I want to be a good, pious Christian but I'm also really into the occult and esotericism. What do?

I want to be a good, pious Christian but I'm also really into the occult and esotericism. What do?

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Why? There's no truth behind any of it.

Realize that all that stuff is garbage and get a better hobby. Like squash.

Stop being such a LARPer and become catholic.

Reading Goatman creepypasta is not really a sin, it's only fiction.

In what way?
Practicing occultism?
Having an interest?
C. S. Lewis rightly said that the two biggest mistakes we can make about demons are denting their existence and taking an unhealthy interest in them.
Basically, as long as it's not an unhealthy obsession you'll be fine.
Someone has to classify the heresies and develop ways to challenge them after all.

You can be both, i am into the Occult and esotericism but strictly from a christian perspective, while being very careful of it and never practicing it.

There are a lot of Christian YTers that came from the New Age and are know Christians that know the enemy well.

Also a lot of it is a satanic lie.

stop it

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stop doing those things is the first step

Don't do it I guess. P. sure asking about demons is against the rules here or something since my demonology threads got deleted

That is a shame, i would have liked to read that.

Read about holy mitacles, and men like Padre Pio instead.

Be wise as serpents, but gentle as doves
I see no problem taking intrest in it, learning it in so doing , you help protect others of the errs they do.
I can read the Quaran for example, and help others see the faults in it for example. Just don't be practicing it or worshipping other Gods.


delete your yt channel, styx


Understand what you are messing with and why

pray, meditate on and contemplate the mysteries of Jesus Christ in a movement toward Catholicism

The simple fact/bad news is that the use of magic and sorcery is a sin. The good news is Jesus has super cool prayers, miracles, and antimagic to replace the stupid demon magic you currently practice and act as a vent for your mystic interests.

Become a witch hunter



I just stole a bible from my hotel room!

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Let me ask you a question, user - what do you hope to gain from engaging in occultic or esoteric practices? What I've noticed, due to God's providence is that most if not all occultic practices have a common root - vainglory. It all comes down to the temptation of pride.

This is going to be a bit long so I'm going to break it up between Esotericism and Magic.

- On Esotericism -

Esotericism comes from the presupposition of self-divination, specifically through concealed knowledge that the common man cannot see or understand. You are enlightened so to speak due to this.

The flaw in this not only comes from the idea of the fact that a man alone can give himself salvation or a man alone can give himself wisdom by his own will, but also comes from the idea that you alone can figure out the truth, without any aid or instruction. And that you can interpret things so that they say what you want them to say. Of course people do this, whether realizing it or not so that they can pat themselves on the back and feel good about how smart they are. This is exactly what the Kabbalists do, and what the Zohar does. In this, you nullify the Scriptures of their context and meaning, as Christ said to the Pharisees - > "making the word of God of no effect through your tradition which you have handed down. And many such things you do." (Mark 7:13 NKJ)

Though the idea of self-divination through knowledge is a pervasive and somewhat tempting one, you also have to realize that knowledge =/= truth. Just because the Quran exists and says things doesn't make it true, and just because the Talmud says things doesn't make it fact.

Furthermore, the revelations, wisdom and instruction of the Scripture and the law God has given us through it provides us with far more understanding and utility than any other text.
No other esoteric text containing encrypted so-called knowledge can even remotely compare to our God-breathed Scripture.

(Sir 3:21-24 NRS)

Esotericism is also antithetical to the Bible in that we are explicitly called to evangelize and spread the Word of God to the ends of the earth, not to keep our knowledge concealed and hidden to a select few elders and enlightened folk.

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- On Magic/Goetia -

Wew lad, we're going from arrogant isogesis to placing yourself in the authority of God, violating the natural laws He put into place.

The objective for magic is sourced from pride, just like esotericism and heavily linked to that, and from pride grows the lust for power.

What do you do in magic? Well the definition is - >the power of apparently influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces.

That's pretty fitting I'd say, you are for all intents and purposes placing yourself in the position of God to bend and shift reality where you want it to go. The issue is, our judgement and our ideas of how things should go or should be are extremely flawed and limited to say the least. Are you better than God that you can make his judgements? Are you so enlightened that you have more understanding than the LORD?

You would impose our will unto reality, when our self-will is hopelessly wicked and flawed and we can ultimately only rely on Christ for our needs because he has far better discernment and wisdom than we ever will.

Another possibility is that you could want to impose your will unto other people and their lives through magic, violating and trespassing on the God-given right of autonomy and free will. As we are made in the image of God, this includes having free will which God values a ton. This is why we don't force people into the faith, because salvation is voluntary.

Goetia (the conjuring of demons) also places yourself in a position of God where you can "control" and communicate with demons. (which are fallen angels, their very essence is defying and rebelling against God) The problem with this is that this comes from the presupposition of unironically thinking they wouldn't lie to you, they wouldn't attack you or harass you in some way (from my knowledge you put yourself in a protective seal to prevent this, and YOU DO NOT STEP OUT OF IT), and that they would try to help you to begin with.

Of course this is absolutely antithetical to Scripture which tells us Satan and his legion of demons have the uttermost hatred for us and exclusively seek to do us harm, and are not reliable for knowledge or help in any way.

Do not give heed to so-called knowledge, that which contradicts Scripture. Two contradictory statements, retcons etc. cannot both be correct, for God is all truth and all wisdom and He will not lead you astray into lies against Him and against His word. Stand firm in the faith and in the Word of God and do not give in to any heresy or blasphemy against our Lord. And do not give in to vainglory that will be weaponized against you by Lucifer, the one who was the first to fall into it.

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Seek Jesus.

Mathew 7:7-8
7 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye
shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
8 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh
findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

Can you recommend to me such Youtubers?

Is that character from "Little Witch Academia" Anime? I've been seeing memes from the franchise more often. Why did it became so popular lately?

ok, nevermind, It figures that n*tflix released the series in 2017


Heres something related. Theres this new guy at my church, apprently he converted just over 8 months and finally chose a church to go to. Now while I occasionally visit /pol to keep up to date this makes me a bit more open because people at church know they can be a little less "restrained" in conversation.

Well this guy, finds this out and just dumps his powerlevel out there, no hesitation. Cue 2 months and wer're getting along pretty well, turns out he used to be a massive occult fan, blood, sigils etc and if hes not bullshitting (most likely is) had the occasional result or two. Thing is this guy seems to truely disire to seek Christ, i mean hes learning everything at a rate I never did and just recently got baptised. Naturally I asked why he came to God when his background is so strange and just shrugged and said it was his Tulpas idea/ request.

I've already known abyut the concept of these constructs before so I didnt freak out but it strikes me in a way I'm not sure how to react. Of course the main issue is how does our Lord look at this? It's almost always likely that a demon hijacks these things but why would it steer this man to the path of Christ? Then again, if it isn't a demon and this guy has a legit thing going on and did try to bring him closer to the church, is this a bad thing?

I'm really not sure how to feel about this brothers. I mean it's great that we have another saved, but could it have been for the wrong reasons? Again he's really been making headway in just a few months so I'm hoping this is just a happy story God planned, but I guess I'll keep my eye on him so he doesnt stray away.

But then again, if this is all real then I wouldnt have to because theres already something in his head helping him stay with Christ.

Anyone got experience in this matter? Screencaps not related to him.

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youtube.com/user/TheVigilantChristian/videos Especially this playlist youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTHDvEc6d7JGxHyUzMiNDrvyqjW-Ll2Hb


I mean, the poor fucks are being plagued by demons and need to visit an exorcist before the insanity sets in, but holy shit this is amazing

"I didn't kill her. I killed the demon inside her," Michael Brea said in a chilling hourlong interview with the Daily News in the prison ward at Bellevue Hospital.

Yes, Anons should be extremely careful with this and never practice it mysticism. The anons in the pictures you posted should have gone to a priest who is aware of how to do a "deliverance" which is basically an exorcism.

You stop that. Thats not good.

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the occult is a scam

it's mental illness

if it's a demon then perhaps it's to test the faith of your congregation

Remember the mission and do not be distracted.
What does occult really mean? Does Jesus really want us avoiding all mysteries and hidden truths?
Use discernment. The bible says that witchcraft is wicked. However it also says to spread the gospel to the ends of the Earth, a mission that requires great technological, physical and mental acuity with mysteries needing to be solved every moment. Spiritual nuances and external mythos must be understood to an extent if it is part of your mission.
What is your church contributing to the world and how are you a part of that?
How can your interest in hidden, foreign occult things actually get something done in good faith?

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I personally did studies in philosophy and religons/otherworldly were extensivley covered. Its not that I think its evil in itself, like a knife you can do evil and use it to harm someone but at the same time it could be used to whittle a wooden art peice for the cute girl you love.

The reason it should be avoided more often then not is just common sense. He tells us to avoid its practise is a clear warning beacause of all the bad shit out there. Yes there may be a nice bit of knowledge that COULD be used to further his word, but we are just mortals and will more than likely/ certainly screw up and get consumed by some eldritch wibbly wobbly to which Jesus would probably facepalm upon seeing.

Its like the films of going into the jungle to seek that strange relic or rare disease curing plant., sure the hero might get it but does anyone consider the mountain of skulls that failed before?

Theres too much in our material world that can mess us up at anytime already (looking forward to that sudden stroke), I can't afford to waste anymore delving into something that has no safety manual. Just prefer follow the warnings, stick my fingers in my ears and go lalalala.

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Matthew 5:4-6 You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

If it's mysterious and hidden, it's not true.

It is only mysterious to those who don't understand, and not at all hidden

I want to be a good, pious Christian but I grew up fapping to traps and getting drunk. I might not do this anymore, but I fear a relapse unless I am careful.

A lot of anons are saying to just read about it but don't practice it. Just reading the really fucked up stuff can mess you up and cause entities in your house.

The series is good. The animation is too notch

Because it is relatively recent.

How do you personally deal with cosmic assholes? Do you just get the local preist to say a few words to banish them, do you take care of it yourself or do you live without those problems?

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realize what I did,
despite what these other anons say it is not complete bullshit, however it is worse
it is dangerous
more than a few of my friends have had their minds (and souls) consumed by that shit either in part or wholly
avoid it as best you can

Pay attention to this guy OP

It's bullshit, but in a way to trick you into demon traps for your soul. The Lie is not telling you the spiritual dangers that can come from it. This is why it's good to know the christian perspective on the esoteric.

There was this New Age dangerous idiot on here months ago who was trying to argue that Christians should accept mysticism because it's certain positive aspects.

Well in all fairness God built the universe out of something and ordered it by some principles. The occult is just uncovering that stuff. But it is very prideful but admittedly its also true.

The only occult that is from Christ is gospel of Thomas and the Sophia of Jesus Christ
All other things related to the occult are, and will always be, demonic nonsense.
These two books perfectly fit with all the other gospels, not one contradiction.

Begone with your gnostic bullshiet. Read the actual Gospels and repent.

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I know it’s a big thing to say but believe me it does not contradict the gospels of the church, I don’t know what the churches say whether we can read them or not tho?

The mysteries of the Bible will not come to you when you say I’m inferior, i the church does not say whether the Bible has a secret meaning or not; the Catholic Church now even says the Bible and Evolution can be reconciled (which they cannot) so they don’t deny it has a mysterious meaning not everybody will understand.

And yeah I didn’t even understand 99% of Thomas and Sophia but yeah

We get a lot of Gnostic trolling miss information, and along with other foundational Gnostic beliefs (Jesus said "we're Gods", "the kingdom of God is withing you", "Elohim", "Jesus was a mystic") they're jus bullshit. I've read read some part of the Gospel of Thomas, there is a part that says "if you pray you will die".
The Alternative Gospels came later than the actual bible, and you can tell they don't fit by what they say, unless you aren't familiar with the bible in the first place. Read the bible before worrying what a possibly degenerate will tell you (that's including every denom.)

wow, user.

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You did not understand that part about praying, neither do I, I’m just saying.
If you read the Bible like I do, you see it makes perfect sense, yet contradicts itself and does not actually contradict itself. That’s how you know it’s God’s Word. We are all Gods? He says that because we are all sons of the father and pagans thought sons of Gods were also gods, but we know that sons of god are angels who are like God but not him, we are not angels because we are made from flesh, simultaneously we are sons of god, made by him, but not of him, so you could say we are gods, but we are not really. It’s just how Christ put it in words that we mortals don’t understand.

:) that made me laugh

If you read the Bible like I do, you see it makes perfect sense, yet contradicts itself and does not actually contradict itself. That’s how you know it’s God’s Word.
The bible is suppose to be clear, only that it's easily misinterpreted, but it's not esoteric or occult (in the sense of secretive). Praying isn't sin, sin is what brings death, praying is talking to God. This is why you shouldn't take books that are artificially added to the bible seriously. One example would be the trinity and how it can come off as a contradiction to a lot of other religions, yet the bible speaks of God as three distinct people, and one God at the same time. But it doesn't require specialized knowledge to understand it, because it's out in the open.

My point is always read the source, before looking into what other say about it. Also calling you weak and inferior was pretty shitty of me.
Video related.

What the church says is kind of up to denom, as long as you're not going against the bible itself, the bible is the absolute foundation. I'm not saying Sola Scripta, i'm saying it's an important introduction, and added on nonsense distorts it's meaning.

Oh it’s supposed to? Who said that? You?

Because it’s not secretive man, and I never said that in the first place. Read what I write more closely before jumping to conclusions please.

Oh I said occult
Well it’s not occult as in secret club new age shit. It’s occult, as in hidden, for the people who are not guided by the Holy Spirit to find its meaning. Satan is the father of lies and the ruler of this world, don’t forget that.

Fuck this gay black cube! Jesus show me the way out I'm begging you, I swear I'll give you a REALLY big hug.

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Seriously guys the gnostic gospels are so mysterious and symbolic, and most of all: misinterpreted.
You believe some random people what they said about gnostic works? If you read about them like I have, that is with an eye for symbolism, or also having the meaning of numbers in mind, you notice things. Some gospels talk about Jesus himself and contain deeper meanings, some texts are syncretic bullshit, made up by pagans. The real message of Jesus was not understood, but it still exists. I am still trying to see what the real Jesus taught but look, there were people like marcionites, and Sethians. Marcion deleted all Jewish references from the gospels and said he got the real bible. Fucking retard. The sethians and other gnostic groups by the time of 200 AD had their own prophets and dogma that contradicted Christ. Goddamn liars. Jesus saying I came to fulfill the law and prophets is clear that Christianity is the final form of ancient judaism, but certain Christians fell for the sin of syncretism. When someone says the Bible was inspired by the Holy Spirit it does not mean it was DICTATED by the Holy Spirit, this is a huge difference. Matthew 13 clearly talks about certain secrets, and interestingly, Thomas is said to have been given secrets in the gospel of Thomas. Certain works are so difficult to interpret that you should trust nobody on them that has a PhD, is from comparative religion study, or a historian. I have meditated on these texts. I still have a mountain of work to do, but I can clearly see that elements of Platonism, elements that contradict Christ, have been, by inspiration of Satan, added to the words of the Saviour in many gnostic texts. But my feeling tells me, that I can find out what Jesus taught and what he clearly did not, and maybe I will go insane on the way. So pray for me please.

That's called chemistry, physics, biology… Nothing wrong with studying those but I'm assuming that's not what OP was referring to.

In other words, maybe, but this is a theory, there are oral traditions the church fathers didn’t see as necessary, and I think some of these oral traditions fell into the hands of demonic people.

I say that because of the way it's written and because the Rosicruscianism is also related the other satanic clubs like her Hermeticism and Freemasonry. Reading into these systems is find for context on them, but the bible is different by nature from these mystery religions. It's blunt and honest. What you're talking about (look for an esoteric interpretation to the bible) has been done before by secret societies involving """"""Christians""""". en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosicrucianism
You don't need to be guided by the holy spirit to understand the bible, by changing your life to the bible you're already doing what the holy spirit would change in you.
I understand the context, however i want to make something clear to you, the occult is the new age and the New Age is a re-branding of the mystery religions and they themselves are all related to older forms of satanism.

pretty easy when you think about it

Also, troll thread

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No there is a fundamental misconception about science being distinct from the supernatural. Science can be just as Luciferian as other occult practices as we've seen with the development of AI and the Large Hadron Collider. Its called the fruit of knowledge of good (that which coincides with God's will) and evil (that which does not) for a reason and the intellect itself is a prideful aspect of man and something we shouldn't indulge. There is a reason that Luther said reason is the enemy of faith.

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." -Arthur C Clarke

Buddy, the Bible is THE mystery. Moses was raised in Egypt, remember. Dont you yourself admit that the Bible foreshadowed Christ? How could that be, without being literal and obvious? Well because symbolism. Because God is mysterious.

Do not mistake the Satanic elements with the Pure elements, because you do injustice to the ancient peoples by that; why? Because ideas like: eternal life, a soul, a highest God, ritual purity, doing good deeds, those are all found in many pagan religions. I have no idea about modern mystery stuff, what I am searching for is the secrets mentioned in Matthew 13, as far as I know no new age guru has ever claimed to have found those.

You're mistaking esotericsm with symbolism.

Bruh, the very definition of supernatural is that it is not explained by scientific reasoning or natural laws…
How are those things even remotely related to the worship of Lucifer?
What? How is it prideful to want to understand God's creation in order to gain a better appreciation of it?
And I should care about what heretics have to say because?

Oh I see
Like I said I am trying to NOT fall into the hands of Satan - the secrets I am searching for are from Christ, the arch enemy of Satan.

Becareful with esotericsm, sometimes they claim to be of God, but are sugar coated miss information, most can be debunked easily others simply switch good and evil. A lot in the truth community are shills for the mystery religon (intentional or not). much of the esoteric comes from demon (often called ascended masters) channeling/automatic writting which has a particular wisdom (like saturn worship, or esoteric patterns in media and politics), but ultimate is for the world government and against Christianity.

David Ike's relations with theosophy hooktube.com/watch?v=rr73PTiZPlY
The Age of Theosophy itself hooktube.com/watch?v=F3u4iSVpbBw

I would like also like to recommend you this video hooktube.com/watch?v=Rzo-cJgeKT4 that talks about the Saturn cube conspiracy but a Christian answer. One of the earliest missunderstandings i found was Gnostics telling me that YHWH is Saturn because of the cross, but the bible has a good answer to this where it warns against worshiping idols or making images of God.

I am also doing the same, may God bless our search for truth.

Where did all these prots come from?

Wisdom will be found by divine providence, God bless you man.

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Former esotericists here.
Realize none of that shit will move you a single step toward salvation.

I still have an intellectual interest in those things, when I find myself reading one of those books I ask myself "Will this help me toward salvation? Am I building virtues and following commandments? No, I am not."

Stop getting dubtrips.

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thank you




Can I still watch Styx?

begone nad

Ya shouldn't. He still dabbles in the occult and hermeticism at least it isn't card carrying satanism anymore , but I also haven't watched his videos in a long while. Maybe he found God? tbh, I doubt it but a guy can be optimistic, right?