Craigslist Shuts Down Personals Section, Citing HR1685 "FOSTA" Act

US Congress just passed HR 1865, "FOSTA", seeking to subject websites to criminal and civil liability when third parties (users) misuse online personals unlawfully.

Any tool or service can be misused. We can't take such risk without jeopardizing all our other services, so we are regretfully taking craigslist personals offline. Hopefully we can bring them back some day.

To the millions of spouses, partners, and couples who met through craigslist, we wish you every happiness!

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WE WILL BE SEEING MORE OF THIS AND HERE IS WHY:"Trafficking" is the cover story used to go after these things. There are religious groups who goal is to outlaw all porn and sex outside marriage. They can't say that is their goal anymore (apparently except in Utah and Florida) so they say they are really trying to shut down trafficking. Sounds great, the problem is that police departments and other organizations will arrest sex workers and count them,the actual sex workers who are self employed and there consentually, as people who are trafficked. This gives them huge numbers to print in the news that says they saved 200 people from being trafficked. Of course the charges don't stick, but they do charge them with prostitution. The numbers are what people see though and think they are actually doing something other than harassing people having sex consentually for money.

Same thing for the no fap groups. It is backed by religious organizations who want to end all porn. They put up pseudo-science and make teenagers feel guilty about masturbating and tell them it is the cause of all their problems.

And what's wrong with that? I would love to wait for a virgin and marry her before having sex. The alternative is marrying a used up cunt who took miles of strange dick and is willing to settle because her looks are fading.
Lol at sex workers.
Why should anyone care what happens to them? We should've kept stoning.
Hmm sounds like feminism. How a roastie can have consensual sex one night and the next day or even 20 years later can cry about being raped.

Please go back to reddit you Zig Forums fucking faggot.

Imagine being like this cuck and thinking everything in life is some sort of ultimatum


Lol you are definitely from reddit. Make sure you visit Zig Forums because once you visit you can never leave :^)

aka craigslist suddenly sees a bunch more activity in certain areas.


fuck off degenerate. if you care about the fact that someone else is having sex, you're pathetic.

keep dreaming, friendo

You guys don't even try anymore so you? You commies are becoming more retarded by the day.

wouldn't this international jewish cabal salt cave weather war chem trail thermite zog you don't own nothing goy thingie, wouldn't they all be NEETs?

Lol, traditionalism is growing fast. White women want smaller weddings, they want a homestead, Gen Z is drinking and doing less drugs than millennials, DIY is trendy.

Yeah those evil Nazi NEETs have a lot of influence. I mean they got a businessman with no political experience elected against 12 swamp veterans while Bernie couldn't even make the primary. LOL!

I like how you quoted something I never wrote. letting people do as they want doesn't mean they want to be sluts. that's only something degenerates like you conclude to make you sleep better at night because there are only extremes in your view. you get none, others get too much, therefore you are at least pure before god. protip: you can have sex and not be a slut

you're either slutty women, or guys that are with slutty women. but its ok when that mouth that's been on various cocks of ex-boyfriends kisses your son, right? why would you care? your mother probably did the same to you, and you don't care. right?

whatever helps you sleep at night.

The important point is that this law is so vague it could be used for censorship. Like someone filing a complaint on Hatechan and using this law to shut us down.

Lol you are definitely a cunt. How many dicks have you taken? Don't use that oh I was drunk so it didn't count or it was only once so it didn't count bullshit roastie reasoning.
How loose are your pussy flaps? You know why we say roastie? Because your pussy looks like roast beef.


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Where are there prostitutes advertising their loose useless cunt on 8ch?

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Not who you're responding to, but the whole "roastie" thing is a fundamental lack of understanding of female anatomy.

FOSTA isn't specifically about prostitutes, brainiac. It's an all-encompassing, overreaching law designed to (((SHUT IT DOWN))) on anything that has the potential to negatively affect globalist elites' plans. This craigslist personals forum is only collateral damage, and the elites couldn't give two fucks about it.

Totally! Girls just grow into their disgusting hanging meat flaps. It certainly has nothing to do with massive amounts of penis in vagina. Any user care to post those images about vagina gripping dick and being stretched?

yeah, the scene in mist dystopian movies where the hereo gets the messages out, they can use this to stop that. nip it in the bud.

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Why did you post a picture of yourself getting raped by your pet refugees?

external female genitalia often hangs out. do you think every girl starts with a cameltoe?

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It's designed to prevent alt-right white males from meeting up together tbh. See, they already nabbed the guy who was spamming here about that constantly.

It sure does hang out! Just like there are 53 types of gender and sex. Just like male circumcision is good for babies. Just like females having miles of dick is liberating and being a pious, pure Christian housewife is degrading.

that poor guy. I hope he found peace.

open border for Israel when?

Well, if you don't know how human anatomy and fetal development work, then it really isn't my problem. Do all men have dicks of the same size/shape/colour? Sure, the shape is roughly the same, but there are a lot of differences in colour, size and misc. stuff. Same goes for the labia. You'll find this in pre-1960 medical encyclopaedias, just to confirm that no "leftist" meddling influenced them.

Soon. Stupid kikes have their own wanting to be enriched by the niggers. As always the world is going to shit but the White man remains constant. As long as he remembers the old ways and old values, he will live forever.

English roastie, stop trying to make excuses for your fucked up cunt. You slags have a worldwide reputation for putting out and letting niggers and their cousin sand niggers get some easy.

Boo hoo, did an English hoe hurt your pp, user? Poor you.

Hahaha damn I'm good. I really hit the nail on the head didn't I roastie? I thought being a slag wasn't anything to be ashamed about? So why are you mad?

This ho hurt my peepee from too much fapping.

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Dude, if you knew how much you're projecting right now, you'd kill yourself out of sheer embarassment.

I got this slag so twisted up she's babbling like a commie. You should spend less time gobbling cocks and more time reading. That communist stuff is garbage and look at what a fool you made yourself out to be.

ffs nigger, if I wasn't using Tor I'd gladly send you a timestamped pic of my dick, but you're not worth my time.

you can marry a virgin today and wait for marriage to have sex. well in theory at least lol, I doubt any virgin girl unironically likes you

You stupid, degenerate leftist normalfag. Go back to shitchan.

So now you dropped the "hurr English slag" defense, you dumb samefag?

Status: BROKEN
Go back to reddit roastie and tell them all what happened here. Your shame is on the front page and the whole world watched your defeat.

One strong White man who honors the accomplishments of his ancestors is more powerful than 10,000 soyboys and whores

Kek, I can tell how new you are.

So, doesn't that mean other thot sites will be shutting down too? Tinder? eHarmony, etc?

Front page of what? Zig Forums isn't even indexed by Google, you fucking idiot.

the white race just keeps winning its like they never get tired of winning

Tell that to the Jewish shareholders who quite literally own you.

Front page of this website retard. LOL! You must be a commie because you are retarded. Keep making yourself look stupid though. I thought you rage quit roastie?

I can confirm the thing about no fap groups, one of them pretty much admitted that the problem they have with porn is that they think that it causes men to pursue women less.

I asked "front page of what", because you acted like it was relevant in any way. How many people will this thread reach? 10000? Lmao.

Yeah we are condemned to freedom faggot take your life seriously.

You wouldnt care if your daughter or wife was a whore and youre calling us cucks and degenerates? Haha what a jew

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The same kikes who are using their money to manipulate lawmaking to arrest a White man for teaching his dog to Roman salute? Yep, Chaim sure is powerful if a tiny dog threatens his schemes.

And that's 10,000 people who are seeing you get raped. With each reply you make, I only get stronger :^)

"You can suck dick and not be gay." Get ur protips from this yid!

Jews own nothing except the responsibility for their crimes, they imagine that through usury all will prostrate and submit to them for all eternity; you faggots think power is fighting between jewish lawyers, cant wait till your kind is thrown into the arena and made to play a game other than your own.

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Their power is imaginary even if it has a real effect on shabbos goy/ commie cocksuckers everywhere

Zig Forums is fucked. All it takes is one sex slave post and the site is taken down.

Whores and their leftist soyboy supporters BTFO in this thread.

This is why I left /pol
It used to be about saving the white race and now all you see is this pseudo-morality larping bullshit.
You’ll probably just discount what I say anyway and call me a kike because
1. I disagree with your position &
2. You have little to no creativity
Then you’ll probably say I should be gassed for the same reasons.
You don’t have to pretend to be the judgement of god to save the white race buddy.

The reason why the White race is suffering is because we fell for the kike's subversion and strayed from the righteous path. You can't save the race without virtue. and yes you were never Zig Forums nice try at astroturfing. Get one of your comrades to pretend to be White and say how much you hate Zig Forums LOL!


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In 1 week it will be back and no one will care like what happened with net neutrality

fuck off yid everything your kind does is by influencing others through (((dialogue))); if anons reading this are guided then a little post goes a long way. cut the rest of your dick off you jewish freak

fuck off yid everything your kind does is by influencing others through (((dialogue))); if anons reading this are guided then a little post goes a long way. cut the rest of your dick off you jewish freak. whenever a shill gets shut down anons are there to see it

Come on it's (current year)

Lel how do you think a lot of White people got converted to NatSoc? It was through internet posts dummy. It wasn't through Marxist university indoctrination like you faggots. Meanwhile you're proving again the left can't meme. Sad!

The jokes on you, I wanted net neutrality dead since the beginning.



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LGBT+ and other degenerate trash BTFO


That's communist and projection :^)


bump for lulz

more likely the usual unholy alliance of commies and feminists

shitposting doesnt prevent you from leading a life, what are you doing on 8ch anyway? i only doubleposted because i referenced the wrong post initially; you jews are obvious and tiresome

This is horrible
I did my first gay underage rape on craigslist

fuck those do-gooders government faggots

who is next?

What's it called when shills pump a thread full of shitty posts that are pretty much retarded white noise in order to crush any real discussion?

Notice the bullshit spam in this thread? CIA has already let loose their automated shitposting bots to kill discussion and it's only a matter of time till they unleash the CP ones. Prepare yer anguses.

I've browsed craiglist personals before, it's pretty useless unless you're an actual faggot. Only gays use craigslist to hookup. Looks like nothing of value was lost

Half of the population is gay.

Porn destroys your brain anyway, faggot. Here's a reader's digest.

Im glad to see society be swung back to 50's morality

my angus is ready.

idiot. i guess one time makes you a slut?

I'm a guy. and none.

Stop derailing this thread CIAnigger.

christ chan reporting in.

cry more sodomite


this is excellent !!…….

they finally did something right

You realize this is only going to cut down on open degeneracy, and niggers using it as a tool to rob people, right? Literally nothing of value was lost…


how do we know this is real? and not just feminist/leftist pseudoscience?

I see this as a good thing, less whores spreading diseases. and if this ends up killing (3DPD) porn even better, this generation has been cucked long enough.

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all i'm saying is, thank god hillary didn't get elected
i will now go and pray at my shrine to the donald, god emporer and master of the 4th dimension


gay men and fat bitches btfo

Wasn't the personals section pretty much just a way for prostitutes to sell themselves on Craigslist?