I killed and tortured over 100 people without regret

Khaled did not simply wake up in Raqqa to the smell of death and dust, and decide to become an assassin.
He was sent a special invitation.
Six men were ordered to report to an airfield in Aleppo, in north-western Syria, where a French trainer would teach them to kill with pistols, silenced weapons, and sniper rifles.
They learned to murder methodically, taking prisoners as their victims.
"Our practice targets were detained soldiers from the regime," he says. "They put them in a difficult place so you need a sniper to hit them. Or they send out a group of detainees and ask you to target one without hitting the others.
"Most of the time assassinations are done from a motorbike. You need another person to ride the bike and you sit behind him. You ride next to the target's car - then you shoot him and he cannot escape."
Khaled says his most barbaric abuser was a guard at the Criminal Security Department who forced him to kneel before a picture of President Assad, saying: "Your god will die, and he will not die. God dies, and Assad endures."
"His shift was every other day, and when it came I knew I would be tortured.
"He used to hang me from my arms with chains to the ceiling. He would force me to strip, then put me on 'the flying carpet' and whip my back. He would tell me: 'I hate you, I hate you, I want to you to die. I hope you die at my hands.'
"I asked people about [the guard] who worked at the Criminal Security Department until I found him. We followed him home, and took him.
"He told me something that I reminded him of later. When I was in prison, he told me: 'If you leave this prison alive and you manage to capture me, do not have mercy on me' - and that's what I did.
"I took him to a farm near the Central Prison which was a liberated area. I cut off his hand with a butcher's knife. I pulled out his tongue and cut it with scissors. And still I wasn't satisfied.
"I killed him when he begged for it. I came for revenge, so I wasn't afraid.
"Despite all the torture methods I used with him, I don't feel regret or sorrow. On the contrary; if he came back to life again right now I would do the same.
The jihadists bought up senior rebel leaders with cash and high-status positions. Khaled was offered a job as a "security chief", with an office and authority over IS fighters. He understood that refusing would sign his death warrant. So he reached a terrifying personal compromise.
"I agreed," he says, "but with the consent of Abu al-Abbas, a senior al-Nusra leader, I became a double agent. I showed IS a friendly face, but I would secretly kidnap and interrogate their members, then kill them. The first one I kidnapped was Syrian, the leader of an IS training camp.
One of his victims was an Islamic scholar from al-Bab. "I knocked at the door. He opened it. I immediately went in with a gun pointed at his face. His wife started screaming. He knew that I was coming to kill him.
"Before I said anything he said to me, 'What do you want? Money? This is my money - take whatever you want.' I said no, I don't want money. And I locked his wife in the other room.
"Then he said, 'Take the money - if you want my wife you can sleep with her in front of me, but don't kill me.' What he said encouraged me to kill him."
"I killed over a hundred people in battles against the regime and IS, and I don't regret it… because God knows I never killed a civilian or an innocent person.
"When I look in the mirror I see myself as a prince. And I sleep well at night, because everyone they asked me to kill, deserved to die.


It was real in my miiind goyim!

go outside

Okay, went outside, now what kike?

stay there

Sounds like (((fake news))) from the BBC.

all news is fake news
what's your point?

No thanks. How about you fuck yourself instead you half-dick hymie?

no one cares about your opinion, jew boy

We wuz good boyz lovin good and sheit til evil Assad made me kiss his bicture

Attached: meirl.jpg (720x883, 51.55K)

another butthurt mud itt

Also, why does 8ch always agree with CNN and BBC when it suits it, even though their coverup of pedophiles like Saville and blatant (((agenda))) is obvious ?

you'll never be white

You'll always be (((white)))

thanks and keep bumping the thread



fuck (((you)))

don't choke on your bagel, jew boy

bumping an epic salt thread

Just proof that both sides are human garbage.

Nice trips. But unfortunately you are still gay.

"He told me something that I reminded him of later. When I was in prison, he told me: 'If you leave this prison alive and you manage to capture me, do not have mercy on me' - and that's what I did.

"I took him to a farm near the Central Prison which was a liberated area. I cut off his hand with a butcher's knife. I pulled out his tongue and cut it with scissors. And still I wasn't satisfied.

"I killed him when he begged for it. I came for revenge, so I wasn't afraid.

I like a good payback story

But why did the guard torture a double agent?
Because he didn't know he was a double agent?

Damnit johnny, you tell a shit story. Get better and MAYBE we'll stop bullying you.
P.S. props on not reddit spacing the last line.

The story is in the OP,
I paraphrased a section(you do know what paraphrased means,don't you,little mentally handicapped incel wanna be troll?)

Oooo jahnnnee, I'll bet you can't even tell me what incel means….can you?

Best question to ask.
Because 95% of them are emotionally manipulated retards, no matter what they claim.
They don't think, they just follow the group and feel what they are told to feel.

Are you retards actually believe any kikemedia posts?, jeez grow up fags

kikes telling stories that never happened.

The site is infested with shills, retard.

Maybe because you aren't hooked pn phonics?

this isn't your blog, Hothead


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