Think about it Zig Forums, the modern life is filled with wagecucks working mindless hours to live in a tiny and terrible apartment within a world that does not care about you.
A monk gets to pray with his brothers, and have meaningful manual labor, often learning a trade.
I am already poor and I probably can never get richer so I don't mind, its not like becoming wealthy in our world is easy or anything.
Women and marriage are overrated, I have little luck with them and I have witnessed so many lives ruined by them, celibacy is my destiny.
Getting bossed around by an abbot to do religious things or various works is better than being bossed around by a corporate boss.
Living in a comfy monastery being close to God and away from the abomination that is the outside world seems like the way to live. Any thoughts to this?
If you feel that’s your vocation, go for it. But you must feel the pull of Christ. If you only do it to get away from your problems, you’re bound to fail
See if you are called, and see if you are able. Monks pray, chant, and work mainly. Contemplating God throughout all their things, and being joyful in their chanting. You can also live in a monastery for a few months to try it out, talking to the spiritual director.
Dylan Gomez
I think if you are looking at monasticism for the material benefits, then you should stay away from it. Such a dedication is not a running away from the world, it's a running to the Lord. If your attitude is more "the world sucks, service to God sounds better, since i will even be set up for life!" and less "Lord Jesus Christ, be merciful to me a sinner!" then you should probably avoid it.
By all means go an speak with people about discernment, particularly your diocesan vocations director, or even a monastic one, but you have to be serious about it.
William Nguyen
If you think you can stay neet in monastery then you are wrong kidoo you will work , AND you will work harder and than you imagine.
Luke Clark
It would very much depend on how you look at it. Some would rather have a cushy desk job than take up a trade. It can be quite dangerous at times. Satan has apparently been known to try and nudge young monk's interpretations of scripture in an attempt to knock them into heresy. See: Martin Luther Becoming ascetic before being properly prepared also invariably leads to prelest, a very dangerous condition of the soul. Also, when there's political and religious unrest, monks are often the first to take a hit. IE: The dissolution of the monasteries and basically everything the USSR did in relation to the Orthodox church. Although, once you are through the more dangerous initial stages, you've taken to a craft, and politics are calm for the moment, it is likely a great lifestyle. Of course, they don't do it for the lifestyle, but I digress.
Julian Phillips
How does one be "properly prepared" for asceticism, also give some examples of a prelest mindset.
Jordan Martin
monasteries have trial period they could try and see if its for them.
Luis Powell
If I'd be able to get over my homosexual issues, maybe it would be a perfect way to escape this world…until there, I cannot do it.
Nicholas Richardson
I'm seriously considering it. But only if I can't improve my life.
This is not for larpers. You will live in a cell with no internet, with a rigid routine of prayer, study, work. No entertainments. Every day for the rest of your life until you die. With that life, even the most obstinate sinner will bend the knee, if you can stand it.
But the reward is Christ, nothing less.
Luis James
By giving up not just earthly pleasure, but desire for them, I'm assuming.
Leo Wilson
Cut your yearnings from you, for God is greater. Be not remorseful for missed passions of the earth - sinful or otherwise, for ever more glorious is service to God.
Adam Long
you'd make the shittiest monk at any monastery, lazy and resentful with a self-defeating attitude and no wisdom to give anyone advice I hope you take a vow of silence
I have some experience in monasticism. Me and my friends were often visiting and would stay for a week or two and help monks in certain chores. No, Its hard, very hard. You have to work, take care for yourself, do everything yourself, resting time is limited and in general, tipokon (local monastic to-do time-table) varies from harsh to very harsh. Also, working usually includes cleaning cattle-shed from shit and piss, not only farming potatoes. And note, this is what me and my friends did, as visitors. Imagine how hard would it be for monks. This from fully materialistic perspective. As for the rest, in general, one shouldn't become monk because, he is MGTOW or something similar, but if one fully desires to dedicate entire life solely to this lifestyle.
Angel Bennett
If you think giving away everything, never to indulge in shitty shit again, and living in the most simple way possible with constant physical labor— if you see this as luxury, God bless you, you are amazing. Not joking. Good luck, I wish you the best.
Ryan Hall
I don't know who'd really consider this a luxurious lifestyle, but it does seem to be a far better one than that of the average person in today's degenerate society.
Chase Reed
I'm not 100% on what it means to be prepared for asceticism but I can give you examples of prelest. Essentially, prelest is when you are tricked into believing you are in a state of grace. It is most important for Monks and the like but effects all of us. Orthodox Wiki has some info on it ( but I'll give you some examples. Fr. Seraphim Rose, while writing about UFOs, noted a story of a young monk who was given a shining cloak by an "angel," but when the brothers tried to show it to a nearby saint, the cloak vanished as it was merely a demonic illusion. Saint Simeon was offered a chariot, similar to that which tool Elisa into heaven, but he unintentionally dispelled the illusion by doing the sign of the cross. One saint who's name I forget at the moment was new to Ascetic life, he also was not properly prepared for it. An image of "Christ" appeared to him and offered him an "angel" to pray for him while he read books. Everybody was amazed by his knowledge of books. The illusion was dispelled when someone noticed he had a strange aversion to the New Testament and was able to quote the Old Testament by heart despite not reading it fully.
Not related to topic, but this has been one of the biggest demotivator for me in life and largest paranoia fuel. Every time I even begin to read about it I automatically lose any interest in spirituality and just desire to die and end this retarded charade.
why? It actually encourages me, because somebody was bright enough to separate feels vs reals in religion.
Joshua Butler
Don't let the naysayers in this thread get you down user, for some reason this board is very apprehensive about monasticism. You should ask your priest about a trial period to see if you are actually cut out for a life of contemplation
Because it bears serious responsibility and self-sacrifice, especially when your prime motivation about it is to avoid being a "wagecuck" (why is being paid for a job a bad thing?) or being a MGTOW. We are just saying that matter is more serious than he thinks.
Jayden Torres
You can't prevent or dispel prelest by intelligence or your own strength, but only by humility.
Luke Robinson
You'd be assuming wrongly then; even great saints were tempted and had desires.
Evan Evans
OP is being humorous in my analysis beep boop
Tyler Wilson
I had exactly this conversation with my parish Priest yesterday. I'm married, so it's obviously not an option.
Consider though that being in the world but not of the world is tough. Your faith will get a better workout out here in this decaying civilization than hiding in a monastery (as tempting as that is!) Now more than ever it's all hand on deck to make sure the Church survives the current era. Our ancestors kept the flame burning - we need to do the same.
Brayden Hughes
Monasticism is not about living comfortably, but dying to the world. Your whole focus is on preparing yourself for Christ, and not about lazing around all day
Carter Young
He did state manual labor would be prominent several times, m8.
Blake Phillips
how do i find my nearest monastery and sign up? what if i don't already have 10 years experience as a monk?
>It can be quite dangerous at times. Satan has apparently been known to try and nudge young monk's interpretations of scripture in an attempt to knock them into heresy. See: Martin Luther I invite you to read Martin Luther's Ninety-Five Thesis, the first thesis isn't satanically influenced at all. Please be mindful of the Scripture that blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is unforgivable. We need to be united especially in these End Days. God bless you my fellow Roman Catholic brother.