The Spirit of Zig Forums

Hello brother Streloks, what images/greentexts/webms do you have that capture the spirit of Zig Forums?

Bonus points for old ones

Attached: 5cca24aec1a396b94d02c24c7bf671a00ba449d800da4d8ab39106a877fd87fd.jpeg (960x1280 38.76 KB, 378.89K)

Ill post my own small collection as well

Attached: 0898c3c525b6b98c686e5aa303ee7c6ed4d10ba1cc61ce2fd1d9c1e534d2baf0.jpg (617x980 49.72 KB, 109.06K)

Attached: commiesncoke.jpg (960x554 333.96 KB, 180.9K)

I had a few pictures of us gangbanging your sister in front of her and your boyfriend but I accidentally deleted the folder. Hopefully some other user here has them. If you're extra lucky we just might even find a .webm of that night.

Attached: r.png (196x196, 30.63K)

Greece with the bantz

Kinda rich coming from a gyronigger considering your nation's history and all

Attached: ITSAMACHINEGUN.mp4 (500x377 35.52 KB, 235.6K)

These three.

Attached: 169.jpg (1248x1635 3.13 MB, 1.8M)

three for thee

Attached: consider.jpg (640x640 53.69 KB, 39.11K)

If anybody has the screencap of the Koko thread pls gib I lost mine in the great HDD failure of '16

Attached: koko.png (1007x782, 869.72K)

You're lucky OP, I found some of them

Attached: OP's sister 3.jpg (960x1280 230.13 KB, 219.8K)

Brazil is actually cool for once

I dig

KSG yourself

Attached: 256ca477c11ff6045cb6bfd8e8c55974c1af335738ec7c97f9f8416e94c8de68.jpg (1280x851 6.29 KB, 148.96K)


just filter ID and move on.
Nothing more Zig Forumsino than homemade firearms just sayin

Attached: luty pro.jpg (736x386 90.78 KB, 33.51K)

I found it! Not a very high res version but if this isn't the Spirit of Zig Forums I don't know what is.

Attached: god among men.png (1438x7007, 3.41M)

Hm, I hear a lot of criticism and not a lot of contribution. Make the thread better if you think its shit, ya fuckin wog

Attached: 1473259776473.jpg (480x1988 125.41 KB, 161.29K)

Fuckin hell, what a legend

Attached: 1463687717503.jpg (884x568 28.19 KB, 133.58K)

Absolutely, my friend

Attached: IMG_20180707_064826_058.jpg (1048x1280 72.75 KB, 258.66K)

Attached: magical_place.jpg (1352x1973 151.68 KB, 796.74K)

Nice cuckchan screencaps

Attached: ebinsoldier.jpg (271x400 107.9 KB, 26.73K)

Anyone have that screencap of a thread talking about how the military can't keep down an armed populace.

Attached: c6852ea98191324aaf61a6c07ca7e77bed350e5ca23bbf1dedb10e46e3335aa2.jpg (3216x4288 62.11 KB, 1.52M)

Want to test me boy?

Attached: ⁄k⁄ song.webm (480x360, 4.81M)

Attached: ⁄k⁄ song 2.mp4 (480x360, 2.9M)

I'm so old I don't even remember how I got here.

Attached: US_Army_Air_Defense_Artillery_1970s.mp4 (450x360, 3.59M)

Attached: Missile_Guidance_Magic.webm (324x240, 1.46M)

Attached: Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition.mp4 (640x360, 6.85M)

I have tons.

Attached: The kriegsmarine.webm (640x360, 8.32M)

Attached: Uz Marsala Tita - (Lepa sela lepo gore).webm (640x480, 6.09M)

Attached: Take Him To Detroit.webm (480x360, 788.4K)

Attached: ⁄k⁄ visits ⁄a⁄.mp4 (480x480, 975.23K)

Attached: ⁄a⁄ visit ⁄k⁄.webm (1000x562, 3.87M)

Attached: ⁄k⁄ makes breakfast.mp4 (400x224, 2.33M)

The most holy of webms.

Attached: welcome to k now git out.webm (1920x1080, 3.76M)

Attached: Unlike life, war never ends.webm (480x360, 3.6M)

Attached: NightCall A-Stan.webm (300x400, 3.81M)

Attached: ⁄k⁄ mongolian afternoon.mp4 (640x352, 1.49M)

Attached: JOVAN_YOU_HAD_ONE_FUCKING_JOB.webm (640x360, 823.97K)

Attached: Ain't_I_Right_-_American_Anti-Communist_song.mp4 (1280x720, 7.39M)

Attached: InfinityStrike.mp4 (854x480, 5.41M)

Attached: ⁄k⁄_makes_popcorn.webm (320x240, 4.74M)

Attached: PLA war song.mp4 (400x230, 7.4M)

Attached: Barrett's privateers.webm (474x360, 7.99M)

Attached: What the Captain means.webm (320x240, 7.64M)

No matter how many times I listen to this I can't get over how autistic this description of inertial guidance is.

Attached: uk technology.webm (900x506, 1.85M)

Attached: ⁄k⁄ dance.webm (480x320, 3.18M)

Attached: ⁄k⁄ dance, future edition.webm (640x384, 2.73M)

In what film did Frasier Crane lose it and become a pirate?

Attached: ⁄k⁄ dance, Syrian edition.mp4 (400x400, 945.63K)

Down Periscope

Attached: glockhammer.mp4 (854x480, 2.14M)

Attached: The_Serb_Team.webm (628x480, 5.11M)

Attached: ⁄k⁄ triggered.webm (640x360, 13.57M)

That will be the last one not that I've run out but I have other thing to do.

Attached: Git out.webm (480x720, 670.21K)

Attached: Japanese ammunition.webm (532x300 8.85 MB, 4M)

stupid flood detection

Attached: aa0f80193aefbd3ed4ea794d4d7fd3a1f7c4d39b2385664ef152e91b57201fe5.png (854x480 11.61 MB, 3.17M)

hope i don't hit flood detection again

Attached: artillery.webm (480x360 3.86 MB, 7.79M)

Attached: Around_Finns_the_ice_is_thin.webm (420x240, 3.05M)

Thanks for all the (You)s

Attached: 1496491387591.png (558x744, 428.11K)

Attached: pet russian.webm (720x720, 1.25M)


Attached: 1472393576827.webm (640x480, 2.06M)

How many levels of Operator is that first pic?


What is going on here?


They are disposing of ammunition. They put a whole bunch of cartridges in that container, then they heat it up until they start going off. Because the cartridges are just loose and not being fired from a gun the bullets don't have enough power to penetrate the container.
Sage for double post.

If that is the "spirit of Zig Forums", then I want no part in it.

Attached: absolutely_disgusted_redcoat.png (371x398, 235.16K)

Dont be a sourpuss

Attached: IMG_20180803_121027_795.jpg (1280x718 1.01 MB, 107K)

Attached: ahh.png (600x399 311.58 KB, 350.87K)

Attached: FA2000.webm (640x360, 4.96M)

Fucking flood detection

Attached: gookfeels.webm (640x480, 3.92M)

Attached: meanwhile_in_ukraine.webm (1280x720, 2.42M)

Attached: 8chan personal army.mp4 (480x270 5.41 MB, 9.91M)

Attached: canadian bagpipes vs latvian 50 cal barrel.webm (852x480 4.4 MB, 3.34M)

More importantly, how are there forward-slashes in the filename?

maybe you dont see his team because they are superior operators. he could just be a juvenile operator.

Does anyone have the selfie stick with a claymore mine attached?

literally just googled "selfie stick claymore". git gud.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (640x406, 114.51K)

Attached: its not unusual.webm (854x480 7.53 MB, 3.57M)

Personally I think shiny-tier operators include Special Ops Medics that nobody talks about, like SARC. Those guys are at least 3 levels of Operating higher than most simply because they're operating on operators while operating.

Attached: 669d1d5953d5c4dc84d3701f08c86c553a4937027a79ce8e3beb3ecba8ce76a3.jpg (720x757, 55.16K)


Attached: FIMIF SAS DAD.webm (480x360, 11.1M)

Attached: IMG_20180702_074114_966.jpg (1000x1000 182.19 KB, 231.26K)

that must have been fun to clean up
trigger discipline, also I like tits.

Attached: Captain Davis.png (804x254, 39.72K)

Am I the only one tempted to throw a piece of lit thermite in that? Also second pic but figuratively.

That mosin is making me feel things

It makes my iron the big iron

Attached: 1529538672975m.jpg (398x301 20.76 KB, 21.96K)

I think Willis understood the soul of this board and its people

The last one in particular

Attached: 1529515365209m.jpg (393x301 15.94 KB, 27.22K)

Attached: 1529535437227m.jpg (400x248 14.56 KB, 23.3K)

Dont know why theyre so small, but you get the idea

Attached: 1529536150542m.jpg (400x286 23.97 KB, 18.16K)

Attached: a_webm_for_ants.webm (5x5, 391.76K)

Yeah my bad, mustve saved them wrong

Attached: 1418257268704.jpg (720x480 43.65 KB, 59.91K)

What the fuck is all the halfchan bullshit.
Go back and stay in your hole.
This shit is not Zig Forums.

2 years, newfag.

The Zig Forumsube and its herald. We really ought to crowdsource it to either buy them or recreate a bigger/better one just to make a Mekka for Zig Forumsubists or autists.

Attached: sculpture.jpg (2055x2884 737.54 KB, 3.99M)

I'd like to acquire what this faggot made so we can restore what was lost

Attached: Destroying Deceased War Verteran Fathers WWII M1911 Heirloom.mp4 (512x288, 14.3M)

There are a few kommandos actually looking to buy land in WV to set up a haven for big events like nuggetfest and the like. I liaise with them often and the first stages of the project are coming together nicely.

Attached: 1461536535165.jpg (1600x1098 70.04 KB, 218.33K)

One of the reasons I created this thread was to look for inspiration. Id like to create a document that is a testament to Zig Forums and the brotherhood/culture surrounding it.

Its autistic, but I think a lot of our people feel the same way.

Attached: b225c58cdae09183c1400a72e7cfbb725769c3a0398bd9cd1601a3b386c19819.jpg (639x431 458.33 KB, 306.79K)

Enlighten us, user.

Attached: American Doctrines.jpg (627x502 27.07 KB, 940.08K)

Attached: gun personalities.jpg (697x524 139.15 KB, 75.71K)