Canada Bans Guns?
fill this out because they are too dumb to know you arent from here
vpn canada for extra effect

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Signed. Godspeed, syrup. Also please make it illegal to shitpost in Canada, your brethren ruin everything

I think I just told them to build a wall so the guns the ATF were losing didn't drift north.
…Make Canada Great (and lonely) Again?


Signed, also warned em about the actual source (American agencies) of the "illicit weapons", so we'll know it worked if they start jailing our alphabet soups up there.

While the answer is obvious I wonder (((who))) could be behind that permission.
Euro-peons get in here and sign this I want to see if it's as bad as I think it is.

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I'm doing my part

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Fortunately, all but one response I wrote in a different program and was able to just paste back in.

R8. This isn't everything I submitted even though I know it's a waste of time and nobody is going to read it.
>"Assault weapon" is a meaningless term designed to take advantage of the ignorant by provoking fear, as a political tool to pass restrictive gun laws. Such weapons have no substantial differences in function to non-"assault weapon" semiautomatics. If they did, then there would have been no need for the myriad individual by-name prohibitions; such bans are already a de facto attempt to prohibit most "assault weapons", and if there really were any defining physical traits to the classification, then they would have been used in the first place. Introducing the term to legislation will do nothing but create further opportunities for the unelected RCMP to reclassify weapons at will. Already, Canadians who purchased guns or accessories legally may find themselves declared criminals overnight ex post facto through the RCMP's arbitrary decisions. Already, the RCMP makes petty abuses, such as prohibiting the CZ-858 Spartan, which differs from its unrestricted variant only in a decorative engraving. Bringing the impossibly nebulous "assault weapon" concept into law will only serve to worsen this situation.
>The paragraph at the top of this survey states that it concerns "an examination of a ban on handguns and assault weapons in Canada, while not impeding the lawful use of firearms by Canadians". This can be interpreted in two equally useless ways. Strictly speaking, legislation cannot impede the lawful use of firearms since it defines their lawful use. Such an interpretation renders it a meaningless tautology, and if this is the intended reading, then it makes it quite clear that I am wasting my time, and the government has no interest in any response but those they want to hear. Interpreting "lawful" as "legitimate and rightful", any ban on handguns and so-called assault weapons would, in and of itself, impede the lawful use of firearms by Canadians. The lawful use of firearms by Canadians is ALREADY being grossly impeded by current laws, such as the ridiculous ban on .32 and .25 caliber handguns, and the endless list of by-name prohibitions. The right to bear arms, while not explicitly listed in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, is nonetheless inherent in its provisions, such as Section 7, and even if the very Charter itself should be revoked, the right to bear arms is and always shall remain a fundamental principle of liberty, without which a nation or society cannot be called free.

Done, you're welcome.


I'm thinking we need to turn this over to /b/.
Some of those sick faggots can really cause some havoc.
I filled out the form for you.

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I'd vote for you to be Canada's next PM.

You do realize they already made the decision to take your guns a while ago and this is just a show to pretend they actually listen or care? Unless like 10,000,000 actual Kanuckistani people sent in "do nothing" responses they are just going to steam roller ahead with their plan. Just look who you have for a Prime Minster. Your country is beyond hope and you are lost.

So with a little fiddling you can get through so it's not as initially horrible as I first thought, can't argue with any of the points you made since they're true.
However you need to remember politicians don't operate on facts especially ones that benefit the people in anyway.

So even Europe can vote on this.
While it's good that can get an international effort going for protecting the right to bear arms I don't think that was the intention, really hoping it's just that Canada's stupid and not a ploy to stuff the ballot box with anti-fun votes from other countries.

Canada anons while this can be a good thing it's gonna need to be watched real damn close.

Glow-in-the-darks belong in a ditch.

Fuck your shit, leafcountry!

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What makes you think these people are ignorant about firearm technology? They want to disarm the Canadians to wipe them out.

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Real gun loving Canadians should be looking at what else they can do besides an internet inquiry, such as calling their legislators to bitch, and most importantly buying guns and magazines NAO before anything takes place.

That's the bit faggots will quote as justification to ban (oh yeah right, sorry """restrict""") semi-autos, just as they did here.

Face it, there is no reason for ordinary people to own assault semi-autos of any form besides
And if those rights are not set in stone like in most countries then…

How did you find this place?



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How is this font called?

I played the Inuit living in the Yukon (but studying abroad) card. Taking away firearms is a threat to our way of life.

I just said Yukon is several times more violent than neighboring Alaska, which has the loosest gun laws of the US.

I mean, it's not like it's hard to both fill out internet inquiries and also bitch directly to their legislators.

cuck sans

I have the feeling this is just a jerkoff survey of no value. Anyone whos' been on the internet for any amount of time knows that internet petitions are 100% worthless and are just for show. Does anybody get a real reply on the ones that guarantee it? Do they really want your "input" from a survey they might not even read?

The problem with these types of surveys/polls/petitions is that they make you feel like you've done something when you maybe haven't done a thing. If anything it is the warning sign to do something more useful, like buy up guns to make registery and confiscation more difficult or impossible, or actually call people who get elected and let them know there are voters who are going to stomp down to the booths and remember this shit.

Oh look the glow-in-the-dark suddenly became vaguely useful after being reminded what they'll get.
You're still getting run over but at least it'll be at high speed.

The numbers game is a real hard game to beat, so long as there's enough people with weapons (even shitty ones) to rival a nation's military the government of said nation would have to be suicidal to fight against them.
Even if it's noguns those that simply don't like what their government is doing is a threat because they can pick up a gun from a zogbot a hazguns killed and blast other zogbots in like fashion.

Not to say you should let it get to that point (you NEVER fight fair) but it's surprisingly (blackpillers are admittedly effective if you don't know about them) easy mode dealing with this shit.

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It's probably Wild Words, though there are a lot of similar ones.

so is everyone still pissed off about this? i can't tell anymore