Why the antisemitism?

Why is this board so Zig Forums-tier sometimes? I thought we all grew out of Zig Forums a long time ago. I did.

I agree that Rabbinic Judaism, with its Talmud, has strayed from the true message of God and doesn't truly know him. And I am personally against Zionism (though I suppose that should be left up to political opinion at the end of the day). Still, the Jewish people are only humans in sin who need saving like the rest of us.

The people of Judah, and Israel as a whole, have been going astray since the time of Moses; but there has always been a faithful remnant among them, even until this day. There are some Jews who accept Jesus as the Jewish Messiah, and Lord of the world. These are the faithful remnant of the Israelites, holding true to the covenant that their ancestors made with the Lord, and being invited into the new covenant.

Jesus was indeed a Jew, and he came for both Jew and Gentile. Christianity began as a sect of Judaism, but then many Gentiles began coming in because the prophets of Israel in the past predicted that the light of God would eventually come to the Gentiles. Rabbinic Judaism is an outgrowth of Pharisaic Judaism, which rejected the Lord and followed false traditions, and also made up the heretical Talmud later on; but before their hearts were hardened against God, and before their false traditions were fully introduced, they were sitting in the seat of Moses truly observing God's law. The faith of the Jews within itself, divorced from the false traditions and sinfulness of the Pharisees and Sadducees, is from God, and Jesus himself, being a religious Jew, came to fulfill it and rebuke the Jews who had strayed from God, and to save the world from sin.

We should be praying for the Jewish people, for the Church even teaches that at the end of times they will realize Jesus to be the Jewish Messiah, and come to him.

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A variety of reasons. Zig Forums believes itself to be the arbiter of Zig Forums and that all boards are just "Zig Forums with X". They see Zig Forums as being "Zig Forums with Jesus". They also believe themselves to be above any rules governing behavior, that they're special because they're somehow more enlightened. In reality they're no different than Zig Forums or /furry/ or the gay agenda.

I find it's best to just filter them and move on.

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Agreed. We'll lose all credibility if these Zig Forums LARPers keep coming here.
Also, ethnostates are terrifyingly popular here.

Honestly the only thing I genuinely dislike about the Jews is their haughty "God's chosen people" attitude. The rest of the dislike stems from the stupid shit that SJWs do if you aren't bootlicking every minority simultaneously. I got shunned from a Neopets community bc of that tumblr sjw shit. Also, Zig Forums conspiracy theories about the Jews, though entertaining in their level of stupidity, are annoying and almost plausible; at the same time it's like a Zig Forumsack bursts in and consistently derails the conversation with whatever wild conspiracy theory is in vogue.

Yes but that's different of supporting Israel 100% of the time.

Israel, as a political entity, should be supported 0% of the time. But the people still need to be saved from themselves, if possible.

God chose the ancestors of the Jewish people to be a great nation in order that the Messiah, God incarnate, might be born from them so that salvation could be brought to the world; as even the Lord Jesus himself says when speaking to the Samaritan woman at the well, "salvation is from the Jews." (John 4:22).

Some Jews have become prideful and think they're better then everyone. But not all Jews think this, with some having even come to Christ. We must realize that the Jews who are prideful are sinning just like anyone else when they feel pride; we are all human, we are all descendants of Adam, Jew and Gentile alike need saving from sin because we all do it.

We must pray for the Jewish people though, and we must help them understand that Jesus is their Messiah, and that he came from them and to them and to the rest of the world. We must help them understand that, by coming to Jesus, they would truly be following in the covenant their ancestors made with the Lord God. Abraham and Isaac and Jacob would want that for their descendants, and the Jews are among their descendants.

merci pour votre contribution

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When I speak of Israel I don't mean the state of Israel. That's way way different.

It's because a lot of Jews have anti-Christian behavior. Blaspheming Christ is one thing that I could shrug off because of Mark 3:28-29, but punching, deplatforming, suing, and eliminating the status of their enemies isn't Christ-like at all. It's objectively evil as they force people to become discriminatory and poor.

Christ was benevolent and forgiving, but Jews like Menachem Begin are malevolent and vindictive. If you've heard anyone hating people because of their ethnicity, it's because a lot of people from that ethnicity let them down repeatedly. It's a defense mechanism. I don't think that all Jews are bad, but I don't trust them 100% because others broke my trust in them. I'm willing to give a chance to those who want to help me.

Jews = Satan here, and all your blasphemous words fall on already enlightened ears.

A lot of people have been anti-Christian, not just Jews; but they are of the world, and we are not. They don't know the Father like we do. They hate the Father in their hearts. They have twisted his law that he first gave to Moses. But, as I have already said, the people of Israel have always been going astray. Before the exile, some of the people of Israel were worshiping false gods next to the true God. Yet there was a remnant among them that did not follow in their evil ways.

Before the Pharisees fell away from God, they were in the seat of Moses indeed. But they were hardened and fell away. Now only a remnant remains, as has been constant in the history of Israel and Judah.

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You mean, ethnostates like Israel?


im so tired of all the bigots on this board. I think that anyone who doesnt support our greatest ally deserves to be BANNED!

Yeah I'm personally against the greatest evil myself, I find it strange that some people on non-subverted/censored media choose to voice their opinions on that as well.

I'll note, if you want to pray for them as a people, thats very good of you. I'll follow your example and try it myself. But that doesn't mean we should ignore all the evils they continue to do to this day.

The only Israel is the Church. "Jews" as an ethnicity larping something they aren't, namely the old tribes of Israel are united thru their identity of rejecting Jesus, who is logos. When you see a jew, you see the devil working. And it shows, with how they operate and destroy anything they touch.

The official position of the Church is more or less this exact thing. Except today it's not brought up as much because "muh PR". What OP is basically saying is that Catholicism is Zig Forums. OP is either a shill or a complete retard.

Zig Forums is right on certain aspects, the jews are the apocalypse race, they're end goal is the world government that the bible warns about.

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Knowing that jews are NOT God's chosen people, knowing that Isreal is NOT the rightful land of jews, and knowing that Judaism is the synagogue of satan does not make me anti-semitic - it makes me informed. That being said I don't hate jews and I pray that all people jew and gentile will find Christ. On the other hand ignoring the fact that jews have historically been at the root of much worldly evil is outright foolishness.

b..b.bbut thats not what these chick tracts told me!! Anti-semite!!

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What a biblically illiterate buffoon.

Moral relativism, delusion, putting themselves/their political agenda above Christ, hubris, you name it. Furthermore are a huge number of "Christians" here and on the discord just some Zig Forums-trolls wanting to stir the pot.
Obviously protestants handle stuff like this differently, but matter of fact is that if you're Catholic - or pretend to be on -, this is in no way acceptable. Misquoting St. Pius X. or St. Chrysostom on these matters won't help either. Either you follow the Church teaching which is that of compassion and not of slander and scandal, or you don't. It's just that easy.


it honestly makes the comic seem like satire but he's 100% serious

number of arguments : 0
just ad-hominems filled with fee-feels.

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What I gather from the OP is that the Jews are still somehow special to God, which is true as all men are special to God since Christ died for all men. However, I find the idea-after a long study of Hebrews-that the Jews are still God's chosen people, unique to Him alone as they once were, and still can fulfill the covenant of old as seems to imply is just pants on head wrong. The covenant of Moses could not and cannot be fulfilled with the covenant of Christ.

Please understand what I am saying. As the Scripture tells us, the Law was a teacher, a schoolmaster, a shadow of the true things to come. The Law of Moses was a teacher pointing the way to Christ, as was the covenant at Sinai. But the letter to the Hebrews makes it very clear that the covenant of Moses is no more and can no longer be followed.

If that were true, Jesus could not be our High Priest, because He was from the tribe of Judah, and according to the Law only those from Levi could be priests. This is a truth I wish more people would understand. When Jesus died on the cross He did not just destroy and put to death the power of sin, but the Law of Moses as well. There is a new covenant now, through the blood of Jesus, with better promises, a better covenant, and a better priesthood with a better sacrifice.

Honestly, anyone who thinks the Jews are still somehow special to God, or have some important role still to play needs to study Hebrews deeply and carefully.

You are right that a good majority of the posts on Zig Forums are pagan, emotionally charged filth, but that's mainly Zig Forums, 4chan Zig Forums was the original pro-Christian board before the shilling operations, divide and conquer and the great migration. 8/pol/ may be misguided in religious worship and worldview but desire to be a force for good, interests coinciding on many different Christian matters. Though I can't say I'm unbiased, I am Zig Forums originally.

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the poster you quoted directly answered op's question, its not like his entire posts is nothing but character attacks. he just expressed his opinion on the current state of this board's userbase

his post would probably get banned in reddit, just as you are trying to do. you are objectively wrong when you say he didnt have any arguments….

Jews control the media and the banks and are responsible for all the wars since atleast the French revolution and the absolute decadence of the modern western world.

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t. triggered shill

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Another 1 and done poster.

you can't grow out of the truth.
sure some of Zig Forums is vulgar, but underneath their memes they are 100% right when it comes to politics, history and the differences between races.
just don't get your spirituality from Zig Forums and avoid the "kill all niggers" mentality and you'll do fine, Zig Forums is a great news source if you can filter out a few bad elements.

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I suppose you think Christianity is a jewish scheme then?

I said "just don't get your spirituality from Zig Forums"

Good and correct post

but SOMEONE has to be a actual genuine jew… maybe its modern ashkenazi jews, maybe its nordic whites, maybe its anyone who converts, maybe its the crazy black people in those meme videos, who knows

like virtually EVERYONE thinks they are the direct descendants from abraham. the jews, the muslims, a lot of Christians, etc etc

who are you to say which group is correct? just because their identity might be wrong doesnt mean we should hate them. maybe they truly are the real jews and its other people who are incorrect

Unlike Zig Forums, Christians never hated Jews for their race/ethnicity or whatever you call it.
And Galatians 3:29 teaches us exactly who the real seed of Abraham is: The Church of Christ composed by all believers. Birth is NOT a virtue, so it doesn't matter who the physical descendents of Jakob are


Genuine Jews? The Samaritans and the Karaites. The rest of them put the Talmud over the Tanakh.

Because Jews have more work to do and more alms-giving since they are offered opportunities by God (if this is true) that others are not offered.

Overcome ideology, friends.


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It's not a contradiction when you consider the fact that no one hates Jews for their race, just for their anti-Christian action. They prevented hurricane relief for those who didn't support Israel during Hurricane Harvey. Christ would have done the opposite and that's why people appreciate him.


Forgive them for they know not what they do.

Jesus did not follow the Talmud nor did he want to enslave all the non jews. Ergo he does not qualify the modern meaning of the word jew.

That's because it didn't exist in his time on Earth. Kinda hard to follow - or not follow - something that isn't there. Doesn't make him any less of a Jew. He was specifically a Son of David (Matthew 1:1–17) and, thus, a Jew.

This is not true. The Talmud existed as an oral tradition passed on by the pharisees. This work of the devil (talmud) was exposed by Jesus and therefore he was murdered by the pharisees (jews).

As I have said, unless you follow the oral tradition of the pharisees, today written down in the talmud, you are not a jew. David was not a jew. Abraham was not a jew. Jesus neither. Jews are a satanic sect that emerged in the first century out of the followers of the pharisees. Glad I could help.

Do you even know what the Talmud is?

If you took the entire archive of this board - all of the commentary on scripture, the debates over passages in the Bible, the opinions being shared - that would be the Zig Forums Talmud. That is literally all the Talmud is … Rabbinical writings and debate over passages in Torah. The only people who see it as canonical holy text are Chabad Lubavichers, who make up less than 1% of modern Jews. It's the equivalent of someone claiming that the Church of Christ represents all of Christendom. Ignorance is unbecoming of one who is called to be an ambassador for Christ.

That's not the definition of Jew. According to the Sanhedrin, the Bet Din, being a Jew has nothing to do with religion. You can be a Christian Jew, a Buddhist Jew, even an Atheist Jew. If you convert to Judaism, then you are embraced into the Jewish community, but Talmud has nothing to do with that. The talmud is not taught in yeshiva.

That's exactly what the talmud is: commentary meant to jew your way around actual scripture. That's why there are parts in the bible declaring 'you have heard it said that, but I say to you', because of the evil talmud. Jews in general do acknowledge that the talmud is authoritative. A book declaring that Jesus is a sorcerer and Mary a whore. And that's why jews are hated: They are jews, they act like jews. They are subversive and harmful and so are their allies.

So, we should ignore the Saints? Should I just disregard my copy of Augustine's writing because it's just "jewy commentary"? It's the exact same thing, you know. Rabbi Hillel is to Torah what St. Augustine is to Gospel.

Maybe if you'd stop blindly hating what you don't understand, you'd see that.

Uh … no.

“It has been said, ‘Anyone who divorces his wife must give her a certificate of divorce.’ But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, makes her the victim of adultery, and anyone who marries a divorced woman commits adultery. Matt 5:31-32

That's not in reference to the Talmud. That's in reference to Deuteronomy 24:1-4.

Are you suggesting that Deuteronomy isn't part of Torah?

He's Jewish, but he didn't have the character that people hate modern Jews for. It's not much of a contradiction for WNs to love Jesus because Jesus was selfless and empathetic towards the enemies who lied about him while subjecting him to torture and ridicule.

In contrast, modern Jews do the opposite. Bragging about how they punched, sued, and fired WNs for holding a tiki torch rally.

You actually don't hate Jews, you just hate anti-Christian actions that you notice coming from a demographic.

Did you seriously just compare White Nationalists to Christ?

False. The Talmud is not only a commentary on the regular Torah but also on the Oral Torah, a bunch of super special instructions God supposedly gave Moses and told him to pass on without writing them down (read: some jews made these up later and made an excuse for why no one knew about these special commandments). These were not written down until the destruction of the Second Temple, when they were added to the Talmud and labeled the Mishnah. The Talmud is therefore an unholy combination of commentary and new scripture to supplement the old.
Besides, most Christians excluding Catholics, the Windows users of Christianity regard the various commentaries on scripture with much less reverence than the Jews their Talmud. We have multiple commentaries from throughout the ages and acknowledge varying strengths and weaknesses while the Jews have one definitive clusterfuck of a commentary/torah extension fanfiction hybrid they autistically cling to in order to justify their fuckery.

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I never said that all commentary has to be like this, just that the talmud is. You implying otherwise is again very jewish of you. You have in general quite jewish (somewhat feminised/hysterical) habits and might want to look into this if you are in fact not a jew. Stopping to watch TV and read jewish media can help in fixing this.
The difference being that St Augustine is a saint while the other is a damn jew hating Jesus Christ.
If you told me irl I need to just 'understand the perspective' of someone who says Mary is a whore I'd throw a punch without a warning.

It does indeed not apply to the example you give. But to others (You have heard it said love your neighbour and hate your enemy etc)

No he did not follow the talmud. Judaism did not even really exist back then, it was only a partial sect lead by the pharisees.
I guess.

Fun fact: Jesus created white nations and wants them to continue existing :^)


Not sure if this is on-topic or just a brainlet question, but is there a concise answer as to what is defined as (((Jewish Media)))?

At this point every news organisation that gets their news from big agencies. Also books and movies created by modern people lest they are an exception. If you want to be really sure you need to consume very old media (mainly books) and even then you have to check for masonic influences. De Maistre is a good start though.

Image boards.

Talk about wasted dubs.
How are they no different? Are you one of those people that basically all forms of extremism are the same?
At least Zig Forums has SOME desire for traditional values whereas Zig Forums and /furry/ etc. are all shamefully degenerate.

that basically says/believes**

Zig Forums is the most degenerate board on this website. You just don't see it because you agree with its degeneracy just like a gay man doesn't see himself as degenerate. Zig Forums worships skin color, believes in the supremacy of Trump, and refers to Jesus as the "dead kike on a stick". Their degeneracy is boundless.

Do not put words in my mouth, it's unbecoming.
I've spent a lot of time on Zig Forums and there are definitely LARPers that worship skin and Trump, and there are plenty of anons that are wary and skeptical of everything, as it should be.

/pol taught me to be Christian


I wonder why the gods chosen people(TM) who think gentiles are cattle get so much flak.
Truly a mystery.

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Dunno, why is it that after Vatican II, christianity seems to be all about making excuses for every bad thing that the jews have ever done?

If there is anti-semitism, it is because of the jews. Grow up.

The current city of Jerusalem is Babylon.

Is that seriously what you think ? That some average Joe jews are part of some kind of global anti-white conspiracy and have nothing better to do all day than pretending to be white ? And Iceland ? This country has been degenerate and anti-Christian way before you rampant faggot. Stop projecting your shortcomings on anyone but yourself.

That is what we actually see.
This isn't even a conspiracy theory at this point.
The jews have collective interests and they work as a group while they promote individualism and atomization amongst everyone else.
They are the greatest presence behind the porn industry (and other vice industries as well).

Stop making excuses.
The problem is not spotting sin, the problem is the existence of sin.

I don't hate Jews, just their false, wicked religion. If a Jewish man perishes without accepting Christ, he is bound for eternal death. If you care about the Jews, convert them to Christianity.

However, if history is evident of anything its that they seem to be very resistant towards accepting Christ. I recommend that you read writing by Dr E Michael Jones. Also look up Brother Nathaniel.

It goes beyond their satanic cult, as even "non-religious" jews reject Christ and do everything they can to subvert our societies. That said, if an ethnic jew accepts Christ and becomes a Christian, he'd be my brother.

Genuine Jew became Christian almost 2000 years ago. The Jews after are anti-Christ by definition.

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Because Vat 2 is leftist mind AIDS manifest in our Church due to our own negligence and ignorance.

AIDS because it weakens our spiritual immune system from the lies of heretics, heathens, and blasphemer. Now the Church is filled with sodomites masquerading as Church fathers. Disregarding thousands of years of tradition.

Long story short, if we leave our window open to the "fresh air of the people" eventually pests will infest your house.

The Catholic Church needs another Inquisition, but this time for the clergy and not the pesants.

Couldn't agree more.
Catholics need to man up and purge the disease.
We need more masculinity. Much much more.

Yeah, sure.

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Jews have WWI ‘Peace Cross’ memorial torn down
>>>Zig Forums606763

Bonus EMJ video embedded. They've been doing this for a long time.

Probably because of things like this.

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Where did all of these redditors come from? Who brought them here?

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Let no one ITT make the mistake of thinking their presence is accidental.

This will kill the church.

You are equating the extant kikes with a dead race. Current Talmudist kikes are a combination of the Pharisees(the kikes of the old Hebrew race), Turkish traders(mudkikes), Roman expats(kikes of Rome), and the daughters of European nobility who were so desperate for cash they sold their daughters to non-christians(so white kikes who aren't good with money). So you outbreed an already shitty portion of a population with other shitty populations, then let it stew and inbreed in urban areas for centuries and is it any surprise you get shit?
The old Hebrew where just one more nation of herders and mercenaries little different from the Hittites or Babylonians. There is little merit or fault to be found in them as a whole, they behaved like nearly every bronze/iron age population, including the Celts if you’ve read the Ulster Cycle.
The Jews failed, they were broken and destroyed for all time, the last remnant of their race is a blood-taint which barely resembles the Pharisee rats who jumped ship when the Romans scattered them. They deserved their fate because they were unworthy of a covenant with God, they existed as an object lesson. And so it was for better races to do what they could and would not.
We have kikey shit in our own race as well; or more accurately we have pussies who are vulnerable to kikery. Roundheads are certainly the kikes of England. So it is difficult to indict a dead race over having kikey faggots among them when we have some of our own. If inherently liberal whites didn’t exist the kikes would never have gotten their claws in us and “white guilt” wouldn’t exist.
As for Christianity being "foreign", is Woten worship foreign to germanics and nords because before that they worshiped Tyr(later retroactively made Woten's son) before the Odin/Woten concept was imported by populations which came from Anatolia? This becomes and ontological problem, how far back into our past do we have to go before a tradition is to be considered "pure"? Are we to retrace our way to some lost pre-Sumner mythos which most of these traditions originate from including the Hebrew?
And if Chrisianity is so Semitic then why were the kikes purged so often, and more often than in the Roman times when kike merchants could travel around the Empire? Why did the Peoples Crusade which presaged the First Crusade proper kill tens of thousands of kikes in Europe? For centuries the kikes were rightly see as unclean christ killers why would that be the case if this was a “jewish” faith. It is the liberal bullshit regarding equality which is antithetical to Christianity or for that matter any religion or philosophy in which states of grace and damnation exist. Equality is impossible because some are just damned by their nature, they are shit and would have always been shit. Niggers for example can never be Christian or anything else, they can only unga-bunga around a fire and ape their betters. Kikes haven’t even hijacked a proper Christian culture but a liberal heresy.
1096 cast the kikes in to the sea

Without whites and their empires there IS NO CHRISTENDOM.

The spics being what they are are not catholics and can never be. The Spanish thought that conversion, better food, and interbreeding would turn a race of 4'5" blood cultists into Iberians. Which obviously did not work. They treat Christ and the saints like any other pagan idol and thus do not actually worship or venerate christian figures.

Niggers cannot be christian either as they lack the intellectual capacity to follow any religion or philosophy, and don't bring up the 1/10000 nigger who can. Mutants and outliers will always exist but they do not change the calculated mean. These and other vastly inferior peoples can never conceptualize the divine anymore than a chimp can. It is possible they do not even have souls to save in many cases but that is indeterminate.

Saracens are habitual enemies of Christ as many Crusaders including Phillip the II(the Good) discovered when dealing with them.

Kikes are pure evil and must be destroyed because they have a genetic predisposition toward the destruction of civilization, especially Christian civilization.

Chinese are composed of more and more varied races or ethnographic groups than Europeans and so little data exists it is hard to say what the predilections of these individual groups are but it is certainly of a character foreign to traditional Christianity.

The way to create more good Christians is to breed them and allow the "liberal whites" to die off. The white Christians in America are the only ones who are inured to modernity and in fact reject it.

Liberals aren’t breeding anymore and temperament and predilections to certain political positions are very much inheritable, the 2010 US survey and Europoll 2011 both found that 93%+ of individuals had the same political and religious affiliation as their parents once they were older than 25. Indicating some form of heritable trait is being passed on.
You can see it in the birthrates by political affiliation and race within in the USA. White Democrats: 0.9, Jews: 0.8, blacks: 1.4, and spics: 1.6. White republicans are between 2.6 and 2.9 depending on whose numbers you use, with the highest being recorded in the General Social Survey which also has the largest sample set.

If the 2014 white conservative birthrates and those of the other demographic groups remained constant without additional input via immigration by 2050 only 20% of individuals in the US will be descended from habitual Democrat voters or self described liberals and only 7% will be black.

That is what the demoshits have feared for so long, that is why they want to import shitskins so desperately.

If you want a nation of pious people then kick out the muds and kill the kikes. They will all be pious because they will be bred to be so.

I've been saying this for years now.
Liberals kill themselves and the conservatives outbreed them.
All you have to do is stop immigration and you will have a christian america.



Too many Zig Forums "zaelots" around here…not that I disagree with their distrust and even hatred of Jewish people; but they are not much better than those Zig Forums types who hate Christianity and "white people".

Sorry mate, I don't agree with the long history of Jewish murders of prophets and finally Christ. I don't trust them one inch, I don't know of any other people who have both been as small as they are but killed so many as they have simultaneously. It's incredibly unlikely that will change anytime soon.

I agree; but we should pray for them and fight back without pure hatred: rather, following Jesus' teachings and example, expose their lies and if needed use just wrath and not hatred (ideological or otherwise).

All Christ killers will burn in hell. It's our job as Christians to speed up the journey.

Because of these reasons. They are actively trying to destroy Christianity.

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Why is it that you even need to ask these questions?
Zig Forums influenced me to become a stronger Christian and Man.

I've been noticing a huge influx of these limp-wristed sissies as well.

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