tfw they just make the ai cheat and as soon as they are out of los they regen a fullstack of samurai on turn 2
Justin Cook
Mussolini was trash, why is he on there
Kevin Barnes
tbh he did better than are mosley
Oliver Thompson
Just to be inclusive
Brayden Lee
He failed completely, Oswald never got into power so he's hypothetically better because there was a chance he could have succeeded
Adrian Rivera
He's the only one that actually got it right
Nicholas Garcia
mosley got bullied in cable street
Joshua Hill
DAE feel a happening of some kind if long overdue?
Andrew Morgan
Only because of the Jews building an international coalition of gullible goys to do their bidding for them
Gaining power is the whole point
Gavin Johnson
Cameron Lee
Very much so
Landon Carter
Mosley never destroyed countless 2000 year old artifacts to build a road, lost to Ethiopians then only barely won after having to resort to gas, or tried to destroy religion in his country due to being an """""ex""""" communist tbh
Logan Peterson
*invades Greece because Hitler makes me feel insecure and inferior*
Thomas Collins
actually believing the Jewish version of histroy
come on lad…
Camden Wilson
the best was how unprepared the eyties were for dealing with the mountain fighters in serbia
i already feel guilty for benefitting from state money and i've almost always avoided the chance to get extra benefits in my life, but i'm starting to get to the point where i just think fuck it lets apply for everything because its not like the state cares about us anymore
pretty much but it's the path to least resistance. You put all this effort into something just to see it turn to crap. Play retarded and put no effort in and live like a king.
smh i want to be a super army soldier like ross kemp and save britain lad *stops battle with taliban to pray with muslim comrade*
William Long
tbh when history is fully rewritten they will probably add a scene of the eid truce in the first world war
Jordan Garcia
In that NOTHING BEATS A LONDONER advert what did the black kid mean by "I have to fight my whole family before I get in the ring" while punching pop up cutouts of his mum and dad? Also what did "I have to run through peckham at night!" while a bunch of skeletons attack them mean? Was it a based NA reference?
Nolan Morgan
Liam Richardson
was bolsheviks joining the russian imperial army a mistake despite the regime being the complete opposite of their beliefs and actively surpressing them?
Justin Lewis
most of those solutions to solving your countries issues revolve around pretty much mass genociding or deporting poc. Looking at this same situation as a mentally retarded person, it's quite literally the same mindset. Sane and insane lead to the same destination in reasoning.
Justin Phillips
smh you all should have medical conditions by now and raking in those sweet sweet NEETbux
isn't joining the military the fastest way to overthrow the current corrupt regime? they're probably sympathetic to our message, there were rumours they would overthrow corbyn if he was elected and national action was confirmed as having multiple members in there
americans probably don't feel the same way cause theirs is this massive non-white behemoth but ours is mostly white, extremely small relative to the population and therefore easily influenced, and patriotic
Grayson Murphy
that's an ironic satire post gchq btw
Leo Cruz
The demographics for muricas army would be interesting. Jews are underrepresented IIRC
Nathan Nguyen
bet southerners are over represented even today
Owen Diaz
*gets shot in the back of the head for being a bigoted angry nativist*
Michael Russell
the gayists and trannies got there before you lad…
Joshua Ward
that's more because the Hebrews would sanction it, as he is a threat to their economic hegemony, not because they are based huwhite nationalists
Ryder Cooper
peckham = gang violence
Henry Cooper
that propaganda campaign is the work of some jews in an office not the squaddies, i've not seen any paras or marines involved in any of the gay pride shit either tbh, only those regular pozzed branches and the gay military police or whatever
*fellow squaddies become hardened by my martyrdom and overthrow officer* tbh
Matthew Kelly
*spends one billion (1,000,000,000) quid on diversity adverts*
Ethan Morales
provide sauce of this because its not a true statement
metzger advocates this, but says right wingers can't keep their mouths shut long enough about their politics to do it. tyndall says in any infiltration there's a risk that the means becomes the end in itself.
Colton Fisher
this, especially in the age of online half-hearted e-celeb politics
I don't think you get disability bennies for anything less than being a braindead quadruple amputee these days. Maybe it's different if you're a doubleplusgood colour but I wouldn't know.
Carson Fisher
I get autism and esa which is around £100 a week
Benjamin Garcia
Aiden Howard
I was rejected from everything and I have legit autism. Maybe I should build a clock so I can meet Mummy May.
yeah my statement isn't really accurate due to the february revolution and appointment of kerensky but despite the faact that the first world war was opposed by the bolsheviks and lenin without revolutionaries gaining military experience and then transferring it into the red army their revolution would never have been successful
at least we get a spot in the happening bunker when the agenda 21 starts population control for being gud bois then kek