How would you defend this Island from invaders? There's no limit on what equipment and the amount of men you have at your disposal, but keep it believable (modern day, no insane amount of troops). Represent the units you choose in any way you wish, so long as it's legible.
How would you defend this Island from invaders...
You can't capture my island without troops, and if my island is no longer an island.
I have George Soros, the Rothschilds, the Fed Board of Governors, Netanyahu, all the (((neocons))) in Congress, and a few other high-ranking yids bound up as hostages, and promise to kill them all if invaded. If the invading force calls my bluff and invades anyway, then the world is rid of these parasites and becomes a better place. It's a win-win scenario.
goway i just want to talk about army stuff
Where are the airbases?
Airstrip is right here, nothing shows up if you aren't looking at the map with textures.
Against what?
A chinese marine brigade?
That's the primary thing to determine when defending, what exactly are you planning for.
Why not post a real island with some historical significance and actual defendability?
oh yeah
What's the point of the airport?
Tourism, at least that was the plan.
Its the Island they put Napoleon on after his defeat.
I would place ATGMs to destroy approaching landing crafts. In case of a heliborne invasion manpads would be used instead/additionally. Ideally you want the enemy to either get defeated at the shore or even better never let them reach it at all. Make use of thermals, NVGs, flares, IR-lasers and tracers so you have an easier time when fighting at night. Some QRF should be at the center ready to move in and pin a landing site with machine gun fire and taking out remaining enemies with grenades.
I'll go with several million or more howitzers/artillery and an infinite supply of ammunition. With an infinite amount of shots, theoretically we can hit every single enemy.
Also all crew are armed with FAL.
Is it against the US? If so I pick the greatest anti-air weapon ever made.
The sky?
I dont know about other countries ATGMs but the TOW has a wire sag that will likely not allow it to be fired at incoming landing craft until they are pretty close to shore. The Javelin could work but it would be hard to get a good lock on something bobbing up and down. Plus the use of any of these would give your position away before firing or immediately after and you would likely get some good old naval bombardment. You could always move around on the beach but there likely is not enough area on the beach for you to be running multiple ATGM units while maintaining dispersion and displacing. Another method of shore to ship fires would probably be superior in most respects.
Joking aside, planting wax palm trees around and in possible LZs isn't actually a bad idea.
It's airborne hedgehog and it doesn't take much space or eat much resources. However it's an high altitude specie so I'm not sure if they can grow anywhere.
Fun fact palms are actually in the same clade of plants as grass. In fact if you cut them apart, it becomes clear that they're basically overgrown grass. A few hundred millions of years ago, world was covered in nothing but grass, grass of all shapes and sizes, grass that looked like bushes and trees, short grass similar to today that covered the fields, it was a planet of grass.
Also the Truffula trees in the Lorax by Dr. Seuss were about C. quindiuense and their threat of extinction.
I was only partly joking, the US lost helicopters invading Grenada because they kept clipping the rotor blades on them, not only that but Jap snipers used to hide up in them during WW2 and apparently were very effective.
Coffee is has more less the same requirements (altitude + heat), so I doubt these could be used anywhere outside the Coffee belt.
pic related
Then, completely disregarding diplomatic relations, what's your budget, industrial capabilities, population, median IQ and natural resources?
You can't spray defoliant on an island that is surrounded by S-400 batteries.
Would that work for people who are not insular dwarfism versions of a midget race?
You can't spray defoliant on an island that has half a S-400 battery on it….
Is defoliant so volatile that it can't be delivered by missiles, or an artillery barrage?
Interesting (and very good) question.
Chemical and biological weapons prime problem is delivery, namely that shells are a very inefficient way of delivering them. Shells are meant to attack point targets, not spread a substance evenly over an area.
To this day airplanes (or drones) are the best way to deliver these weapons.
True, but if achieving air superiority is impractical, and since we are dealing with a relatively small area, perhaps that inefficiency isn't enough to make this path completely nonviable. Testing would obviously need to be done before we can decide for sure, but it doesn't seem outside the realm of possibility to pump some herbicide into a pressurized canister, then set it to airburst at the ideal altitude to disperse it across the ideal surface area. Divide the island into grid squares, and launch a shell or two at each square until you've achieved saturation. Sure it's expensive as fuck, but given OP's very generous stipulations on the size of the force on the island it's probably worth the cost.
The seer volume needed makes warheads completely impractical.
Safest way is with tree spikes with deep grabbing gaffs and boot gaffs or a Swiss climber set up. Gonna want to cinch wrap your flip line either way, might even want two. May want to set up a safety line that you can descend down from. Certainly don't want to go too high though, straight trunked trees without lower limbs have a high center of gravity. Higher up you go, the more your weight moves the tree.
Also keep in mind that the wax of the tree may cause some issues even once you're up the tree. A blanket to keep your rifle from touching the trunk so you don't have steaming or smoking wax blocking your optics or giving your position a marker for a mortar team.
Personally, I'd rather position in a tree with a canopy I can work with. Rope up to a lower limb, monkey/rope up the remainder till in a nice position to make a cut out. With some 1 inch webbing and a few beer knots, I can set up a nice little tensioned sling for the rifle. Also has the added benefit of not leaving signs of a climber occupying that tree.
I know this isn't /v/, but Rahmadi is from the original Arma.
In WW1 they simply opened up a a barrel of the shit and hoped the wind blew it in the enemies direction
Short of a nuclear strike anyone trying to attack will get turned to paste, be it a carrier strike group or some gooks in speedboats
Since this thread seems to be the scenario thread, I'll post the pre-game images of one of my Combat Mission games that's since resolved. I figure it'd be interesting to see what Zig Forums tactics would be in comparison to what I did. For the purposes of seeing both sides, I'll spoiler information about each side's composition.
WWII, US Army VS. German Army, Late Summer 1944
Occupy Benedendorps Weg or force opposition to surrender/withdraw
The 'map' area is quite small and rather restrictive. North to South and East to West it measures only about a kilometer across. While flat spots exist, there is in general a gradual slope rising from the South (low) to the North (high). Forested areas are dense and ideal for concealing infantry, although very restrictive to vehicles.
This is a meeting engagement, US enters from the West (left side of image) Germans from the East (right side of image) simultaneously
No fully tracked vehicles are available to either side
No advanced, preplanned bombardments will take place
It is assumed that the objective is important for both sides to seize that all reasonable attempts will be made, until such point that one side is forced to concede.
After one hour a divinely enforced ceasefire will occur
Your force is roughly company strength, consisting of four rifle platoons, an under-strength combat engineer platoon and a machinegun section. In addition, two pairs of 81mm mortars are at your disposal, equipped with both HE and smoke rounds. A M2HB .50cal HMG with the crew required to move and man it are also attached. Two M8 Armored Cars (Greyhounds) are also attached. All men are assumed to be of rather standard quality. Finally, a pair of P-47D Thunderbolts are on station to provide fire support on request. They are not equipped with any ordinance beyond their machine guns.
Your knowledge of the enemy force is sparse. It is likely they are of a similar size, although they may be larger or smaller in numbers depending on supporting elements. It is highly likely that they contain at least some light (=
Missiles and artillery rounds can be taken out by the S-400 or CRAMs.
Ez, buy the rockets from arty tab as germans, shell the cap zone, set up tank destroyers to they have good view on cap zone, put forward some forward observers to direct fire at any AT enemy might have, when thats mopped up use few Pumas to clean out resistance from buildings
Welcome the invaders, make them feel invited and give them poisoned food.
Set up a shit ton of SAM's, have bunch of mobile nuclear launchers, have some bunker ones too. Mine the perimeter and have a couple of sumbarines with nukes too. Basically Cuba with nukes again.