World's youngest billionaires,nazi grandad stole Jew gold and build empire on jew blood

They’re Germany’s billion-dollar babies.

Just 19, twins Viktoria-Katharina Flick and Karl-Friedrich Flick are the world’s youngest billionaires.

Both inherited a breathtaking $1.8 billion from their late father, Friedrich Karl Flick.

“They’ve been getting pocket-money since second grade, age-appropriate, not more than their friends,’’ their mother, Ingrid Flick, told Austrian newspaper Kronen Zeitung in 2009. “This is how they’ll learn how to deal with money and its significance. I want them to be no different from their friends.”

However, the Teutonic twosome have also inherited a fortune that it is drenched in blood.

Building a steel, weapons and munitions empire on the backs of slave labour, their grandfather Friedrich Flick took the title of Nazi Germany’s richest man.

He became wealthy by seizing Jewish-owned companies in Nazi-controlled Europe. Hitler and his henchman called the program Aryanizations.

A 2008 study revealed as many as 40,000 slave labourers could have died working for the Hitler sycophant.

The twins grandfather was tried at Nuremberg following the Nazis obliteration by the Allies. He served three years for war crimes.

“Leaving aside all moral standards, Friedrich Flick had the genius ability to become the richest person in Germany—twice,” Thomas Ramge, author of The Flicks, told Bloomberg News.

Eventually, the family sold the last of their Aryanized assets and became the largest investor in Daimler-Benz, another German company with a troubling past.

Their father died in 2006, but before he left this world he was involved in a slew of corruption scandals involving German politicians.

While other German conglomerates with ties to the Nazis have made restitution, the Flicks never have. Oppa Friedrich and his heir never bothered.

The elder said before he died in 1972 he didn’t have a legal — or moral — obligation to do so.

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Time to Re-Aryanize the Flicken Ovens.

Based tbh



10/10, would smile at the idea of dead jews again

they deserve it

This is what I'm going to use the next time a capitalist tells me we live in a meritocracy, thanks


o wow,that is good to know

the only right thing to do would be to distribute those 1.8 billions in all sorts of holocaust survivor memorials and such,as well as anti racist instituions after all they didnt earn that money

lol, do you think this story disproves that claim? People's children can benefit from their parents merit as well, mate.

joke of the day

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you deserve to be turned into slave labor for your post.

Had they invested in bitcoin for a couple of years in the beginning, they could have bought all of the other billionaires and cleansed the world.

What is great is they are not working with real figures here, the wording suggests it heavily. Almost to the point of no contention.
Give us facts and not overly inflated numbers and we may believe you.

B-but there WAS no slave labor in Nazi Germany, all the work camps were actually super evil death camps where the normally logical Germans decided to gas their potential workforce!?!? "No slaves, just corpses" I heard in school

rags to rags in three generations

in this case the ZOG will make sure of it

1st story I read of the day & now I'm in a great mood - Thanks OP & don't gas yourself.

He can right after soros who ratted out jews to the nazis and then sold their stuff.

fucking kikes spreading misinformation because they control all the media.

Anyone with a below average income could have done that considering the price BTC were being sold at. Remember it was so worthless that one guy swapped 15,000 BTC for a fucking pizza.
Most of those saying "I wish I had…" were not even aware of BTC when it was at that price.

Oy vey, that $1.8 billion is illegitimate money! Surely they don't deserve the whole $3 billion in stolen Jewish money. That $5 billion needs to be redistributed to the Jewish families it was stolen from. Maybe not all of it, just $6 or 7 billion is fair.

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Maybe that's what they teach in talmud school, but in German public schools they teach that the majority of concentration camps were work camps, with transitional-, prison- and death camps being the minority. Even Hollywood Jewish propaganda doesn't teach that every camp was a death camp: in Schindler's List the camp is a work camp where goods were manufactured.

I knew about it since near the beginning and never touched it.
That makes me superior.

The secret is, to not play the game.


Reminds me of the germans making a 'work camp' where jews were told they would be working to free themselves.
They were taught skilled jobs, machining and metal work, some working in chemistry. Some in maintenance, others managing the other jews and improving productivity.

They spent a full three months in training, even going to other factories and labs to learn the skills at great expense to the germans.
Then they set to work for another six months. Crafting, building, assembling, polishing all the parts.

Some worked on smaller, repetitive but still vitally important parts.

Eventually, after most of a year had passed, they had finished.
It was an interconnected pistol with hundreds of barrels.
One mathematically bright jew used his counting ability and counted the barrels. Then he counted the jews. One more barrel than all of us, what a coincidence. Then he realised he had not counted himself.

All of a sudden, the pistol fired all the hundreds of barrels and each jew was hit in the head and died a long, slow and agonising death - as the bullets the jews had built were designed to travel slowly through the air, and kill them over a matter of days.

When they had died, they guards melted down the pistol into steel, and then burned it until it had all gone.
Then they brought another set of jews and more materials to make the next gun.

They better get that money out of Germany ASAP, before somebody tries to repossess it for "reparations"

oy vey a rich goy couldn't have gotten rich on his own, must have been the jews

6 million jews died in the holocaust and they profited from jewish people stolen Business,its not their money.The money belongs to those jewish people And nobody else! I mean iT is the right thing to do!

-Take the first T away

how did 6 million dead jews profit from stolen jewish businesses? Wait, they're jews, they'll find a way

Well, too bad the Geneva convention allows POWs to be put to work, and this was done by both the Soviets and the Americans in WWII, so fuck 'em.

If their father was worth 1.8b and they split the money how are they Billionaires


Between 2 or 10 which is not really a figure that fills me with confidence.
How so? In your world all money earned off others should be returned to them destroying all economies. What land of fairies, sunshine and farts are you from?
What gives you the idea thats how it works?

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It's all nothing when compared with what the kikes did to Germany.

It's funny…. Accuse a man of murder and you have to prove it in court. Accuse a man of mass murder and you just have to publish a "study" in some blog.


Now does that mean he made money and didn't give (((them))) a cut or does it mean he just took back stolen goods?


German ingenuity, everybody.

f-f-fucking bigot

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Investments and returns dumbfuck.

These two are my new idols.

literal shoah

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They EACH received 1.8B. That means the total inheritance was 3.6B.


they have two older half-siblings also, so more like 7.2B?

Aryans deserve it more anyway.

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