Vigilantism General

Is there any examples of Zig Forums tier real world vigilantes? How come there many school shooters copycats but no one try to Imitate the punisher, Joke, Bane, Golgo 13 or dexter Morgan?

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Christopher Dorner was a cop in the LAPD that found corruption in the ranks and eventually began shooting policemen as a personal form of justice.
He's most notable because he inspired the most farcical manhunt* in the history of mankind yet people still think the LAPD is a legitimate police force.


American Police in general are corrupt as shit. The only people that maybe OK are small town sheriffs, maybe.

But Hollywood told me they are racist and beat up gays.

He was a veteran who joined the LAPD thinking it would be a good idea, and he stuck his nose where it didn't belong.


No shit Sherlock

You can't find the remains of a man that never died tbh

Why isn’t he Robocop yet?

so next time, you have to have a 1 mile tunnel built, escape and live as a free dead man.
Not quite a vigilante, more like a modern day Bushranger.
Pretty Zig Forums tier figure though.

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Bernhard Goetz

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Pro tip: In selecting a loadout for shenanigans, avoid PCC as they may not be able to piece power transformers. You lose suppression performance, as every rifle round will have a supersonic crack, but the tradeoff is worth it IMO.

He has a nice shirt

Like beating up gays is a bad thing.

Most people are good and really don't like killing people since it's correctly considered wrong, so sadly the only types of people that don't have that "moral" hangup to disregard bullshit laws protecting evil "people" are almost exclusively evil.
You usually have to do something really bad to someone to get good people to do any kind of vigilantism, though when you do…

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I swear that man looks like the reverse Dan Schneider. I hope we get a reverse bill Cosby soon.

came here to mention him. a man truly pushed beyond his limits

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Because you can just get a gun and walk into a school and kill everything that moves easily. Finding and hunting down criminals rather than just killing random people is 1) a lot of effort 2) difficult to do without being found out. The people who have the character to become vigilante killers are not the ones willing to commit murder for no reason.

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At 4:37 Charles Hoffman
Almost likes jews are the biggest defenders and protectors of pedophiles and child killers.

What was the name of that legendary South African mercenary that got himself a hind and flew around Africa kicking ass for years and years?

The really good vigilantes probably never get caught anyway, or even noticed. Loads of murder cases go unresolved every year, and there are plenty of fatal "accidents". Chances are at least some of those are actually vigilante actions.

You have a point. Maybe they're not even vigilantes. Maybe there are just serial killers who realize that when police find a murder victim with multiple prior offenses and gang ties in a bad area of town, they don't investigate very hard, so they get away with it indefinitely.
Forgive this filthy phone poster

Neall Ellis

Bill Foulk
Army ranger stationed at Ft. Lewis Washington
He had a house in Tacoma Hilltop neighborhood
ended up getting in a big shootout against local gangs
I've heard a dozen different versions of the story so I am not sure of the details

I was expecting something much more interesting.

ah, but it worked
Hilltop is actually safe to walk at night

Is the Joker a vigilante? I don't read comics but I always thought he just killed people in amusing ways because he thought it was funny.

Joker kills hero, villain, and civilian alike.

Over the years, the Joker has changes a lot.
He started out as a bank robber with kooky heists.
Then over time, he morphed into a psychotic psychopath with a fixation on Batman.
It seems that every writer that get a hold of the character rewrites him.
Watch the Joker from the 60's show.
Cesar Romero did an amazing job if you look past the silliness of the whole thing. ( really would have liked to have seen his Joker played against a more serious backdrop.)
Then watch The Dark Night and watch an equally well done job by Heath Ledger.
That he is unpredictable and his motivation is unknown is the only real thread as to who and what the Joker is.

Joker recently join forces with Jason Todd. Joker and Jason Todd are now Executing pedophiles and drug dealers during streams while they call Batman a bleeding heart pussy.

Joker started out as a clown themed gangster, which is what Nicholson was playing in the 89 Batman.
Romero was very much the Silver Age Joker, which was a clown who happened to commit crimes that amounted more to capers, like when he mutated all the fish in the world and then filed a copyright on the new species so that he would get royalties whenever someone ate fish.
Ledger does a fine job playing the post Dark Knight Returns/ Killing Joke Joker, a psychopath and mass murderer who commits ever escalating acts of depravity because of a vaguely homo erotic obsession with Batman. At least, that’s how I’ve always understood it.

Do you guys consider mob/community justice on the same level as an individual vigilante? You hear stories about a family or a group of people collectively ejecting a criminal. People in remote areas relying on their community to get rid of unwanted elements seems to be a pretty common theme of vigilantism.

Made fine use of that snub .38 as well. Five shots, four down.

A white guy that rapes date rapers? I have no idea what a reverse cosby would be like

I think that's the beauty of the Joker character.
He's a blank slate in many ways.
Despite his antics, he's not defined.
This allows anyone to fill his shoes and explore his bad side.
Add to that, he remains the biggest foil for a major superhero.
Anyone can put the makeup on and now they are a dangerous adversary.

Masketta man?

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Found it thanks

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I couldn't stop smiling reading that. Thanks.

What I have heard elsewhere on Zig Forums (might have been in Boer call thread?) he is not fighting ISIS but has in fact retired.

There's apparently a vigilante actively picking off child rapists near Port Huron, MI.

True. Homicide clearance rates, nationally, can hide quite a lot.

And by 'loads' you of course mean 'a full third of them'.

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Don't be this guy

You could just kill some pusher in your neighborhood and no one would notice or care about it.

IF you don't use bats and proper hand and face protection you risk getting in contact with pozzed blood

Most of the real criminals who deserve to die are hard to find, good at covering their tracks, and for a lot of gang bangers types, have the ability to shoot back.

Tough guys have the balls to shoot up a temple mostly full of old jews in Pittsburgh, or a church full of old black people, but doesn't have the balls or brains to go after the Bilderberg Group, the Carlyle Group, or gang members in the hood.

Stupid chickenhawk bullshit that leads to a backlash on the 2nd Amendment for no reason.

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I really think americans who can buy rifles without registering it (i.e. not really traceable for police) should be able to snipe hood gangsters from a van or something easy. Beltway sniper but vigilante style.

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God bless Saint Bowers and Saint Roof for the bountiful harvest of lolberg butthurt.

The drawback was much bigger than the benefits. Faggot fed the anti-fun narrative to dangerous levels for what? to remove one millionth of all existing kike?

"Snipe" in this sense might not really apply.

Popping street level dindus, yes easily. Ranges from 25 - 300y. infil/exfil would be the most difficult after target acquisition.

Ideally at least 4 people involved; 2 to watch the target zone and identify targets, with particular attention to anyone in leadership roles and/or supply. Establish common timetables; who is where when.

2 to infil, set up, take the shot(s) and exfil. 2 observers to provide after action report.

muh peear

False 911 calls + ghettos that are popping off day and night would make it significantly easier to pull this kind of thing off. Some areas are so inundated with "shots fired" calls that cops don't even respond to them unless there is an actual victim.

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Could also create a distraction to tie up police. Bomb threat from a burner phone called into a local shopping mall, fireworks called in as gun shots, etc.

Wouldn't hurt to monitor local radio frequencies for calls either.

I'd actually love to become a vigilante here in Canada, but I can't see myself getting away with it for long enough. I'd be way too much of a bastard about it and I'd probably get myself shot the fuck up. There's a lot of shit going on here as of late with all the fucking muzzie illegals coming into the country as well as mexicans deported from the US connected with gang and organized crime.

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I feel you, brother.

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Keep in mind that most people who are actually caught (by a wide margin) are found within a few yards of the corpse or openly stated that they were going to do it. And that is ignoring police gaming the stats to make their department look better.

At some point in the last 20-30 years police have completely lost the ability to investigate. hence the rubber stamp fishing raids, snitch hotlines, and book-cooking.

forgot my link:

i think eric frien did a better job, he hid in the woods for 3 months while the cops spent tens of millions of dollars in overtime trying to find him
i think the story goes like this but its been a while since ive read about it

Kairo Seijuro was the last true samurai. Lived for his sword and died trying to save it.

Good article

Not so sure about that, user. I went to a trade school a block away from hilltop and carried in class due to the major gang and homeless problems around the area.

Villains (e.g. Joker, Dexter) are not vigilantes. Batman is a vigilante; the police want him behind bars for everything he does, yet he is clearly the hero.
It takes nothing to tag billboards, rob licquor stores, or shoot up schools. It takes long-considered moral calculus to become a vigilante.
How many people do you think have the time to both develop their moral fiber AND develop a super-athletic physique AND spend nights wrangling supervillains? Bruce Wayne is literally a trust-fund baby, so he can afford to focus all his mental and physical effort on vigilantism.
Also, voting does a damned good job of convincing people that they are helping to fight crime/terrorism/etc by simply coloring in some circles and snitching on genuinely peaceful people.

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Dang, I gotta remember that for when I get red flagged one of these days.


It is very strange that his kept:
"Frein's Social Security card, information about foreign embassies, camouflage paint, and bullet casings matched to the shooting"
He must have not been able to take it with him as his vehicle was submerged, but I do find it strange he even took it with him in the first place.
If he didn't crash his car we wouldn't have even heard about him.

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Actually, he totally he could have taken anything id related with him. The fact that he also left his Serbian cigs on the ground for cops to find is just sloppy.

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It's always been like this, only the statistics were worse (or not present at all). Imagine you walk up to the corpse of some random gunned down nigger in the street – how would you catch the criminal? The attacker left no DNA, witnesses only describe him as "a nigguh with da black hood over his face", there were no CCTVs in the area, the bullets tell you nothing, and from what you can tell, there were at least fifty people, all niggers, who had a possible motive to mow this guy down, be it for personal issues or gang affiliation. You just have nothing to go on. Unless the criminal gives himself up or a new witness turns up, you just have no way to crack the case.

The notion that almost all murders get solved is a meme pushed by the government in order to stabilise the society – if people start thinking they can get away with murder without getting caught, then a lot more of them will find the guts to kill someone, as opposed to a populace that thinks getting caught is practically guaranteed.


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good posts

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All these posts are from ex TF2 fans who are embittered with society and now spend their time on Mexican Capybara shooting forums.

And yet, he's become so much more.

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