>Crashed in South Carolina the next day due to a fuel leak, right after taking off
It keeps getting better.
Marines' F-35B took its first flight
He didn't fly so good
He must have been a big guy.
The Taxslayer strikes again, courtesy of your friendly neighborhood Lockheeb Moneylaunderin.
Damned cranes.
For the F-35B.
Would they be cheaper if you could acquire them privately?
Of course!
The fire rises
Hey Zig Forums would you rather
1x F35 Super Lightning
50x F5E Freedom Fighters
Is it bad I am worried cause the RAF have the F-35B as well?
I'd trade the F35 1:1 for fucking P-51's at this point.
BAE is going to replace them anyway
Aren't you guys replacing the F-35 (like everyone else sans pissrael) with your new Tempest project?
The RAF is fine (well in tatters really, but not because of the F-35).
The RN on the other hand basically sacrificed all their surface ships programs to keep the carriers program.
Carriers that can only carry F-35…
That pisses me off more than anything.
How the hell does a country go from the greatest goddamn navy on Earth to the pitiful state it is now?
The carriers themselves have everything they would need except for arrestor wires, which they'll probably get in a mid-life upgrade. The RN is probably hoping to get a navalized variant of the Tempest.
Everything the B was meant for, is better accomplished by drones.
They're not even in service. A carrier mid life upgrade is for it's 20 years anniversary (if not 30).
At least it will give BAe time to develop the Tempest I guess…
Tempest isn't meant to get into service until 2040 so it would kinda be in the correct time slot for the upgrade.
Every government has been chipping away at the fleet since Attlee (and all the armed forces really, we only have like 100 working tanks, if you join armoured now you get shoved in either an APC or a literal truck), and it's becoming worse due to certain welfare programs becoming massive money sinks.
Do you have any idea what social programs cost? Especially corporate welfare?
A hundred plus years ago America had a 3% income tax and had a 2x larger army (relatively speaking) than it does today.
Not really since it was isolationist.
Wow, I'm shocked.
I-I mean, yeah, those stoopid fuckin' jarheads and the MIC!
Mil-industrial complex has taken a cue from video games and is trying out the "early access alpha" model.
The Star Citizen of military procurement
Well I know they are going to be replaced but I don't want to wake up one morning with an F-35 Merkel B sticking out my garden.
RN compared to 10 years ago and the state it is in now disgusts me. There was also no reason for the Carriers to not be catapult assisted which is what was meant to happen till certain shekels changed hands
An F15-D almost crashed into my house a few years ago tbh
Woman pilots I bet. I am just worried in case they start banning assault gardens for colliding with their precious poncy overpriced money laundering scheme.
Why target the F35 when you can fuck everything up by messing with parts suppliers.
You could probably ground the entire fleet by just burning down a few machine shops.
Why did our country get jewed again when we could have operated a bunch of Saabs at a fraction of the cost.
Is it the world's most sophisticated airborne bunsen burner?
Shills say that this is the first crash after 150 000 hours of flying, and the average attrition rate for military jets is 4-6 planes for every 100 000 hours, so this is much better than anything before. Did they cook the books here?
Probably. I'm wondering if these attrition rates are taking age of the airframe into account. Older planes have higher failure rates. How does the failure rate of the F-35 compare to that of its predecessors at the same stage in its use is the question that should be asked.
Two others have been written off by fires and a kike-35 was written off by SAM "cranes".
Only if they highly specify on the term "crash" to mean uncontrolled impact with ground. Many others failed to get off, burned on the runway, or were barely managed to land.
Also they're probably putting 150k hours of all three variants, because I doubt the B variant has more than 30,000 hours flight time total.
And I bet the cost of those are far lower than operating a single F-35.
Even if they literally never had any maintenance issues the money saved would take hundreds of years to actually equal the 115 MILLION being wasted on each one.
There hasn't been 150,000 hours of flying. Because of those 150,000 140,000 have been spent in the hangar due to maintenance issues. In short the plane can't crash if it can't fly.
That's what they mean? 150,000 hours since it entered service?
They're comparing brand-new F-35s with a few hundred flight hours to thirty year old A-10s and F-16s with >20,000 flight hours. They're also deliberately wording the claim to count all write-off incidents for the other jets, while excluding the two F-35s that were written off due to engine fires and all the ground-strikes and hard landings that didn't end in an airframe write-off.
Not really sure where to share this but Qlarp boomers think the crash was some kind of attempt on Trump's life.
Oh good lord can people stop being so fucking retarded.
They're 4ch boomers who recently discovered image boards and are attempting to try and be with "it".
Not even worth a (You). Cut the projection, you cuckchan niggers are so obvious.
The QLarping niggers unironically are mostly boomers (and women) though.
Qlarpers can go fuck themselves but you belong here even less, leftyshit
Don't worry, it's all about communicating entirely using memes.
So you're calling him an underage autist who wants to fit in. Facts, reason, and board culture be damned. Makes sense.
I admit "mostly" was an exaggeration, but they are still here on 8ch. I wouldn't be surprised if /qresearch/ is one of the top 5 or 10 by now and the only thing preventing larger leaks is our reputation for being the darkest reaches of the internet™.
Whole movement did get its fair share of international media coverage after all.
Can confirm it's mostly boomers, or if not boomers then certainly people who act like 'em. They all call themselves "patriots", shill for democracy, shudder at the thought of saying "the n-word," and respond to shitposting by wagging their fingers and screaming "you damn kids!". Every so often one of them will stumble into another board and provide some laughs for a few hours before scurrying away.
I don't think that pic really paints boomers in that negative a light.
And it's the fuel.
How many times is that, three? Well after changing the fuel additives, painting the refuelers trucks white, building climate control hangars for the refuelers, I'm sure changing the fuel line is gonna do the trick…
fuuuuuucking lol
You're giving Washington too much credit.
Everyone has a bone to pick with them. They'll be lucky to last one week.
Time to dust off those warbirds and start the revolution.
"Crash" in the US MIC shill dictionary only refers to planes that collided so fast and so hard with the ground you can find pilot bits over three different states.
I mean they persist to say that the V-22 that keep hitting the ground (and sometime kill people on board in the process) aren't crash because the things aren't totaled.
Why even fucking live?
We know this isn't it.
You see the F-35 is a "supercomputer" (read it packs so much obsolete electronics in it, it's onboard systems overheat like an overclocked pentium III).
So of course the very smart engineers of Lockheed found a clever way to cool down the F-35.
Now anyone with half a brain would have made something to take advantage of the fact that planes need heaters in the wings if they don't want to turn into a block of ice.
Instead a Lockheed engineer looked at it and said:
"Hey jet fuel is liquid and water is liquid and water is what they used to hose us down I was in the psych ward and it was cold".
And so they decided to use jet fuel to cool down electronics.
And that's the part you say:
Yes, yes it does user.
Yes, yes it is user.
So yeah if the F-35 fuel gets hot the plane shutdowns because the electronics overheat.
To remedy that, they changed the additives. Didn't work.
They painted all the USAF fuel trucks in reflecting white.
Didn't work.
So they finally just built climate controlled hangars for every USAF fuel trucks.
Of course having heated fuel full of complex additive running perpetually in the tanks and tubes and what not is causing all sort of pressure, corrosion, damages to the fuel lines and tanks but hey it finally works!
Until the corrosion make them sprung leaks…
I refuse to believe that somebody was this retarded
I really hope you are bullshitting us
And I thougth that Gipsies are mindless apes.
It's actually so retarded it's genius.
You see, instead of using fancy pumps to pressurize the fuel for injection, Lockheed saved 10 pounds by routing the fuel through a liquid cooling network for the onboard computers.
As the fuel absorbs heat from the running computers, it expands and self pressurizes!
When the plane is in intense dogfights, the fuel pressure is automatically increased by the increase in processing power necessary to track more targets and manage the control surfaces.
It's to save room (which the is problem n°1 of the F-35) not money but I imagine that was the idea yes, but they completely underestimated how bad of an heatsink jet fuel actually is.
Now I'm just waiting for some hull panel to seperate in midair, rip into the landing gear and hopefully redundant hydraulics while scraping off a tiny bit of heat resistant paint from the kerosene cooling circuit, resulting in the plane suddenly melting in midair while trying to land vertically on a specially reinforced landing pad because the pajeet cockpit diagnostics didn't show anything beyond a hydraulic leak thanks to borked tire pressure sensors.
So, how woukd we classify the pilot? Roasted or deep fried?
What have other aircraft used?
A quick search seems to indicate it's true that the F-35 uses this method, but a lot of people were also saying many other aircraft do the same thing. I saw plenty of links to documents to back it up, but they had all 404ed.
Commercial airliners use the fuel onboard to cool the pumps within the tanks.
It's not that uncommon on a lot of stuff (not just planes) to use fuel cells as a kind of thermal dampener.
Just neither to that extent nor on fighters.
Fuck, don't remind me.
I miss stuff like divebombers, battleships, and anti-tank rifles.
Nevermind, they're grounded WORLDWIDE
The funniest part is that this is actually true.
The reason why is because some airliners use oil for the engines to cool certain components (never computers). This works because oil isn't really that flammable and its smoke point is well above the top temperatures of what it cools. F-35 actually immerses the electronics in fuel, it's not a simple cooling rig where the chip is cooled by a heatsink and then fuel reduces the heat in the sink, that would be too heavy. The fuel itself is the heat sink, and its pumped to the electronics and avionics (including radar that overheats beyond 100C) in aluminum tubes to save on weight and because aluminum insulates well until the fuel gets to the radiators in the wings.
As a result, the airplane can never be completely dry of fuel, it always needs about 150 liters of fuel aboard in the radiator even if its just sitting on the tarmac or mothballed in storage. The only reason why it doesn't explode immediately when the radar/computers turn on is because a pump shifts it very rapidly to radiators in wings so it never gets a chance to go critical, but that only works if the wings have constant airflow over them. If for example the airplane simply turns on its avionics and sits on the runway, especially in desert conditions… it will 100% explode. Also if the pipes ever freezes up or malfunctions, or fuel starts leaking and there isn't enough of it to cycle, the airplane will spontaneously combust. The extensive fuel network is under the skin of the airplane, increasing IR signature, and ensuring if shrapnel hit it ANYWHERE they are GUARANTEED to hit fuel.
The engine is also a massive problem, because the fuel is wrapped around it any malfunction at all causes the fire.
MiG-29 and Su-27 use water with antifreeze in it. Some 4th gens don't need coolant at all, it can be air cooled because they don't use that much computer power anyway.
Using near-hypergolic fuel is retarded just on the face of it.
So in otherwords Lockheed managed to outdo the Zero in the burst into flames category.
Lets put it this way, if I was asked to fly an F-35, I would buy flame retardant long johns and face mask.
Apparently my earlier shitpost about the plane melting itself down from the tiniest amount of damage to its cooling circuits wasn't a shitpost at all.
What sort of fucked up overdesigned pajeet botnet avionics require this much cooling?
At this point even the average Star Citizen jpeg is more sensibly designed than the F-35 could ever hope to be.
Just store most of airforce in alaska or other cold usa regions
Problem solved
USA gov where is my paycheck?
If you're burning alive, then you're not freezing. INNOVATION!
Two hundred years ago there would have been hangings meted out for this farce.
Too bad. You mutts deserve this shitheap of a plane. Now your tranny pilots can fry for Israel.
gook detected.
verb (used with object), fried, fry·ing.
to cook in a pan or on a griddle over direct heat, usually in fat or oil.
I know your nigger genes make your stupid, but come on.
*make you stupid
Who let Spergkraut/Spergook/Spergleaf out of his cage? I see he finally stopped flag hiding and using VPNs, but does he really think people won't recognise his typing? He's kinda cute for a self-hating "American" loser of the genetic lottery, like a dog who was born retarded but you keep him as a pet anyway. I honestly liked him better when he just had no concept of how militaries or weapons worked and constantly suggested the worst possible ideas about everything or argued over how 'pho' is ACKSHUALLY spelled 'phua'. Now he's just insufferable. Should we euthanise him? His 56%posting got old weeks ago.
Why can't we just have a bastard child of a P-38 Lightning and IL-2 Sturmovik to deliver us from this evil?
How vulnerable are 1940s military aircraft piston engines to EMPs?
polite sage for off topic
He's probably some ronery hasbara kike, it's best to avoid giving him any unnecessary (You)'s.
Not very vulnerable at all.
You forgot to add that if you're doing combat maneuvers the wings heat up quite a bit from friction. Guess what happens if the radiators that are supposed to cool down the fuel are in the now hot wings?
In one the inquiry they found there is a literal recommendation for flying F-35 that say "stop combat maneuver and reach an colder altitude to cool down the plane".
Yes it's that insane.
I'm going to have some kind of a mental breakdown from this, and that makes me happy.
Not even that. F-35s are meant to be multirole stealth jets, with a focus on attacking at range. And that's worse.
F-35s are "designed" to operate in groups at all times, because they're useless by themselves. An F-35 needs not only at least another F-35 escorting it, but also a specialized AWACS, a refueler and fighter escort not too far off, should it get caught (which is not hard all things considered). They need other F-35s so their shared radar network won't go to waste, and they can tell each other of targets they spot and whatnot. That goddamn radar system is guaranteed to overheat to a ridiculous degree, not only for detecting targets, but also uplinking, downlinking and updating information in real time.
Their meme stealth technology is gone to waste because even if the F-35s can't be spotted, their escorts will be. The moment their refueler fucks off or gets shot down is the moment their fate is sealed.
F-35s aren't even good for dogfighting. Not only is it unable to pull any sort of fancy maneuver unless it has under 18600kg of loaded weigh on it, the strain put into its myopic IRST would probably make it spontaneously combust from overheating the fuel. Imagine the amount of shit you have to deploy to cover its ass, let alone more than one.
Seriously though at $115 million each wouldn't it have just been cheaper to spam submarine based cruise missiles at whatever it was you wanted bombed?
>ywn have a Me-410+P-38+Ki-83 hybrid