Can a God-fearing Christian be an anarcho-capitalist?
Christian and anarchy?
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Rom 13:1-7
Anarchy can only work in small communities, and that's assuming there is no massive tsunami of evil encroaching.
But seeke ye first the kingdome of God, and his righteousnesse, and all these things shalbe added unto you.
24 ¶ No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else hee will holde to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and Mammon.
25 Therfore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what yee shall eate, or what ye shall drinke, nor yet for your body, what yee shall put on: Is not the life more then meate? and the body then raiment?
26 Behold the foules of the aire: for they sow not, neither do they reape, nor gather into barnes, yet your heavenly father feedeth them. Are yee not much better then they?
27 Which of you by taking thought, can adde one cubite unto his stature?
28 And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lillies of the field, how they grow: they toile not, neither doe they spinne.
29 And yet I say unto you, that even Solomon in all his glory, was not arayed like one of these.
30 Wherefore, if God so clothe the grasse of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven: shall he not much more clothe you, O yee of little faith?
31 Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eate? or, what shall we drinke? or wherewithall shall wee be clothed?
32 (For after all these things doe the Gentiles seeke:) for your heavenly father knoweth that ye have neede of all these things.
33 But seeke ye first the kingdome of God, and his righteousnesse, and all these things shalbe added unto you.
34 Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of it selfe: sufficient unto the day is the evill thereof.
It's worth noting that anarcho-capitalism/libertarianism are very broad political theories, united simply by a belief in the illegitimacy of government authority.
It doesn't necessarily mean a belief in social liberalism or a rejection of all kinds of authority. Just in voluntary transactions and associations.
The resulting covenant community (or whatever you see the result or what you want to call it) isn't necessarily going to have legalised drugs or homosexuality. As long as the prohibitions are voluntary. The church is a good example of voluntary acceptance of an authority based on wisdom rather than force.
It's also not necessarily a small collection of megacorps driven by intense greed. Without the government to protect and prop up giant corporations, there would be much more trade at local levels. Without federal meat regulations, for example, I'd be able to buy meet from my ethical farmer neighbour. Without government leasing of public property to corps or subsidised water allowing giant farms to produce meat that is otherwise unsustainable, we'd also be better stewards of our environment.
I think a lot of the opposition to ancap beliefs is opposition to the "selfishness" advocated by someone like Ayn Rand or a belief that libertarianism is a worship of big business. It's not, really. Most regulations hurt small business, high prices driven by lack of competition hurt people.
I hate consumerism. And I have no desire to be rich. It's just become increasingly more obvious to me that government is anti-family and anti-human and can't be reformed at this point.
I believe in degrees, though. Certainly state rule is better than federal rule and local rule is better than state rule. It's not all or nothing.
Thank you
God is the ultimate monarch. No.
What do you guys think about voluntary communes i.e. live in the village with the laws you agree with?
To be fair, I think that anarcho-communist governing would be more Christian. Not in the anarkiddy antifa trash fire of the present day and age sense, but in the Mikhail Bakunin social communitarian sense.
I am personally at odds with the idea of ancap, however I suppose it could be considered Christian if ones private property were to go back to serving the community, and not be used for the sole purpose of generating wealth.
However, traditionally Christian anarchists tenses to favor more left wing traditional forms of Anarchism as opposed to individualist or right wing anarchy.
I recommend reading Tolstoy's "The Kingdom of God is Within You" for a more in depth analysis. The book is mostly going against institutional Christianity and the skeptics of Tolstoy's time, however this book serves as the foundation for Christian Anarchism.
Today I learned something new. God bless you, brother.
I think anybody
using Bible verses in an attempt to affirm or condemn your question cares nothing about historical context. The Bible doesn't answer every question. That being said, I think considering the story of Babel and many nations throughout history, smaller more close-knit communities tend to produce less bad fruit and a stronger church.
not swearing
Are you, by any chance, 16?
Anarcho capitalism is a delusion just like lolbertarianism. You all live in a dream land just like the commies.
Fascism all the way!
I like the idea. Read The Benedict Option. It triggers the shit out of Catholics though.
Because in a way that sees Christianity as an aesthetic option for yourself, like some sort of self-help philosophy to just live a stable life with rules, ignoring what Christ called you to do and seeing religion as a tool.
There will not be any heaven on earth until after the days of tribulation.
Yes, why?
Thank makes me wanna read it more
No, but they can be a National Anarchist
Or die of salmonella, or end up in weird situations like food in China.
Though relaxing regulations a bit would be a good idea.
Most regulations ended up there for a reason, usually some guy abusing the legal vacuum.
Some are just stupid things made to benefit some group, or state interests(corn subsidies), yes.
Everything you are worried about has been a problem before, and was counter-acted.
NSA-tier spying on civilians by intelligence agencies was struck down by the Church Committee, for example.
It'll be a semi-difficult legal reform and civic society pressure to pull it off, but way easier than "let's demolish everything tied to legal or the state, and hope for the best"
the only proper ideology is pic related. capitalism is feudalism and that isn't a problem, /larpypoor/
back to gaygetchan with you
You serve the king, because the king is also a servant of God.
Why would anarcho-capitalism lead to anything even resembling social conservatism, let alone Christian morality? Most businesses out there, especially the big ones, seem to be infected with liberalism when it comes to social matters. Hoppeans are delusional in thinking that if only the state would be done away with, morality would magically appear out of nowhere and be re-established. There’s nothing either in the Bible or in Apostolic tradition to suggest such a thing. Libertarianism is purely a product of the Enlightenment, which thinks that the right political and economic system can solve all our problems.
only good thing that degenerate revolutionaries did imho is that they exterminated king and m*narchist vermin
I suppose it's not entirely impossible; there have been some Chirstian preferences drawn into some minarchist movements. The main thought is that since Jesus was tempted with the Devil on the claim that he controlled the earthly powers, one can go further and conclude that by reducing state power projection on Earth, you deny evil it's infernal tools.
That said, most anarchist groups are totally incompatible with the faith, of their own will: "No gods, no country, no masters" and all that. Certainly one out of those three are not going to fly. So, it's a difficult cross you'd have to bear if you wanted to forge a different path. Certainly most anarchist groups will be at least verbally hostile, if not physically hostile, to your modification.
ancaps should be used as test subjects to see how safe cars are
What does this have to do with norway
Why not?
The only thing you can't be in the USA, Russia and several other ex-bloc countries is gommunizms
Personally, I think you're a heretic* for handing the world over to (((conglomerates capitalism))) but, hey, whatever, man, post-modernisms 'n' sheet
* Offer void anywhere near the Christian Ekklesia
I so lol'd
No. Ancaps, lolbergtarians, and any of the like are just enablers of (((European-style Socialists.))) Christ does not want you to side with or enable those who murdered him and celebrate this.
1. Anarcho-Capitalism is a retarded oxymoron
2. Capitalism isn't Christian
3. God is king
Maybe a temporary change in which we become anarco-monarchists to bring back the crowns of Europe…
You can be a Christian and mostly anything as long as your ideology is in light of your faith. Things such as communism specifically say there is no God, but if you believe in everythig except for that one point you're still pretty much a communist and a Christian. The same goes from everything from anarchy to fascism
Liberalism in all its manifestations is luciferian.
No, Dreher is literally saying the state is going to start oppressing Christians hard and you better have a backup plan (alternative institutions) or else only LGBTQIA+ Christianity will be tolerated.
It bothers a lot of people when Dreher points out that you can't be 100% Christian and live in a neo-liberal world. You're always going to make compromises for your faith and non-Christians will see this as a sign of weakness and irrelevancy and force you to make even more compromises.
But he wasn't swearing any oaths?
Christians can only be apolitical or a monarchist.
Anarchy is only suitable for Saints.
underrated post