Itt: fudds thinking they're hot shit


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I mean, this guy tried to walk the walk, but literally everyone around him acted reasonably. This isn't even a justifiable chimpout. Plus, he clearly doesn't know that you never shoot over a vehicle. Always safer to avoid making a sillhouette by taking shit from the sides, not that cars stop bullets, though. Much harder to spot. That's a free tip for you chimpout enthusiasts.



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It's pretty fucking small, famalamo. If you can hide behind an engine block, you're probably a midget.

I'm not a cop hater. I'm just a fat person hater, and a job well-done is a job well-done. All I'm saying is I'm impressed he took out two cops. Sorry for their family's loss, but I mean, they did lose to an old man. And as for the nigs, if they show good manners, that should be returned. We only care about the chimping negroes. However, as we are all apes, anybody can chimp out. Just make sure if it's you, you do it for the lulz and aim for the top score. Top scores are for winners, not quitters.

Then I guess Paul Harrell is a manlet, that can use the magical concept of "taking cover", that lanklets can only dream of being able to wrap their small minds around. :^)

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I've seen that video, but it assumes something that isn't realistic, namely the enemy shooting only perpendicular to the target. You can shoot over the engine block and skip it entirely if you aim for the hood. You can shoot from different angles, and so on. A car will not stop a rifle, but feel free to try it.

aYeah, what shit like this means is that lawyers and courts have nothing to do with defending 2nd amendment rights.

this does. More of this. If shit like this had actually occured when Katrina happened, it would have been glorious.

Take a hike niggerlover

Fuck off niggerloving edgelord

What a pitty. Seems we have just regular ol' niggers on this board. I do love you guys, though. Kisses ( ' '3)

As soon as he could, he should have be running and retreating to another location.

All jokes aside, good on him for killing two fat pigs.

He literally did that, then came back out for some retarded reason. He would have had a lot more freedom of movement from inside. Hell, even outside, there were solid structures to hide behind.

I'm surprised they let him surrender after killing two of them. I would've thought they would've just waited for him to faint from blood loss then shoot him

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Swedebro, where is your AK5? Did you stick your cock in it yet? If not, why?

No, I mean left that area completely, and ambushed some nigs and people.



I mean, yeah, but his old man legs probably wouldn't let him go too far. It would be like when nutn-senpai tried to run a mile in gear and bitched out.

I'm bringing it back. Make the Internet 2008 again.

Pic related

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Someone's been browsing encyclopedia dramatica

Whatever he may be, he's still better than 100% of Zig Forums. Still should've gone out in a blaze of glory rather than surrender though.

grandpa is Zig Forums as fuck

Retard cops need better training. He was just standing there with his hand in his fucking pocket. Big fucking no-go when you know you're reporting to an MWAG. Officers didn't even have their weapons drawn.

fuck off, kike.

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Zig Forums would rather have waited for him to be a casualty of some chimpout and then thump their chests about how he should have gone down guns blazing instead.
The police are not there to protect you, they are there to protect criminals.

I wouldn't call him a fudd, fudds just want to hunt and negotiate rights away.

He'd have been a martyr had he continued fighting to his death or at least justified his actions despite the law; alas he did not, and thus could not live up to become a tragic hero. Truly a wasted opportunity on Elrod's part given that he will only rot in prison now .

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lmao at mutts thinking they're tough shit
lololol one hit and quit lololol
amerimutts are all spineless cucks lolololololololol
Just lie down and die already lolololololol

this, but unironically

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Good, shame he didn't kill more
