Syrian Civil War - Spoils of War Edition

So the Russians have an exhibition on at the Patriot's Park , in Kubinka , which is referred to the "Military Disneyland"(where they have that Tank museum with the Maus). Anyways, the expo is about Syrian War bring backs, which was extremely interesting, given the wide variety in age and origination of the firearms used.

I know that the Syrian war is famous for the weapons, but now we have a unprecedented archive of what sort weapons the various forces used, including the vehicles. I took them all from a photographer named Konstantin Lazarev on VK.
vk. com/album123450606_258332696

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Other urls found in this thread:


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SYRIAN TROPHIES - 2 - terrorists' firearms
The next, second, part of a photo report from a unique exhibition in Patriot Park, in Alabino, where Syrian trophies are on display - armored vehicles, weapons, communications equipment, UAVs - all that was seized from terrorist groups in Syria. In this album - the 2nd part of the photo report from this exhibition - firearms of terrorists

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It's not a flood, don't discard my posts CodeMonkey

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I wish there were better ways to upload this, if there is please let me know.

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Probably my favourite find was that the Syrian Terrrorists used Reibel machine guns; could it be from the Colonial days?

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Vz.58 a cute

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This shit looks like the weapons list for the STALKER armory mod, there is something I love so much about a conflict that use such a wide and anachronistic range of guns.

But, wait there's more!

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and some more.

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And that's it for weapons. There's another zip file on vehicles, but I'll just post links to that one.
vk. com/album123450606_258332899 - Heavy weapons, drones, tecchies, and an (((Israeli))) MRE package - Syrian Mad Max Adaptation Prop Vehicles

Sorry for the long post!

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The fuck is that (third pic)?

There is literally not a feeling worse than this. I just want to have a pile of guns so massive that the existence of it ensures peace will never exist in our universe merely through its psychomemetic influence, but I can't have that because some fuckwit soccer mom is scared of Eugene Stoner's Patented Armalite Varmint Rifle.

Looks like some sort of large calibre anti tank rifle.

and yet I don't have one. Why do sandniggers get to have these?

I know that feel bro.

I came

For fucks sake, might as well ship myself right in the middle of a fucking warzone. Maybe then I can finally get to own some guns. Fuck this gay earth

All right, I have an idea Greek friend. Let's start an NGO. We'll make the focus of our work removing firearms from combat areas or areas likely to become combat zones. As in we take donated and government money, fly to the Middle East, and buy up each and every gun we find. Hell we can even get with local security forces and help in the "controlled demolition" of captured enemy weapons. This demolition occurring of course on a boat in international waters where no they aren't allowed to watch. Proceed to then have fun with guns on the dime of world governments and hippie idiots. For extra laughs find a way to demill the guns when you're done with them and partner with an importing group to then send the demilled firearms back to western states. For those guns which can be imported intact, like bolt actions, find some third world nation that conveniently "found" the guns in one of their warehouses and then have them sold on the open surplus market.

Polite sage for double post, but this just reminded me of something I saw once. There was a fellow on another gun forum I knew who kind of did this. He put fliers up advertising a "gun and ammunition" disposal service. He apparently got more takers than you would think. Widows who didn't like their dead husband's guns, libshit children of gun owners who just wanted them gone, fudds getting rid of ammo that was perfectly usable but they didn't trust because it was old. He ended up in hot water though because someone ended up passing a stolen gun to him. He didn't know and managed to get off without any legal issues but stopped performing his racket after that.

Let's do it. What should we call the company?

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Let's get flashy with it. I'm thinking the "International Study Committee on Small Arms Non-Proliferation". See, in order to combat arms proliferation we're going to have to perform field studies on the ease of access to weapons, trace their supply chains (and of course purchase samples along the way to confirm origin), and get values on average black and grey market firearms prices through real-world negotiations.

ISCCSANP then. I like it. Now all we need is a fancy easily-recognized logo

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QLZ-87 China portable auto grenade launcher, it's missing it's drum mag.

The fuck is that thing in the 3rd image?

How's this

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The Zig Forums is a little too obvious, friend. Also: KISS.