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Bought a Colt SP1 upper a few days ago, waiting for it in the mail.Any other iconic IRA weapons I should keep an eye out for?
>>>Zig Forums
Hint: the modern political party doesn't have jack shit to do with the previous groups, which in neither form were advocates of socialism. That's something that's been co-opted by the spineless pansies on the side of the pro-EU controlled opposition, and those faggots don't even want an independent Ireland. True IRA support is in the name of a free republic, and the real deal idealists know that they can't achieve that goal politically. You're basically doing the equivalent of comparing all American libertarians to cuckservatives or Democrats because you forgot the Revolution actually happened and are gullible enough to think Gary Johnson represents jack shit to anyone with a brain.
Please don't tell me you think Rhodesia had apartheid laws, too.
I didn't mean to sage, shit. Excuse my gayness.
Such persuasive, much defense!
Huh, really gets those juices flowing.
Yes, yes it does, it's literally the political wing of the PIRA, what the fuck are you talking about?
All of the various IRA groups had their own political wings, every single one of them ranges from full on Marxist-Leninist to just general run of the mill socialists. Sinn Fein is the PIRA's political wing, most of it's members were also in the PIRA. They have everything to do with each other. It would probably be more appropriate to say that the PIRA was the paramilitary wing of Sinn Feinn.
Other IRA political wings include the
Irish Republican Socialist Party of the INLA, the Worker's Party of Ireland of the OIRA, the Republican Sinn Fein party of the CIRA and 32CSM of the RIRA. There's also Saoradh, which was founded by ex-RIRA members.
Every single one of them is at least "democratic socialist" and some are full on Marxist-Leninist.
They both do, they're """democratic socialists"""
No you dumb plastic paddy, the IRA was founded on socialistic ideology by literal socialists. The original IRA from the 1910's evolved from the Irish Volunteers, which was founded by a socialist Sinn Fein politician, Eoin MacNeill. Stop this Zig Forums meme of "tee hee, the IRA only became commie afterwards". Sinn Fein actually came BEFORE the IRA, it was founded in 1905, they have always been commies.
They do though, what they don't want is an independent Ulster.
No, true IRA support is in the name of Karl Marx
Oh boy I'm sure England has an unbiased opinion on this subject
Hes spot on thought, and to add onto that the IRA has split up much like every commie group has in the past and present.
The IRA are just BASTE. Almost as cool as the ANC and ZANU.
He's right though, IRA is and has always been socialist scum even before WWI and Irish independence.
But then burgers have supported socialist scum every time they could (and after a century of doing it, you now cry about it).
The only reason they didn't went full commie is that the guys that should have lined up and shot in the purges that always ensue socialist taking over a country stroke first (heavily backed by UK which had learn the bolchevist MO by then) so the guys that just wanted independence actually won over the guys that wanted to slaughter people until the equality social paradise was there.
They just use it a lot, don't be such an aspie.
Err, no? Facts are facts, it doesn't matter who says them. The IRA were, are and always have been commies, they're literally the paramilitary wing of a socialist political party.
I'm half-Irish anyway, I'm more ethnically Irish than I am ethnically English and I have family who fought on both sides of the troubles, so yeah, I think I do have a pretty unbiased opinion on the matter.
Almost everyone not from the US agrees they were commies though you dumb amerifat
Not to mention that even if they were “baste nationalists” it means either they always wanted to make Ireland a socialist shithole because they were always commies (this is the truth) or they were retards that just let their country be BLACKED anyway after murdering thousands of innocent men women and children.
Kek, almost forgot
The IRA are openly socialist, what the fuck are you talking about?
This isn't a secret, they were proud of it. Many former IRA members are apart of our socialist party, Sinn Féin.
I fucking hate Leo, he's a disgrace. This country's system needs to change, we can't let the corrupt fucks in Dublin choose who our leader is. We would have never voted for him if given the choice.
That's the issue, almost half the population, therefore almost half the voters, of the entire country are in Dublin alone.
I'm sure our German friend would be more partial to the Baader-Meinhof Group
Thing is, the IRA started killing the British for no reason. The troubles was originally started by the UDA/UVF when they started bombing catholics, and when the British army arrived to defend the catholics against the UDA/UVF, the taigs just bit the hand that fed them and starting murdering Brits because "muh brits out". Britain was literally trying to save the catholics from the prods and the famine dodgers just stabbed them in the back.
That's not what I meant. We don't vote for our leader, he's chosen by other politicians.
Faggot from the USA that doesn't particularly like the cailphate of englandstand nor drunktopiareland here.
Why the fuck *does* the UK hold onto such a tiny-ass patch of such a shitty country so desperately? Just speaking as someone who knows nothing about either of your increasingly irrelevant little island's history, like, from an outsider's perspective it makes far more sense for the irish to want the brits gone than the brits to want a quarter of an island not connected to theirs that's full of worthless drunks/niggers turned inside out/actual niggers. Why do they cling to the place so hard? There's nothing about the border there that looks particularly organic. Is there just some huge strategic importance to owning like three counties there or something?
Northern Ireland isnt exactly the land of milk and honey, but it has more industry than the rest of ireland. plus there is a population there for now willing to still be british, which is another reason to keep hold of it. there's some small gold deposits in the border areas, and the region gives fishery control of the surrounding seas, and acts as a deterrent to people thinking they can sneak through the irish sea innawar. in short, irish rebels were able to make the cost of keeping ireland higher than its value everywhere but the north east.
on a personal level NI has the best gun laws in the country, and since the republic of ireland probably wont let them keep those laws im honour bound as a gun enthusiast to support the status quote for the benefit of what few people get to enjoy funs as a result. keep in mind thought that im a weirdo.
Other way around, Norn is full of Protestant, capitalist ethic Scots who despise the Catholic, socialist ethnic Gaels and will stay as part of Britain no matter what just to spite the micks.
Wrong country. And Ulster isn't full of niggers, It's the whitest country in the UK. The Republic is pretty wogged, but Ulster is fine.
Which one?
Just off the top of my there's a few flavours, did you mean:
>"Provisional" IRA (en.wikipedia.org
>"Real" IRA (en.wikipedia.org
>"New" IRA (en.wikipedia.org
>"Official" IRA (en.wikipedia.org
>"Continuity" IRA (en.wikipedia.org
>"National" IRA (en.wikipedia.org
And those are just the ones who proved themselves worthy of a wiki article by blowing up a pub at some point.
You think Monty Python came up with their own shit? Pic related is a fucking joke and so are the paddies and their inability to maintain unity under any and all circumstances.
NI got colonized HARD by the Brits a few hundred years ago, the Irish got BTFO and have never recovered. Long story short by the turn of the century there a Unionist Pro-brit Protestant majority in the north while the rest of the island of Ireland was largely republican Catholic, after a brief war the solution was the fuck ugly border we still have today. Note that it follows ethnic lines and is an eternal testament to the stupidly of ethnic borders.
See pic related for a rough idea, the original plan was for the whole island to be an autonomous multiculti paradise dominion like Canada or Australia but WW1 inbred aristocratic Tory retards and G*rm*n meddling ruined that idea.
The simple fact of the matter is that at the time of partition most people in NI were loyalists who identified as British which is why NI is an remains apart of the UK, that status may change however since the fifth columnist Catholics breed like rabbits and have been fucking with the demographics.
Cool aesthetics, but they're communist faggots.
The thought of the UK BTFO-ing just about anything in current year is laughable to the point that I cracked a smile reading that and then remembered this was like 300 years ago or something.
I sincerely hate this timeline. WW1 was a fucking disaster. Most that came before it was too. All that came after it certainly.
I wish the UK wasn't a fucking joke.
i laughed in real life
Just joking.
There's also Óglaigh na hÉireann and the IPLO.
Tbh, while the Scots and Gallowglasses colonised Ulster, a load of Gaels colonised the Scottish highlands, but you don't see us going around bombing children.
Its not about Marxism or Communism but to make the Roaches (the Bri'ish) butthurt like a nazi about the Dresden bombing.
They are so easy to trigger them by posting some boomer commies.
And from a political spectrum I tend more to Collins.
Yeah I bet we pesky Germans are the reason why Bri'ish subhumans can't leave their neighbors alone for the last 800 years.
Oi mate, you got a liocense for those (You)'s
stay salty szkop
The Republic of Ireland exist and is independent from England.
my my my, no wonder the Br*ts want to keep their little jewish part of Eire.
We know independent countries existing upsets you Germany, we've had 2 world wars over it.
Although I fucking hate you for most of the time,I'm going to have to agree with the brit with this one and say that the IRA sucks, objectively, and the butthurt the Ulsters cause just by existing is more entertaining than
But I do support Irish independence, just not through open door immigration and "tae laddy we gon be teh best marxish around eh patty"
There's probably dozens more that never get mentioned because they never sucked Gaddaffi's cock sloppy enough to get any semtex.
Reminder also that they ALL fucking HATE each other for not supporting true communism and that not even the even the Ulster Volunteers could kill more Irish Catholics than the IRA and it's schizo splitters.
The Gaels thing was pre-Plantagent and I'm inclined to file that one under ancient history, always funny to bring who it was who subjugated the northern part of whose island first though.
The Home Rule bill was passed prior to WW1 and was due to go into force, then a one armed 90 IQ Hohenlolern mailed his blank cheque to the wrong Austrian giving the afformentioned Tory tards the excuse they needed to block it and ruin everything. So yeah this one is on you Hans.
Kill your local IRA commie scum.
I think it has already changed. Something like 52% of young Northerners consider themselves Irish. I'm not surprised they don't want to consider themselves British with how much of a fucking joke England has become. Not to say we're much better with our 15%~ Polish population.
I think Ireland will, at some point, eventually be united again. But it won't be through war or bombings, just a old-fashioned referendum.
Part of the reason Britain and Ireland are the way they are now is because of how WW2 played out. Do you seriously think Ireland would have a poo-in-loo PM and London would have a Muslim mayor if you didn't ally with the Axis?
I know we were guilty of this as well, but at least I'm not fucking proud of it. FDR was a piece of shit who nuked two cities.
Of course a moronic amermutt 56%er woukd support commies. Your kind brings nothing but ruin to the world. Die.
Hindsight is 20/20, it's not like the rest of Europe knew what was going to happen after the fall of the NSDAP. We didn't know cutting your cock off and getting raped by shitskins was going to become the social norm.
No, toothpaste.
Enjoy being replaced, anglo.
Everything would be so much easier if they weren't right.
nice job, airstrip one
also it's funny coming from the country that used to enslave half of the world's population
imagine not being able to grow potatoes and then blaming other people for you not taking control of your country.
Then imagine saying this gay shit over the internet like your %0.4 resistance movement still exists in the real world.
There's only one actually Irish person in this thread, the rest are Anglos, us Germans and Americans.
I'm the only Irish user even posting here, the thread got derailed by a bong at the fourth post.
At least our pakis have to get the cops to cover it up, you just have rapes in the streets and no-one dares bat an eye.
Seems about right, enjoy Islam faggot.
Enjoy niggerjewry wiping making you kess than 56%, trannyniggerjew.
Op is a Black and Tan in disguise.
I hope Brexit causes a second uprising would really stir shit up with the migrant crisis going on
Got one with sound?
Calling my kameraden a dumbass bong?
Maybe you don't know from where the word originates.
9/11 Not enough planes
back to Zig Forums
Oh shit! You got me! Aaaah! I've been found out! Oy vey oh shit cyka blyat oh crikey oh blimey
you don't need to respond, just stop posting
"Comrade" comes from the Latin "camara", not GERMan. And who cares if some socialist welfare queens used it in the 40's, that doesn't suddenly make it so that it's not a term almost exclusively used by communists today.
Same tbh, I wanna go shoot some taigs.
On one hand
🇬🇧 no surrender 🇬🇧
Can someone explain to me why the IRA fought a war against a defacto parliamentary republic?
I don't understand what their deal was. Were there just potato niggers who didn't know the difference between federalism and republicanism?
Hope you've been hoarding curd knives
Potato negros want one whole Ireland, problem is the potato negros in the north are part highland drunk and want nothing to do with the catholic not rape baby potato negros.
tl;dr they're all fucking morons.
Because you frogs are so tolerant of the Bretons, aren't you?
I am Breton, nigger.
Do you hate the French? I'm being serious now
Not terribly. I believe they should fuck off and let us be independent though.
Totally independent or greater autonomy?
Swiss style neutrality or would you want to join some alliance like NATO?
I'd rather have an alliance of Celtic nations, with Eire, free Scotland, and free Wales, tbqh.
Will you frogs stop suppressing the Breton and Occitan languages?
Nevermind, I'm a faggot who didn't read the whole thread carefully.
gross. Brittany should be part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
All Americans should be banned from discussing Ireland. Its for your own good.
How about you refrain from discussing Germany and World War Two then, Anglo subhuman? It's for your own good.
This is the view of everyone in the UK even Scotland, which the IRA intentionally avoided bombing despite the Loyalists being ethnically Scottish and getting a lot of quiet low-level support from Scotland and most of those in the RoI as well.
Sadly any change will just revert to the same corruption again in a decade tops.
A bunch of reasons, partly that the loyalists there are prone to go serbia-tier genocide if they feel like they're going to be betrayed. Ironically the RoI didn't actually want the UK to pull out during the Troubles because of the possibility of a full on civil war that they couldn't handle, the reason the Good Friday Agreement specifies that both NI and the RoI have to have a public referendum on joining is so the Irish government can't back out when the shooting starts if their own population has signed off on it.
I get why the IRA did what they did in the 20's, but when they started bombing shit in the 70's and onwards is when they went from freedom fighters to terrorists.
I get it, we did a lot of shitty things for a long time. We intentionally flooded Ulster with Scots so we could keep Belfast, we funneled money into the North to fund anti-Irish groups, but an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
What if Japan nuked the US? What if Korea invaded Japan and pillaged dozens of towns? What if the post-Soviet states firebombed Russia?
Shitty things happen a lot, and there isn't an excuse for what we did, but there was no point in causing even more needless suffering and further damaging relations between Ireland and the UK.
Both countries are very different today compared to the Troubles era. There are still rabid nationalists in the North, but most of them are old dudes now. If a referendum was held there would be a single digit number of incidents. You wouldn't see the same level of damage that happened in the Troubles.
That's not what I'm saying. The IRA got what they wanted in the 1920's, they did shitty things then as well but you can use how we treated them as an excuse for that. It was what they did after that I have a problem with.