
Fellas help
I'm not sure whether to be Catholic or Orthodox anymore

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Other urls found in this thread:!esZljaCR!T0L70yRF0-Yc_N6pSsI-OQ

we have this thread everyday.

Just get saved and call yourself a Baptist already.

maybe you could provide us with some context

also the correct answer is catholic

but an orthodox christian can also claim that

Maybe you could provide us with some context.

Also, the correct answer is Orthodox.

You see, I was born Catholic and saw the corruption of the church, I went through a Protestant phase, then an Orthodox phase where I was very convinced, but then i also became Catholic again

It's confusing
Although I can rule out protestantism

You have to give some specifics on why you keep converting

I was convinced by the idea that the Orthodox Church is the true church because of how much it upholds tradition, compared to the Catholic Church

I also think that the Sedevacantists' point of view is pretty convincing, because they speak of prophecies such as the great apostasy which is happening in the church right now

I'm not all that good at explaining things, honestly.



You fools…

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Stop being me


If you think popes taking part in pagan rituals is fine than join the Catholic Church

I also have this history (though I never officially converted to Orthodoxy or accepted Orthodox communion). How common is this on this board?

Yeah, that's what throws me off with Catholicism
That's why I was very interested in Sedevacantism

I know a family that's Melkite Greek Orthodox Catholic. They have a total of 8 kids I think. The dad has a PhD in theology.

Begome SSPX if you want Catholicism without modernism.

You don't have to be Roman to be a Catholic, look into the numerous other rites out there if you want a different tradition.

Accidentally quick replied, that was meant for OP.

I mean… what exactly are you unsure or confused about?

The same here. except I never full on board Orthodox. If I was to consider just the political situation right now I would choose Orthodoxy.
But - believing that RCC - is the true church I go with RCC. I do not thing the fact that RCC is now more subverted than Orthodox church means RCC is not legit. By the same logic you would have to say: Because Stalin subverted Orthodox church Orthodoxy cannot be legit.


Current political climate in a particular church should not be a reason to convert. It might seem confusing but consider the following: Be a russian, 1930s. Your church is subverted by bolshevik regime. Catholic church is doing much better and you see it. Then you chimp out, become convinced RCC is the true church based on this fact go full RCC because of this??. Now the situation is somewhat reversed. RCC is doing worse - especially with the current pope. Does it make Orthodox church the one true church? If you're Orthodox and you make this argument to convince RC to convert you do not debate in good faith and it proves your inconsistency in world view and theology(because your argument is not based on theology but current politics). By the same logic Russian Orthodoxy was not legit in 1930s. You either stand behind something or you don't. Either a current climate establishes the legitimacy of the church or it does not because the church can be subverted - even the true church. You cannot pick one for the other church and then proclaim your own church does not fall in the same logic. That is hypocrisy.

Your conversion must be based on your knowledge of theology, not a reaction to politics.

What led me away from RCC? exactly this . I am glad I was in contact with Orthodox guys and I do have respect for them. I was never full on board because I realized I do not know much about my theology. Some arguments against RCC were protestant-tier - frankly low minded purposeful distortions or straw man arguments. Such as:
I have strong distaste for this attitude. It did not convince me 'Orthodoxy is not the true church' because I grew out of this larping. This intellectual dishonesty however made me think about things. First of all: Why did I start to view RCC as inferior? It made me study the theology. Tbh I am still studying so I can become familiar with the differences (Filioque, etc.) I consider myself RCC now, eager to study more.

Just gonna say this: 'Muh Francis' is not an argument against RCC theology. If that is your first argument then it's quite approach tbh.
He may be a heretic but that does not necessarily mean RCC is not legit.

As long as you mean Orthodox Catholic.

That is a superfluous reiteration. Catholic is always orthodox. That's like saying catholic christian.

Orthodox Catholic Church = Eastern Orthodox Church
Roman Catholic Church = Pope Church

I'm Orthodox and i'm seriously considering going Catholic. So i understand your feeling

I want to read some more Catholic and Orthodox literature before i finally decide.

I'm not baptized and while I know the basic tenets of both faith, I know little about the schism in itself . Is there a reading list out there? What do you advice? Thanks!

Only memes can solve this.

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I have some Christian books that i plan to read all eventually. There isn't too much in there but still worth your time.!esZljaCR!T0L70yRF0-Yc_N6pSsI-OQ

SSPX is in schism


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I'm just as confused as you. I wonder about my own faith.