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This might be my one and only chance, and if I get it, what patch should I pick?


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Well technically it is your one and only chance, since they had to contact the original maker for that shit. Not like you're finding surplus anywhere. May as well go for the most exotic or just aesthetically pleasing patch to you.

On another note, it really seems like kommandostore is going for more /fa/ than Zig Forums as of late, there's been a shitload less surplus than I expected them to go for while places like Sportsmans Guide has weird milsurp coming in every so often.

I thought it was because the milsurp is drying up, and I think its /fak/ imho, but you're kinda right. I think maybe its because its what people want? Maybe combat proven and non shitty surplus is hard to find? I have no idea.

If you want to go for memery: the police of Berlin has a reputation for being incompetent, drunk, and unnecessarily aggressive. Some claim they have been subverted by Turk islamists.
Bavarian police are known to be fed up with Lederhosen wearing tourists getting drunk and causing trouble in the cities, and for being lazy, barely literate, inbred farmers in the villages.

Nowadays you don't need cheap milsurp to get acceptable gear. You can pay the same to get Chinese shit which does the same.

Their niche was flecktarn, which is definitely drying up worldwide in non-manlet sizes, but now they're just focusing on /fak/.
Combat proven is hard to find since that's what everyone wants, but non-shitty surplus is essentially everything else minus Italian shit that nobody wants.

I got into contact with 'em, they said if it's popular enough they'll contact the manufacturer for another round. That being said I've ordered one of these with the Bavarian patch already, looks like nice shit.

Like others have said, the good surplus is drying up, and because militaries make retarded decisions there isn't any good new surplus appearing. Would you buy a set of digicam ACUs? Would anyone besides the most normie-tier boomer LARPers? I don't mind the direction they're taking, "surplus repro that appeals to Zig Forums memes" is a perfectly fine niche to get into, as it provides a good source of camp clothes that doesn't look tacticool or hipsterish.

I don't know, that gorka run looked pretty badass. I hate that I had to miss out on it, but life happens sometimes

That had better be one hell of a nice jacket.

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What's the material feel like? Is it a slick synthetic type or a rougher canvas sort of feel?

Its the new business model that they're doing, I kinda like it, makes me feel like I am buying history, and unique stuff.

I think its closest to a Carhartt jacket.

cool jacket but when will you wear something saying police in public? and if innawoods why not wear one of your 1000 camo jackets?

it's police in German, and its not extremely practical in those senses, but can be used in public outside of Germany.

Everything went down the shitter after the whole brushstroke fiasco. Now it's just Ivan gouging normalfag hypebeast /r/MFA and instagram plants from half's milspo general instead of just being a peddler of cheap and practical foreign surplus.

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Buy it and dye it in a natural color.
Now you have a good pair of fashionable army clothes.

My friend, you can buy legit suits directly from the Russians, at better prices too.
The shipping ain't bad either.

I'm sure Tyreekus (who can barely read English) will know the difference between the two.

The brushstroke fiasco?

Also, I would ask myself this before buying it: if it wasn't for the history behind this jacket (icon of cold war West Germany) would I buy it for the price Ivan is asking?

Speaking of gouging and cheap surplus,
I stuffed my hobojacket in the closet for use in desperate times, but I don't think I trust Ivan's quality control with anything that isn't brand new and sealed.

The Ivans did a run of modified ones.

Kommandostore run had a few improvements over the default.

It's a shame the finns ran out of the leather ones they were selling a few months ago

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IIRC, Ivan had(or has. Not sure if it’s still pending) an earlier pre-order ordeal with repro rhodie brushstroke fabric in bulk to sell and make BDUs with. While people were waiting for their orders and clothes to drop, he was making retarded shit with the fabric like dogbeds and keyfobs. Apparently he ran out of the fabric doing so and the customers had to wait about six months or so before another order came in and got their fabric, which had mixed reviews.

I don't remember the back order situation being that bad and from what I remember it was actual uniforms that ran out, but there was plenty of raw fabric. I ordered some of the cheaper second string stuff he was offering, it was from the initial test run to see if the design was actually go work and had some very small blemishes in sections of the bolt from dying issues, but I ended up with nine yards of pristine repro brushstroke.

I've always liked them, sue me

RQ'ing terrorwave fashion guides

All I remember is it just taking a long ass time to finally get to us. Which is to be expected as I am pretty sure Ivan was just some fucking college student at the time.

As far a quality goes it was to be expected it was just tru-spec BDUs, not the best not the worst. I am mostly just pissed they chose to do "one sizes fits all" boonie hats and then proceeded to run out and just give me a refund on the item.

I will say that Ivan's brush stroke is darker than Fireforce Ventures, I wonder which is truly more accurate.

As a German I have to ask why you would pay a high price for the reproduction of one of the most ugly uniform pieces the police in Germany ever wore?

You take that back.

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I ordered the Versengtarn parka from Kommandostore back in march and they still have yet to deliver the product.
They have done a decent job delivering updates on its product and the issues that they have faced, which is nice.
I'm still not satisfied though, I want the parka I paid for pretty soon.
Pre-ordering was entirely my own mistake, but I hope Ivan can get them shipped soon. Especially since I also ordered the Gorka Zig Forums

I find that the BDU by Fireforce Ventures is quite expensive for what you get. The pattern is effective but I can't say I'd trust the BDU to last for a prolonged time in the field.
Paticularly the T-shirt and short shorts feel flimsy, the shorts are good for summers months though.

I've had some questionable experiences regarding getting sizing right at Fireforce Ventures aswell, while I've had good experiences asking questions to Ivan and the crew.

I find the ones Ivan did hold up better than the Fireforce ones due to them being made of ripstop. I blew the armpit out of the fireforce one.

They've been running them to get dyed for months now so I wouldn't expect them until next year.

I'm not sure, in the latest update they gave about the versengtarn they mentioned that the dyeing was done, and that they were looking for a proper sewing company to take on the task, which I hope is the case.

Fuckly as hell and usually worn by old and fat 50 year old cops.
The cool thing of the old uniform was the leather jacket, but the rest belonged into the garbage as it was designed to look as non threatening as possible after the faggy 68er movement got into power.

Last I saw they still had some to dye and they dumped all they could on every local sewing business that would take them.

I don't think you understand how popular bomber jackets are in America. The design is a staple of both a work coat and a going out coat. What you're calling ugly is just a foreign made piece of Americana.

What said.

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Yes and here in Germany its a staple of old fat cops and skinheads/punks so ugly they look like the cover of the untermensch movie.
Considering you want not only a piece of foreign made Americana but also the esthetic of Cold War West Germany, why would you get something that is connected to these two things?
Its the fashion equivalent of getting a tattoo with Chinese characters, despite not known how to read them.

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It isn't connected to those sorts over here. You'd probably have a heart attack at the amount of bomber jackets I see when I'm out in a public place. Everything from premium fur lined ones to shells you wear over something else.

Do they ship to europoorland?
If so whats the additional cost?

Whatever USPS/UPS/etc says.

The other user is right, nearly everyone I know has a bomber jacket. They don't all wear them consistently, but everyone has them.

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Any good field/range time belts y'all wear? Feel like webbed belt is the way to go but I have to wonder if there are any nice ones in brown leather that would work with cargo pants.

The in-house brand from Varusteleka is pretty nice for what it is.

Woe truly is the state of Germany.


It's implicitly anti-ZOG.

Its literally the old ZOGbot uniform.

It's culture, and was done organically and naturally.

Anyone else design their own military uniforms? I do that in the Morgh's M&B Warband editor, with L'Aigle.

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Nice thumbnail.

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I'd rather have the redhead than the jacket I'm still waiting on the Gorka and the Versengtarn help me out Ivan

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It adds some variety, got tired of seeing Christopher Poole all over the site.

Just seeing that name again fills me with some sad nostalgia. Even though he's a traitorous Jewish faggot, he represents a simpler time, a time that I miss dearly.

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Though I'm a post-chanologyfag and never trusted moot I get what you mean.

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I hated you, greekposter, but maybe you aren't so bad.

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Ya I would say the Fireforce ones were more intended to be faithful reproductions I guess. The T-shirt and boonie hat I got from Fireforce has survived so far but I don't do anything but dove and hog hunting as far as camo activities go.

Y-you too…

user you are aware that the german police before that green shit uniform wore the same uniform as the police in the old Reich?
And that the green shit uniform was created after the goverment bowed to the demands of the 68er movement full of hippies and fags?

It does not matter if its left wing or right wing, its German cultural icon, and that's what matter's in this case.

That's fucking retarded. It looks fucking gross.

I disagree, entirely.

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Hey, they had a really decent combat jacket in the 80's/90's. Can't say much for their more modern stuff. What I've seen is all made in chingchongland.

Wearing a vest out in public basically screams

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I wish tac vests were socially acceptable.

Who gives a fuck.
Just wear it.

I think I will give it a try and see if I feel autistic or not.

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Throw a few fishing flies into it, boom fishing vest. Bonus if you get a non-camo boonie cap to go with it.

You can pull off anything in public, it's all about confidence.
I wear a field bag in public.
Years ago when I started carrying it, I was a little worried that it was too much of a purse.
Then I got the "I dare you to call it a purse" attitude.
Now it's just normal to me and I don't think about it,
I even have some guys come up to me and ask where they can get one.

Also, get one that fits.
Solid colors are better than cammo.
Keep it clean.
Don't over stuff the pockets.

Actually you still hate me. The one you replied to was the good Greekfag. I am the one most anons here have a problem with. But there is always a chance to apologize and accept that after all, I'm not that bad

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I like that Idea.

It's less about 'pulling it off' and more about staying inconspicuous. I don't want to look like I'm trying to cover up a carry gun when I'm trying to cover up a carry gun.

Are you in the deep south?
If not get a light cotton jacket one size bigger.
If you are, get a light cotton vest.

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I ordered $30 worth of patches right before the "old" site shut down. never received them.

you are good leaf, you won't get the rake. as mentioned by others, this run was supposed to be an improvement.

here's what i have

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But you are wrong Strelok. Some Germans may miss green color of the police, but nobody gives a shit about the bomber jacket or other clothing piece because the uniform was universally seen as ugly and constantly made fun of by the people.
You can see this fact when you go into any German surplus store, they have a tone of old police stuff lying around that nobody wants. Bundesgrenzschutz, Bundeswehr, NVA and other stuff goes quickly over the counter, yet the police gears is collecting dust.
This bomberjacket isn't even rare to find in Germany or sold out, you would just have to look around a little bit to find a non manlet sized one.

I bought some tact-gear recently and I wish I could go out and about in my full battle dress, but I still feel like an autismo if I'm wearing any of it. I do, however, still wear my equine boots out and about, since they provide that compression to my entire leg; I like big, nice looking boots, but the ones I have for work come to the ankle and just cut off circulation halfway into the day.
I think I'd like to start by just wearing the harness and ass sack out and about; it's like a fanny pack, but it's less in the way and doesn't make me feel like some tourist jackass.

Also r8

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gay cunt

Good thing you bought that gas mask, never take it off. The world shouldn't know the face of someone who'd unironically wear all this shit.



You might as well wear a gimp suit, you fucking faggot.

Tactical gimp suit would reduce drag

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Dude, it's Sam Fischer wanna-be stuff.
Most of it is impractical unless you're on a SWAT team.
Unless you're a high intensity/low field time operator, it's the wrong gear.
The gloves and pads are for room clearing.
The drop holsters aren't good for innawoods because your side arm and ammo are going to get beat up by the brush and the holster itself is going to snag on everything.
You'd be better off with a cowboy pistol belt, leather gloves and a canvas backpack.

It's not made for innawoods, this is my "shit hit the fan" kit for surviving in a metropolitan area while things are being shitty.

Then half my critique still stands.
It screams "tactical" too much.
You want low key gear unless you're in a team.
You're better off with a safari vest and a high quality messenger bag.
If you need more gear than the messenger bag, get an urbanite/boomer backpack that's high quality but doesn't look military.

You take gear queer to a new level, you are the gayest gay to ever gay it up on this gay board. Why a gask mask? Do you think they're gonna use tear gas or mustard gas or some shit? If you want to hide your identity without making it hard to breathe, use a balaclava.
Goddamn you look like the faggot fat kid who used daddy's money to go airsofting. All you need is a plate carrier, chest rig, a sizeable backpack and you're all set. That leg holster is for faggots and probably would fuck you over if you actually needed to draw your pistol, a standard holster would suffice. Have you ever actually put on gear, let alone handled an actual firearm, or do you only have a collection of airshit?

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I suppose I understand, but I bought it for that look; intimidation is just as good a tactic as any, although if someone's shooting we're probably past that point.

why have any preventative measure, why even have a gun?


Honestly if I saw you walking around my neighborhood, the last thing I'd be is intimidated. You are look like an idiot who bought that shit "to look cool", not like someone that knows what they're doing.
And my impression is you're wearing the gask mask, not having one. Having a mask is fine, just not wearing one 24/7 when there's a very, very miniscule chance of needing it

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I would argue that it isn't.
Being aggressive looking will bring out wanna-be tough guys looking to prove themselves.
It will also attract attention immediately when shit goes down and any belligerents will automatically see you as a combatant.
As a solo survivor or a small group, you're far better off looking like a field journalist.
That way you're the last person an aggressor will focus on unless the goal is to eliminate witnesses.
Look at the khaki jacket and safari vest I posted last night and ask yourself if you see a guy wearing that as a threat.

that's how you waste filters, you'd have to be a retard to run around with no peripheral vision
I honestly just went with my heart on most of it; I figured I'm not lasting long in the wastes, may as well look how I want to.

That's when me and my friend start shooting, vagrants and lone wolves aren't intimidating, and neither are coordinated groups that shit themselves when they see a guy wearing obvious tactical gear.
that was mostly the point; looking like a threat to draw out other threats is my endgame; see how many will kill me and be killed by me.
My friend and I were just gonna go cowboy and kill some dudes who were making a ruckus, wander around abandoned cities, and maybe die in a shitty situation. So regardless I'd probably shoot every faggot in sight.
I don't think that would work in a situation where everyone's ransacking shit for fun, my endgame is to be prepared for most and ready to adapt.

kys yourself

You are such a faggot. I hope your dad takes away your airsoft shit and bans you from the internet

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This post makes you sound like a psychopath.
The behavior you are describing is a war crime.
The purpose of a SHTF prep is to survive, protect, and rebuild.
I have a family to protect and values to keep.
You sound as if you are a direct threat.

Glad I'm not the only one here getting ready to play Fallout 76.


Jesus Christ this hurts to read.

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