Levi Morgan
Chase Anderson
I know your Jewish ancestors are still rolling in their graves over losing their slaves, but nobody has the privilege of owning a man, but do try to contain yourself, Mr. Sandblatt.
Robert Smith
Luis Butler
Does Karl make sure to smuggle black babies up to Canada in his colon so they can be born free?
Leo Smith
Go be a nigger somewhere else. The biggest mistake the US made with niggers (besides freeing them and making them equal) was bringing over the apes in the first place. Then again, it was the jews that brought them. Niggers should've stayed in africa.
Bentley Ramirez
Charles Price
Cameron Murphy
Having niggers at all was bad enough, letting them loose just made it worse for everyone. If we had to have them either way, better to keep them chained up where you can keep an eye on them.
Jonathan Harris
If niggers were still chained at least the owner would be held legally responsible for whatever a nig does. Just like dog owners are fined when their dog shits on a sidewalk.
Nolan Johnson
Slavery never ended, it's just in a different form to be more palatable to idiots like you. Literally nothing wrong with slavery.
Samuel Scott
Oy vey, having same job and sub-par living conditions with no mobility and prospects in life isn't slavery because you can choose products from tripoly that actively conspires to give you cancer or make you gay. Stop being so ingrateful goy.
Connor Collins
Wow the CuckRange soyboys are at it again! Why do cuck liberals worship niggers like they are on a whole different level? Do Kuckarl and SoyJesus want to be niggers? Is that it?
Niggers are not even human, dumb subhuman nigger scum.
This, right here folks. Guns are used in 66% of reported murders in the US, niggers are over 50%. But, when we think about it, 42 million niggers and 350 million guns, that means there is one firearm murder per 35,000 firearms and one nigger murder per 5,250 niggers. Thus, per capita, a nigger is seven times more likely to murder than a gun. Rough numbers, should look them up again, but you get the idea. If guns are too dangerous for the streets and must be banned, niggers MUST be banned because they are far, far, far, more dangerous.
Angel Gray
Have you ever ran an Underground♂Train♂ on fugitives?
Anthony Fisher
If by "Underground♂Train♂" you mean "♂penis♂", then yes.
The forgotten child of /his/, Zig Forums, and /tg/. I really wish anons and especially normalfags who are into the more casual of the total war and paradox games weren't so stupid when it come to honor and other high-ideals.
Levi Martinez
Jayden Brooks
Brandon F. is a Jewish? faggot, though, sometimes he makes good videos.
Swallow the cum first, then type.
Easton Collins
niggers aren't people and our greatest mistake was letting the kikes import them
Slavery was wrong then, it's still wrong. It's a good thing it was banned. People should not be considered property. If you were a slave you'd want to rebel and escape. Get over it.
I saw nothing in this video that was wrong. This was a pro-freedom video.
David Morales
It's not the content of the video, it's the fact that he's specifically going out of his way on a firearms-exclusive channel to bring up unrelated politics and go "HEY GOY- UH, GUYS, DID YOU KNOW THAT WHITE PEOPLE DID BAD THINGS ONCE? LOOK AT THESE BASED NIGGERS WITH A UNION HAT ON, BASED!". There are a thousand different channels for that, inrange isn't the one, he does it with the red Indians a lot too.
Daniel Lopez
It's firearms related. The first gun control laws in the country banned possession of firearms by blacks. InRange is as much about American history surrounding guns as it is about guns themselves.
Elijah Peterson
Clever. He reeks of leftist-ideals, and as I said, he seems to be Jewish. IIRC, he either grew up in Canada or England, or at least stayed in one of those places for a long time, so it rubbed off on him. I dislike him, but I don't hate him. I prefer Lindybeige, even if he's anal about the holocaust. I also like britishmuzzleloaders, especially since there's not much room for politics, as it's strictly military history. Capandball as well two Hungarian YouTubers I enjoy, the other being the musician Arany Zoltán, and they're both attractive, no homo. And nutmeg channel Townsends is comfy as fuck, and I especially like his "no politics" stance. I miss when ReviewBrah wasn't molested by normalfags. Royalists >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> roundheads
Toppest of keks. I do like Lincoln though, hopefully the Dixiefags don't get upset, because I very much like Dixie and Southern romanticism. I just like oppressing others more.
Jace Roberts
try to talk with a corporate NPC someday.
Jordan Green
I get that. But Karl is a smug asshole who seeks to spark controversy while acting innocent - see the mud tests of the M14 and the AK(which were done mainly to salvage the failure of InRange to bring in initial paid support), not to mention the women and trannies during the "guns for men" video or him babying women in every shooting setting they happen to be in. That's his entire shtick.
Now he's pissing on southerners by taking the popular stance of lumping them all in with a fraction of the population that were slave owners. He misses the nuance, not limited to the specific set of morality of the time or the threat of violence against anyone accused of harboring runaway slaves(which is why they reported any and all blacks) or even the fact that slave owners were the entire reason there was an economy in the south and that the threats to it, and political donations, drove the state governments to protect it. His own personal politics are absolutely absurd - he's a shade away from antifa through left-leaning groups such as his satanist larping organization(in which the sects are prone to infighting as to who is more woke than the other) or the limpwristed tech industry hacker community that both hates authoritarians yet embraces the iron genderfluid fist of nu-communism and all of its diverse glory.
Greater people than he have tackled this issue in far more depth and clarity without a hint of malice.
This is the same level of cringe as saying that '99% of germany hated duh naughzees and were pro-gay and pro-jew'. The majority of southerners were pro-slavery primarily because niggers are inferior and the entire deal with freeing them was seen as a uppity modern-day-left-wing-equivalent law enforced by out of touch northerners who had never been around an agriculture slave in their slave, and maybe one or two personal ones. They reported all blacks because they hated fucking blacks for the most part. And as you said, their economy had big chunk that was slave-based, but you neglected to mention that the average person was aware of this and it wasn't just the government. The politics of the confederates has rational & reason behind it, and undermining it with 'haha ACTHUALLY they conformed to everything the north does and says but secretly' is retarded.
Luis Myers
Found the jew
Anthony Baker
Why the fuck doesnt he mention the talmud and koran demanding slavery,and Islamic nations having open air markets of white slaves until 2007. Fucking 2007! Or that white people forced the other races to stop slavery?
Ethan Cook
Nobody stoped slavery. They just renamed it and expanded. Now 99,9% of population are slaves. They are called "citizens"
Hunter Nguyen
Probably because it's not a video about the history of slavery.
Jacob Edwards
Why not? Why did he specifically focus on one aspect of slavery, and then skew even that with political bullshit and pushing black supremacist propaganda like "12 years a slave". Not even 1 minute in he's bullshitting about America being built "on the backs of slavery".
He's not tricking people through simple lies, he's tricking people by not giving them the full picture. That is ten times more evil than if he were to just lie.
Grayson Lewis
Karl is such a tremendous faggot.
Chase Price
There’s nothing wrong with this video OP, blacks are cool and so is Karl. Ian is kinda cool but Karl really is the star, plus his hair is so cool and if I were a girl I’d want to date him. Karl is a better shooter than Ian and probably everyone here, and knows more about guns. It’s cool that he did a history video on slavery because white people suck and need to replay PoC. I hope this great video by Karl helps more people to donate to black gun organizations.
This isn't Zig Forums, it's Zig Forumseddit and aut-right subhumans from 4chan. Any time you see someone arguing against your freedom and rights you know he's a rapefugee from somewhere else. Infinity was supposed to be our bunker from this bullshit.
Josiah Anderson
Camden Butler
Your schnoz is showing, bootlicker.
Daniel Robinson
This. It's always been us or them. If we give liberty and rights to subhumans only for them to try and take away our liberty and rights, why do we give it to them in the first place? Muh morals is not an excuse to arm your enemy and lead to the demise of your people. It's how we got the mess we're in now.
Chase Carter
That, or just don't import shitskins and jews wholesale into your country in the first place. I'd rather not become the very thing I hate just to desperately grasp onto the last vestiges of a dying civilization.
Evan Thomas
This. Or not give anyone rights to take away other's rights. That'd also work.
Alexander Lee
Your retardation is showing, lolberg Keep jerking off to having invented circular logic as a foundation of ideology
Would you happen to have the macro of a white kid surrounded by niggers with caption "at least i have the constitution"?
Tyler Brown
memes and shitposting aside, is there such a thing? Never heard of one, and I've heard of women, faggot, and heeb gun organizations but never any jigaboo ones
Jonathan Cruz
We tried that. The constitution contains about the most airtight, legally speaking, instructions for what the government can't do that's just about imagineable for the time period. Your average kid can read the thing and go "oh yeah, the first amendment says you can say whatever and the gov't can't do shit about it", "the second amendment says you can own a gun and the government can't do shit about it", etc. Governments, and thus the people commanding governments the citizenry in theory, jews, massive companies, and hoards of braindead negroes in practice explicitly have no right nor ability to take rights away from anyone, t. the highest legal document in the country.
You can see how well that's working out for us. Once you introduce (((lawyers))) and other (((rootless international cosmopolitans))) into the equation anything can be pilpuled into saying anything. You can find judges unironically making prolimations that an amendment that just point blank says "you can own guns period" (((ACTUALLY))) (((means))) that you can only own a small amount of government-approved guns the government can and will take away approval to own at any time like in Jersey or CA.
All the laws on the planet won't save you when you're dealing with jews and their golems, user.
Joshua Edwards
I was wondering that too, until I used one of those newfangled “search engines” and found thousands of results.
Aiden Morgan
Reminder Lincoln was assassinated for wanting green backs instead of being cuained to the banks
Dominic Thompson
The whole point of lolbergism is that once someone attempts or even threatens to mutilate or enslave you, they forfeit their own rights and you have license to kill or remove them. And you always have the right to remove them, for whatever reason you want, from your own property.
Yeah, the constitution is pretty much useless because limiting government through a document that the government interprets isn't going to work out very well. If you actually want to limit government you need to take out the middle man and just remove government from the equation, there's no way for the citizenry to ensure the government won't turn on them except by removing it.
Greenbacks were literally just another form of fiat currency you mongoloid, there wasn't anything good about them. They lost most of their value through inflation and the government had already defaulted on all greenback debts within a year of issuing them. Lincoln's greenback jewry and the national bank formed around them is also what paved the way to the Federal Reserve getting founded, and we can all agree how shit the Fed is.
Why not just ban niggers, kikes, and other subhumans from having guns or rights. They don't care about your rights so why should you care about theirs? Guns for you and me, but not for them.
Caleb Myers
or why not segregate the gangs from the regular population and then shoot the gangs in their cells?
Anthony Thomas
Just ban niggers and kikes tbh.
Bentley Smith
all shitskins vote overwhelmingly for disarmament and socialist policies
Austin Jones
amerimutts are like kikes. Every single day you uncover something shameful about their history.
Andrew Parker
Karl the Kuck and Ian the Eyesore?
Jeremiah Stewart
We need common sense nigger and jew control
Brandon Ramirez
Nobody "argues" against your freedumbz, dumbfuck. They take it. You either shoot back or don't.
nu/pol/ Jews who care more about appearances and Nazi PR than actual politics, rights, or guns are hilarious. And don't belong here. Either post and discuss your guns or leave.
Aaron Hernandez
:°) The model system and savior for each particular people
But natsoc has "socialism" in name, and baste jews, and other unwanted diverse elements weren't allowed to manufacture, sell or possess firearms. t. lolberty pro.
Robert Baker
Were those guns loaded?
Jayden Jenkins
You dirty polacks are obviously not huwite enough to understands muh freedumbz, even when the best of huwites slaved away on his federally allocated plot of land to pay federal taxes and taking care of his fam! Doing the same job everyday being "protected" by the fed is liberty! Do you not know that the huwite men aspire to the sparrow bird!!!?? Yes, one mutt did say that to me
Dun know, but the blades seem real enough to me. And mutts still followed their order to breed with niggers.
Aside from that there are two issues with your post: 1. THE SEMITES (ARABS/KIKES) ARE THE ENSLAVERS YOU MORON 2. Niggers aren't a different religion, they're a completely different subspecies of humanity. Average IQ in Africa is 75, that means 50% of the population is below 75IQ and 91% of Africa is below the Caucasian average. How the hell can you call that a similar comparison? You aren't comparing apples to oranges, but you aren't exactly comparing like to like either.
Nobody is arguing against anyones rights, however equivalently - no one sane is arguing that violent people should have the same access to guns as civilized people. The framers of the constitution, every single philosopher of libertarianism, very clearly prohibited that. The very fact that all sub races are bent on our extinction denies them the same rights in our society.
For example, do you realize how many niggers support "black lives matter", a group that advocates violence? It's upwards of 95%. Meaning if we applied strict libertarian Non Aggression Principle, which is fine with preemptive action against people who outward state they want to harm you, it should be legal to shoot 95% of black people on the street.
And how many Jews ardently believe we should be exterminated, or enslaved?
but if not loaded neighborhood could have shot them.
Blake King
Convicted Rapist are allowed to own BP guns.
Who gets to decide who is not sane enough to own a gun? The people who want total disarmament? As we all know they want to ban bumpfire stocks to enable back door bans on Semi-autos. THEY WILL take ten miles when the cucks "give them an inch" on bump fire stocks.
Adrian Collins
Won't do them much good if they're executed, which is the appropriate punishment for rape, murder, violence and theft since time immemorial.
Who gets to decide what "gun" means? Faggot. This is postmodernism at its finest, pretending that words don't matter and are up for debate. It is fucking childs play to determine who is sane and who is not, and if you want to split hairs that's what juries of 12 are for.
Lucas Robinson
oy vey, what else, moral absolutism and cohesive legal system? :^)
(((Usury))) should warrant death penalty though.
Gabriel Powell
muh muh freedumbz Seriously, lolberturdian hamster wheel "logic" pisses me off more than the kikes at this point The kikes know what they want, even if it means burning the world lobergs are simply retarded
Christian Jones
The fuck are you even arguing against? 1. The jews want to enslave YOU, which YOU think is bad. 2. YOU also advocate for the slavery of those YOU deem inferior. 3. Thus, YOU are acting like a jew. I don't care if they're lesser, I don't believe in slavery you tard.
Kevin Clark
You are implying using kike methods will somehow turn you into a kike, which is untrue. This is the same level of retardation complaining about mongol commie slaveshit because they firing squaded their enemies, not because their goal isn't real and is retarded.
Better abolish public education and 9 to 5 jobs then.
Elijah Phillips
I'll bet $100 I've been here longer than you, lolberg.
Countries founded and maintained by whites are the white man's "property", and we already have a "right" to remove them, the same way we have a "right" to farm animals or keep pets. White europeans have more genetic distance between a sub-saharan african than gorillas and chimps have between each other, they have absolutely no hold to claim that they deserve to stay. The only thing the lolberg can think of 'b-but.. freedom', that's the complete extent of their thought process.
The jewish idea of superiority is based off of religious means. The white idea of superiority is based off of the reality that we have, among other things, a vastly higher average IQ, a developed sense of morality, and the fact that, y'know, we built all of western civilization while every other race bar a few asians sat on their hands.