Brazilia vs Venezuela war

What would a Brazilian Venezuelan war even look like? Who would win? How many South American countries will be pulled into the conflict?

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Us, unless the borders are opened wide for the refugees, in which case the Jews would.

Ever seen BR or Mexican executions? Now imagine those but on a mass scale with hundreds of thousands butchered. They will kill all wildlife too.

What happened to the trucker strike?

I could see it happening tbh

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I strong suspect socialists will be gutted in Brazil soon. Wouldn’t be surprised if Brazil goes full national socialists. Attacks on fags and Jews in Brazil are increasing. Brazilians don’t like how gays and Jews are protected citizen above anyone else.

Man, that war was a real shitshow.

Blood for the sun god

Shhh… no tears… only darkness now…

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A war would look like a huge slaughter with very little distinction being made between war and crime. Almost every south American war has been killing all POW's raping all the women and riding off on the horses.

The socialist president Lula who is currently set for prison is still massively popular only being beaten out by the right-wing candidate, if some war breaks out between the two countries Venezuela might use the lefties as a massive fifth column.


Someone please meme right huehue wing death squads.


What would the Brazilian Equivalent of moon man be?

Now that I think about it, a war like this could bring back FALs into the jungle.

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Those hordes will not pass. Our own resident commies and the current socialist government are next in line for the helicopter ride, and once we do, we will depopulate that hellhole just like we did with Paraguay. The red hellspawn have ruined our nation long enough.
No more mercy, only revenge.

Do not trust mass media. Presidential polls are rigged. Lula and his entire party are communist animals, as all other parties save for one - Bolsonaro's. Thankfully, we have taken another step into the right direction today by barring Lula from running for president. Soon, the rest of his cohorts will follow, and their little game of Fabian socialism will at last be finally over.

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Monkey fight. This might be the first time in my life where I'm actually rooting for the brazilians.

Communists have ruined our international image since 1986. Even "monkey" memes were caused by them indirectly, with the advent of the internet coming at a most unfortunate time. The very same communism that's been ingrained in your country since the 60's as well so don't give me that shit, Israel lackey.

Uma delicia?

Why would I fight for Brazilians?

Wouldn't that be chinks?

Anyone have that video of those Brazilians decapitating a guy on a toilet, or those kids that were shot? I feel like the Venezuelans would lose tbh

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Brazil, like most of South America, was pretty white. Either way, this tbh. Venezuelans let Venezuelan Rambo die in vain. They've made their bed, now they must lie in it.

Pretty sure Brazilians being monkeys is older than that. Huehuehue definitely is.

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You would not fight for Brazilians. You would fight for communist beaner removal.

What a good timing, I was wondering if we we going to run out of wars to spectate with Assad winning the Syrian war soon enouh, and fuck all happening in Ukraine.

Removing communist is a duty man, do you think all those mercenaries in Africa were fighting for the slightly less dumb blacks? No they were there to fuck communists up.

Venezuela can barely pay their soldiers, and the military is probably the most well fed part of the nation at this point. I guess they would not have the means (financial or logistical) to supply their army once a proper war broke out, so it would most likely turn into a game of poaching/looting for food and scavenging enemy weapons for them.
On the other hand Brazil has a lot of equipment, but it would be hard to impossible to have all of it bear down on Venezuela. They would most likely try to protect villages and roads, while the Venezuelans would stick to the forests. It ain't me starts playing in the background.
Seeing as the Venezuelans are underequipped they would most likely start ambushing Brazillian supply convoys, steal their weapons, ammo, food and other supplies and set the vehicles on fire in order to block the roads. Brazil can try to bring in their air force as support, but good luck trying to find a human sized target under a thick cover of trees. Also: good luck distinguishing a human from some other large mammal on thermals. The best bet the Brazillians would have wouldn't be on the defensive. They would have to push for the Venezuelan home land and then fight a long and brutal COIN war against the remnants of the Venezuelan army. Maybe once they get the news that their families are no longer being fed by the government they will surrender.

Have you never taken a look at the Balkans? The only thing you need is guns, ammo and will.

Your mistake here is that you think gorilla warfare works the same way as guerrilla warfare. Not once has a south american fighting force of any type demonstrated western guerrilla tactics; it's drive-by's and hit n' runs with no overarching tactic or goal. You see that one webm of some "guerrillas" pulling up to an outpost in an open-top truck and firing by-the-will-of-allah-style? That's the type of stuff we can expect.


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Blood for the blood god. Kill communists from infant to elder

You'd be fighting against communists

Any red slanteye is a gook, but yeah it's the chinks.

It originated from northeastern monkeys in cybercafes being the most prominent image of the country in online games and forums in the early 2000s, and it spread like wildfire. Most of the violence, nigger ancestry, criminals, poverty and diseases come from the northeast, and I hope to live long enough to see it cleansed, along with Rio.
All we have to do is purge the communist corruption, and everything else will fall in place.
We had such a rich history, it hurts me to see it being neglected, erased and hidden from the rest of the world. We once had the world's third strongest navy in the world back in the 19th century for example.

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Question. How are Brazilians and Colombians racist for wanting to Secure theirs borders from Venezuelans when they are mostly of the same race?

Communists are a race of people like the jews are a race of people, one is a parasite and the other is some sort of self eating bacteria.

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Racist. Borders are a xenophobic white construct in order to oppress the upstanding narcogender transnog rapekin minorities.

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What’s the odds Columbians doing a better job at reporting illegals than trump?

I never liked cats like house cats, but these jaguars are both terrifying and kinda cute to me.

highly likely.

Don't reinforce ignorant racist rightwing stereotypes. Be a knowledgeable racist rightwing using specific racial slurs for specific peoples.

Gooks are Korean, ex:

Wasn't this a plot for a call of duty where South America turns into one big country and becomes a world super power?

Doesn't Brazil alone out-GDP all other South American countries together?

The Reichstag Museo Nacional is burning.

IIt was most likely a pissed off parasite that entered the country, was told he wasnt wanted, then burned down something big because he is a subhuman.

This. Too much for a coincidence. All Venezuelans and sympathizing commies should be rounded up an burnt in a public fire.

Realistic. Brazil is one of the few nation fascism could take off.

Definitely a little pissy now, being part Portuguese :^)

Hey now Grecian, I'm sure there were some too old too help Venezuelan Rambo.
In all seriousness, why kill them all when you can make them your bitch? Ruling over the conquered is much better than being a Finnish-tier scourge.

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Thou shalt not suffer a poisoner to live.
- Exodus 22:18

Don't worry monkey strelok, we'll be there with you soon enough ;_;

didn't you guys stomp that country so hard it still hasn't recovered?

I thought it was more of "Paraguay was such a retard that it declared war on three regional powers, then tried to fight them guerilla style only to fail".

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Can we have another greentext story time?

Because sooner or later you won't be able to control them. In X amount of years they will get their rights back either through revolution or pressure from leftist activists in your country. No one will be permanently slave to someone else. Even if it takes a thousand years to break free, it will be done. Therefore not killing them all once and for all achieves nothing. The entire world will continue to suffer from a retarded and worthless population that should not exist. Earth's resources will continue to be ultimately wasted for the life support of these subhuman monkeys. Crime rate will continue to rise and white DNA will continue to get muddier and muddier.

That is the absolute undeniable reality. Human emotions are irrelevant. The absolute truth and ultimate solution will always be massive genocide. Only Europeans and white Americans deserve to live on this earth. The rest are just parasites feeding off of achievements.

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From what I remember they declared war on one country to keep the leadership of another country in power, and went through Brazil to get to the fighting. The country they were trying to protect went through a regime change and declared war on them too, and instead of trying to negotiate terms just kept fighting until over half the population had died.

What about Japan, tripsman?
where else will I get military songs with Karaoke-ready lyrics?

Split the world in two, one half for the Asians and one half for whites.

Fuck him, he's the reason both Americans are out of work and he's now out of a job too. If he had moved out of Venezuela to do Solidworks in some other shit hole when all this shit started, he wouldn't be a rapefugee.

I guess I'm about to make another screencap-worthy dumb burger comment, but how the fuck do you have twice as many casualties than what you even began with?

The war has a weirdly contested body count. Those shown are the traditional account and they probably lost the other 150k by either disease or by sending civilians against allied troops. I'm not an expert on the war, I just know it happened and ruined Paraguay's thoroughly.

Sounds like some holohoax tier shit if they're coming up with twice as many bodies as what existed at the time.

Nobody really knows how many people were in the country before the war. There was a census afterwards, but not one for several decades before.
What is known is that at least 75% of the adult male population was killed, since post-war, women outnumbered men 4:1. It's certain that many women were slaughtered too, so that would put the fraction of male population killed higher as well.

The strength number is soldiers. The casualties number is soldiers and civilians.

I see the distinction now, burger reading comprehension verified.

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All we did was enact justice.
>Lopez, being the greedy expansionist fuck that he was, kept going, despite his old dying father explicitly warning him to never wage war against Brazil
Sure we've depopulated the country but they asked for it. They managed to piss off one of the most chill emperors history has ever seen hard enough to make him want to join a war.

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Thank you for storytime

te amo Brasil, Rio is such a beautiful city

I've always wondered how a country recovers from that in the modern world. Obviously lots of fucking and women selling themselves abroad if you're a "white" country, but for a country like Paraguay, their women are all mestizo so outside of the neighboring countries (who probably wouldn't want them seeing as they went to war with them), you wouldn't be wanted as a fucktoy abroad and the local religious values and lack of supplies/infrastructure following a war likely make it difficult at best for a man (other than a rich guy who wants relatively pretty women) to have more than one or two wives. Not to mention being a man in a country like that who's still alive means you're probably a bottom bitch among the men who were in the country prior to the war (or a traitor in one form or another) meaning you'd basically have no respect despite being unspokenly required to repopulate the nation. Part of me was always curious about being a guy in one of those countries following a war, while the sane part of me would hope I was one of the men killed so I wouldn't have to live with that shame. That doesn't even get into the fact that you have a generation of bottom bitches and corrupt men running the nation for the next quarter century at least.

You know the more I think about a war like that, the more I realize I'd rather my people be genocided at that point.

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Corrected myself there.

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It used to be beautiful in more ways than just looks…
Don't visit it though, it's not safe.

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Good post.

Thanks for story time, fixie bike.

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You forgot the part with President Hayes.

Source faggot.

That's assuming quite a lot, you faggot.
Yeah, no shit sherlock. Glory and living a worthwhile life is way more fulfilling the living to live, you base materialist.
As it happens with every race. People stop reproducing and the ones that do end up with foreigners.
That's funny. Did the Spanish suffer from the death of the Maya civilization? Did the Germanics suffer from the death of Rome?
Believe it or not, but different situations call for different measures. If the Venezuelans need to be genocided, they will be. If not, they won't. Also, pic extremely related.

Unrelated, but do you worship Adolf Hitler? Honest question.

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He's right, faggot. There is not other solution besides the final solution, but Jesus is going to burn all non-whites anyways when he returns

Splendid argument you have there.

Not once in history did conquerors manage to permanently keep their slaves / enemies under control. Every time even if it took thousands of years, the conquered people managed to either kick their enemies away or they earned rights through political ways. Nothing is assumed, it is simply impossible to make someone your slave for all of eternity. For example, from their point of view, Turkey's biggest mistake when they conquered Greee was not killing us all when they had the chance. Or population wasn't that big, and they had 400 years to do it. But they didn't, they just used us to pay taxes, rape some women and take 1 boy from every family to enlist in the Ottoman army. That's it. But after the Greeks pulled a revolution, they genocided every last Jew and Muslim in the entire country and rightfully so. If Turkey had simply killed us all off back then, they wouldn't have to watch millions of their own civilians get butchered by our hands, today they wouldn't have to deal with us, and the entire Aegean would be theirs. But they fucked up, and now they have an old enemy with 250,000 troops right next to them, each ready to fight all the way to Ankara in the blink of the eye.
Are you retarded? That's the conclusion you reached after reading my post, retard?
Whites have the lowest crime rate. And Whites are Nature's biggest accomplishment. If killing every other race and tribe on earth meant that we no longer risked further ruining our DNA, I would gladly do it and if you're not retarded or a shitskin, you'd do it too.
Subhumans require our help and resources to survive. We all pay for their survival through taxes and work. Subhumans ruin civilization wherever they go and they increase crime rate by absurdly high amounts. That does indeed make the whites suffer, retard. What would happen if they all stopped existing tomorrow? Crime rate statistics would drop to the bottom, diseases would drop to the bottom, pollution would decrease and whites would live better lives.

His ideology is almost perfect. Hitler's only problem was his acceptance of shitskins. He didn't wish for the genocide for all non-whites, while I do.

Hey faggot, were we talking about our respective countries, or some shithole in South America?

I was always talking to the grand scheme of things. It doesn't matter where they live, almost every country in the world leeches off of white resources and money to survive. The ones that don't are probably less than 5, since I can't even think of one that doesn't take from us. How does Brazil and Venezuela make money or produce things? By themselves?

No because the Mayas had nothing at that point to offer except maybe miner labour.

There were no dramatic drawbacks because they were semi-selfsuffient barbarians back then, still kept raiding Italy for gibs until half of it ended up as Lombardi from too much rape. Also Franks were the closest to the continuation of Rome in western Europe and pretty much full blown Romaboos, no need to fucking mention Charlemagne I guess.

No because the Mayas had nothing at that point to offer except maybe miner labour.

There were no dramatic drawbacks because they were semi-selfsuffient barbarians back then, still kept raiding Italy for gibs until half of it ended up as Lombardi from too much rape. Also Franks were the closest to the continuation of Rome in western Europe and pretty much full blown Romaboos, no need to fucking mention Charlemagne I guess.

tbf Brazil makes lots of legit trade in agricultural products like bananas, coffee, cocoa and seasonal prostitution and they are not anywhere near as dependent to humanitarian gibs as most turd world countries are.

Paraguay made high-school anime real?

Of the regimes that have run Brazil since the 1800s, which was the best in your opinion?
I've heard people talk about Getulio Vargas but don't know much about the history of Brazil.

Also where in Brazil is worth visiting/safe?
Belo Horizonte?

I personally can't wait to hear people crying no about the poor communists being removed much to the fear of the news analysts praying that the hip new fad sweeping South America won't soon migrate North

Make sure they suffer.

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It's hard to give an you answer without some (a lot) of background.

The real Brazil died in 1889, when Dom Pedro II and his royal family were forcibly expelled from the country by a coup orchestrated by the army. The same army that fought in the Paraguayan front by his side. That was the end of our great Empire. What followed was a period of turmoil that spanned the better half of a century.

First, there was the Old Republic regime, also known as the "Milk Coffee Republic", ruled by corrupt coffee/milk farm elites, in alliance with the army officers who carried out the coup, who sought to preserve their wealth by installing a system where candidates for presidency could only hail from either Minas Gerais or São Paulo, and would be voted among the elites themselves, completely disregarding vox populi. They trashed our original constitution and replaced it with their own version. Needless to say, the short period in which it was in effect from (1889~1930), this wretched """republic""" managed to destroy our independence and sovereignty in the world theater. It cast us low, brought our nation to the brink of economical disaster for their own gain and caused so many popular revolts that it's widely regarded as the absolute worst period of our history, climaxing in the advent of Getúlio Vargas. It effectively destroyed our progress, so much so that we wouldn't industrialize until we joined WWII. 400 years of history and hard-earned respect in the international community, destroyed in 40, by a bunch of kikes.

The Vargas era was a troubled one. Seeing the opportunity arise from popular revolts against the establishment and overall societal chaos giving birth to many different political factions Getúlio Vargas took power through a coup, crashing the 1930's election of the corrupt elites, ending the Old Republic. From then on, he would extend his office by postponing elections, intimidating other candidates, and using the media to paint his own image as the new "savior of the nation". His government was a double-edged sword; his economical reforms helped stabilize the country and aided the lower castes of society, earning him the title of "Father of the Poor", but what is not often told however was that the "poor" he helped were the same impoverished people his own government birthed. He created the Consolidation of Labor Laws, standardizing paid employment for everyone…at the cost of lowering the salary ceiling for everyone. He expanded all forms of media for nation-wide reach, from newspapers to radio, but he also maintained absolute control over them all.
Vargas was a big fan of fascism. Ideologically, he aligned himself with Hitler and Mussolini, and shaped his government with their ideas, rewriting our constitution yet again. Although he kept a populist facade, he based the societal structure on Mussolini's Carta del Lavoro, stomping any political movement or revolt that rose during his time in power. Tutto nello Stato, niente al di fuori dello Stato, nulla contro lo Stato. In order to keep the population calm, he employed the Bread and Circuses tactic, replacing long-standing cultural values and traditions with petty things like soccer and carnaval. This is where modern day Brazil's obsession with football and partying disposition originated from.
Brazil hosted many political parties during this era; integralists, communists (led by the fucking KGB), fascists, conservatives, and so on. But one thing that very few people know is that Brazil used to host THE largest Nazi party in the world after Germany itself - one of the many products of Vargas' vision. A large chunk of Brazilians actually approved of Hitler's sociopolitical methodology. Of course, all of this came crumbling down when the Nazis began to target our neutral civilian trade ships - sailing in neutral waters, in trade routes to neutral countries - with their U-Boats. Enraged, the population turned their backs on Nazism and demanded Vargas to respond to this affront. He was conflicted, and sought to make peace with the Nazis, but to no avail. In the end, Brazilian boots landed in Northern Italy, and we went to war.
Vargas' regime would last until 1945, when he committed suicide with a bullet through the heart due to persecution from the media, which was fed up with his propaganda. Even his death was calculated, as he built his image much like Hitler did in Germany as a man of the people, and would go down in history as a martyr.

The following years would foretell a great disaster. With Vargas' death, the power vacuum that followed would be the moment of opportunity for the red menace to infect our nation. After a few populist governments with nigh nonexistent achievements and disastrous effects on our economy, the communist presence grew so large that they began to plan yet another coup. That was the straw that broke the camel's back.

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Realizing the error of their ways, Brazil's military knocked some sense into its own head and began to plan a counterattack to stop communism from taking over. They planned and grew stronger for years, and in 1964, when democrat president João Goulart was out of the country on a trip, the military mobilized. From Minas Gerais all the way to Rio, the army took to the streets and, with the aid of virtually everyone - the population who was sick of economic instability, the media who didn't want to persecuted, business owners who didn't want to have their investments taken away, even the catholic church, who enacted the Just War on the "Sin of Communism" (yes, communism is a legit sin to the church) - they seized control of the nation by force, destroying the communists before they could enact their plans. Make no mistake, the military regime WAS NOT a coup. They saved the nation from a fate Venezuela and Cuba are facing right now.
The military regime was a brief period of resurgence for us. In just over 20 years, they've built roads, industries, power plants, universities, particle accelerators, our very own space program, and pretty much everything that qualifies us as a modern nation today. Half of what we have now is owed to them.
Our military development was even more dauntless; we built our own military industry in latin america, our very own production plants, our very own arms and vehicles, and many other things. Did you know that we almost beat the US's M1 Abrams in a tank design competition for a contract with Saudi Arabia? Look up "EE-T1 Osório"; even though it was a prototype, it was a serious contender with mass produced MBTs of other nations, even beating England and France in the competition, and coming in a close second to the Abrams. Had it not used too much outsourced technology and not been a prototype, it would've won. Had it not been for the media being the ingrate nosy fucks that they were, we'd have our own nukes too. We were developing them in secrecy, and it would've made us a respectable power in the world theater, had we finished it. The military regime catapulted is right back into the international scene.
The military regime brought order and safety to the population. Criminals were shot dead, no questions asked; druggies were ostracized; faggots and degenerates were beaten. With the aid of the CIA in the School of The Americas, our military learned how to hunt, track down and torture communist guerillas and KGB agents infiltrated in our nation. A total of just over 300 people were kidnapped and/or killed in these endeavors, all of them tied to the USSR in some form or another. But as nice as it may seem, the military regime did had its fuckups though. One of them was cataloguing workers of the media in its entirety, another was raising the prices on pretty much everything, making acquisition of things like fancy electronics rather difficult, another one was the ever-growing debt to other countries (which turned out to be negligible compared to what would come later). One major mistake of theirs was the construction of Brasília, our federal district, which would soon become a hellpit of evil. But their biggest mistake was also the most simple: They hunted for communists in the bushes, not in schools and universities, where they had infiltrated and corrupted the minds of the youth. A forgivable mistake, where else would you think to look for when hunting commie animals?

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But hopefully, all of this will change. The reason why this year's election is such a big deal for us is that Jair Bolsonaro, the presidential candidate with the highest ratings, is the first right-wing candidate we've had in many years. This, combined with all the ousting and revelations of this decade-long massive corruption scheme that has been going on since Dilma's impeachment, is giving the right a lot of leverage. Things are looking promising. Now we are witnessing the first spark of The Great Replacement, with Venezuelan immigrants invading our lands, and our history being erased. We just lost 200+ years of history in that museum fire, which I damn sure know was orchestrated. It's about time we fought back.
We're at the very edge, staring into the abyss of the communist "utopia". if we don't succeed this time, well…

I may have left out some details but that's the general gist of it. The worst thing is that all of this was, in hindsight, one massive provisional government that lasted 96 years, followed by a socialist government. We've been trying to pick up the pieces ever since our emperor was taken from us.

To answer your question, the nation I'm patriotic towards ceased to exist well over a century ago. It died with its noble ruler, Dom Pedro II, away from home. A bright future, stolen and replaced with chaos. That's the story of Brazil.

Attached: Hino do Império do Brasil.mp4 (480x360, 7.25M)

Things aren't looking too good anywhere over here, but general rule is the further South you go, the better.
Joaçaba, Santos, Vitória, Balneário Camboriú, Florianópolis and Curitiba are nice places to visit. I wouldn't advise going to Rio, Espirito Santo, or anywhere in the northeast. The tourism isn't worth your safety.
Also don't parade your possessions and steer clear from anyone who looks even remotely like a funkeiro. They are to us what niggers are to you.

Thank you bro, that was a nice read about a sad story. Hopes and prayers are with you, hopefully Brazil can become a truly modern nation and a beacon of hope in South America.

Thanks for the history lesson.
Hopefully you guys remember to remove the communists in academia as well. It may look bad to target professors and other self professed intellectuals when examined on the surface, and believe me when I say that unless you accomplish communist removal thoroughly and absolutely it will be vilified and propagated by any sympathizers, especially since they will latch onto peaceful professors being persecuted for no reason but as you yourself said, it was a forgivable mistake. The trick now is to learn from the mistake and not make it again.

Vid related.

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Thanks. One way or another, the curtains will close soon.
This museum was the Imperial Palace of Brazil. Built by Dom João VI, founder of Brazil. Home of Dom Pedro I and Dom Pedro II and the royal family. Our empire - our nation - began here. It's ashes now.
Fight for your country, Anons. Mine will never be the same again.

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yeah- no, you can't even own funz in Brazil IIRC

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Our guns were stolen from us. The Estatuto do Desarmamento, imposed in 2003 during Lula's government, enforced the disarmament of the population with absurd gun control laws.
After a lot of complaints, we've had a plebiscite in 2005 where the people were asked if gun controls laws should be revoked, and over 60% voted yes.
These "laws" were kept anyway, and we were denied our rights, as we have many times in this so called (((democracy))). Before the gun control laws, homicide rates were mostly upon criminals. Now they're almost exclusively civilian deaths.

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Venezuelans will join up with mexico. Mexico a shithole even without communism. Imagine a communist Mexico.

They'll have solved the drug problems by running out of cocaine?


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Can mexicans even afford cocaine?