Another Hot Supermodel Arrested For Sexual Misconduct With 13-Year-Old Lucky Bastard

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Why does this keep happening? Where were these sex crazy teachers when I was a boy?

The luckiest motherfucker alive.

Daddy gets jealous

She's a coal burning thot. my guess, the kid she got caught molesting was also brown/black. what a whore.

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funny, she looks better without all that hooker makeup

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hopefully they send her to dyke prison.

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She was just trying to find a cock bigger than smoll beaner cock

Feels bad.

heavy makeup looks good only in pictures, if even that, in the nature it always looks weird as fuck, like wearing a mask

Oh Mordecai, go back to plebbit. Regardless of what (((you))) think or want us to think that shit does significantly more damage to a 13yo boy than a 13yo girl. ib4 pedo girls mature mentally significantly earlier and more quickly than boys.

I wish i got 'raped' when i was a horny little shit.

Seriously, There was no blood nothing was forceful….
For god Sake when I was 13 I would have given my left nut to have a teacher like her.
Let Her go!

This disgusts me to no end. Fucking sand-in-their-cunts mothers who wish to monitor their childrens' entire lives and who think they're entitled to a veto about every single activity in which their child engages.

Puritans make me fucking sick.

If i knew my 13 year old son was getting it on with his milf teacher i'd high five him
Maybe even ask if i could join in sometimes


Am I the only one who finds her to be ugly ?… She resembles a rodent mixed with a lizard. Who gives a flying fuck about this story ?… I simply feel sorry for the kid having to fuck a lizard nosed, rat eyes Polish Jew looking piece of shit.


The new face of cuck
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These kinds of things should have a trial with a jury of 13 year old boys.
If they rate the teacher pretty enough, she goes free but has to do community service of servicing the community, namely, neets with topless handjobs for a year.

The husband immediately forgave his wife and begged for her not to go to jail. I wonder how much soy he consumes everyday to be so literally cucked.

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he must be rich, otherwise she would have dumped him long time ago

well she looks okay but hot supermodel is exaggerated

FFS let her free

now if it was a girl

She is a wife, have a jury of wives instead. Let her peers judge her.

you brought up a valid point. if she is to be judged in here by desperate adult males who still haven't reached the sexual experience level of the average 11 year old, of course everyone is going to say she's 'pretty' (she's not) or that the student was 'lucky' (not really, because these days the average 13 year old is getting his dick sucked regularly)

Just because THESE guys in here can't figure out how to convince a female to climb in bed with them, that doesn't mean that the rest of the world is socially and sexually inept as well…

These brainiacs can pretend they're discriminating all they want, but the fact remains that they'd fuck even the ugliest of females, as long as they didn't have to put down their sissyboy video game controllers

That does sound fun to be honest.

t. Zig Forums

Is this the Caucasian standard of beauty?

I think her tits look strange in the other picture. She's not horrible, but she's the kind of awkward proportioned person I'd want to get to know before getting involved with. And we probably wouldn't because apparently she's a fucking crazy person that should be lobotomized and de-wombed.

Issue her a mop and bucket so she can sweep floors with the remainder of her days as she stares vacantly into space with her brain on a loop trying to register why she always smells burnt toast.

reminded me of these legends

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checking your devil trips
another white whore cucking her white husband

If anything girls mature faster old male young female should be the norm.

She is ugly old hag with makeup but these amerimutts are brainwashed grnadmaphiles.

raised on (((MILF))) porn


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ive personally watched a male teacher look up the skirts of young 10-13 yr females.
it was in front of the school where they were changing the letters on the sign

the spics in suburban white communities are disgusting.
They talk fast and lewd. they litter and try their best to act white.

not to mention the association that america circumcised boys have with sex as a VIOLENT emotion and not a sensual one.
YOu'd be amazed about how much of a cuck an american woman can get away with.
They're mutually empowered by their gender as they are to their deceptive, sexual nature.

that is constitutional as fuck. props for this idea

jesus that kid must be absolutely pissed

because virgin NEET faggots and normies alike love this kind of news and will always post the same boring enthusiastic cheering "but I'm not a pedo" bullshit. So it's the ultimate slide news for kike media outlets and board shills. Just check how much news here gets labeled "fake news with crisis actors" while these kinds of gossip magazine articles get a pass from the current year Zig Forumsewsmen even though there's a similar new story every week just with a different picture.

that's disgusting…. by that age, they're already over the hill.

as far as I'm concerned, no other teacher could ever be quite as amazing as Debra LaFave, who was fucking a 14 year old student back in 2004…

when people say these recent teachers are 'hot', I have to laugh…


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You'll NEVER find a teacher as smokin' hot as Debra LaFave… Never…

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Here's my 3D model I created of Debra LaFave back in 2005.

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I think Debra LaFave should have received a humanitarian award

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When I was looking for my 3D model I created of Debra Lafave, I stumbled across these other 3D models I created of other women, and I figured 'what the fuck I might as well show them too'

Attached: ASHTON REVEAL.JPG (787x501, 389.59K)

And last, but not least, my ex-wife and Elvis

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the thirst is real


LMFAO@your attempts to justify your latent homosexuality

dude… if I kicked that stupid video game controller out of your fucking hands and unzipped my pants, you would drop to your knees and take my dick down your throat without putting up a fight at all…

but you sit here developing all kinds of ridiculous complicated hypothetical scenarios to try and make your effemininity seem you have some kind of unexplained plausible deniability…

you're a faggot……..

Yeah, she's genuinely a pretty girl. Damn, her life fucked now boiii. Be sucking that BBC to get by.

You mean 18 and playing a 45 year old roastie.

the teacher wont be 45 until the kid is in his 30s. if the teacher is pregnant now, the student will pay child support from 18 to 30ish, when the baby would be an adult

its not gay to realize this woman is a predator. i think you are really desperate for sex, maybe a virgin. try getting a gf and you'll realize theres more to life than getting your carrot wet

rape laws originally only applied to men raping females. how it came full circle to bite women in the ass is a mystery.

clearly triggered

Reality: if the genders were reversed everyone would be enfuriated.

I waited til all the way through junior and high school to be on the safe side. That long wait was more than worth the weekend at the cabin with the best English teacher ever.

Sucks not getting that cunny legally, you should protest about it.

I believe that most of the cucks married with those whores cant hide their laughs so they say wathever shit that keeps them free from ostracism.

you condone rape? this is why female pedophiles never get arrested, because of horny fucks like you.



hahaha they seriously bought like 2 years on this pizzagate thing so they could desensitize people with perfectly assembled incidents of gawdesses coming down to rape innacint peazints

are these mods with the worst names ever or some 12 year old

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quite a few of those are valid apart from the Waifuist one, /b/ when the fuck is cp even here anyway rape and gore are everywhere so stop being a little bitch, 8teen is and all the other pedo boards were nuked and no one really uses them anymore, from what I've seen at least.
I think you're just a little faggot who's trying to hate on Zig Forums or any other chan because XD

I SEEN in porn that woman have vaginas that wet stuff comes out.

DDDid he,i mean,llike pput his tongue on that wet stuff?

I like the way you think,son!

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I BET she made him lick it up and swallow it!

Le Reddit space while telling someone to go back there……

male pedophiles shouldn't be arrested either, only rapists. literal rapists, not this muh age of consent kikery.

Feminism has been very effective in propagating this myth to the status of accepted fact. Even men who were abused will later deny the negative consequences, much like they will do regarding male genital mutilation. Fathers will even say "I want it for my son too", even in this thread we have posts claiming that a father should be happy if his son is abused.
Full spectrum dominance of feminist doctrine.
offender was a female. The experience of child sexual abuse significantly increased the risk of negative health outcomes and social/relational problems across the life span of this group of adults. Individuals in this study who had experienced childhood sexual abuse had an increase risk for a suicide attempt, depression, and alcohol and drug problems. As studies continue to substantiate that sexual abuse by females is a significant social and public health problem, it becomes evident that education on the identification and detection of female sexual crime is important in the training of law enforcement personnel, child protection workers, educators, and health professionals (Bunting, 2005;Denov, 2003b; Gannon, Rose, & Ward, 2008; Turton, 2007).
a male sex off ender in the same terms. However, it is true that a prominent cognitive distortion that male sex offenders have used to justify their sexually abuse behavior is that they were “teaching” the child about sex or that the sexual abuse of a child is about “loving a child” and not about abuse, betrayal, and exploitation (Duncan, 2004). Cognitive distortions are considered one of the primary risk factors that increase the likelihood of reoffending. Both adolescent female sex offenders (Kubik & Hecker, 2005) and adult female sex
offenders (Strickland, 2008) have been identified as exhibiting cognitive distortions regarding their sexual abuse that are similar to those of adolescent and
adult male sex off enders. Both groups of sexual offenders, male and female, strive to exonerate their crimes and deny the harm they cause their victims through the lens of their off ending attitudes and beliefs.
from other children, isolating a child and preventing outside contact with others, and normalizing the keeping of secrets and threats to harm herself or the
child if the sexual abuse is told about.
sexual offenses are labeled “mad, bad or victim” (p. 2) and that when these views are held, a female’s agency in committing sexual crimes is lessened and discounts the victim's experience.

Attached: female_predators.jpg (322x500, 33.33K)

The experience of child sexual abuse significantly increased the risk of negative health outcomes and social/relational problems across the life span of this group of adults. Individuals in this study who had experienced childhood sexual abuse had an increase risk for a suicide attempt, depression, and alcohol and drug problems.

so basically the words of the teenage boys who were fucking their hot teachers are not to be taken into consideration, the only relevant authority are the opinions of (((professionals)))?

What if it was an ugly mannish looking teacher with benign facial tumors and she shoved a dildo up your ass? Still happy?

Brittany Zamora is not an ugly mannish looking teacher with benign facial tumors and she didn't shove dildos up the teenager's ass.

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Sure. I'm just saying "be careful for what you wish for". Make sure that when you find a genie you specify "very attractive" and "no weird stuff" in your teacher fantasy.

I think these studies are biased and miss the point. The point isn't that the children themselves will feel bad about it, but that it will damage their perception of sex. We already have good data that shows that the more sex a woman has before marriage, the more likely she is to divorce. Pedos are damaging little girls by turning them into sluts and this is breaking up future marriages and making loads of worthless politically active women.

Gays meanwhile are giving kids AIDs and other STDs which exist at staggeringly high rates in the bum bum communittee. In neither case does it matter whether the child enjoys it or is traumatized or not. Girls will be turned into worthless sluts, and boys will be given horrible diseases by faggots.

Adult man on little girl or adult man on little boy are cancer. The only pure and beneficial pairing is when an adult woman introduces a young boy to sex. That boy will feel like a massive stud and will be on a confidence high that will make him into a great and powerful adult.

It really just boils down to a question of morals. Conservatives view sluttyness as shameful and sinful, liberals do not see anything wrong with it and don't place much value on marriage either.

I have a little experience in this subject.

When I was 26, I was repeatedly molested by a 16 year old girl who performed oral sex on me, and then she had the unmitigated audacity to put her vagina around my penis.

As if I wasn't already traumatized enough, she manipulated me into being her puppet in a ploy for her to experience her first anal sex.

I was too afraid to protest the sexual assault she performed on me, so I didn't say a thing, scared she might force me into ejaculating into her a fourth time.

To say I was 'traumatized' would be an understatement, as I was left with ongoing psychological damage which manifested in me repeatedly masturbating over the course of the next several days.

Feminists believe that men can also be victims of sexual abuse by a woman.
Until they see shit like this thread and confirm that men would rather congratulate this monster for raping a 13yo child. Then, they realize men are so far removed from victimization that they don't even care if a boy is raped by a woman.


It should boil down to consequences, but neither conservatives nor liberals care about either. A stronger more capable ideology will crush them underfoot.

the vast majority of all 13+ year olds want to be taught how to fuck like rabbits.

It's like human nature.
The thing is any girl can find such a person, while it's a bit harder for a boy, most such boys or former boys can see that this would be super awesome.

We just teach our girls that omg sex is so bad especially with older people and omg you were raped even though your pussy was wet and quivering and orgasmed six times. You poor thing.

classic degeneracy itt

There's no way that women are that impressionable.

Thing is the boy doesn't view himself as a rape victim, it's people like you demanding he see himself that way which is what's fucked up. Maybe you should ask rape victims themselves what they feel and actually listen to them, instead of using them to push your agenda. Rape victims literally get attacked by so called activists for saying the wrong things.

One single new line after a quote is standard writing style / formatting you fucking uneducated nigger.

more self-esteem
more confidence
more ability
more friends (by proxy)
more future girlfriends (by proxy)
better job and life (by proxy)


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Itt: jealous involuntary-feminist cucks

This thread and a bunch of its comments just got copied on /b/

ITT : Degenerate pedoshits.


jim ate my pic

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>These feelings seem to have sprung from a place of pervasive neglect, since a number of the men described emotionally barren families where the predominant affective expression was anger and belittlement. It is not surprising to hear their statements of wanting to belong somewhere, anywhere, regardless of the context: "Even though the abuse was happening and it was consistent, so was their behavior. I knew what to expect at all times. I felt I belonged somewhere. I felt I was wanted. I felt I was, had a sense of being needed."

You study seems to be mostly about men who were abused as little children, were from dysfunctional homes, or were taken homosexually - not as post-pubescent, healthy, horny young men banging a hot teacher - which makes it completely irrelevant to this discussion.

But go ahead an keep on victimizing them by seeing them as "damaged goods" even though what they want most from you is to not do that.

More irrelevance to this discussion.

Again, being sodomized by a grown man when you're a prepubescent but ultimately heterosexual boy will no doubt cause some issues for the individual in this society but what the fuck does that have to do with this?

Do you have any data to post which is relevant or are you content to make your points from behind a study which has no relevance to this situation?
