A Zig Forums assessment is due. This is a MASSIVE video. This will alter the course of the primary. There will be Democrats who cave on the wall.
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>>>Zig Forums12178768
A Zig Forums assessment is due. This is a MASSIVE video. This will alter the course of the primary. There will be Democrats who cave on the wall.
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>>>Zig Forums12178768
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At least embed invidio.us instead of YouTube.
Fucking Zig Forumsacks these days.
Also: the drug war in Mexico has been going on for ages. Who even is surprised that these guys have "military" hardware at this point?
Almost every single person in America
You'd be suprised to know how people think drug cartels are just TV things.
The bug people, which is to say voters, are unaware of anything that involves inference, and which the TV doesn't tell them is so.
The point of bringing this to attention isn't to point out cartels are operating cross borders. It is to bring attention to the fact that border security is so shit that they can literally walk into the country with rifles(likely illegal ones if that) in hand without a single worry.
Who wants to play libtard bingo.
Yes, this is incredible footage. Before this, nobody had captured such an amazing thing. The cartels are bringing rifles with them over the border.
There are less armed government employees on the entire BORDER than there are in the largest burrough of New York city. NYPD is 50,000 cops and the largest of the five burrough has 25,000.
Congress mandates 21,000 border patrol agents, but in reality the number is about two thirds of that. How the fuck are they supposed to do their job?
Even if all of the national guard in the country went to the border, it would have trouble sealing it without some kind of series of barriers plus minefields.
Also what is that video game, and are there other top down spaceship games like it? I'm loving that detailed deck map.
Why does one city need 50k cops?
there's a lot of (((people))) to protect from antisemitism.
It's Space Station 13.
That looks fucking amazing, can it run on a laptop? That looks fucking amazing.
SS13 runs on anything. Join a serb, read the rules, play as assistant, don't be a fag.
If you shoot them you will go to jail for life, where if they enter the country if caught they would be released into the general public where they get to wait for amnesty.
They military leadership are treacherous globalist who have to have somebody point a barrel of a gun to their foreheads to make them consider guarding our borders.
Took about 6 months to eject this commie who has that thousand yard stare in this photograph, yet it took hours to kick out that coast guardie who died that "ok" hand gester.
To be honest, those cartelmen don't looked as well armed as I expected they would. Mostly AR/AKs with some guys visibly unarmed. No rockets, belt feds or other infantry weapons.
Checked. The weapons are probably just for dealing with rival gangs. But this proves any terrorist can get across the border.
I mean it looks like they are transporting valuable shit. Prime target for a rip job. You'd think Miguel would send his men with better equipment.
These are likely full auto. Obama rather obviously was making sure his cocaine supplier had the nicest equipment.
Even if this was true, it wouldn't change the outcome of an semi-competently planned ambush, especially if they were engaged from outside the range of their guns.
If people were to start killing groups of illegals would the military escort them into the US?
No, but you'll wind up in prison for murder becuze he wuz a gud boi.
Ambushes probably just haven't been a problem for them. Think, a border crossing is going to be deep in a cartel's territory. Maybe some US citizens should start making things difficult for them.
Also, not the first footage of crossing with guns. There was footage several years back in a border patrol documentary (can't recall the name, sorry) that showed at least one marijuana trafficking escort with a shotgun of some variety.