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Other urls found in this thread:

nodakspud.com/AK Receivers.htm

You can pre-order goy hmgunworks.com/product/hmg-sturmgewehr-stg-n/



Why would you even want one?
I mean an original, sure, it's a great collectible, but there is a reason why those were distributed to third worlders rather than just looted/copied even at a time most countries that did got them as loot in the hundreds of thousands (if not millions), didn't have assault rifle and had 0 problem copying everything the germans made under a new slap of paint (hell sometimes it was the same paint)…

They're pretty shit at what they do.

Ask (((Karl)))

Isn't there some German company that makes near-identical copies of Kraut WW2 weapons, even those obscure Volksturm ghetto blasters?

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The real Jewry is $800 for a chinese century arms ak

That's a spicy meatball.

Sport-Systeme Dittrich. They're quality stuff, H&K tier prices too.



pls explan schlomo

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Yup, but thanks to the NRA shilling their import bans, you'll never ever get to even see one.

Where do I get such an okay deal

It's a first of it's kind/early design type of deal just like many of the other weapons used. Such as the M1 having gaping holes for dirt ingress or the G43 getting caustic shit all over itself when firing and requiring tons of maintenance in which you remove the gas trap from the front, yet the gas trap has the front sight mounted on it making you lose zero each time you clean it. They are old designs and may have been improved but most were dumped in favor of better designs that were made using lessons learned, such as the CETME/G3

The spacers ARE lead, user.

You should see the Serb one.

An AK, like everything, is intrinsically better than a sturmgewher and a Chicom AK is better than all AKs ever made in the US.
So I dread to think what an US made sturmgewher is…

It's something designed during wartime because of war needs and they clearly stopped designing at the "this kind of works" stage.

That's not saying much when US AKs blow up. Chinese AKs don't blow up but you'll never hit what you're aiming at and when you take it apart your fingers get sliced up.

So make a Sturmgewehr 88 faget

french autist is ignoring that the weapons being sold by HMG aren't just reproductions, they've reworked almost everything internally. You really think a modern American company would charge over 1k for a weapon intentionally built with poor springs, fucked headspace, and a lifespan of less than 3k rounds? Don't be a retard.

There are some pretty nice boutique AK companies based in the US tbh. They're overpriced yeah but they aren't bad guns by any means.

How the fuck do I actually buy anything on here?

Joking aside: shit products exist, and we are yet to see how well the new StG will perform never ever.

You don't.
I could write a letter to
Sport Systeme Dittrich,Burghaiger Weg 20 a, 95326 Kulmbach
along with a copy of my hunters/sports shooters/collectors license (These are so accurate from the outside that the German government decided to allow collectors of WWII weapons to buy these things (with 30 round magazines too)). And within a month I would have my own StG 44 clone chambered in 7,92x33k for just 2700 Eurobucks.

lmaoing @ your life

My point is, it's stuff designed in wartime and mass production in wartime, under insane constraints of everything (time, materials or even simply living conditions).
You can't really complain if the G41, StG, RSC 1917, Sten, etc… are worse than similar stuff that was designed in peace time with all the time in the world and abundant testing and competition to polish them, it's perfectly normal given the insane constraint Germany/France/UK were at the time of the designs.
Making dubious designs in peace time is what is unforgivable.

Let's right a letter to HMGunworks one word at a time. Dubs have to email it to them:





If you already own a couple of nice combat rifles/carbines for those purposes, and you have the cash leftover to buy an accurate new replica for your collection, that is fine to keep building a poor weapon even in modern times for collection and fun sake. Its not like these are going to mean less FAL's, G3;s, AR in the hands of folks. Nobody is saying "I'm going to sell my high end new weapons to buy this" or "I won't get a Super Match M1a because I'm gonna buy this instead".

The complaints about old weapons still in manufacture have some validity (most old weapons being manufactured are built because they are still useful, not obsolete replicas, the M1a, Mauser, Hi Power are old but gold, still made and still useful) so backwards useless designs make no sense in the larger scheme of things. Even if the 1911 or side ejector revolver are to be called obsolescent by some, they are no obsolete, nor are they backwards junk. A nigger built Greasegun or Sten or StG44 lose to the other weapons named because, as Frenchie noted, they are inferior to the point of no longer making sense. I still defend the people who buy and want to buy these new StG44, but I understand Frenchie's argument; we use 120 year old designs that work, we don't use 70 year old designs that don't.

Even if you hate the M14/M1a, well taken care of it is capable of modern combat, the Tommy gun is heavy but as a civilian single shot plinker it is a better 16 inch barrel carbine than the M3 Greaser. The BAR is now used by Browning as a high end auto loading hunting rifle. These other mid war designs, however, have the problem they are clunky and no longer have a USEFUL place in the collection in their original forms.


The Browning Arms BAR has nothing to do with the M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle. Is this bait?


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Why would anyone do that

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After fucking up my response, I'll also admit that was something I was unaware of. Honest mistake on my part, good to learn something once and a while.


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It’s in Syria


EFPs are so fucking cool.



You gotta send that email no boyo

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You take that back. Those guys tend to make some fantastic shit.

Any AK should not cost more than $400, and $400 should be the general price for a very high quality AK

If that's the case, how do I build an AK for under $500? Legitimate question.

And G43's shouldn't be more than $180 and surplus bolt gun no more than $50 but I don't control how god damned inflated everything is including how worthless Fiat currency is. Besides that 400 dollars back then is around 1100/1200 nowadays.

Parts kit provided you have the tools needed to slap the thing together. Sometimes you get them pretty much built aside from the receiver.

I should've specified, that's my fault. What's the cheapest I can build an AK if all I have is a drill press and a welder?


Around 700 depending on the kit. You need a jig bend the flat as well as something to do rivets. This is assuming you have the competence to use the bend jig with a vice.

That's what I've been finding on the internet but said that AKs should be no more for 400 which makes me think that I should easily be able to make one for under that tools not applying.

Economies of scale my dude. You can't buy sheet metal and rivets in bulk, and you're not tooled up to stamp metal into receivers en masse.

It's called roller delayed blow back you nigger and she's perfect unless you reload

No it's a parts kit build. The shit that really matters such as the trunions and carrier group are chink. For whatever reason the cheaper US ak MANUFACTURERS don't know what proper heat treatment is and how a proper rivet should look like.
AK builders are usually okay, like when DDI was a thing. Unfortunately they killed themselves in style when they tried to make a 100% us ak shotgun and fucked up hard that they needed palmetto state armory to pay their life support bill but then palmetto pulled the plug because why not.

Check out ammo channels videos on his niggered AK build. He used tack welds in place of most of the rivets. Wasn't pretty but it just werks. Until the trunions become a thing

That should be an argument for ARs. AKs still require shop machinery and a well trained monkey with an eye for detail. You can labotimze, drug up, and train a nigger to preform one job on an AR assembly line and you'll still pump out ass loads of properly made ARs with defective ones being tossed into a pile of easily fixed fuck ups since basic ARs only require hand tools during assembly using a set screw gas block and midwest style no timing needed barrel nut with handguard of course. If you want an idea of how many points you can fuck up an AK during assembly then watch any video reviewing any I.O. AK. Maybe even early wasr AK videos.

Sheet metal and rivets aren't really the big money parts though, the real big cash investment is in the rest of the kit.

I've seen an AK build where the guy tack welded and it looked very clean and very nice, but then again he took time to clean up the receiver.

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They don't actually manufacture the components, they just build kits into rifles.

Weld-builds are just as shit as screw-builds.

I believe Rifle Dynamics manufactures their own components, not sure about any others though.

They started contracting out for front trunnions that are actually forged, but afaik no one makes quality bolts or bolt carriers.

If you have all the tools and don't include your time you could get a little closer to that depending on what exactly you want.
Head spaced and populated parts kit for $390 armsofamerica.com/romanianmilitarymodel1975akm47partskitnobarrel-1-1-1.aspx (there are probably cheaper options; anything from Classic might be a bit suspect; most kits aren't assembled and a lot don't come with barrels)
Completed receivers are under $100 nodakspud.com/AK Receivers.htm childersguns.com/Receivers armsofamerica.com/receivers.aspx
Rivets under $10 apexgunparts.com/rifles/ak-47/build-tools-rivets/lee-armory-dla-ak-russian-spec-rivet-set.html
The cheaper magazines can be under $10 plus maybe 40ish bucks for shipping everything; you don't need a retaining plate if you modify and reuse the auto sear trip spring. Still much more than they should be, but not super terrible.

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Good to go.

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Not that it's legal here, but I'd prefer a copy of the StG-45 instead.

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If only Hitler had the funding to outfit all of the Wehrmacht with StGs.

A Wehrmacht armed with MG-42s, MP-40 for section leader, most of the squad armed with STGs, and 1 or 2 men with actual improved G43s would have been a force to be reckoned with

the 1 or 2 with G43s acting as designated marksmen, polite sage for double post

Just get a PTR-32 nigger

Notice my flag, burger. Getting a semi-auto here is like getting a CCW in LA.
I can't afford to get my local politician re-elected, and it falls under "appearance" laws because it looks "too military", and is therefore banned. FML.

STG is actually really fucking inferior. If you are gonna buy it in 7.62 meme round or .223 its useless.

I haven't even seen any 7.92x33 rounds recently. Good luck buddy.


Prvi stuff is 14 a box. Its around, downside is original guns don't like it and I'd assume these ones might have hiccups with it too.

A Wehrmacht armed with MG42s, sharp sticks, MBTs, artillery and US-tier logistics would be better. Small arms don't win wars with tanks.

Privi uses .308 brass for their 8x33mm brass, which is mostly fine since they're both just variants of 8x57mm. They havet he same rim diameter and case head diameter, so it's mostly fine, but .308 uses a different angle than the original 8x33, so it can fuck up the extractor.
HMG was meant to be selling replacement extractors for original StGs that allowed you to easily shoot Privi ammo without worrying about breaking your extractor, but even that is vapourware now.

Holy fucking shit read a book you idiot. Lurk for at least six months before posting again.

Kind of related: do the MG42 and MG3 use the same belt? And is it possible that the MG 51 too uses that very same belt? 7.92 Mause, 7.62 NATO and 7.5 Swiss cases have similar dimensions, so I imagine it would work, but I'm not sure.

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I'm not sure if they're the exact same model of belt probably are, but they're both interchangeable, you can load .308 into an 8mm belt and 8mm into a .308 belt just fine.

308 is from the 300 savage you fucking pommy faggot.

The belts aren't even similar, you retard. The MG3 uses NATO M13 belts for 7.62x51 NATO, the MG 42 belt was proprietary to the gun. .308 Winchester was neither a wildcat of 7.92mm Mauser nor are they dimensionally similar in anything EXCEPT base diameter. .308 is based on .300 Savage. Go back to /int/ with your lack of education.

Der Juden did have a belt that worked with both of them along with .30-06, so I'm not surprized.


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Not going to glorify his limey autism with a (You) again, but also, .30-06 was not based on 7.92 Mauser. Literally not a single thing that guy said was correct. Laugh at him.

I hate to break it to you, Amierfat, but is right. The non-disintegrating belts are used to this day, especially during training because it's cheaper.
The MG3/42 non-disintegrating belts both hold the cartridge at the rim. Both 8-Mauser and 7.62NATO have the same diameter at the base. The belts are perfectly interchangeable.

Simply ebin. Being German doesn't come with literacy, I take it? Or are you samefagging?

Believe it or not the belts do interchange. Got a friend who runs MG3 belts and the original 34 belts in a 34, the former being a hell of a lot easier to get and not beat to shit like the latter.

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Strelok, I think you need some help or range time. Maybe a mix of both.

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Well, I know for a fact you're either not Canadian or your story is crap. An MG3 in civilian ownership in syrupland is not feasible. So where are your proofs?

Shit, MG 34. I shouldn't quickdraw post while at work. Polite sage.

tnwfirearms.com/product-p/mg34-cplt-0008-bkxx-xxxx.htm They're real fun with a shoestring.

It's not banned for looking like the real thing? You'd think the precedent they've set in the past would at least be halfway consistent. Not complaining, of course, every country's laws are already too strict. Fun should be unrestricted.