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Interesting levels found in a variety of foods. Levels measured in ppb.
Hershey's Cocoa rated at 909
StarJewed Coffee rated at 175
Is Hershey's Cocoa getting a cancer label too?
Good, brings coffee into line with other drug-laden products like tobacco.
Of course users whose drug of choice is coffee will cry and whine because they want to believe coffee "isn't a drug" and they're "not like those other people who use drugs."
Sure is commiecuck in here
Had to look it up, because I wasn't sure it was nothing. It looks like they'll have to put new labels on a lot of food items.
How do you know that? And if you're being hyperbolic then so what? Why does it matter if the chance of cancer only low? Consumers should be aware of it to make informed choices.
The chance of your house burning down is also tiny, does that mean that people who buy home insurance are cucks?
Why do capitalists think that the government has a duty to hide the dangers associated with their products?
By the way the reason they have to give a warning now isn't because the science is strong, it's because they didn't make a proper defense in court.
If it's so easy to prove their coffee is safe, they should have done so and they wouldn't have to include labels. So why didn't they do it? Either their representation was incompetent (using a woman for PR perhaps) or they just didn't bother.
Always knew commiecucks couldn't read worth shit.
People have been drinking coffee for centuries without getting cancer you inbred moron.
Insurance is an extra tax for people that don't understand probability. (or are forced by their government and companies)
Actually, people who drink coffee get cancer all the time. It may increase the risk of cancer or it may not. We aren't sure.
If they have to put labels on coffee, they'll have to put labels on any baked starches heated higher than 248 °F. I would imagine the bread and pizza companies will have this overturned as acrylamide is no doubt in these products too.
fuck off commies
I read it, the difference is that I understand why qualifying terms are included.
Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
Where you're dealing with something like cancer, prudent avoidance comes before proven toxicity.
Not really. LARPing as Mr. Spock is fun when you're a teenager, but in the real world losing your home can mean that everything you worked for, for the past 10, 20, 30, 40 years goes up in smoke with no way to replace it. Some people wish not to take that risk, small or not.
Insurance in this case, is for people who reckon the price of cover to be worth paying to mitigate the risk of losing everything. It's similar to using a condom to prevent HIV transmission. In the USA the actual chance of a man contracting HIV from heterosexual sex with a White woman who isn't known to have any additional risk factors (such as being an IV drug user or someone who has sex with bisexual men) is statistically about the same as the chance of being struck by lightning.
Back to the point, the chance of your home burning down is roughly 1 in 10,000. Are you honestly saying that if someone offered you a button that 1 time out of 10,000 would randomly set off an explosive charge strapped to your head, killing you, but if it didn't then they would pay you one year's worth of insurance premiums, then you'd press it? You must value your life poorly.
That doesn't follow.
The starches involved aren't necessarily of the same type and bread is not produced by a roasting process. The inside of a loaf of bread never gets much hotter than 100C.
I forgot it's the sacred duty of every right winger to protect the infallibility of liberal corporations
fuck off, kike
Because literally everything you consume on some level has chemicals that could lead to you getting cancer. But you see, we have these things called Livers and Kidneys that clean that shit out. Something that has trace amounts of cancer causing chemicals don't fucking matter because your body filters that shit. Just drink your daily value of water every day and you can eat whatever you want.
On one hand I agree with this, but at the same time, why don't they put that on all red meats, too? They're known carcinogens.
Maybe they will finally add the actual ingredient that causes cancer to the fucking labels.
For example, psyllium Husk has commiefornia cancer warning but the cancer comes from inhaling the dust in a manufacturing setting over a decade or so, like white lung for potters, not from eating it.
Fuck off back to stormfront, cuckservative. None of the boards like you zionist boomer faggots.
I mean really though, most of us get cancer eventually and most of us drink soda/coffee daily so what's your point? It can take 10-20+ to develop but its eventually going to and you will likely die. Ive been joking with my girl saying shes gonna get cancer drinking a DD iced coffee everyday of her life, and now it seems I wasnt joking. Be it the cocoa or the covfefe
She's going to live longer than you. Coffee is healthy as fuck.
You dumb faggots, this is a good thing. I get these fucking labels at work because our products happen to contain bits of lead even though it will never get into your skin. Make them put cancer warning labels on everything to make the warning useless already like it should be, stop fucking with consumers.
I'm confused why you're against something that hurts (((Starbucks)))
Are you also against Sweden forcing Parents to pay reparations to children they made into sterile trannies
So muh BBQ pork ribs is extra haram?
I think it's interesting that toasting bread increases the levels in the product tested.
It might shed some light on why the levels in Hershey's cocoa were high, yet their milk chocolate was so minute their instruments couldn't detect it. So it raises two possibilities - Hersheys doesn't use its own cocoa to make chocolate, or the chemical can basically be washed right off. Given that it shows up in just toasting shit normally it might just be a physical change occurring and bonding to the surface of the food.
Need more information.
Roasting basically anything makes it carcinogenic, as does grilling, searing, or smoking meats, and toasting bread.
If these idiots wanted a carcinogen-free meal, they would be eating nothing but a few vegetables, raw animal protein, and uncooked sprouted grains.
We evolved by cooking the shit out of things before eating them, you want to go back on that now?
Californians need to grow a pair
this tbh
they're shit
yeah fucking no. if anything it protects against most forms of cancer
review the literature. here's one such meta-analysis evidencing my claim
then theres all the other benefits of caffeine consumption like lowering the rr of amyloidosis and improving cognitive function
If they're gonna put warning labels , it should be for the "sugar" (corn syrups, HFCS, etc.) that's in so many damn products. That's the real killer right there. Of course, the corn industry has a lot of clout so this probably won't happen…