Anyone have any good resources on making modern nitrocellulose gunpowder from scratch?

Anyone have any good resources on making modern nitrocellulose gunpowder from scratch?

Attached: powder.jpg (610x536, 89.23K)

Other urls found in this thread:
First Video should be the method
And the second Video is how to make a nitrocellulose reaction

Hooktube is dead user, it has jewtube player now, user. Use instead.

How well can you tolerate dull prose from the 1940's?
Page 195 is where it starts talking about Nitroglycerine.
Page 256 is where it starts talking about Nitrocelulose.
Page 287 is the start of the smokeless powder chapter.
Page 297 gives an introduction to Nitrocellulose powder.
Page 299 is the start of the section where it goes over manufacture.

Modern nitrocellulose powder is pretty difficult to manufacture.
1. Make or otherwise acquire nitrocellulose.
2. Press it under a Hydraulic press to remove some moisture.
3. Release pressure and pump in an amount of alcohol equal to the dry weight of the nitrocellulose.
4. Apply pressure again, this time way, way more.
5. Take out the puck and put it in a covered container that keep the loss of solvent to a minimum.
6. Kneed it in a bread mixer-like machine.
7. Rapidly add ether containing diphenylamine while mixing.
8. Mix until it looks like churned brown sugar.
9. Press it through a macaroni press and several layers of steel mesh.
10. Press it again into a shape fit for graining.
11. Press the puck through a machine that makes long and thin strands, and cuts them to the right length for grains.
12. Slightly heat up the grains and put the air through a condenser to recover some solvent.
13. Run warm water over the grains to get more solvent out.
14. Glaze with graphite.

Also there are more videos about making and even stabilizing nitrocellulose on youtube, you can search it. No info on how it performs(i.e. what single base powder loads to use info from) though.

Also for caliber with a low velocity you can even use powder made from matches.

Go and take a chem course at your local university. This way you won't inadvertently blow yourself up or do something obviously stupid.

Chem course won't teach you anything that will be helpful in keeping you from blowing up. Might get some basic lab experience which is helpful for the actual synthesis and basic safety info on messing with caustic chemicals but nothing specific to energetic materials. The vast majority of lab courses avoid working with anything of an appreciably explosive nature for obvious liability reasons.

t. has actually taken chemistry courses

OP here. I figure I should probably mention my motivation for asking. Primarily, I'm interested in the decentralization of arms manufacturing for the purpose of making gun control infeasible. Improvised firearms are easy enough to build, given basic machining tools, a 3D printer, or even just some plumbing, really. Bullets and cartridges are similarly easy enough to cast or machine. Modern smokeless powder is pretty tough to make, though, as far as I'm aware.

If it ever did come to a civil war, cutting off gunpowder supplies would be pretty crippling.

Attached: DDLiberator2.3.jpg (600x450, 32.33K)

All I can say as a reloader is, small differences in build/chemistry can make for huge differences in performance/blow your faceoffiness. Professionals who make this stuff in factories create varied powders that aren't that different from each other for the most part but have vastly different burn rates and characteristics. One measure of one powder might work in your cartridge, a slightly different powder of the same weight drop will blow you the hell up. Blackpowder is blackpowder, but smokeless is an endless variation of powders and mixtures.

Another advantage of blackpowder is that it can be of poor average consistency and probably work fine. Also, blackpowder can be overcharged without major problems, it can only burn so much so quickly which means overcharges are almost impossible, more powder at some point means more fouling, not more pressure or force. Blackpowder also usually performs somewhere in chambers at around 8,000 psi or less, this is very low pressure for any smokeless powder. It MUST be compressed is its major safety issue, otherwise its easy to make, it can be poor and inconsistent size/makeup, and as long as its compressed very safe to shoot in any situation. This is why buckskinners and others can make their blackpowder for gun use safely.

So beyond the fact that small differences in batches of CONSISTENT smokeless powder can create massive differences in performance and make load data dangerous/difficult to create with your custom powder if CONSISTENT, worst of all a home made smokeless powder might have different grains/flakes of varying construction and thus a lot will have poor consistency, and next thing you know you have different specs of different powder burning at the same time to perhaps dangerous results, inconsistent dogshit performance at the very best. Pressure and performance might range so greatly in your lots that dope tables could be useless, firing would be inconsistent.

Blackpowder is near cavemen level stuff when you really look at it. Smokeless is true modern super science industrial grade shit.

So what I'm getting out of this is either A, make a selfloader that won't foul up and die running on black powder, or B, take a page out of the Finn's playbook and let the enemy be your supply chain.

What's the primary explosive used in primers? Is it something that you could whip up in a basic-bitch labor no? Also, how difficult is it to manufacture Boxer primers by hand? Would SHTF see a return to Berdan priming due to easier primer manufacture?

Lead styphnate is your most common right now. Mercury fulminate and armstrong mixture are easier to synthesize though more dangerous to work with.

two thousand dollars could buy all the primers powder and equipment to supply a hundred soldiers with ammunition. Why fuck with this?

You're not wrong, but there are potential scenarios in which it's not possible or practical to buy large amounts of commercial primers–SHTF happens earlier than expected and you're not ready, or gubmint goes full CA and labels reloading components as controlled goods, etc.

That is true only if you have access to these things without stupid shit like "no more than 1kg of powder at once", primers only with a proper license and only for the ammo for the gun you have or outright ban on reloading.Here we cannot buy reloading supplies until we have rifled firearms permit to get which you have to have a smoothbore one for 5 years, see how much the word "sucks" is lacking to describe the situation here?

At that point you should've thought about designing guns that use stuff like lighter fluid as propellants in lieu of powders and primers.

Or alternatively gas, poison, sabotage, explosives, subversion, appeals to hostile governments for weapons, theft, on and on.
Endangering yourself to nigger rig a bullet is full retard when surplus ammunition’s cheap as borscht.

I'd trust my life in nigger-rigged ammo before I trust my life with surplus.

Attached: autism.png (490x1015, 678.69K)

I've been waiting for a US state department crate of weapons for 10 years now, seems only arabs and israelis get those.

Yes, I'd trust my life in ammo made a year ago that has a poor group and iffy chance of jamming but functions over ammo that's gone through twenty different environments, was packaged like shit, and had less quality control than Billy Bob does with his $50 hand-cranked reloading press

Tbf, you're the retard if you would buy Indian surplus ammo over Cletus'. unless it was from when whites oversaw the production, of course.

There's nothing wrong with using surplus for training so long as you properly clean your firearm immediately when you get home, and don't touch the surplus for general use except in a life-or-death situation.

I've gone through tens of thousands of rounds of surplus without a problem. Just don't buy known bad lots which aren't even common to begin with.

yes, i agree
when you are not entrusting your life with it, it can be ok. although you may think you have shittier aim than you do because of laughable group spread.

if you want tangible evidence then watch literally any paul video where he shoots surplus

Suit yourself. I'll continue getting a lower failure rate out of surplus 7.62x39 than I get out of new production Wolf. You can be as smug as you like when that double charge Cletus loaded up blows your fingers off. Hey, but at least it fired!

Knowledge is power, especially in a once a life case situation.
Better having a gun and never needing it than needing a gun but never having one.
Same with black powder.
If shit hits the fan you can only count on yourself.

tfw grew up with WW2 surplus
tfw one memorable ftf with that shit in comparison to modern made crap
I dunno buddy, lot of that surplus is hermetically sealed in can in the factory.

Robert A. Heinlein, one of my favorite authors, has a quote. - "You only truly own what you can carry in both arms at a dead run."
Sure, stockpiling supplies for the end of the world is a good thing,
The problem is that you can loose control of and denied access to the location of your stash.
Knowledge is a tricky thing from a control standpoint; it's difficult to take it away from someone once they have it.
No matter how careful I am, an authority could potentially take my firearms from me.
What they cannot take from me is my knowledge on how they work, how to use them, how to assemble ammo, or how to make black powder.
Think of it like learning CPR, you may never need it but knowing how could be a life saver.

Geo cashing, will ensure access to weapons equipment and shelter over a large area.
Tiny concrete box large enough to lay down can be built even within large cities in less than 24 hours for under 300$ and can store a years worth of food or twenty thousand rounds or 720 bottles of water. Ten of them over a ten km area would be more than enough to survive as a gorilla fighter at least three with bed stove and shitter. All fully stocked and built for under five grand.
I have heard of folks finding room in sewer subway and utilities and just blocked them off installing a fake wall.
You ideally don’t want anything in your home anyway.
Bury things in graveyards under disguise of planting shrubs trees or flowers.
Bury or hide guns and ammunition in a drilled out cavity of a large tree.
Safety deposit boxes
Encased in shed foundations

What happens when they put you on a train to the other side of the country and you have no way back?
I'm not against caching but it should only be one part of your over all strategy.
Store food but also learn how to hunt, trap, and forage. (and how to do basic farming if it really is the end of the world as we know it.)
When it comes to firearms caching is king but know how to get them other ways too.

7.62x25 can be purchased in hermetically sealed rust free tins filled with nitrogen that sat motionless for forty years. It’s near flawless for less than hand loads can be made for. It’s factory quality controlled and designed for long term storage. It’s chemically stable Berdan primed with lacquered cartridges are waterproof and rust free. I have personally fired over ten thousand rounds through ONE sixty year old 200$ dollar pistol.
Only failures were when I fired a magazine without its follower.
My steel core surplus penetrating level III(a) and East German steel helm neither of them penetrated by modern 45 or 9mm

Within a week of American food supply shortages tens of millions of hunters will empty the available wildlife farmers will be mugged or looted you have to have a spider hole

then I'll get to hunt the most dangerous game of all

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How did the jews make powder for their 9mm rounds in that underground bullet shop underneath the laundromat?

Just load your cartridges with thermite. Then kill yourself, mutt.

They stole it. They probably tortured people in that underground (((factory))) jews hate labour