Why arent 20mm hand held guns more common Zig Forums?
Why arent 20mm hand held guns more common Zig Forums?
Because 20mm is a shit cartridge.
With proper ammo its enough to disable enemy IFVs and APCs, not to mention it can clean rooms in buildings across the street or something similar (could be useful in urban warfare)
But you know better huh?
Cost, to get any practical use out of a 20mm you need to be able to program airburst rounds meaning both the gun and the ammo are expensive.
You aren't going to be firing AP 20mm from a normal gun due to the huge recoil. inb4 pic of the 20mm rifle it's so good no one fucking uses it
I kinda dont see how cost is an issue for modern armies, basic equipment for a US soldier is over 10.000$ worth at this point, and most of western modern IFVs use programmable airburst munitions so i dont see why specialist units cant get some hand held high tech goodies too
If you are talking about specialist units then I agree that cost isn't an issue but the west in general is drastically cutting military spending at the moment because it just isn't sustainable.
It's all good and well to spend $10k per man in peace time or when fighting sand people without a chance but politicians have started to realize that in a real war where the outcome actually matters $10k per man doesn't really work when you need millions of men.
But a disarmed Australian certainly knows BEST, right?
For the huge recoil you only get to fire a tiny HE projectile with not-so-stellar accuracy and ballistics. And both the weapon and ammunition are too heavy for a single soldier to carry in a significant quantitiy. You are better off if he is lobbing bigger grenades against closer targets, because then he can decide the outcome of a firefight.
But some Amerimutt has personal experience with 20mm
But Ian says its pretty simple not really complex construction
Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that thing only impact detonation without any way to program airburst?
1:43 in a vid
He is talking about the XM25, not the one in that video, keep watching.
Well that was embarrassing, sorry
All good fella, the only reason I was sure it didn't do airburst is I have never seen a airburst sight that isn't huge.
The last XM25 prototypes (right before we not only killed the project, but seized all their patents because reasons) had a sight about the size of a standard night optic.
Because 37mm and 40mm are better.
I need a honest answer: is this bait? Even a single small 30 mm grenade that requires no individual gun can wreck everyone within 7 meter radius.
Because there are 40 mm hand held guns and they are much better sized for the job.
With proper ammo a 7.62 NATO can defeat APC and IFV.
It's used for a variety of reasons and it always ends up being abandoned. The problem is that we have a lot of overturn in decision makers and they never learn from mistakes of predecessors.
20mm is the WORST compromise between mass, price, and effect. Especially fused 20mm.
30mm is the lowest a person should go if they want a cartridge to carry HE filler.
Pretty straightforward and practical, disable vehicles easily and accelerate breaching.
Predictable easy to aim trajectories, too.
Try lobbing grenades over the distance of 100 meters
try stopping me
Common where? With infantry?
I don't think having an unwieldy brick which caliber consequently reduces effective range, total ammo capacity and mobility of a combatant is gonna work very well.
40mm and rifle grenades got that covered. Also why the fuck would you engage an IFV with 20mm that's not being spat out of your own IFV?
Hello there…
We're trying to say that portable 20 mm guns aren't completely obsolete, but due to the weight limits there are better ways like grenade launchers and marksman raifus.
Because the US army as tried to find a decent alternative to the M79 since 1962…
And still can't.
What is wrong with the M203?
Accuracy compared to the M79 is… quite poor, especially at range.
I swear, Raytheon better cut me a check for shilling this thing so much.
Nice meme weapon, but no way anyone other than SF doing some Tier √-1 level shit is going to get more than one of those to use.
There needs to be something that is actually affordable to use, and that "aint" it.
Want a list?
Even the round itself is retarded.
The article fails to mention it, but those rifle grenades have rocket motors. In the last page of the PDF you can see that the maximum range is a mere 450m for the HE, and it's rather inaccurate at that point. But if you designed a rocket-propelled rifle grenade from the ground up today, then you could make something that has decent range and accuracy without needing a guidance system.
You seem to forget that the M203 is the hand-held weapon, while that 30mm is for AGLs. Of course NATO's AGLs are retarded because they use the same cartridge with a longer case, but you should still compare that to the GP-30's grenades.
The large American grenade launchers use the same warhead, just a bigger boost package. It's also 5m kill zone….
As for underbarrels, that's an even worse comparison, GP30 is caseless and BS-1 is noiseless, both light years ahead of M203 tech. The grenades also have a kill radius 1m larger.
it would cut the cost just to have impact detonation and a smaller air burst supply used for whatever operations they want to use but why not use what's already widely available instead of sinking money into a shoulder rape machine
just use a recoilless rifle at that point and besides just lob grenades like a retard with a baseball
Because we're waiting for proper servos to be implemented into the power armor in order to support sustainable accuracy through the power-assisted muscular chassis.