My neighbor warned me gypsies and junkies are invading homes and I've been setting up traps from the home alone movies and keeping my rifle and sidearm slung at all times
What do I do?
How to deal with squatters the Zig Forums way?
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You're going to get legally fucked setting up traps. Keeping a gun on you at all times is a good idea though. Look into basic home security, get some cameras, reinforce doors and windows, and see if you have relatives/friends outside the area who would let you stash valuables until the danger has passed.
I'm going to assume this isn't a honeypot. Probably not the best idea but still.
Lethal traps like trap shotguns are illegal in the US and presumably most other countries because the trap doesn't distinguish between targets and non-targets.
If you want to stay on the right side of the law set up cameras in and around all vacant properties, along with motion detectors and lights. Have the system send you a notification on your phone or email when they detect an intruder and call the police immediately. Squatters will get dragged out and taken to jail immediately if they haven't stayed in the property for more than a day.
I know hearing that sucks, but the law is very strict about non-governmental use of force.
I was going to advise a trip to home depot to get a steel door and a decent lock, but apparently the US is not diverse enough yet as the only lock they sells are ones that can be picked by any self-respecting gypsy in his sleep and three points bars are a fantasy.
No wonder they keep emigrating…
Hang garlic and crosses everywhere
Gypsies are like vampires but instead of drinking blood they beg for money so this should repeal them pretty good
Or take care of them yourself, so they don't have time to trash the place. If they're breaking into your home regardless of state you are completely within your rights to shoot them with whatever the fuck you have. I'd take this opportunity to invest in a elephant gun or something.
I hope I don't hear about you in the news
Lock your fucking doors even inside the house and stow your other guns properly in a cabinet or safe, it won't stop somone on a mission to steal shit but it would certainly make it harder. Also ask your neighbors to do some watch shit when you're away.
In a way I hope you do find a gypsy. Once you blast that faggot you're local neighborhood will get a reputation (for a short while anyways gypsys are retarded) as one with zero tolerance for bullshit.
Aren't gypsies afraid of frogs?
Do not set traps. Squatters have no legal rights to take your shit. This is one you should leave to the police. Unless those squatters have literally more than a decade living there (depending on your state), they have no way to take your property. Doing anything to them is going to get you fucked up. Don't do it, fam.
This is if you find they are already occupying one of your properties. If you see them come in, draw that gun.
Pic related
You see user, gypsies are worse than niggers when it comes to home invasions. The nigger won't necessary kill and murder the entire family 80% of the time, but the gypsy subhuman most certainly will. The other 20% of the time he will just beat you up real bad and break some bones.
Gypsies however have much lower intelligence than the average "American" nigger. They are really fucking bad at stealthily getting into your house, and they rarely carry actual firearms. They use mostly knives and hammers, though it would be unwise to always assume they are unarmed.
There are exactly 2 types of gypsies:
1. The 9 - 13 year old who was forced by the rest of the gypsies to go rob your house by himself. These are somewhat better at sneaking but panic quickly if you wake up. You can easily beat their ass just using your fists.
2. The 14 - 35 year olds who will invade in groups, fuck shit up and stab you and your family 60 times in the chest and face. These monkeys need to be countered by a firearm, or else you're fucked.
So in other words, shoot on sight if the gypsy looks like a teen or adult, and break their nose if they look like middle-schoolers.
As for traps, they're worthless. The best way to keep them out is to first and foremost make it clear that your house is owned by an adult man, and not by elders or women. They avoid middle-aged men like the plague, because they suck at combat. Then you need to get yourself some Plexiglas windows, alarms and a proper reinforced door with an alarm set there too. Gypsie will try to break open from windows or backdoors. They might even climb 2 stories up just tor each some half-open window if they need to. Replace all the windows and doors in your house with proper ones. If there are any windows close to your door, then make sure those windows are extra reinforced. Gypsies will try to make holes in those big enough for their hands to go through, and open the door from the inside.
This is the average gypsy subhuman. This is your enemy. Any sign of kindness is nothing but a lie. They want to fucking murder you and steal your shit. Shoot on sight, or they will kill you.
dude just shoot them lmao
holy shit, I don't believe that
That's below clinical retardation requirement, and below the estimate for mental capacity required to understand single-field agriculture system.
Since when? How?
I would like to know this as well, although I have had some anecdotal experiences with them on the Northern border. Ate some food out of trash cans and accosted me for money to buy them dinner. I told them to fuck off, store owner called the police and state trooper responded. I had left by that point so I don't know what the fuck happened to them but I felt bad for their dog, had a tibetan mastiff with them of all things.
Barring that I have seen little of gypsies explicitly, mostly just meth heads and third worlders being dumped here that qualify in behavior as gypsies.
Okay, so the gypsy scum aren't a surprise, but what's with the Romanian women? Aren't they native europeans?
mostly lack of education and some alcohol problem. Also half-gypsies.
To hammer down on OP:
One thing to make clear is that they *will* get in, eventually.
They are cowardly retards, but persistent ones.
Your work should focus on delaying and alarms, and if possible early warning.
Reinforced window and doors. But don't just buy steel door and 150$ lock that will mark you as a target if you're the only one with a bunker. It needs to look like a normal door from outside. If you have a separate entrance and a second interior door, it's the interior room that should be Reinforced.
Then invest in alarms and cameras, but again, stealth them. Add redundancy and your system should work with power cut and no outside elements.
And if possible, watch the streets. either mark 1 eyeball, cameras or neighbors. Gypsies will usually scout a place a few weeks to a couple of days before they strike.
And when they begin forcing the door, shoot to kill,no survivors. Then double up security and carry loaded, gypsies are a vindicative bunch.
Have good relationships with your neighbors. You don't need to form a neighborhood militia or anything too high-speed-low-drag, just maintain a gentleman's agreement to keep an eye out, keep each other informed, and watch each other's back.
Ideally, there would be someone holding down the fort at all times. Since that's not always possible, maybe look into one of those motion sensing security cameras that alerts your phone when it goes off. This is of course assuming you're the type of person to keep a phone on them at all times, my apologies if you're better than that.
Don't make it easy for them. If they really want to get into your home and your specifically, they'll bust out a window or tear through a wall. Likewise, presenting the image of hardened security will just attract them, because they think you have something worth protecting. The idea is to make them look elsewhere for an easier target.
They're not niggers, they're gypsies. Hardened security makes them go for other easier targets. Like I said above, they will avoid houses owned by men. Their main targets are elders and women. If they break into a house and find a man sleeping inside they will kill him on the spot because they're afraid he might wake up later and beat their ass.
Gypsies are cowards, even the ones who try and look tough. They are dangerous, but still cowards.
To keep gypsies away you need to make it clear you will defend your property at all costs. If they sense weakness or lack of security they will fucking kill you.
I don't know how mutt Gypsies operate but over here the danger isn't when you encounter them it's when the rest of them find out afterwards and proceed to make it their life goal to kill you, for example recently a pack of gypos broke into an elder mans house and attacked his bed ridden wife so he killed one with a screwdriver surprisingly the cops didn't charge the guy with murder and defend the criminals like they usually do, every since then the gypos have been patrolling his street just waiting for the chance to kill him in retaliation.
Gypsies are worse then niggers as they hold grudges for eternity and when they hold a grudge against you that means the entire pack wants you dead.
If you intent to kill one make sure you have enough ammo to take out the rest because they will come.
Look for incidence rates of paving scams if you want to find a decent population distribution map. There is a very well established group of gypsies in my home town. They've been there a few decades and have settled down a bit, but still a nuisance. Police don't bother getting involved when they shoot at each other unless somebody actually gets hit.
Never had to deal with literally lower-than-nigger subhumans, but in my old neighborhood there was a dude who was trying to break into garages, so I set up some simple tripwire motion detectors inside my garage door, maybe just three or four feet from the door. When he inevitably did actually pry open the door and climb inside, an alarm went off inside my house, and I promptly called the cops and had my security camera over the garage capture footage of their bike before they ran away. Turns out when the spic was caught, they found all sorts of shit from snap-on socket wrenches and other tools, combined with other specialist tools like ohm readers, wire strippers, or even fucking heat guns and selling them around at pawn shops.
Never had to fire a shot, but you'd best believe that I had my fucking gun in my hand when I was calling the cops, because that motherfucker was still in my garage, and if he kicked the door down, I would have emptied into his ass.
All that means here is more target practice and less air-wasters. Gypsies may be able to stalk a white neighborhood freely in bongland, but they sure as shit won't be able to here. As far as I know they're usually confined to ghettos, and they're out-shadowed by big nigger gangs anyways.
Plant the poisonous plants around your home.
Go hunting with a shotgun and don't leave the cases behind. In a purely self-defense scenario, of course.
this country imports them.
That only works if you're living in the home. If you're in there, then they're intruders not squatters. If the property is owned but currently vacant, and they break in to live in the property, then they're squatters. Would-be squatters can be removed immediately by police if they haven't stayed for more than a day in the property. Established squatters can be evicted, but you need to get a Sheriff or local police to drag them out; trying to do it yourself with a gun if probably going to get the police involved, but they'll see you holding a weapon and overreact according to their training.
Also, there are some states where residents have a legal duty to retreat even from their own homes. I think New Jersey is one.
Romanian Zig Forumsommando here. I can totally confirm Greeceanon`s information about gypos. I`ve been dealing with them my entire life. They are REALLY dumb and they mostly work in packs BUT they do know their trade. In my city we used to call them wolves. They usually scout areas for a few days up to a month by simply "strolling by"or driving around the block. Once they have a target,you`d be suprised how much imagination they have. In case they want to mug you,they`ll take anything you do as "offensive"to them or something like that just so they can get close to you. They mostly carry knives,hammers,chains with locks,knuckledusters. So mostly cheap close range stuff,that either will knock you out or kill ya on the spot.
OH AND NEVER,NEVER,NEVER TRUST THEM OF HELP THEM. You might see a crying child at your door asking for food but never pitty that smelly bag of shit. He'll rob your shit after he's done stabbing you or once his unseen brother knock you out cold and he will probably not even give a shit. Hell he might even make a joke about it.
Go hunting with a double barrel that has no spring ejectors, and have a revolver on each hip and one under each arm, lol.
Atleast burgers have good gun laws to compensate for the nigger problem.
They look like pajeets mixed with sand niggers and self-hating Whites.
The fuck kind of cesspool of genes did these creatures spawn from?
Even still they're eroding our legal right to self defense. It would be terrible if politicians and the police were publicly executed with red hot irons
India apparently, bout as inbred as jews are.
Has anyone actually ever thought to themselves, "This is a honeypot, I'm not going to post".
I would disagree
Sure, place traps in your own house so your children can accidentally step on them.
You gotta know somehow that they work ,right?
Pajeets mixed with sand niggers, slavs rapists and inbreeding.
Lol, look where your posting, maybe 1 in 15 of us have children.
As for the topic, go chemical, if they're dug in, use bug bombs, flood the house with the shit till they leave. You can always say you were fumigating for bugs. If they're breaking into an occupied home, waste the fuckers.
There's gypsies in the US? As in those migratory Romani Pajeets that plague poorer European countries?
They're no longer as mobile as they used to be, rather they inhabit trailer parks and make themselves a fucking nuisance. Look into paving scams to learn more. They're mainly responsible for them.
There are threads obviously intended to gain information on streloks that I avoid like the plague and report until they get deleted.
Given how progressively ridiculous speech laws are getting it won't be long until even sarcastically answering such threads will get you fucked in the ass unless you know how to cover your tracks.
Do curls in the powerack, works every time
Damn, I had no idea that they were that vicious. I thought that they mostly committed petty crimes
Their young children commit petty crimes, or even the adults if they are in a crowd and feel like grabbing some wallet. But when it comes to home invasions they are fucking scum. They will stab your entire family 60 fucking times in the face and chest. It's not rare here to watch the news and learn about a new attack with an elder couple found slaughtered in their own house by gypsies.
I'm still waiting for an /x/-man to tell us that you just have to meditate till you can will your body to grow bulking muscles.
This works for tweakers, so I can't guarantee if it will apply to gypsies (it almost definitely works for niggers) and it can only be used in areas where your neighbors won't complain.
Depending on how macabre you want to get either get yourself a shit ton of doll's heads or shoot a dozen rabbits. Hang them up from the trees around your house.
They won't fuck with your house, guaranteed. I know this because I have seen it done multiple times for situations similar to this, and yes I have obviously lived in some fucked up strange areas. You do this and you can leave your front door wide the fuck open and leave for a week and nothing will happen. The only problem is I am not 100% sure if it will work on gypsies specifically.
This burger is right, if you don't mind the entire neighborhood and family members think of you as a brainfucked satan worshiper then it does work. Gypsy "witch" women will also tell the rest of the tribe to avoid even walking near your place.
Just make a steel basement door that's 1-way with wire mesh in the ceiling to prevent cell phone signal. Gypo goes in, door closes, can't escape, can't call for help. Stairs collapse. Single light over a small table. Only 2 items on the table: a cyanide capsule and a dragon dildo. Using either one would allow for a ladder to be dropped.