Is Steven Anderson lying about being Baptist and is secretly a jesuit or some other religion?

Is Steven Anderson lying about being Baptist and is secretly a jesuit or some other religion?

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Cant be. He has a wife and kids unless its reallly a deep conspiracy.

Many of his sermons are great, but his promoting of miscegenation, OSAS, KJV-onlyism, global flood, inability to differentiate between Israelites and Jews, and artificial rage are things that make him quite fishy.

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I dont know about flood, but guy is really angry about theory of big bang and universe not being several thousand years old, but afaik, its because the theory was formulated by "fokken idol-worshiping catholic!!!". I think that if he would be more aware about Orthodoxy, he would also reject modern Chemistry as well…

he's certainly not a baptist

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I like this. Steven Anderson is a benedictine

in disguise as a Baptist, trying to subvert us into the Catholic doctrine that the Bible is Jesus

I got cut off

Yeah. I agreed with everything written in . I just never heard him sperging about a global flood.

No, he's pretending to be jesuit who's pretending to be baptist

Dunno what you guys believe, but I mean that he genuinely thinks that the flood during Noah's time was a global, not a local flood, hence also promotes the idea that all men descended from Ham, Sem and Japheth.

What is this guy even talking about? How is post-trib belief "Catholic"? It's biblical. Does this spastic believe in the rapture or something? A literal modern invention.

I'm not the biggest Anderson fan. I don't think I've ever watched a full sermon of his. But he seems to be genuinely pretty honest in his conclusions. He doesn't buy into dispensationalism, pre-trib raptures, Calvinism (reformed baptists are oxymoronic), etc.

He's a classic Independent Baptist.

This guy, on the other hand, just looks like everything truly wrong modern Protestantism. The kind of guy who just chooses to believe the exact opposite of every Catholic or Apostolic belief on principle regardless of what church (or, indeed, reformation) fathers believed on the subject.

He's the reason I escaped Protestantism. It's funny how people like that criticise liberal Christians for re-interpreting the bible with modern eyes, but they themselves are perfectly happy holding heterodox beliefs that can't be found in the church even 300 years ago.

Denlinger is a Ruckmanite. Peter Ruckman was so popular that a lot of what he taught effectively became “dogma” among the IFB. The theories he had that are most popular are KJV onlyism, our modern concept of the rapture, and extreme philosemitic Zionism (I don’t think he invented any of those, but he popularized them a bunch). Steven Anderson is a hardcore KJV onlyist, but he completely rejects the pre-trib rapture and Zionism, so a lot of the older Ruckmanite Baptists like Denlinger or Sam Gipp hate him like crazy

Well duh it says the water was 20 cubits above the highest mountain

Ruckman made his own version of KJV onlyism that a lot of people still assume every KJV reader believes. He put it out there and it kind of never goes away. But the real thing is essentially just a rejection of modern "scholarship" and recognizing their utter inability to do textual criticism ever since the Revised Version of 1885. Only some people were later co-opted into stronger beliefs like Ruckmanites. It was a step in the same direction of more stupid theories like flat earth and so on. Things no person should accept.

Now as for the modern concept of rapture and the Zionism, those started with Darby and especially with C.I. Scofield's "study Bible" which was a KJV with all kinds of subversive marginal notes. Whole generations of preachers were taught to trust Scofield's theories which led to ultra-dispensationalism. These two are far more subversive and widespread and they get too little attention for how flimsy of a basis they have in Scripture. Of course a guy like Denlinger would bask in it because it's false doctrine, but it's much harder to dislodge because of Scofield. It leads to various things like "dual covenant" type beliefs (which I've seen this man teach before) where the Jews can be saved without Jesus Christ. It all stems from the forced doctrinal separation of church from Israel. It ignores the implications of Hosea 1:10 with Romans 9:25-27; of Joel 2:32 with Acts 2:21; and most of all, of Jeremiah 31:31-34 with Hebrews 8:6-10.

And as a side note, pre-trib rapture goes against Daniel 12:11-13 and Ephesians 2:11-20.

It relies on a lot of vague esoteric word games by applying prophecy about the captivity in Babylon to the future, and a lot of people have devoted too much time reading dispensational theology books that they would never be able to consider turning away now. But it all started with Darby and Scofield in the 19th century, before then this whole concept really was unknown.

To my knowledge, Ruckman didn't say anything new that had never been taught before. But those are to my knowledge the popular beliefs associated with Ruckanism

Why do people believe he's a Jesuit or some sort of plant?

What is he teaching that is considered heresy?
Any Fundamental Baptists have anything to elaborate on this?

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As should any Good Bible Believing Christian should believe; mocking us for actually belieiving what the Bible says and not doctrines of men…

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That sounds both arbitrary and stupid not to mention that it already assumes that KJV is somehow special.

The Hebrew word for "world" can be also used for "land" or "field" each either way. And the map you posted perfectly proves what I am saying.
I was the user who posted the map firstly.

Stop using "Jesuit" as a buzzword for "Jew". ALL - literally ALL - Jesuits are priests. Catholic priests. The Jesuits do not have laypeople. If a non-priest claims to be Jesuit, they are a liar. The Jesuits have NO third order.

If you don't know what a Jesuit is, then stop using the word as some Zig Forums buzzword. It is literally impossible for Anderson to be a Jesuit.

I was thinking of something.

Is Christianity so subverted and watered down that Anderson is seen as a heretic by the smiley lovey-dovey phonies or is Anderson a real infiltrator that is trying to subvert Christianity by inserting alleged Catholic influences? Or Both?

What do you think is the situation?

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I redirect to my earlier post

The fire awaits you, kid.

I'm not sure about interracial stuff, but what about is unbiblical about once saved always saved? Also, what's wrong with the King James Bible being the only choice for certain people?

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What Anderson is preaching wasn’t uncommon back before Peter Ruckman. Right now it’s still not that uncommon to hear stuff like Anderson preaches in an IFB church, but Anderson is so loud and popular that Ruckmanite focus in on him.
Incidentally, they claim everything is Catholic/Jesuit. Jack Chick has a tract claiming that Islam was created by the Roman Catholic Church

Is lacking of reading comprehension and pulling ad hominem out of your arse a hobby of yours?

It is wrong, as I said before. Paul obviously referred to the sacrificial rituals of the mosaic law in Galatians, not all literally all works.

The problem is that they deny that the KJV contains many (un)intended errors (like every other Bible translation). The KJV is not infallible, far from it, but it has a beautiful prose and is not another heretical bastardization like the Nestle-Aland based translations. If someone doesn't intend to study the Bible, then it is alright to stick to one translation. But if they intend to conduct their Bible studies with only one translation, without comparing it to others and learning some Hebrew and Greek vocabulary on the side, then they have as good as no credibility to argue. This is the problem with KJV-only pastors: they know the shortcomings of other translations except the ones of the KJV, which is utter hypocrisy.

Right. The proper term for non-priests who are sent forth to do the bidding of international Jesuitry is 'Jesuit temporal coadjutor'.

All a global flood is, is flooding happening all over the planet at the same time. It doesn't have to be "miles of water covered everything on the planet". If a meteor or something hit the ice caps during the ice age, it could probably cause extreme flooding across the globe. I'm not a Biblical literalist or anything, though, I just think that saying it absolutely was just a regional flood and couldn't be something else is going too far.

Neither. Certain people just hate him for not believing in the exact same doctrines as them.

The correct term is "Vatican employed bike thief".

I forgot about the Catholic bike thief

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0/10 post

Ruckman was also a racist/racial separatist/against racemixing in spite of his pro-Jewish views. Closer to Zig Forums than Anderson in that regard.

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It would be completely wicked for Anderson to be Zig Forums, living in the multi-racial area he lives in, and knocking door to door to spread the gospel. Is he supposed to bar chines and mexicans from entering his church? If he knocks a door and a black lady answers, should he turn and walk away?
It's one thing to oppose policies (and policy-makers) that flood western countries with third world immigrants, and another thing entirely to treat the ones that are here like they don't need to be converted.
Same thing with the race-mixing. The implication some folk here and on Zig Forums make about Anderson is that he donates to blacked dot com or actively tries to make his congregation blanda up. I unironically think that white Christians should choose Godly Christian blacks over atheistic whites as marriage partners.

Name a flaw then. I think one of the most preciously guarded beliefs of liberal Christianity is that you can pick and choose how you want to define words, say "the Greek really means this" to slip out of any scripture passage you don't like. Well, careful what you wish for. That's exactly why we got to this situation, with sodomy, feminism-abortion and heresy like modalism running absolutely rampant. We turned away from the real scripture, started using corrupt Alexandrian texts and dynamic equivalence to suit our tastes, and got angry with the people who didn't willingly go along with this. Well, everyone can slip their way out of any scripture now, just cast a little bit doubt on it from the (((scholars))). Well if all we had were their unbelieving translations and biased modern concordances I honestly wouldn't be here because you've destroyed for yourselves the very foundation, the word of God. And now look what you've got.

Quality post my brother


gets me every fucking time

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◄ Genesis 7:19-21 ►
The water prevailed more and more upon the earth, so that all the high mountains everywhere under the heavens were covered. The water prevailed fifteen cubits higher, and the mountains were covered.

'Interpret' that how you want.

Please explain

This guy posted this long post ranting about how Christianity was immoral and created bad people. His proof? A Mexican stole his bike, and Mexicans are Catholic. His whole thread turned into a shitshow where he complained that the Vatican was allowing this sort of thing. It lead to a meme where people would talk about Catholic Bike-Stealing Squads. There were quite a few threads where people would post Pope Francis being gifted a bicycle with the caption

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What is going on with the Jesuits? They seem to be unusually cucked. My Jesuit school has a campus mosque and lets jews talk about resisting Trump and economic inequality during homily time. Francis is also a Jesuit. About half the Jesuits I've spoken with seem openly center right, but as an organization they give the appearance of a Zig Forums caricature. Wtf?

Thank you, I am a newfriend to this board.

Not everything is black and white/either-or. The real world isn't delineated into Zig Forums vs Zig Forums. There are so many areas of gray that it's astonishing.

I've seen posted by detractors of Steven Anderson.

I've never seen it cause of its length.

Steven Anderson has been playing 187945-D Chess all this time. He's on a level no one else can even comprehend. Next, you're gonna tell me he's actually a Benedictine secretly infiltrating Judaism, secretly infiltrating Islam in the guise of someone secretly infiltrating Russian Orthodoxy secretly infiltrating the Jesuits while his public persona is that of a Baptist preacher. Not only that, but his wife is actually Pope Benedict XVI and his children are human experiments created by the Iscariot Organization to hunt down vampires, werewolves, and leprechauns.

Holy shite! How deep does the rabbit hole go?! We have to go deeper!

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The only person playing 187945-D Chess is God, and he's the best player of it in existence.

She was openly a Roman Catholic before she met him. If he's a Jesuit infiltrator sent by the Vatican to brainwash fundamentalists to overdose on Vitamin K, then she's in on it.

That's why Anderson has such a small following. He's a pleb at 187945D chess.
He just can't seem to manage -I pieces.

shit… he's actually a muslim

Well I "genuinely" believe there was a global flood because the antediluvian world was very different from the world in which we currently inhabit, and I'm certainly not an Andersonite. For example, when God showed Noah the rainbow ask he was departing the Ark hints that there wasn't rainfall in the pre-Flood world but rather a global mist of some sort. It's not hard to fathom all of mankind descended from just three men. In fact, the Bible lays out where each of the general races we see today claim their forefathers to be:

Africans, Asians - Ham
Jews, Arabs - Shem
Indo-Caucasoids - Japheth

Of course there are variants and mixtures, like Ethiopians which have Indo-Caucasoid features but black skin. But generally speaking we can see the similarities among the groups for a particular race.


The evangelist would call anyone who's anti-Jew a jesuit, since they believe that Jews are the chosen people and that the RC church hates Jews.

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