First for killing journalists.
Attached: naivasha-prison.jpg (540x405, 85.34K)
February 8, 2018 - 15:48
01000001 01100011 01110100 01101001 01110110 01100001 01110100 01100101 00100000 01101001 01110100 00101100 00100000 01101100 01100001 01100100 01110011
February 8, 2018 - 15:51
Attached: enochbounce.webm (960x540, 4.04M)
February 8, 2018 - 15:51
It's nothing, lads. It's the fault of the instrument!
Attached: ClipboardImage.png (1175x422, 49.69K)
February 8, 2018 - 15:52
47 61 73 20 74 68 65 20 47 72 61 79 73 2c 20 70 61 6b 69 73 20 6f 75 74 2e 20
February 8, 2018 - 15:53
Just having a pint lad, you coming?
February 8, 2018 - 15:53
I'll see you in the Knights Templar, lad
February 8, 2018 - 15:55
February 8, 2018 - 15:57
Attached: t (19).png (1078x490
255.62 KB, 77.54K)
February 8, 2018 - 15:57
theres an ad for engagement rings for valentines day on atm with a wog and a soyboy
February 8, 2018 - 15:58
This really activates my MKULTRA's
February 8, 2018 - 15:58
Not much related, but this is /wiki /Stock_market_crashes_in_India The stock market crashes so much in India there's an article for that.
February 8, 2018 - 16:00
the last one looks like the original
February 8, 2018 - 16:03
I N T E R E S T I N G : ^)
Attached: IMG_20160809_215202.jpg (559x558, 45.49K)
February 8, 2018 - 16:03
Tories move to impose candidates centrally and break constituency association /2018 /02 /08 /tories-move-to-impose-candidates-centrally-and-break-constituency-association-link /
Looks like they don't want to risk selecting any more Moggs. I wonder if this is a response to Aaron Banks' idea of coopting the party from the grassroots up.
February 8, 2018 - 16:03
Hitchens is going to have fun with this one
February 8, 2018 - 16:06
London elite pick and choose how we're governed. Rest of the country get's shafted. Seems pretty standard.
February 8, 2018 - 16:07
Zig Forumscast when?
Attached: GDZItau1B1S_98-_.mp4 (644x360
2.5 MB, 2.77M)
February 8, 2018 - 16:08
Once we persuade Kipper he won't get v8 for doing so.
February 8, 2018 - 16:09
It will only be Nick Boles's and Amber Rudds from now on
February 8, 2018 - 16:09
Attached: More rope.jpg (800x448, 70.54K)
February 8, 2018 - 16:10
More power goes to London
you can unironically blame Thatcher for this, she started it
February 8, 2018 - 16:11
GCHQ will go over the recordings with a fine tooth comb
February 8, 2018 - 16:13
Whats a decent starter shotgun tbh
February 8, 2018 - 16:13
They are every bit as bad, and worse
February 8, 2018 - 16:13
Just remember not to invite Jez Turner on and you should be alright
February 8, 2018 - 16:13
We should start local criminal gangs and seizes the means production. Set up an alternative government.
February 8, 2018 - 16:15
I hope we have special guest Knightmarez.
February 8, 2018 - 16:15
beretta's pretty damn good and quite affordable.
February 8, 2018 - 16:15
Goes back well before Thatcher. Haven't had true localism in England since the Heptarchy.
February 8, 2018 - 16:15
Never a dull moment with Kikmarez around
Attached: Knightmarez.png (889x569, 728.18K)
February 8, 2018 - 16:17
Why isn't Westmonster more popular?
February 8, 2018 - 16:18
Attached: ClipboardImage.png (386x366, 94.46K)
February 8, 2018 - 16:18
The moment they knock at my door is the moment I start poisoning reservoirs.
February 8, 2018 - 16:18
Attached: Elephant x Bull.jpg (750x624, 110.45K)
February 8, 2018 - 16:18
The website is bloody awful
February 8, 2018 - 16:19
I don't care, persuade Kipper.
February 8, 2018 - 16:20
Attached: ClipboardImage.png (2736x3648, 13.94M)
February 8, 2018 - 16:20
they are even more kiked than the alt-lite
February 8, 2018 - 16:20
oi kipper you cunt stop being a cunt
February 8, 2018 - 16:21
A secret plot to stop Brexit, or an antisemitic dog whistle? /commentisfree /2018 /feb /08 /brexit-antisemitic-dog-whistle-daily-telegraph-george-soros "OY VEY DUN CRITICISE US GOYIM DAS ANTISEMITIC MUH SHOAH" "NOT ALLOWED TO MAKE FACTUAL STATEMENTS ABOUT JEWS, DAS ANTISEMITIC OY GEVALT
Attached: IMG_20180208_162337.jpg (632x338, 79.63K)
February 8, 2018 - 16:25
"Don't talk about bad things that Jews do because that might prove the anti-Semites right".
February 8, 2018 - 16:26
I am THIS fucking close to losing it - and the Jews should be worried
February 8, 2018 - 16:27
Attached: merchantscared.jpg (600x655, 34.05K)
February 8, 2018 - 16:28
So uh. It's 1929 all over again, lads.
February 8, 2018 - 16:28
do it lad, and once you've cut soros up in pieces use his blood to paint hammer and sickles on the walls
February 8, 2018 - 16:29
Attached: 1516773207161.webm (640x480
3.93 MB, 3.16M)
February 8, 2018 - 16:29
Attached: _20171207_220829.JPG (360x362, 26.37K)
February 8, 2018 - 16:29
he really was a handsome devil wasn't he?
no homo
February 8, 2018 - 16:30
Say that to him, not me ffs
February 8, 2018 - 16:32
why aren't there more British Mecha?
Attached: british-jaeger-summer.jpg (595x331, 92.29K)
February 8, 2018 - 16:33
That's the year 2055 where all public spending goes towards the NHS. The NHS have sent their only Mecha.
February 8, 2018 - 16:34
Attached: IMG_20180208_162922.png (831x1209, 430.6K)
February 8, 2018 - 16:34
British mecha would be steampunk surely
February 8, 2018 - 16:34
wew I know where I'm going on holiday
February 8, 2018 - 16:35
Attached: 1516249372109.gif (500x300, 977.26K)
February 8, 2018 - 16:35
Is it made out of sardine cans?
February 8, 2018 - 16:35
Why aren't there more British SteamPunk Mosley-ite Mecha?
Attached: britmech.jpg (900x651, 193.23K)
February 8, 2018 - 16:36
It is? Syncs fine in potplayer
February 8, 2018 - 16:36
Zeppelins come back into fashion?
Attached: ZeppelinLZ127a.jpg (937x626, 452.69K)
February 8, 2018 - 16:37
who's joining with me? :^)
Attached: ClipboardImage.png (603x789, 377.54K)
February 8, 2018 - 16:38
Freemasons call for end to 'discrimination' of members /news /uk-42986319
Attached: ClipboardImage.png (624x351, 456.87K)
February 8, 2018 - 16:39
says the people who have been silencing any dissidents these last few years
Attached: f1.png (600x583, 345.05K)
February 8, 2018 - 16:40
*posts what I'm watching*
February 8, 2018 - 16:40
could infiltrate them and redpill them on the JQ and how they want us to leave the EU
February 8, 2018 - 16:41
something amiss here lads…
Attached: jerrymech.jpg (3114x2145, 286.64K)
February 8, 2018 - 16:43
it wouldnt be worth it tbh all you'd see around you are insects and fluoride stares
February 8, 2018 - 16:43
This is what the security services predicted would be happening in the next 30-50 years
February 8, 2018 - 16:43
Look up Konflikt 47
Attached: warlord-games-british-hornet-medium-walker.jpg (600x600
73.6 KB, 67.17K)
February 8, 2018 - 16:45
Attached: Hwicce_kingdom_(estimate).svg.png (2000x1671, 419.53K)
February 8, 2018 - 16:46
Those old people look like Brits tbh.
February 8, 2018 - 16:48
the USA was (not anymore) an anglo-sphere nation after all
February 8, 2018 - 16:48
They predicted civil wars in Europe followed by dissolution of states into different areas controlled by gangs/mafias, Ethnic gangs, Hells Angels etc
February 8, 2018 - 16:49
got any links, lad? Sounds interesting.
February 8, 2018 - 16:49