Anybody here ever buy the wrong gun?
this was my first purchase and I couldn't tell by just holding them.
I bought the CZ-sp01 Phantom mistaking it for the CZ-sp01 Tactical.
2 pretty different pistols since I wanted the tactical because I've heard how well it mitigates recoil. The Phantom was made to be an extremely light sidearm so doesn't mitigate recoil as well and has a much smaller slide which can be annoying. Didn't realize I bought the wrong one until a month later when I re-watched a video that had the tactical.
That Time you Bought the Wrong Gun
No, I always buy the right gun. I know exactly what I want, its why I din't get along with the gun stores that well, I want what I fucking want, not just what they have in stock. Makes me a pain, but I don't have any regrets on expensive durable items either.
Your LGS didn't want to order for you? What dickheads. Not surprising though half the gun stores I've been to have been shit, but the fudds still autistically rage about muh brick and mortar being killed by the internet.
Both have a pretty small and hard to grab slide, that's a CZ75 thing. The main difference is the Phantom has some polymer in the body to reduce the weight which isn't unwelcome as the Tactical is heavy to the point where it is slower to aim one handed. I own a Tactical and have shot Phantoms.
I suppose that's the other reason I'm a pain, I also sit around and hunt down low prices online instead of having my FFL/gun dealer guy always do it for me. He's gotten a few guns for me after I made the request, come to think of it, he's been pretty good. But its like anyone who has an inventory, they have a real incentive to move what they have, not sell you what they don't. More of an issue when you go to other gun stores/pawn shops that are basically gun stores and you ask about something and then they try to shove something else on you.
On one hand I'm a tough customer in the fact that they don't get to make the extra profit when I order from Gunbroker or Buds, then again in a way I'm easy FFL paperwork money that requires no occupation of capital because they never had to spend the money to order it, nor did they spend the money to buy it and keep it in stock while their capital was tied up in that unsold asset. Different ways to look at it.
The last part is, when I make the order instead of my dealer, there is no miscommunication on what exacting demands I want. No mixups, no minor details left unattended to, if the gun fucks up or I made the mistake in what I want its all one me. In a way, being picky makes you difficult to be around, but if you always know exactly what you want you are never disappointed. Better to be picky and have done a lot of research, to know yourself and what you shoot and what you are and how you shoot and make the right purchase the first time, then to just 'go along" with the flow and worry about trading/selling something you might not have wanted in the first place.
I fell for the garbagepoll meme and ended up owning 2 Mosins. I paid $100 each a few years ago. Not a huge regret but for the total including ammo I'd rather have bought a Swiss K31 and reloading dies.
Mutt will always have the same effect as nigger.
My gun purchases go one of two ways:
1. I meticulously research exactly what I want. I spend time with the gun, borrowing it from a friend or renting it, learning as much as I can about it and deciding how I want to carry it, what type of ammo I want to carry in it, doing drills, learning how to take it down, etc. I know every inch of the gun before I make the purchase. I order it online or call a bunch of gun stores asking for exactly what I want by name. When I go pick it up, I will know if they hand me the wrong thing, or if they left something out of the box (I've had several experiences where shops have left out a cleaning rod, a speed loader, or in one case even a spare magazine). I inspect it thoroughly before leaving the shop. In one case, I had the gun shop send it to the manufacturer for repair before I agreed to take it.
2. I walk into the gun store to grab a box of ammo or just bullshit with the guys, and I impulsively purchase something that caught my eye that I don't know much about. If I end up disliking it, that's my problem. "Problem" is a bit of a misnomer though… one more gun is one more gun, and you can't buy the "wrong" gun if there's no "right" gun in the first place.
Btw I love my Phantom and prefer it to the Tactical. The Phantom points more naturally, and since both models are more than heavy enough to handle 9mm's recoil, I'd rather save the weight
haha, stupid amerimutt doesn't even know how to buy guns right
Shoot yourself with it
Mosins were only ever worth it when they were like $40 - $60.
On the bright side you can sell them off for a decent profit since they're all like $350 now.
stop fucking replying to him
Stupid retard mutt ruined the world and claims to have what rightfully should beling to Europeans, especially Germans after what you did to them.
You do not deserve right no Gun's, only nuclear death.
You're that german who always spams the amerimutt meme, aren't you? You know how sad it is that you have to use MEMES to get your point across?
And he'll wake up tomorrow and do it all over again, then have his traditional German midday meal of falafel and kefir while telling his German nationalist friends Muhammad and Ahmed how he peeved off an user on a Korean basket weaving forum.
It's very unlikely he's a "german", but a slav with some deep issues.
Yes, and the only way to stop him is to deny him attention.
Spergkraut or spergook never post without flags.
And you are still a disgusting sex tourist, pedro.
Dunno what to say to you, but I'm an actual vietnamese.
The other guy needs help.
Mutts are living rent free in his mind.
But what if you want a local retard to torment?
Sure thing. Gook are totally interested in Hitler for some reason, and sperging out defending commies with 3/4 passable english is what gooks do.
I think it is the other way around and feeding his meme only makes him stronger.
And remember
I'm actually kind of a germanboo myself.
And no, I actually don't care all that much about Hitler, I'm fascinated by german army and its discipline though.
Also, I don't defend commies.
It's the fact who literally think commies are supermen who are gonna swallow Europe whole in 1941/1942 do.
Hitler was Germany as Germany was Hitler. It was inevitable. Hitler was the experession of German civilized vengeance. If Hitler had became a painter and married someone, another dude whateverhisname would have became the Führer. french were pathetic faggots, amerimutts were kike servants, war was inevitable.
I bought a Savage 220A as my first gun that some hillbilly in a pawn shop convinced me was actually a good deal and in good working order with all the parts in good condition because I was 18, poor as shit, wanted a working shotgun, and the thing was only 80 bucks.
Turns out virtually all the internals that I didn't know what they were at the time were broken, the foreend was cracked on the inside, the barrel was pitted as shit on the inside, the safety didn't work, and the buttplate was cracked.
I've since sunk over 300 dollars worth of replacement parts, repairs, and countless hours of time into keeping the old bastard alive. It's easily my favorite gun now. Almost every part to it is a replacement. I've gotten fucking good at repairing break action shotguns thanks to it being a broken piece of shit at first, too. Taught myself woodworking to make a new fore end to replace the broken one, learned how to remove rust pitting, learned how the safety on a break action shotgun worked, all sorts of things. One of the better teaching experiences my slow in the minds retard ass ever did, buy an ancient broken single barrel shotgun and be autistic enough to never give up on making it work. And it does work, I've put easily ten thousand shells through the thing in the eight years since and it's been nothing but good to me. Except for my shoulder. The fucker weighs like two pounds so it'll knock you around a bit. Gotta git guud at controlling recoil with it. I've nicknamed him The Bruiser.
I bought a 9mm as my first CC when I should have bought a .45 in retrospect, but then again I was also a limp-wristed faggot at the time and didn't know any better/had only shot shotguns up until that point.
Sounds pretty fucking gay to me
Call her Bruisette then
lol mutts r gay
get AIDS faggots
I call my mosin "Ivan"
Ivan Ivanavych.
yeah i understand the pros and cons.
but what I wanted was the tactical
That just sounds fucking retarded.
You could've had something even mildly clever like Hilda or a completely different name entirely forgoing any reference to it kicking like a mule just because you like the name.
Instead you want to just have an A, Y, IE, or ETTE at the end of whatever word you think of.
But I do like the name, user. It's always struck me as a more masculine gun than not insofar as it's possible to catagorize firearms with human charactaristics like that. Like my Webley MKIV and MKVI. Those two always struck me as men, since they've been through wars and been in an army. The Bruiser's a mostly sawed off shotgun that's been cobbled together and kicks like shit and is pushing 80 years old. Seems more like a man gun to me, I don't know.
My SP101 I always refer to as a her because I keep the sexy bitch on my belt almost constantly and she's got nice lines and is shiny and looks cute with her night sight
I accidentally bought a 590 instead of a 590A1.
The trigger guard and safety being plastic instead of milled aluminum really kinda irks me, but I guess I'll replace them when and if they fail, or whenever I need a CNC milling project, whichever comes first.
All guns are female, Strelok, just like all ships are female.
That was intended entirely for 17a5fb and his uncreative naming.
I got a high point 995ts. It's not a bad gun, just a pointless one. Sold it for $150 so I'm not salty. Got a marlin 336 to replace it
Good luck finding one, aluminum trigger assemblies are getting a bit scarce and expensive since new models use chunky reinforced plastic that wont fit old models.
CZ has quite the amount of variants for their pistols. I can see how someone would buy the wrong CZ75 or even 85, albeit the former being less common.
If I remember correctly, a lot of Kriegsmarine captains/sailors would refer to their vessels as a 'he'.
I call my one 8mm Mauser "M24/47". That's its name, hell, its stamped into the thing.
But seriously folks, the only gun we ever gave a nickname to is the 220 Swift we have, the Swift is known as the "Blender" for its work on small game. If you can't guess why, get educated on its gloriousness.
It's only wrong if it doesn't fire. If it doesn't fire you might not be looking after it properly. If it's a gun with no safety like a glock and you shoot your balls off, then it's a shit gun and you're a shit person for shooting yourself. Overall, anything made by china is shit. Ergonomics and recoil are for those who have the audacity to blame their tools on their inability to become accustomed to their personal weapon of defense. Consider yourself fortunate, or a richfag to enjoy these choices.
Russian Navy referred to its ships as “he”
Don't give him attention, he can't form but one proper German sentence.
I've bought guns that I regret, thinking that they were going to be great but being mistaken, but never have I mistook a gun for an entirely different gun.