Help, weird shit

So no shit Zig Forums some kind of shadow person/mega spook has been following my friend, I always though she was just messing with me. My friend is 50% native of that helps with anything. It all started about 4 years ago back in SE Texas and was almost a every weekend thing. I finally saw it one night while we were drinking at her house. It looks like a 7-8 foot tall Shadow, almost bone thin, and giant eyes that are blacker than ebony. It scared me shitless. It got quite after a while and we moved on. Now not only did she see it in Louisiana but her boyfriend and his friend did as well over by a kids cemetery. The picture is a drawing from her of it. Are we just freaking out, being edgy, or is this something we have to worry about?

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Probably just the antifreeze acting up.

If you're worried about it, I suggest affixing your Mosin's bayonet and charging at it fully nude.

Anyways, OP, I wouldn't worry about it.

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OP's friend here, can help with any questions.

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Some 147 grain ball will probably fix it

are you 100% sure this isn't just a nig getting ready to nog you

Are you even a subject of the crown?

Looks like a space nigger. Show it who's boss of the gym by bending the fucker over and raping it.

That's going to bounce right off, don't you even ballistics?
muh sectional density?

Right, so the thing with these paranormal things is either a) It wants to kill you, or b) It doesn't want to kill you. Theoretically, if you took some a small dose of oxy and meth to curb any fear effects and ran at or shot at it, either that kills it, it kills you, or it fucks off. If it kills you, probably was going to do that anyways, or the other 2 outcomes happen. If you are 100% sure there's something like that stalking you, and it's not schizophrenia or gas-induced hallucinations or something, I mean, the only thing that will help in either way is if you loose the fear of death. On top of this, I've heard about people being spontaneously lit of fire Satan-style, so it'd probably be a good idea to either strip naked when you're going to attack it, or at least wear some fireproof clothing.

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Hmmm, it's another Zig Forums mystery.

Probably belongs on /X/. :P

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Spooky shit is Zig Forums too, you slack-jawed ape.

Why not, just like shoot it man?

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Thread went better than expected.

Pretty much this. We called those "Kakarapides" in Greece, which translates to "bad nigger", shit you not, so they are kinda of absolute evil to a degree that might marginally surpass albanians.

It could be a mutated nigger

OP's friend, cannot have guns on post, I'm SOL with shooting it atm

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why even chance it? Get yourself some 741 grain ball.

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It's just a malnourished gondola, leave it alone.

Attached: gondola_walking.gif (600x800, 47.8K)

4710 grain or you're a chump with baby wrists

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You sir have spotted a shadow person, in otherwords lay off the meth or you'll be chasing them like heroin junkies chase a dragon or some shit.

Not really Zig Forumsiddo

I would go for flamethrower, it might be hard to hit or not have any vital parts.

Native beasties are very vulnerable to fire.

Throw ice cubes made with salty water at it, trust me this works.