WTF I love Russia even more now

WTF I love Russia even more now.

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Did I just jump into an alternative timeline? Please let me stay

That's been the question of the day for the past decade, fam. The number of genders is growing faster than the number of welfare queen babies, a tranny Jewess shitting on the sidewalk is high art, Duterte is offering bounties for the heads of commies, and the country that's been invaded by muslims and Mongols for centuries will be whiter than Western Europe by 2020.

Post your feels when the idiotic lib dems drafted the law as a joke thinking they were clever and the Russian parliament is still gonna vote it for the lulz…

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What? Duterte is talking about reconciliation with actual rebel guerrillas running one of the Philippines islands. He activly works with China and even buys weapons from them

You cant really say that this man is "offering bounties for the heads of commies" because that simply is not the case

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Russian Liberal Democrats are liberal only in name, its hardline nationalist and traditionalist political party.
Learn something about Russian political climate before saying something retarded

I haven't kept up with the most recent news but at one point he was doing just that:

Great source

you act as if Zig Forumsocks don't understand Russian history.

Because they probably dont, at least most of it, or they just oversimplify everything to the point of retardation
Or even worse they base off their entire knowledge about the world from memes
Then pick one that doesn't trigger you. You are aware that just because Duterte chose to open up talks in April doesn't mean he couldn't have held another view in the past, right?

Excuse me for forgetting and in non-soviet Russia the Liberal Democrats are "socially conservative and economically interventionist".
It's not like it's the exact opposite as everywhere else on the fucking planet and that party should be called the Conservator Nationalists…

The way the article was being written I thought it was Navalny friends being cute and the rest of parliament playing along.
If it's not that it's just gonna be shot down in session then, which is far less funny and OP is suddenly gay as fuck.

Fucking filtered.

Learn to reading comprehension you doublenigger.

I second this, they have a huge aggressive retarded thug as the leader, like actual Zig Forums tier, except it is not really funny.

Also this.RT is CNN-tier propaganda funded directly by the state in 2 sided political climate, it's hard to have a discussion even on imageboards, it turns into adhominems, personal threats and historicist gotchaisms

You sound like a communist jew.

You sound like an illiterate Zig Forumstard fuck commies and jews, as well as neetsocs

…… ….. …… …… …,, LOAD ….. LOAD ….. LOAD

assssssssssssasasasasasasas …



Sounds pretty cool if you ask me
Too bad he is pretty old so when he steps down i guess the party will die with him

How can you not love this man

It sounds funny but in practice it is really not. He was made fun of, but now it's just tiring. He is also just a part of controlled opposition and does nothing other than representing "options" to vote for, even if all parties do absolutely the same.

He may look cool for Zig Forums with all the stupid shit he's doing, but it's really just aggressive populism and nothing more, even if he himself believes otherwise(i'm not sure how mentally ill he is irl). If he was serious he'd be the leader with Mao-tier polices like "arm yourself with what tools you find nearby and charge in the enemy country direction". Funny as it is, i'd prefer not to.

So is Putin unironically the best option Russia has for the time being or is that just a meme?

Man, I'd vote for that guy. God damn hes unhinged.

He is the only actual option because any other official candidates are his puppets that do the same polices and nothing would change even if they'd magically win elections. The whole state of things is ultimately the consequence of his(or (((those))) behind him) actions. Nobody really know is the other "candidates" could make things worse so comparing them is kinda pointless, really. They are not that different.

He's a Jew.

Putin wins no matter who wins.

>(((those))) behind him
Care to elaborate? He's a good goy like all world leaders these days, but aside from some trade deals it doesn't seem like the Israelis are getting nearly as much out of Russia as they are out of the West.

He proposed throwing the muslims out of Russia. If he was serious that, I could overlook his unfortunate jewishness.

Thats actually a pretty good vid

I just meant i'm not sure he's the ultimate mastermind standing behind all the mess created during his rule. Maybe him, maybe biggest oligarchs, maybe eourope officials(as most of their property is in europe, head of the anti-monopoly comitee or something has a fucking castle in there), maybe actual (((someone))), i just meant that it's really unclear.

He signed the law that prohibits national hatred speech, like "hate speech" against niggers, but it's local niggers and one type of them is above law, aggressive and armed usually, and among officials as well. Overlook your overlooking.

>(((those))) behind him
If you expect me to believe Putin is somehow a kike I'm going to go ahead and call you a butthurt belt expat, because that's retarded.

As opposed to whose rule? Russia lost 50% GDP under previous presidents, who basically sold state owned corporations for $1 to kikes as part of "privatization".

Putin recovered that 50%, and boosted the economy even more so that RF alone now has a more stable and larger economy than USSR had in its entirety, including the SSRs.
He's also putting you on the world stage. Without Putin the missile shield in Poland would put you out of business in Baltic sea, and the coup in Ukraine would put you out of business in the Black sea completely.
You'd be out of TWO FUCKING SEAS and all of Western Russia would have its economy and trade routes controlled by EU or USA.

Globalists aren't fucking stupid, they know what they're doing.

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I want to believe

Reported to FSB for hate speak against your Churka overlords.
Prepare for visit from HOMO forces

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Putin purged almost all of the oligarchs when he first entered office and made sure only those loyal to him remained, so I'm doubtful of that.

Ahahaha… hahaha… Right about now he's fucking over entire country's population and economy just to bail out his bedfellow oligarchs.

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I wonder who could be behind this post.

In interwar Poland a socialist politician tried to propse a bill that outlawed duels, so a right-wing politician challenged him to a fight over it and the lefty got a heart attack and died
Also, Sanacja aligned officers were beating the shit out of national democucks journalists because written libel was a serious misdemeanor which allowed for duel to occur.

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>cheering for (((democrats))) BASTE AFROLITHUANIO-POLES
>(((Bolshevik))) Russia would be a great ally, Pyotr Lazarevich Voykov is a pretty cool guy, eh, dissolves tsar's family in acid and doesn't afraid of anything

He's supporting your economy because foreign nations are sanctioning it into the fucking ground, it's not due to any inherent bad decisions of the business owners.

This isn't ANYTHING like the bail outs here where businesses ran themselves into the ground with no foreign interference and got protected by tax money from their own mistakes.

Pull that trigger.


>cheering for (((democrats)))
Im more of an ONR guy but ill take Dmowski over Pissudzki any day
Yes unlawful yet unpunished beating citizens by members of sejm or ruling party is a great deed, really what could go wrong?
>(((Bolshevik))) Russia would be a great ally
ND wanted to cozy up to Russia not Soviet Union, not to mention that CCCP under Stalin wasnt that bad, he purged the party of trotskysts, internationalists and after the ww2 jews

But lets sum up achievements of "Sanacja" shall we?

>Being soft of uk*ainian minority and jewish minority google "giedroycizm" its a political doctrine that still poisons the mind of todays politicans but actually has roots in sanacja rule
>Opening up fire on fellow poles and killing them for protesting because of Sanacja shitty economic policies

It goes on and on and on

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Oh yeah there's nothing wrong with hiking taxes up the ass and gutting the social welfare programs (most notably the retirement fund) left right and center to save the sanctions-blacklist oligarchs from having to waive ownership of their corporations; they're losing profits due to being blacklisted - no need to try and fix the situation, everything is A-OK: the people will pay for that.

Apply yourself you slavboo faggot.

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Ain't that a fun coincidence that in spite of massive tax hike the Rusal is getting huge tax breaks again. But not a bunch of agricultural companies and whatnot, because their owners are not Putin's friends.

There's a little mishmash over "oligarch" term. Normally an oligarch owns media and is a relatively powerful local figure on his own. Since the beginning of 00's Coocktin's nanny state monopolized 99% of the media (even so-called "oppositionary" lol) so extremely corrupt oligarchs still exist but all of them are Coocktin's (((friendos))), often from his childhood.

The only other option is to borrow. A moron like you would support that, just so you can defer taxes to the next generation, because fuck kids right?

This is NEVER wrong.

It comes to a point where it can't help anymore.

Original ONR or current one?
OZN was better
>he'll take BASTE NIGGERS AFRO-POLES over intermarium
Włącz TVN albo obrady sejmu, zmienisz zdanie na temat immunitetów i "praw człowieka"
Brilliant idea, I'd expect nothing less.
Problem is, Whites in Russia would only tolerate Poland in ethnic borders that were carefully engineered to be as small as possible, and they were pet of entente.
Neither side winning was good for Poland, because
Being buddies with the man who dissolved tsar family sure paints an image of a man who likes Russia and not (((bolsheviks)))
After all there's no reason to hate someone who annexes most of your land and keeps it as a rural, underdeveloped shithole, later gets overtaken by kikes and wants to annihilate you because Romans destroyed their satanic temple over a thousand years ago

Dmowski also followed Piłsudski all the way to Japan to torpedo diplomatic efforts between Poland and Japan (started by his brother Bronisław, famous ethnographer of the Ainu btw.) (Japanese government still sent us weapons and money, while also releasing or giving preferential treatment to Russian Army's POW of Polish origin)

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Actually there's a third option - to stop stealing tax money and doing retarded shit in other countries.

In Russia, your retirement paycheck is paid from your retirement fund taxes. Your entire life you're paying a chunk of your salary into that fund, so that when you retire you get a pension. But get this. They hike the taxes but gut the pensions.


That doesn't seem likely, everywhere that I'm aware of it's a scam where you pay taxes that get embezzled and some of it goes to current pensioners, while your pension will not exist because taxation ruins your ability to have a family, ergo make more scam victims, unless you import "nigger scientists who'll boost economy"© or increase (((international debt))) to fund your own pension.

An average person pays between 5 and 15 times more into pension fund than they get back from it. So embezzlement is a given.

If you die, your family doesn't get whatever you had supposedly over 40 years of paying taxes either.
I like getting mocking letters from Social Security Fund which updates me on how much money was taken from my paycheck every few months.
Maybe by the time I'll retire they'll send a thug to beat me to death charitably euthanize me so they don't have to pay my pension out.

That's not how it works.

No shit we have the same in Canada, and the government still sometimes decides to take half of it during wartime or emergencies. People had their retirement fund garnished during Vietnam war for example.

This is for a reason. If they didn't take from the pension fund, the rise in taxes would have to be greater. The money has to come from somewhere:
1. Cutting programs
2. Taxing more (this includes printing money, tariffs, or hidden taxes in fuels)
3. Borrowing
Russian government doesn't sell products, it cant generate money out of nothing except in very special cases where they sell weapons or rocket trips.

What's your income tax?

So don't report income and simply save it, get your employer to pay you cash as a subcontractor.

That's what they tell everyone in all countries, it's never true. State-sponsored social security is pure kikery and should be avoided whenever possible.

So you're trying to say two things:
1. Their government isn't corrupt as hell;
2. International sanctions for the retarded shit does not hurt them.

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I just realized, that social security scam is telling you

It actually started before the boomers were born and we have FDR to thank for implementing it in 1935.

How did the generation before boomers fall for it?

It was the middle of the great depression and people were easy to manipulate in their desperation.

If you work in any official capacity, you're paying these taxes. It's automatically deduced from your paycheck.


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Also. The reason they even have to do that shit is because they're trying to bail out oligarchs. If they'd let them sink, they would've sold off their companies to someone else and if history is any indication, it would've been better off that way. Excluding military complex, sanctions apply to specific persons - not to the industries. The country's economy is going down the crapper because Putin decided to double down on corruption and oligarchy.

Guaranteed to be misused by (((Russian government))). Fucking Jews.

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I'm saying neither of the things, the Russian government is very corrupt and the sanctions clearly are hurting them. Why else would they need to raise taxes to bail out businesses if the sanctions weren't working.

You read the absolute opposite of what I wrote.

That has to be some kind of record.

Is cash payments not allowed in Russia? I'm not familiar with your tax system, but how do you pay a gardener or a plumber? With a paycheck?

That's overly idealistic, and your country would suffer greatly in the interim. Also it would be vulnerable to complete annihilation in a century when such things happen with the push of a button.

What if it takes the oligarchs 15 years to wise up and sell the companies? The nuclear weapons would be degraded and useless by then.

Russia literally lives off oil and natural gas, weapons and rocket engines are a tiny fraction of that, huge land with natural resources is what keeps it afloat, more or less, as economy didn't really recover after commies and a huge fraction of people are living off of budget jobs. They are also most likely to be in poverty as almost any private job usually pays more. The less poor are usually in bigger cities and close to supply lines and have less middlemen between them and foreign investors who pay and care more usually.

Saving money long term is not a common thing for most people, even less so if they are/were leftists. It is a common practice though, the problem is still that you can get a good salary mostly with foreign investors' businesses who are not really into shady stuff. This all keeps going only because of how much is taken and little is given to people so this pyramid keeps going, though seems like it got to the point of significant decreasing of government profits, which is why they started reforming retirement stuff, as well as forcing people to pay more intensively, up to putting people in jail for working unofficially.

Fug, i meant about not reporting, not saving

If you work legally, your employer must file their papers properly, which includes filing your salary. The tax office requires that employer deduces the income tax and sends it to them. The only way you can bypass paying these taxes is to work semi or non legally.

And it's a common practice to fuck people over with their gray salary. It was never stated in their contract that the employer must pay this money you receive in a blank envelope, and they don't hesitate to use this to their advantage.

You are misunderstanding, please seperate "Russia" from "Russian state", "Russian government", "Russian economy", and "Russian society". These are all separate things.

The Russian government has never sold a product. The Russian state sells several, like gas, weapons, services and tech.

You're also misunderstanding, and I'm a little tired of it.

A subcontractor doesn't have an employer. He gets paid to do 1 job and then he leaves. There's no salary. For example a tutor. Parents hire a guy to teach their kid math. They pay him $200 per session, and he has over 100 sessions with the kid, ending in $20,000. Or a plumber, or an electrical installer, or an accountant. They have no hourly salaries, it's on a job to job basis.

How is that money reported?

Do the parents report how much they paid the tutor?

How does the government know if they don't?

You have so little grasp on economical and social realities of Russia and yet argue with a pair of actual russians about it. It would be funny if it wasn't inane.

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Can you inform the class instead of just throwing a tantrum?