Bad Biblical Names:

Bad Biblical Names:
• Adam (but not in a bad way)
• Judas (but not THAT one)

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Pretty names for your girls:
* Mary
* Ruth
* Maomi
* Anna
* Sarah
* Tamar

meant * Naomi

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Great biblical names:

Second Peter – “Peter” is passe. Go with “Second Peter” to show you know your Bible inside and out.

Ham – Delicious lunch meat and biblical name in one. Ham is a no-brainer.

Nimrod – We’re gonna be honest—this is a terrible name. But you get to call your kid “Nimrod” when he’s acting up and no one can judge you!

Legion – A great name for a child with a rainbow of different emotions.

Dodo – There is no good reason for the lack of believers named Dodo, especially since it’s a name mentioned numerous times in the Bible. Be part of the solution.

Judas But Not The Bad One – Judas was a perfectly respectable name until that Iscariot guy ruined it for the rest of us. Go ahead and name your kid Judas, but make sure to specifically state he’s Judas But Not The Bad One right on the birth certificate.

King James – His name’s right on the cover of any real Bible, but you’d be surprised how few people actually name their newborn sons King James. It’s a fine name, and it lets people know that you’re serious about reading the Bible in its original 1611 incarnation.

Demon Pig – Name your child Demon Pig if you want people to know you love Jesus not just when he’s cuddly and sweet, but even when he does crazy stuff like casts demons into pigs, turning them suicidal.

Abaddon The Destroyer – Don’t go with a wimpy name like “Jordan” or “Malachi.” You want people to know your son is not to be trifled with. A name like Abaddon The Destroyer is perfect for your little bundle of joy.

#Blessed – Jesus used the word “blessed” all the time, did he not? If you want to ensure your child is truly blessed, you have to name him or her HASHTAG BLESSED. It’s literally foolproof.


* Mary
* The other Mary
* The other other Mary
* No, the OTHER Mary

if you have twins name them boaz and jachin


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i was not referencing that when i posted just fyi. rip kiddo

what do you guys think of thomas?

my middle names are also two disciples.

I've wondered before, is it wrong to name a child Jesus?

Millions of Mexicans do it, so why not?

I can't really think of any reason why, it just seems weird to me. Feels too close to naming a kid God maybe.

great argument

Joshua/Jesus are the same name (God is salvation), it isn't wrong, but I understand the weird feeling with it, considering we usually call God by Jesus rather than other names. I'd just name them Joshua instead.

Jezebel and Solomon

Didn't work for GG Allin.


Who would name his daughter Naomi?

I cant take this name seriously after all the time on /tg/

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None of the names in the Bible are bad, God put them there for a reason.

For some reason, in the anglosphere, Biblical names are generally taken from the Hebrew form rather than the Greek form. Noah, Elijah, Isaiah, and Joshua are pretty normal Christian names; but Noe, Elias, Esaias, and Jesus are not normal at all. The traditional King James Bible uses both name forms depending on if it’s translating from Hebrew or Greek, so both forms are known. It just shook out that the Hebrew forms are more common.
Regarding Jesus specifically, I wouldn’t recommend it as Christians would see you as a blasphemer and non-Christians will see you as a religious nut. Not to mention, your kid will have to deal with being named Jesus his whole life

Jezebel is a pretty name, bad associations though. Solomon kinda has the opposite problem.

that guy is horrible