


What's his score?

This one fried real good eh.

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Alex Jones is the only white still in Texas.

Creepyass CavecraKKKer!

Crackhead leftist.

t. /int*/ thinking is performed another le epin troll

Learn from his mistakes pol.


Mark Anthony Conditt Named As Suspected
Terrorist Responsible For Austin’s Serial Bombings


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Kill all shitskins :)

Mark Anthony Conditt was "a deep thinker" who came from a tight family that home-schooled him, people who knew him told CNN on Wednesday.


this is gonna be the FBI profile from now on

The first explosions hit African-American residents whose families are well-known in the city's black community, though two white men were injured by an explosive triggered by a tripwire on Sunday.

The trip wire was set near a nigger church,but got 2 white repairmen by accident

He was wearing a blonde wig! Looks like spixican was false flagging for communism.

I'm asking for a friend heh

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Could they wash that photo out any more before it would become a solid white square?

good point. how do I darkened photo? (GIMP plox)

supposedly this is the same dude

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every time. Also that is a strange nose shape straight on. I wonder if someone will release a profile shot.

He really changed the world with his bombs and the handful of nobodies he killed didnt he? Lol. You can never win like that, target cell towers, target sever farms and data centers. Attack the infrastructure the invisible use to poison us against ourselves

Fuck off freak, this guy was a faggot who couldnt handle the pressure so went on a suicide mission in a lame attempt to justify the nothing that was his life. He desperately wanted to go down as some kind of hero but all he is is a retard who couldnt even make bombs proper enough to kill intended victims.
The only way to win is to free the minds of the masses by destroying the infrastructure not the people. The average citizen was born into this situation and is too worried about working and taking care of fam to spend time on politics. Fuck you if you think the way forward is killing civilians

I heard the motive was that other white nationalists wouldn't meet up with him.

Outsourcing the delivery of death, how white of him.

The (((American))) education system everyone.

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How is he a white nationalist?
Is there any proof whatsoever?
Why is every person who looks kind of white a white nationalist when they kill someone?

Hitler's national socialism was still socialism, the only difference is that he cared more about his people than the Bolsheviks did.

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What if it was a decoy?


wew. maybe if you say this 1,000 more times your country won't become a sharia marxist paradise.

no see, they sneakily described the fbi capturing and parsing a WHOLE LOT OF CELL PHONE DATA AS PART OF AN INVESTIGATION - - people were in his radius, either socially or geographically, and whether they had anything to do with his actions, they were instantly put on a list.

Stop ignoring this fact. but, i wouldnt be surprised if buying mass quantities of building supplies as a diy-er and not a contractor using the home depot BREACH card - would put you on a list as well.

they had the privilege of not being labeled.

And nothing of value was lost.

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I suppose communism is right wing too?


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reminder that this guy had the determination to go right up to the victims' houses and in some cases spend time on their porch setting up the bomb

He was a dem & Crooked Hillary supporter, OP. Try again, nigger.

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omg he is "hwyte"

Kill yourself, kike.

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Nice try, Schlomo, but how can you be a "White supremacist" if you look like a fucking Mexican? Are there no standards anymore.

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And a fine specimen of the Aryan race he is! Only a nigger could believe this is a white person.

hoo hee hee ha
what are you,an albino?

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yes,i'm a real white aRYan

You must be the sort of person who thinks JEWS are white. For fucks sake. You have to be of European extraction exclusively to be white. That means no Eastern Turkish (Jewish) blood, no Asiatic blood (Mexican, Chinese etc). You can't have a single nigger in the wood pile. No nigger in your DNA, no Asian, and no Turkish.

I mean, look at the picture in your post. They are pulling a CNN by setting the contrast and brightness so high it makes him look the same color as the wall behind him. Stop being so obviously Mr. Nicklenose.

Bombing suspect argued against abortion, gay marriage, homosexuality


Far-right groups are responsible for 12 times as many fatalities, 36 times as many injuries as far-left groups


More on that data:

Parkland school shooting suspect had swastikas on ammunition magazines


A teen is charged with killing his girlfriend’s parents. They had worried he was a neo-Nazi.


Inside Atomwaffen As It Celebrates a Member for Allegedly Killing a Gay Jewish College Student


Video: twitter.com/ProPublica/status/967414070499356674

If you haven't seen the incredible Charlottesville Vice video yet:

Charlottesville: Race and Terror – VICE News Tonight on HBO


Leaked chats show Charlottesville marchers planned for violence, including using cars as weapons


In those same chat rooms and subreddits:

Right-wing bragging that "Leftists will recognize dog whistles and know we're crypto, but normies won't listen to them."

Enough of this madness, ban guns!!

not implying it's the case here, but when i hear about car explosions i remember about the good rep of italian secret service operatives in making them explode. More like a fuel tank thing than explosives though

His daddy looks (((strange))).

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you have an inferior intellect,so most "niggers" are smarter than you
Get some real dark tanning lotion,so you can look like the people that you think you are better than
(and,yes,I ended a sentence with an adverbial modifier functioning as an adjective)
Then go get your fucking shine box,boy

good post and links

Replying to yourself is just sad.

Fucking saged.

(((felllow white people)))

glad you agree

these alt-right hooligans must be stopped

"allahu akbar" says white nationalist according to "news"

fine white aryan specimen


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i guess if you call it socialism it must mean its left. guess you'll have to admit venezuela and mexico are both federal republics just like america :^)

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peaceful welcomes from /r9k/.

do you remember years ago on many different and distant occasions when /b/ used to be good?
only true anons remember when /b/ was good.


/r9k/ extends an invitation to all other boards. need a place to talk about anything? need a place to just unload what you're feeling? want to just joke around or share stories?
well come on over to robot haven!

good things about /r9k/:
the rules say you have to be a male virgin to post there, but wouldn't it be nasty if they excluded you just for being anything otherwise? I wouldn't really mention who you are or where you come from, but just follow the rules and everything will be fine. I'm sure it's going to be your new favorite board. have a really wonderfun day on /r9k/!
it's the best board I've used in years and it never has any problems and even the moderation is good.
so anyways, /r9k/ welcomes you! lets get those posts per hour up, and make the board a little faster and better!
don't announce your arrival becasue we will yell at you for being a normalfag or a newfag! just try to blend in and be respectful ok?

for fucks sake

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>(((americans))) think they are the best country in the world

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Shut the fuck up nigger