What do you think komrades? Does it look legit? Could it be the sword in the stone?
What do you think komrades? Does it look legit? Could it be the sword in the stone?
Hitler doesn't strike me as the type to hunt. Even if it was his, it doesn't mean it meant anything to him or that he even fired it.
Our greatest president had a cooler rifle.
teddy had a luger carbine
He strikes me as the kind of guy who'd prefer Noire.
This just looks like a standard Winchester commemorative wallhanger.
So Hitler was the original Doomguy?
Considering he thought gun hunting was inhumane and suggested Göring hunted boar with a spear, I'd say that's probably correct. He was an avid shooter, though.
Hitler was closer to Doom's protagonist.
That's what he said though?
Maybe, but it's serial number 1,000,000
stop making us look bad holy shit
What was meant?
I misread
Deepest hole in the world gets slightly deeper as Canadian national reputation drops even farther into the earth's crust.
Yep. I'm sure the old AH loaded it with his single testicle every morning, then shot it up a dead Jewess' asshole, right after he was done raping her, and right before eating a big bowl of his own shit and doing a line of cocaine. Doctor's orders, after all!
Coolidge was a good boy, but he ain't the greatest. That goes to Jackson.
Stop buying into normie memes.
I mean, IMO Kennedy was the best, since he saved the world from nuclear war. However, Roosevelt was cool as shit, and did a lot of things for people that enjoy the outdoors. He gets a go in my book.
Jefferson Davis was the best
That's not a President of the US that I've ever heard of.
I don't know you either
That doesn't even make any sense, you dumb faggot. I know who Jefferson Davis was, and not only did he not serve as US president, but he was shit at his job when leading the CSA.
Fuck you, you dirty niggerloving damnyankee cryptokike. Insult Boss JD again and your house is getting razed and salted by the boys in grey
Lol. And claiming "da bois in grey" are going to do anything is laughable. I mean, you do realize the war ended, right?
The hell if it did, yankee.
You're just piling burning coals on your smug head, yank. King JD actually lived after the war, too :^)
Yeah, it's pretty clear southcucks love that authority.
Yeah, in disgrace, while Lincoln left a legacy and is respected today. He also won the war, so there's that too.
Lincoln left a bloodstain in a shitty theater
I'm sorry, I can't hear you over that legacy.
And niggers, you forgot about the niggers.
also he was ugly and so is his gay statue and so are you
Dear lawdy! They even carved his motherfucking face into a damn mountain. Almost like he's considered one of the defining presidents of the country or some shit.
Define this. Spoilered because it makes my dick hard and is therefore porn
Damn, son. Wait until you find out that the guy that fucked the south even became president, unlike Jefferson Davis.
It's cool, bruh. Shit happened, but I bet you're even more mad about pic related.
Useless Grant was an alcoholic autist who threw screeching fits every time he saw the color grey
The yankee shows his true skin colors
And yet the south lost to him. Doesn't that mean that they're even more stupid?
Lol, I voted for McCain and Trump. I'm just not mad about black people voting. Never has an ideology been so repeatedly owned as that of the confederacy.
Thread theme
He was at best unremarkable, people like to hype him up because he was shot. The first Roosevelt set the stage for the US to become the interventionist ZOG it is today, and FDR finished what was started by Theodore and Wilson.
If you haven't learned to become inherently suspicious of anything or anyone that public schools try to shove down your throat you really don't belong here.
Git out, neokike.
I still think his handling of the Cuban missile crisis trumps it all. As for Theodore, I think he was okay, and Wilson was an asshat.
It's a damn good thing I went to a private school my whole life and went to a good university, and not some forum on the internet.
I guess that means you voted for Obama.
That's not the point, faggot. He has a legacy. His ideas prevailed, not those of Jefferson "Loser" Davis. Lincoln remains relevant, Jefferson Davis does not. Only faggots mad about a war that ended more than 150 years ago think he's anything to strive for. Read that inscription again:
>for whom he saved the union
See that little portion in italics? That's why people remember him.
He caused the missile crisis to begin with by not letting the Marines take Cuba. Don't applaud him for cleaning up his own mess.
Except that's not why they put those missiles there. The whole point of the Bay of Pigs invasion was plausible deniability. It would have been politically impossible to openly invade Cuba.
Same can be said of Karl Marx. Dixie did nothing wrong, I'm not about to suck off one of the worst presidents because "lel he won a war only just barely too, despite immense manufacturing and logistic advantage."
Worrying about how it'd look bad to the rest of the world is not how you conquer an island nation full of communists.
And the missiles might not have been there because of the Bay of Pigs, but they certainly wouldn't have been there if Cuba was a US territory.
Do you see any communist countries around? No. Do you see the confederacy around? No. They're both in the loser's club, fam.
Except, you know, start a war they couldn't possibly win because they were afraid of losing slavery.
And not worrying about it is not how you prevent an all-out nuclear war.
No, they might have been flying toward US cities instead.
That's called GUMPTION yankee. I know it's unfamiliar to you.
Fighting against a wall doesn't take gumption. It takes stupidity. The worst part is that the US wasn't moving toward banning slavery with Lincoln. That was all delusional southern paranoia, which ironically caused slavery to actually end. It's actually really funny.
California, Sweden, Londonistan, Venezuela, Best Korea… Ah who am I kidding, you're a retarded neocon, you can't be expected to listen to reason. Probably to busy sucking cock in Tel Aviv because DAE DA JOOS ARE IN POWER DAT MEANS DEY WON, GOYIM LOST HAHA
not him but it does indeed mean that they won
for now
Other than Best Korea, and Venezuela(which is failing right now), you're pretty much wrong. California, Sweden, and the UK (yes all of it), are all capitalist. They just have shit politics you don't like.
Yeah, reason. Like saying California is communist and other retarded shit.
First of all, learn the difference between "to" and "too". Second, write coherently. I have no idea what your retarded ass is trying to write.
they literally are not capitalist they are heavily socialist with awful controled markets and central planning
This is now a thread for music that triggers the Yank.
Okay, so seeing that, can you name the state industries that control the bulk of California's GDP? Do you think Apple is state-owned? Google? Any of the fucking farms? The shipping industries?
Stop being a fucking retard.
ok kid
All things that are not prescribed by Marx. Marx advocated for the complete abolition of private property, end to commodity production, and a stateless society. Please tell me how California, or even Sweden has any of those. See, I do this funny thing called reading. It teaches you shit you can't pick up from an imageboard. Maybe you should read a book. I recommend The Wealth of Nations. You can't claim to understand capitalism unless you read that.
he is projecting his unread retarded self onto me
nice okay
there is no private property in those places, the land you own is taxed, your earnings are taxed, and the rest of your wealth is taxed
you dont own nothing goyim
Are you sure? Pretty sure Apple is a private company, as is Google, and basically every other company there. I don't see any state enterprise. Do you?
Read The Wealth of Nations. Taxation does not eliminate private property, and is, in fact, required to run a government in order to maintain it. Capitalism is not anarchism.
Please, read a book, you uneducated nigger.
Try not paying your tithe. Doesn't matter if your land is paid off the government is taking it. You don't own nothin' goyim.
Yes, there are consequences for attempting to be a free rider. The government is insurance for property. Please, get your GED and take some classes at your local community college. Maybe you'll sound less retarded next time.
–The Wealth of Nations p927
Government is the only substantial threat to my property. I bet you're fine with income tax too, aren't you?
Only white landowners could vote when Lincoln was elected. This is proof that Lincoln is evil and racist and was not elected democratically with the votes of blacks, therefore you should hate him.
Actually those without property are the biggest threat. You pay the government to protect you from them.
Sure, I own my own business, so I don't pay as much as if I were making the same employed by someone else, along with deductions due to charitable giving and so on.
One does not follow the other. Lincoln didn't create the system that elected him. And yes, Lincoln was racist, like everyone else in that period. The difference is that Lincoln kept the union together and didn't start a war over paranoid thoughts on slavery. Again, Lincoln is praised for preserving the union, not for fighting racism, but he definitely helped free people, even if just a byproduct.
Yeah, crime happens. I don't see how keeping slavery was going to fix that.
HAHAHAHAHA you fucking normie, you can't even talk about economics without suggesting the most basic bitch of texts on the subject. What reddit hole did you crawl out of, McCain-voting neokike? I suggest you make your way back over there.
I was right, the yankee is a nigger lover at heart
That's because that poster is wholly ignorant on economics, so you have to start at the bottom. I suggest a basic bitch text, because he's working himself up to that level.
Post music to trigger the niggerlover then.
A gesture of someone powerless to change anything. That statue is just a symbol for something greater. Remember, they killed Lincoln, and that didn't put a stop to him.
Any tard who thinks the government is there to protect his property rights is the one that's economically ignorant here.
I bet the same will be true for you. Trust me, if you jump off a bridge RIGHT NOW your posts will have that much more meaning to all of us.
Yeah Marx, Lenin, and Stalin died too but we still have to deal with their brain dead followers bullshit.
sure buddy. The only thing most people know about Lincoln is that he freed slaves
Are you unironically praising the release of blacks? And their subsequent non-deportation?
It's literally the only way you have property rights without raising an army to fight for you. Capitalism required the formation of nation states. Please read a goddamn book.
Still as powerless as ever, and that's the way you'll stay. Confederacy has been BTFO for over 150 years. It's not coming back.
Cold war is over m8.
You first, Keynesian niggerlover.
The only reason it's over is because the enemy is now within our borders rather than without.
yeah no shit it's not coming back, doesn't mean it's a good thing that they lost and that the south who were far more in the right than the north got shat on economically and filled with niggers so they never could
Huge Boner
None of the Roosevelts were good. He wasn't as bad as his crippled fifth cousin, though.
Kennedy was the best of the American Empire, that's why he died.
The Confederacy was the "true" US, but I'm not a filthy liberal, so the further America comes to imperialism as long as it's honest imperialism, the better.