So I was thinking, why not make an updated version of this old infographic?
So I was thinking, why not make an updated version of this old infographic?
Other urls found in this thread:
It would be good to have something like this for countries that cant get access to funz.
The UK for example.
Are you fucking retarded?
Yeah, maybe you are. Learn to buy your ammo in bulk, and learn a thing or two about mixing ammo. I can feed my Sako for half that price and be more accurate than what you're recommending.
Yeah because this infographic is like 6 years old.
getting some serious jagged alliance flashbacks
The market for actual guns here is kind of too complicated to really do a guide like that since there are so few initial buyers entering the market. everything is horse trades for the most part, excepting for straight pull AR and AK abominables. for the most part it'll be hunting rifles/milsurps and as for sidearms literally percussion cap revolvers from the fucking 1860's. i'd own some myself but i literally live too far from a range to have a reasonable expectation of getting a license, the only thing i can buy is an antique and even then id have to illegaly make my own powder and caps. Surplus brit army issue helmets are cheap here, but they're fucking worthless when they're old since they degrade much faster than PASGT type helmets, to the point where not even cops use them.
OP here, I tried to make my own version.
Only available in manlet/twink sizes these days.
Shameful, user
I wanted something to cover more arid environments.
There's similar and similarly-priced kits available on the new civvie market, but the packability of this one tickles my autism. Also, it's nice to see music about slaughtering kebab making its way into the mainstream.
The concern for helmets is possible delamination brought on by improper storage and heavy use, it's very unlikely and most probably just bullshit that gets passed around. Generally armor holds up fairly well, even something like soft kevlar panels, unless solvents or other petrol-based products are spilled or otherwise gotten on armor, then it can cause degradation and break down. There was some fuddlore going around about Kevlar panels being creased from storage and losing effectiveness, but an NIJ test of older ballistic vests that had been stored improperly in PD inventory rooms showed otherwise. The date on armor is to save the manufactures ass, but as with ANY armor it's not guarantee, just look into the shitstorm surrounding Japanese produced Zylon.
Armor is useless outside police actions (pro tip: US fights vs sandniggers are police actions).
Invest in cheap LVPO optic.
Yea, sure. Because why would you possibly wear something that makes you not-dead? It's not like everyone ever looking back into history tried to protect themselves at least partially.
Even the now venerable flak jacket is gonna be more pleasant than a chestful of shrapnel. And even bumping your head on things is a big issue.
Old armors actually protected from weapons so extra weight and overheating worth it.
Modern rifle plate cover minuscule part of the body from bullets (when modern guns accurately fire 60 RPM btw) and flak vests/helmets stop only weakest fragments. This is minuscule protection for its price.
Shit, I'm now considering to make one for Greeks. I will need some assistance from the two other gyros though before I start adding stuff.
Βοηθήστε ρε μαλάκες
Body armour isn't just to stop bullets. It's also to stop the shit thrown out by an explosion from ripping through your like jello. In WW2 helmets weren't handed out to protect you from bullets. It was to protect you from mortar fire sending shrapnel through your head.
If you look at old photos you will see they wore their helmets exposing their foreheads. This allowed them to duck and cover away from an explosion and half their entire head and neck protected.
WWII helmets are pitifully bad vs arty fragments. V50 for steel helmet is about 800fps for 15 grains fragment (45ftlbs), when by NATO criteria kinetic projectiles with energy below 58ftlbs (80 euro joules ) are not considered as lethal…
I'm sure you wouldn't want one then.
Most commercial shit is already up to par with most chinese/east bloc surplus garbage. Condor shitiness might be true, but I can assure you the average commie shit is just bad in quality, especially if it was issued and used.
I would replace LBE, backpacks, and auxillary shit like mess kit and canteen with new civvie commercial gear. Shirts/clothes could go either way since they generally don't surplus those out if they were used.
Actually I just realized a Greekfag version would be pointless. the only realistic gun silence you will ever own in this shithole is a simple hunting license which only grants access to shotguns. And decent shotguns cost 300 EUR minimum while semi-autos such as a Saiga or Vepr cost 1600 EUR. Therefore not a budget chart at all. And that's just the weapons. You then need equipment which due to abhorrent taxes will cost a lot to buy from other countries and ammunition is expensive as fuck.
Golden Dawn can't come soon enough. Without a NatSoc government we will never have proper gun rights and prices. A half-decent loadout in debtland with enough ammunition will cost you 3000 euros minimum for each person. And that loadout would be shit at long ranges because all you're equipped with is a shotgun with slugs.
Looking for improvements. How did I do?
That pic is horrible outdated.
Also, for the AR just make it a PSA freedom.
Trying to figure out how the hell to make this shit work. There's no easy and realistic way to acquire armor in this shithole so camouflage and guerrilla tactics is the only way this loadout would work. Haven't added anything so far, just started it and hopefully some fellow gyros will edit it. I will continue working on it tomorrow. I'm also trying to find some proper vest or rig made exclusively for shotgun shells but I don't know of any. Can you lads help? The cheapest stuff you can find.
I had a semi-updated version that I never finished.
Guys, just move to Crete. Buy an AK and a revolver and tell the communists to shove it where the Green Sun don't shine. I promise it ain't that hard.
Contribute to the chart gyronigger
sounds pretty Zig Forums to me
What a nice upstanding white family.
someone make a template
Did one for Germany, no pictures because of time.
please change the background color
It's a slight bit more legible I think.
You could not make the contrast of the style more obnoxious even if you tried.
What the actual fuck, I had to struggle to read a few words. Does this look ok to you faggot?
Edit out the "handguns are a waste of funds" part. Fucking ridiculous.
literally why
because I could do it.
but fine I am not that evil, here a version for the color blind.
Added some new stuff. Will add the rest tomorrow
For a serious SHTF
Mehler Schutzweste, BW MilSurp 360€ contains SK2 Padding and NIJ III Plates.
Romanian AK Clone since Germany has an embargo against russia and Ihzmash Weapons are off limits as long as you are not willing to spend more than the allready ridiculous price on an polymer AK.
Clothing consists of tactical olive garments, need to remove the velcro and replace it with buttons as the velcro is too loud for hunting purposes
Fitness: Powerlifting with Cardiodrills ensuring that I won't get weighed down by heavy equipment. Especially important is gripstrength in combination with shoulder endurance for aiming; more muscle helps with recoil management albeit there won't be much situations where one needs to magdump with his semiauto.
Knowledge: Hunting. Can't stress this enough, without knowledge of the forest you won't get far in a SHTF Scenario. Gear is only as good as it can be utilized by the user. All guns are futile if I lack the skills to sustain myself and craft shelter and concealment.My Zig Forumsommando path is to gitgud in partisan warfare as it was the same unit I was assigned to in the army.
Wrapped up my unfinished version.
Would the T/C Compass be a good choice or did the user that recommended it here once was shilling? Not that I can even get one here though, just asking for a friend
It's mission dependent. Armor has uses in mounted operations, sentry duty, or any role where the wearer is static.
lol autism
How hard is it to get a gun loicence in Germany? I've read it takes about a year and a half for a target shooting one, and longer for hunting/collecting licences. Could a poorfag reasonably get one? Also once I would get a licence do you know if it would be hard to import my guns from leafland (mostly milsurp and grandpa's guns) Thanks in advance.
Relatively simple to get one, you just have to deal with some annoying regulations.
First you must make a Waffensachkunde Prüfung, which is just a course telling you how guns and gun laws work here in Germany, with a test at the end. Depending what kind of course you book, these cost usually between 150€ and 300€.
Then you need a gun safe that has been made for the specifics after DIN/EN 1143-1 and has at least a resistance level of 0/N, these gun safes start by around 550€. You can thank the EU for that.
After that you must be either a member of a shooting club for a year with enough range time or you can become a hunter(which is its own training course).
Becoming a member of a shooting club is the cheapest and easiest way, as most clubs have a membership fee from just around 100€ a year and you get to meet other people that are into guns. Also you are less limited in the type and number of guns you can have.
The downside is that you have to remain an active shooter or you can lose your gun license,
Becoming a Hunter is expensive, as you have to learn it in a trainings course which usually cost around 1300€+, but after you got your Hunting License you have to deal with fewer annoying regulations.
After that you can go to your local office that is dealing with gun registration and apply for your gun license. They will look if you have a criminal background and take a small processing fee, but if you got all your papers in order they will give you one without a problem.
I have no knowledge about this topic, so you have to look up German import laws about this matter. I would also check if your guns are allowed after german weapons law(Waffengesetz). Our gun laws are less shit than most US states, but a few retarded ones are still in it.
Thanks Germanbro, I will probably try for my shooting licence first than hunting after that. I think there is a 3 round limit on semi autos (or is it bolt actions too?) and in Canada it is a 5 round limit for semi autos, but once my German is better I will find out who to ask about importing after I move there. I don't really want to leave my milsurps at home but I'd imagine K98Ks are much more common in Germany.
One more question if you don't mind: is it worth it to join the Bundeswehr? I want to finish my science degree in Germany and then I was thinking I would try to join the Panzergrenadieren, or Gebirgsjäger because I'll probably miss living close to mountains. I have read that if I have a degree I can go straight to officer school, but is it even worth it in cy+3?
How are self defense laws though? In here we've got the opposite of burger laws, to the point of wearing anything that can be used for self defense without an excuse and using it is "too much force, the boys just wanted to talk and you pulled a baton while you did not need one so you planned it so get v&".
Same here. A few days ago an anarchist gay drug addict attempted to rob a jewel store with a knife. The owner killed him and ever since then the media portrays the anarchist faggot as a hero who 'dindu nuffin, he was just confused, he was a great boy and a good friend" while the store owner is in court and is labeled as an evil murderer.
Golden Dawn can't come soon enough. This country is a legit dystopian shithole right now.
I know that feel, Greek.
How are hungarian gun laws? Can you paprika loving faggots own anything or are you as cucked as the rest of the yurozone?
Why cover the face? This reads out more like how to start a terrorist cell
Balaclavas are cool
You're basically wearing a sock on your head.
Also it makes it easier to infiltrate even a close knit squad.
Polish wz.93 kevlar helmets are pretty cheap, at least mine was, but I'm not sure how old they are on the market. I would think steel would tend to be the best option for poorfags in general though, not having a shelf life. SSh-40 pattern and derivatives can be had for under 20 USD. Sometimes you can find a good deal on the M56 still.
With that said, I think the typical Zig Forumsommando insurgent would be better served by a boonie or something else lightweight, avoiding combat where a helmet would be of great value to begin with.
For all the poorfags.
Finished it. Is it any good? I don't think there are any better tips for a loadout in this country tbh. Maybe you could get rid of the special snowflake chest rig but other than that the rest seem fine.
I'll show my gear when I get home for Than/k/sgiving (burger Columbus day) It'll either be Entirely SS LARP shit, or mostly SS LARP shit because I don't have the money anymore to buy stuff. Are hobnail boots okay? I have German lowboots and they're good but as soon as you step on a hard surface (rock, concrete, metal, ect.) they start making noise. I've heard old Czech Surplus boots are good, anyone recommend better?
Nani, the fuck? I see I left my VPN on, but it's set to Norway, and has always shown unknown flag here before.
8ch fucks up flags in the south US (around texas iirc) and makes them unknown, also I'm sure there's more than 1 person using a VPN, I rarely leave it, but I'm sure I probably made a couple shitposts with it on.
off topic
Oy vey stop telling the goyim all our secrets!
LMAO for some reason it picks up my Israel VPN as Romanian. Let's see where it thinks I am if I actually switch to Romania.
Also this is a solid list. Too bad that even with slugs it'd be pretty useless in long range mountain warfare. Also why do we use jungle lizard camo if most of the country looks like a bushy desert in the south or rolling green hills and plains with practically no foliage in the north? I mean, camo is supposed to match our surroundings, right? IDK, maybe it's appropriate for the Evros.
And I still think you guys should consider moving to Crete and saving up a bit for an Albanian black market AK or a legal bolt action in .308 and a Glawk.
Is it 8ch or just free VPNs Jewing you by not actually giving you the locations they say they offer?
Couldn't Greeks just go to Turkey, or Africa to buy a gun? Or are land entrances back into Greece heavily regulated? If so couldn't you just take a boat back to Greece? That's how all the shitskins are getting to Europe to go to actually decent countries. :^)
Do that and the moment anyone learns you bought anything from the roaches you'll get lynched and rightfully so. No mercy for traitors.
I'm impressed with how much you hate Turks.
Westerners have no real natural enemies so it isn't surprising many of you cannot comprehend true genocidal hate on a national level.
Hunting license is the one you want, as target shooting is extremely cucked. Need a permit for everything, many semiautos are offlimits and so on. I did my hunting license in 9 months, but you can do it in a weekend if you visit a course and have the money. Hunting is extremely expensive, you have to pay several insurances and government fees just to be able to own guns and then there is no place to hunt. Hunting in Germany is just a meme if you are not born a farmer or obscenely wealthy; t. 3 years a hunter and shot nothing, was invited to 2 communal hunts with over 50+ hunters with the results of 2 foxes and 3 rabbits. Payed 1,5k+ for a hunting trip which entailed the shot of one buck and saw no male deer past day 4, and then it was so meager that I couldn't tell the difference. Most people who do a huntinglicense nowadays are preppers.
for importing you need an europäischer Feuerwaffenpass I presume; depending on your gun regulations you might turn in your funs and pay for them being shot with overpressure by the state, after that they should get an marking for being viable for the german gun market.
are you sure
They can freely own air guns that are less than 5.5 ft/lbs of force and black powder guns but not the powder or primers. They need a license to own an air gun over 5.5 ft/lbs as well as any kind of real gun and it has the typical restrictions of having to prove a reason to own it as well as passing a background investigation and tests. The license appears to have a 2 gun restriction, but it does allow conceal carry. Automatic weapons are completely banned and you can only own ammunition for a gun you have a license for.
paprika/pepper spray is unrestricted, naturally
What's with everyone forgetting about the psak-47? They are Kalashnikov's made by palmetto state armory, and they cost about 499.99 usd. They have even passed 5000 round tests.
They are about the same cost as the psar-15s and you get that juicy 20.9¢ per round for 7.62x39 ammo.
For all the anons in other countries. Get a group of friends together and buy machine tools. A bunch of fucking Jews made 9mm ammo from scratch under a laundromat for fucks sake. If the kikes can do it, so can actual Europeans. If you get good enough to make drawing dies for both the projectiles and the casings, you're definitely good enough to machine gun parts. It'll take a while to get set up and gitgud, but you can literally make factory quality weapons and ammo given the time and patience. Plenty of books out there as well to study. Best of luck Streloks.
going to need some sources user
Don't most people pass them up since they were supposed to be a DDI/PSA thing but DDI died (along with their knowledge) and PSA put out worse than pre 2015 WASR tier AKs for $500 but then said that their premium nearly $1000 rifles is the actual good shit that's meant to work for more than a few hundred rounds be used by some one who isn't a once a month shooter to compete with arsenal tier shit?
I like PSA but Murrican made AKs are looked at with one hell of a jaundiced eye ever since Waffen Werks died (due to going lazy and stupid) and then DDI died (due to just going plain stupid with their shotgun). Why the fuck don't they just buy trunions/BCGs made in some former combloc country in bulk and build around it? The labor is what matters in an AK and even the monkeys at can century out perform I.O. (which honestly means a lot if you look at history), just contract out the hard to get right pieces (apparently they don't know what heat treatment is) and continue from there.
check this out
Not exactly the classic infograph format but I made this earlier this year.
He now says they sent him an abnormally good one.
i was going to say that there is no way that cast ak parts could last that long but then i went to their web page
looks like they stopped using cast parts?
Fucking hell. What I wouldn't give to have gun choices like that! I can't even get a fucking lever action shotgun thanks to some futckwit anti-gun bitch seeing a video of it and going "OMG! Rapid fire! Ban it!"
Anyone care to make an Aussie BudgetBloc? Sad though it will be…
so what are you allowed to carry then?
Allowed to carry? Nothing! Can't even legally carry a knife here.
We can own: pretty much any kind of fixed blade knives (except 'daggers' - anything with double edges), and folding knives.
We can own guns - for most people they would be restricted to bolt action rifles and single and double barrel shotguns. Unless they are in a firearms club and do competition shooting, or own a farm. In which case they can get slightly better weapons - pump action shotguns and semi-auto rimfire rifles. As long as the magazine capacity isn't too high.
The exact gun laws vary from state to state, and can be found here:
Note: We can (in theory) own lever action shotguns, like the Addler. When antigun fags don't get them banned from import! >:C
Handguns can be owned, but you have to be part of a club and do competition shooting from memory.
How would you guys think about outfitting people in a pretty cucked state like new jersey?
are revolvers illegal? if not you could get an (extremely expensive) S&W 460, which will mess up most body armor.
if you have 500 freedom dollars, a taurus 44 mag will also mess up most people.
BB guns are considered firearms in new jersey so everything is pretty fucked
actually some old dude is about to get 10 years for owning a flintlock, so I guess crossbows or kukri are the only options I fucking hate this place reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
at least a crossbow will go through most body armor.
if necessary, an iron pipe or a hammer for defense. or a shovel.
I guess NJ really is worst than NY. The really sad part is all the faggots in our two states would agree he should go to jail.
I fucking hate the whole North East.
Been doing some research. The best rifle that is commonly available is a Remington 7615P rifle - this is a .223/5.56 pump action rifle that accepts AR magazines (note: high capacity mags are illegal in cucked NSW).
Not sure if its the cheapest option, but it is the most tactical that anyone with a Category A or B firearms license can own.
Don't ask me why anyone can own a pump action rifle but not a pump action shotgun…
Thats good stuff, but against the idea of Budget Bloc. Alone for the Mehler Schutzweste you could buy basic gear for three people.
Because it is a natural rule that those who support and enforce the regulation of firearms are mentally deficient.
At least this is something you can put an edge on when the time comes. You could full austist and get a Spetsnaz fighting spade.
A US issue etool is just as good a killer.
There's enough stories to back up the idea of "arming" people with them.