Commies and Feminists on Suicide Watch as Paris Councillors Reject Motion to Ban Sex Robot Brothels

Paris councillors have rejected a motion targeting a business where clients are charged €89 ($109; £78) to spend an hour with a silicone sex doll.
Communist councillors and feminist groups had called on the Council of Paris - the body responsible for governing the city - to study the possibilities of closing Xdolls.
They argued it was demeaning to women - and effectively a brothel.
Owning or operating a brothel is illegal in France.
But police visited the establishment before the council meeting and declared no laws were being broken.
In a joint statement, Communist councillors Nicolas Bonnet Oulaldj and Hervé Bégué said they deeply regretted the council's decision.
"This establishment, with hyper-realistic humanoid dolls, is the latest invention to bring brothels back into the landscape," they said.
They went on to describe Xdolls as "the pinnacle of the dehumanisation of the relationship between women and men" and accused it of trivialising the exploitation of women by prostitution networks, and the related crime of human trafficking.
Xdolls is located in an anonymous-looking flat in the French capital and opened earlier this year, describing itself as a "games centre".
Clients are mainly men, though some couples also visit, owner Joachim Lousquy, who formerly managed e-cigarette shops, told Le Parisien newspaper.
It has three rooms, each containing a silicone sex doll measuring about 1m 45cm (4ft 7in) and worth several thousand euros.
Customers make their booking and payment online, and the exact address is kept secret. Not even the neighbours are aware of the nature of the business, Mr Lousquy says.
Mr Lousquy says the dolls are sex toys and that he does not see them as degrading to women.

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When have communists ever campaigned against sexbots? I know the far right couldn’t function without scapegoats but this is getting ridiculous.

Commies and feminists are natural and historical allies.

…Except for the fact that I have yet to hear of any self-proclaimed communists campaign against sex bots. Now provide proof or fuck off.

>the "brain-like" or cauliflower appearance of the skin on the edges of the labia is created by the deformation of collagen fibers, caused by forceful impacts during vigorous coitus.

If American men would stop cutting skin off their dicks this wouldn't be a thing. Thanks for the extra ammo to use for anti-circumcision debates.

do your own research fag. no one cares what you believe tbh

Did you forget to take your estrogen supplement this morning? You seem quite cranky.

This. Lack of foreskin - a protective sheeth - during sex causes significantly more abrasive friction which "pulls" the labia inward during thrusts in and outward during thrusts out.

Stop saying everybody that does things you don’t like is a communist, then.

Typical. Righists love to talk about how dumb “le niggers xD” are yet they can’t even debate on a mongolian basket weaving forum. Pathetic.

When did I say they were commies? It was reported in the article you didn't bother to read.

You were defending OP, shit-for-brains.

Prove Nicolas Bonnet Oulaldj and Hervé Bégué are not commies or fuck off

DemSocs aren’t communist, sorry sweetie.

Absolutely disgusting.

nice hair-splitting mental gymnastics, commie scum

Another non-Western media source:

Read Marx and Lenin nigger, DemSocs are liberals and not even remotely communist.

Why should I bother reading a failed ideology?

This is truly amazing. I'm sure he thinks this very thought everyday and never once considers the irony.

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Checks out tbh

Why should anyone lionize an ideology of poverty except someone who needs an excuse for why they have failed at life, such as (You)?

Yeah, because capitalist countries DEFINITELY don’t have millions of people literally too poor to afford a house and constant market crashes. ;^)

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imagine loving porky's semen so much that you can't imagine anyone not loving it.

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vs commie countries where everyone is equally poor
makes total sense

Sorry, I forgot the part of Das Kapital where Karl Marx said that communism can only be achieved through having 2/3ds of the economy being privately owned, having 70% of the GDP be from private industry, have 55% of healthcare be done through the private sector, and 80% of the workforce working in the private sector. Lel.

here are some capitalist countries for you
inb4 muh shitskins

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Interestingly enough, they receive most of their aid from capitalistic countries. So even as shit as it all is, it would be even worse without capitalism.

That said, people should stop helping them.

it was right after he said you were only communist if you are the subject of a trade war and currency manipulation.

Honestly even reading a wikipedia summary of what Communism is would explain how the deaths could have been prevented if not for capitalism. I’ll give you a hint;

“From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs”

Whatever makes you feel better about your intelligence I guess. :^)

looks comfy tbh

I'll refer you to an earlier post

those Chinese and Ukrainians sure were given to their needs

How the fuck is male genital mutilation a thing but for girls it's unnaceptable? Females could actually benefit from that shit.

Next thing I know you are going to talk about how invading Iraq was to help the average Iraqi

pic related

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Capitalism kills more people than , because I guess communist countries can only be exact replicas of the USSR, lel.

Why should I have to pay to keep some useless shitskin alive? Please tell me, and explain what benefit I gain from this. The comparison you (the picture) is making is also a false equivalence. Communism's deaths are all murders. The deaths outline in the pic you posted can't even be considered negligence.
For example: if I'm well off and have enough food and water to live fine, while my neighbor is dying of starvation and lack of water. It's not murder nor is the death caused by me even if I have the means to save him.

but user you should give everything you have to the starving neighbor, nevermind I am also posting on an image board with an internet capable device despite me preaching about giving my wealth to the less fortunate, and any wealth inequality equating to murder as well!

Capitalism kills more people in five years than those magically killed by Communism in almost a century. I didn’t know ideas could magically starve people, lel. Not even a tankie but it’s common sense that the famines in the Soviet Union were primarily natural, and not the work of Stalin purposelly killing his own population because they…. Forgot to praise his mustache I guess. Also, wanting to start a communist society doesn’t mean you want to create a replica of the Soviet Union, something you guys would know if you read more into communism besides “muh cultural marxism” conspiracy theories.*

It's as if male circumcision necessitates female circumcision. Really activates the almonds.
Of course why the hell are we mutilating and traumatizing our baby boys for some insane kike ritual in the first place.

they have had a hard time differentiating themselves from a historical perspective.
either that or they turn into a capitalist one with varying degrees of success :^)

do you have a single fact to back that figure up? and if you're going to defend natural disasters that happened in communist countries than it's only fair to do the same for capitalist ones too!

and there it is. The classic capitalist cognitive dissonance. It's okay when capitalism does it because capitalism's victims deserve it.

India and China escaped imperialism and in a century they are world powers despite having shit for skin.

He is literally responding to a post advocating exactly that.

I’m on my phone so I don’t have access to any infographs or bookmarked websites but I implore you to look up the history of famine in Eastern Europe. That kind of shit has been going on since before Marx was in diapers. As for the disasters in capitalist countries that’s absolute bullshit. The USA hasn’t ever had a disaster as devastating as the famines in the USSR, yet they have horrible poverty, hunger, and many other issues that you wouldn’t expect from a developed country. I’m not gonna bother debating anymore though, I got shit to do. Just read Marx tbh.

Innovation never comes from a communist or socialist society, only capitalist ones.
The end of scarcity will come as a result of technology developed by capitalist corporations. Western capitalist democracies are practically already at the stage of being zero marginal cost societies.

odd how China only really transitioned into a world power after the Nixon mission which opened up capitalistic enterprise with other powers and has since seen a rapid economic transition away from its original communistic operations into a more capitalistic one.

except these aren't your neighbors or people in your immediate zone of influence. East Asian and African countries experience most of what the original poster's disease and death statistics based from the incomplete sources given in the infograph, the amount of effort required to deliver aid unto those people is prohibitive in any circumstance. It's also highly ironic to preach about the aid of others while on a highly sophisticated device that costs more to purchase and operate than what can be afforded by the average (and I mean truly world average, not lower-middle income America average) person. If you truly cared enough than sell your device and volunteer your time with MSF or The Red Cross, don't sit there proclaiming a moral high-ground of a system you don't even care enough to live by.

an infantile understanding begot by a perceived higher level of educational understanding, however it is rather clear that you have no understanding of how actual economic systems operate, much like Marx himself.
also there was a similar environmental disaster in a similar timeframe as the holodomer in the US, it was the Dust Bowl. you just don't realize its significance because in the US the market was able to compensate, while also being in the Great Depression, something the USSR didn't have to deal with during the Holodomer. Interestingly though twenty million americans didn't due. many were displaced and had a general poorer standard of living, yes, but not near the level of human suffering seen from its socialist contemporaries.

These worthless commie scum would spew doubletalk and bullshit even has the hangman pulls the lever kek

Magatte Wade would like to have a word with you, nigger.

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holy shit you're stupid. first of all, don't ever get into an argument with Zig Forums because they're so delusional they'll never incorporate any good points you make into their worldview. It's not worth your time. Second, those faggots are right: communists are revolutionary - period. Calling a liberal or socdem a commie is like calling a lolberg or neocon a nazi. they're milquetoast faggots - nazis and commies are revolutionaries. third of all, food production in the US is probably the most regulated and subsidized industry the US has. So, claiming niggers in Africa are fed by muh capitalism is bullshit. they're fed by the overflows of a largely socialist(ish) food production system. Communism has actually done a pretty good job of playing catchup with industrial societies (as did "fascist" countries) because authoritarianism can "get the job done" when you know what the job is. But, yes, they've all been pretty much shit due to a lack of innovation and difficulty with coordination due to the lack of market signals directing individual action. When they're economies become more advanced and complex (post-heavy industy + food production) they tend to falter.

there. argument over. stop wasting your time

I give away half of my disposable income each year even though I'm only barely above the poverty line. I used to volunteer with programs focused on introducing poor kids to science, preparing meals at homeless shelters, and distributing food to the elderly poor when I didn't work 60 hr weeks. If anyone needs to get off a high horse it's you.

'Socialist' is just the word capitalists throw on failed capitalist states that collapsed under their own corruption. The actually meaning was lost during the red scare.

this actually hurts your point

ohhhhhh, this is why. You think that Nixon allowed the Chinese capitalism not access to US consumer markets. Silly man

That doesn't make any sense, maybe if Karl Marx wasn't an ungrateful little shit and studied economics.

You should also point out that a "pure" capitalist state of affairs has never really existed, in the way lolbergs envision it, with perhaps the exception of the American frontier. other dude is going to jump on you and claim the "corruption" you speak of is somehow indicative of "socialism" because the State did some sort of "market distorting" activites – all the while forgetting that all the "capitalist" countries he thinks are great actually have always had very active State involvement in the economy. Previous to the post-Civil War period, for instance, the US State regulated THE SHIT out of business, but no one wants to talk about it (both marxists and lolbergs) because of the muh capitalism myth.

kara booga

Nope. I literally outlined how capitalism doesn't do it and shouldn't.

No. I literally outlined how they don't deserve it.

Are you retarded?

Eat shit, commie. Water is not a human right.

Now if they could ban Semitic religious practices…

Nice projection. Kill yourself


muh degeneracy


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It's jewish communists that promote degeneracy

It did. It's helping them die.

You're a fucking moron. Everyone knows Zig Forums doesn't even argue in the first place. They post shitty memes and make excuses. That's it. Second, the food production system is subsidized to make it viable. Attributing that to socialism is lazy as shit, especially considering america itself still imports fucktons of it's produce, and the subsidies mainly go to the corn and grain industries because of the sheer volume they need to produce.

You made everything worse by being a brainlet. Do us all a favor and kill yourself. This instant.


You braindead fucking retard. He's not saying his neighbor deserved it. He's saying it's not his fault if he has supplies while his neighbor starves and dies of thirst. He's right, additionally, since user probably isn't a heartless monster he'd probably share some of his resources with his neighbor. The difference is that in a capitalist society, a well-off person will help their neighbor voluntarily. Because they know their neighbor, like them and want to help them. While in Communism they just take your resources from you and throw it into the lap of some ungrateful shithead you don't know in some corner of the country that should probably just be purged.

the moon is made out of my shit

now do your own research fag to disprove me. no one cares what you believe tbh

You really think the gov is gonna pass on pimping plastic to the public for a profit?

Engels,the co-founder of marxism wrote a book on family and how it subjugates women.

Communists and feminazis are worried about silicone Barbies meanwhile women are being raped by rapefugees by the millions in europe.

Not a problem, because at least they're not being ignored.
Women hate being ignored, hence the jealousy over sex robots.

Jesus fucking Christ you commies are all psychopaths, aren't you?

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Great job comrade! I'd do that too but my parents support me so I'm just studying theory and getting high. Hanging out with low class people is fun and feels like an adventure when we squat in abandoned buildings. One day I may have to forget all of this and take over the family business but it's just a phase. Just like you're in one too XD

yea, im sure they'd do so much better after you kill all the nations productive people and give jewish party leaders their property.

most capitalist white countries have a problem with their poor being obese. but im sure its not that theyre lazy drains on society that couldnt fend for themselves if the safety net was removed, im sure theyre obese because theyre working so hard.

t. Butthurt commie who can't understand why people don't like his personal death cult.

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I'd rather die under capitalism than "live" under communism.

It's implied by the racist overtones. Nice try though, atleast you read the whole post.

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Nice cia meme. You are such a good patriot.


Says the fedora who unironically likes ponies

God damn I hate commies so bad

I don't hate you though. Maybe a little dissapointed but no hate

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t. prepubescent American who has never had to pay for anything himself because Mommy gave him 'his own' credit card.

Why is it that every commie meme makes communism seem like a terrible idea?
Is this a false flag or are communist ideals really this terrible?

You need to go back.


Same here, dude. I don't understand how they got so warped in the first place. They are just the human embodiment of lies and poison, utterly wretched creatures.


How will that work when most don't have to capability to produce, and there is a shortage of goods meaning that basic needs cannot be met? A shithole country will always be a shithole regardless of the economic system.

And how is that supposed to happen in the modern world. It takes a tiny fraction of people to feed and clothe everyone. That's what the current economic problems are caused by - we've gotten so good at providing stuff that most people aren't needed anymore. It is inefficient to allow people to produce for themselves, because it can be done so easily and cheaply in bulk.

The only decent and successful African nations were the ones run by white people.

How does communism prevent hoarding or robbing others for their share? How does it prevent the producers from forming their own class and controlling the population through selective distribution of goods?

Why did you say communists twice?

I never get why communists don't just pool their money and buy themselves a business, they can work there and also share the profits equally. It would be a business by the workers and for the workers.

It's called a Co-op.

The problem is that everyone who actually works there will also be a commie, and therefore will generally not actually do any work.