It's not a black and white dichotomy.
There are several factors involved, and many of them overlap eachother. It not any ONE particular factor that needs to be addressed…
Firstly, I'd like to go ahead and get this out of the way: MISDIAGNOSIS IS EPIDEMIC. they're diagnosing and labeling everybody for no reason, other than to further fuel big pharma, and the psychiatrists and psychologists patting themselves on the back. So fuck the psychology/psychiatry community. Fuck them.
in the PDR, all of the psychiatric meds are listed with a disclaimer in fine print: "at the current time, the physiological mechanism of this drug is not known". This clearly demonstrates that they don't know IF those drugs work, they don't know HOW those drugs work, and they don't care. They're too busy making billions of dollars prescribing them to people who may or may not actually suffer from a legitimate psychiatric or behavioral disorder. Fuck the pharmaceutical industry in the ass. Fuck them big-time.
Secondly, it's important to note that there are only TWO legitimate psychiatric disorders, schizophrenia and bipolar. (regardless of the DSM-V's inclusion of autism, I refuse to perceive a communication disorder as being a legitimate psychiatric disorder) everything else is a BEHAVIORAL DISORDER, including clinical depression because it's privan that by changing your behavioral patterns, the clinical depression will 'vanish'. (as long as you sit around on your ass behaving like a self absorbed whining bitch, you'll remain a depressed self absorbed whining bitch) so if you're 'depressed', fuck yourself.
Next, there's the topic of guns.
fuck guns. and fuck you. fuck you for wanting a gun. fuck you for not wanting a gun. fuck yourself. plain and simple, fuck off and eat my shit either way.
anyone who says exposure to violent content in media (particularly video games) doesn't play a role in this subject is an idiot and a delusional faggot, so fuck them too.
Finally, the REAL topic here is a natural order of exponential chaos, exacerbated by the human race's destructive streak and technology. Put simply, the human race is doing what we do best: making life a living hell. Humans are masters of self destruction, and we don't care who or what we destroy along the way. So fuck the human race. And fuck you, too.
I've never had an animal: lie to me, pretend to be my friend, sell me shitty dope, give me bad advice, set me up, call the cops on me, try to fuck my wife behind my back, etc etc etc
only the two legged HUMAN animals will do these things to you, and if you're patient, they'll end up doing it every time… Fuck the human race !!!
the faster we are eliminated, the better off the universe will be…
With that in mind, I wish the entire human race would be vaporized. I think it should be mandatory for all humans to kill each other in a 12 month long campaign where the entire fucking species is eliminated.
fuck you
and I'm NOT joking at all. Not at all…