user, this is a thread about homosexuality. It's only natural that someone struggling with the issue would come forward to talk about it.
What to do with homosexuals in society
Don’t worry about the blood donation bit so much; blood gets hella tested prior to being banked these days
Can't really be bothered going through the posts of that user sperging out and calling you a fag. Or responding to him either.
Just wanted to say to you user, good work for having the will power to stay celibate. And keep on posting, I'm sure theres plenty of people with SSA on this board and it might motivate them to live a celibate life if they hear from someone with the same issues talking about how they're conquering it. I'm sure you can give them some nice advice too.
On that note, what advice would you give to an user with SSA? I normally get into talks in Catholic generals on 8/2chan's Zig Forums and all I can really say is pretty weak advice seeing how I haven't struggled with it.
Regardless I'll be praying that you might some day find a woman that you will be attracted to and love.
I believe its a good thing to have him talk about it, if more people suffering same sex attraction get tips on becoming celibate or how to deal with it. Then less of God's children will find themselves on the path to damnation.
Not needed, conversion therapy works.
Being a celibate homo is still a sure ticket to Hell user. God doesn't hate homosexuality less just because it's not acted upon.
Considering you said you're a Catholic with SSA and didn't identify as a gay, I take it you're not a sodomite (or are at least not a current one, and you've repented if this was in the past). You're just a dude that struggles with a certain sin. We all struggle with sin. I have zero ill will toward you or anyone like you, being that you're my brother in Christ.
I have less a problem with sodomites than I do with this horrendous and anti-Christ society that glorifies and encourages this sin. That's why I said we should expel the jews that glorify and encourage this behavior. Without them, many more could be saved, both from a meaningless and degenerate life, and from eternal hellfire.
No conspiracy is needed. Just look at who owns and is on the board of media companies, who runs every single hollywood studio, who owns every mainstream media outlet, and who runs the porn studios. It's jews. Then look at who is behind the gay "rights" movement, and literally every single nation-weakening anti-Christ movement. Again it is jews.
They hate Christ with a burning passion and will do everything they can to subvert our nations and make them even more anti-Christ. None of this is coincidental.
Doubly so.
Ideally. That would solve all problems, pretty much. But just removing them from influence would end this whole gay nonsense, at the least.
I'm not sure about this. Care to explain more? I'm not disagreeing, I've just always thought acting upon it or entertaining intrusive thoughts was what is sinful.
You are going to be spending a LONG time in purgatory I'd suspect. He's literally saying he rejects it. What, sinners abandoning the sin and asking for forgiveness isn't good enough for you?
You're pretty passionate about this. It seems more like a personal thing - did you spend time "praying the gay away" yourself? Is that why you're so sure it works?
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and think you've reformed, but I'm definitely noticing a pattern here.