With liberals openly attacking the foundation of our government and the Constitution (due process, 2nd amendment, electoral college, etc.) how likely is a civil war?
With liberals openly attacking the foundation of our government and the Constitution (due process, 2nd amendment...
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Unlikely. When the likelihood of actual revolution reaches a certain threshold, expect us to get involved in policing some "war crime" or another halfway across the world and end up fighting World War III.
Unless you find a leader, a civil war will never happen. Most are afraid they will be the only ones fighting and will be put down quickly and all their efforts will be ultimately futile. Without someone to start a strong group and lead the people, no one will risk losing everything.
Tactical supply of bread and circuses needs to be severely damaged for anything to start happening.
We will reach weimar-tier degeneracy with child prostitutes and heroin and NOBODY will do anything as long as they can afford them.
That's why Trump is pushing for trade wars against everyone. He's seeking to topple the global economy and use the resultant mass inflation to rebuild America as a Fascist superpower. Please don't take this from me. It's the only thing that allows me to sleep at night. Israel won't know what hit it!
Zero. Westerners are submissive, authority-obeying sheep. Like said, as long as the dumb masses are distracted and enterntained (here in Germany for example with beer and football) they won't ever rise up.
Not exactly western but I like to look at the ukraine when I think of civil war. All you need is a vote that doesn't match popular opinion and a little too much police aggression/deceleration of martial law to spark it all. Then other countries will fan the flame for their own personal interests.
I hope
Stop being such cucks, I know germans are getting more right wing.
If nobody has the balls to actually ark up, two things can be used to passively fight an oppressive system.
This is the simplest way to stop a state peacefully- go grey market. Buy your groceries, clothes computers etc. at farmers markets in cash. The government would try to ban cash sales the moment 20% of the taxes went awol, and if it lost even 18 months of taxes it would likely fall on its arse because it will not be able to pay the interest on foreign debts.
Related to the above, but turns it up a notch. Find a nice little place in fuck knows where out the arse end of woop woop and take you and 50 likeminded people and make a village. You now live in your own little world that's your own paradise and no longer have to care about it.
You mean all you need is two global powers using clandestine agencies to spark a slow-burn proxy war.
If it doesn't happen in the next 10-20 years, it's never going to happen ever.
Until the feds come in and massacre everyone.
If the next "recession" doesn't, then never.
Although political violence is already fairly common and things aren't even "bad" yet.
We tried #2, that's how Waco started.
I'll admit number 2 is a harder one to pull off because it requires a good amount of concealment and secrecy. For those who can't go galt for whatever reason, number one is a simple option: You're choking the state by non participation (and getting way better food for it in turn). You'd be surprised how far barter trade actually gets you.
I'm not wasting my time with this.
He arrives at correct conclusion despite incorrect assumption.
PRcucks even when having enough weapons to form a militia would rather roll over and die, becaue leftists will get bad PR from killing them (^: fucking baste
Same with cuckservatives who are too busy convincing baste niggers and spics that dems r da reel raycists or whiteknighting for an antifa/nigger cumdumpster because she's huwite princeess to fight.
Here's the archive since you're a retarded nigger who linked directly to a kike rag.
Imagine running a psy op so hard you convince people being the most pro-Israel president in history is how you cause a war against Israel.
Money is already worthless. They can print as much as they want and decide it's value on a whim.
Good luck going to the middle of no where when they have constant air traffic. They will find you and if they don't then you're still a no body and don't actually matter. You're a replaceable part and they will just do that.
Right can't win political violence because the US is the strongest military in the world and can crack down on the right any time it wants. That's why the best plan is to not be a target but to appear loyal until the system collapses and you're the only one left standing. Keep your mouth shut, don't make a fuss but make sure you're top dog and able to survive a global collapse. We have all the signs of it happening and it's just a matter of time. Could be tomorrow or in 300 years but it will happen.
Grow some hair on your balls. You will need them.
In muttmerica maybe. But muttmerica can't muster men to fight a total war anymore. They either launch nukes political and regimental suicide or they have to let it be, if the opposing radical rightwing states are too competent. And judging from the Houthis and Assad, that is not impossible to achieve.
The impotent rage oozing out of the Germans here is always entertaining.
Said the mutts. We fought against nigger occupation. We were destroyed to ashes and rubbles and forced to eat mutt media for decades to get to this point.
mutt whores laugh in joy when muttbots escorted them to the nigger breeding ground.
The only thing you subhumans deserve is nuclear death. Give all your nukes to Germany so they may nuke you for your crimes against the world.
The board owner is a cuck who won't range ban all jewnited amerimutt states IPs.
t. noguns
"muh riiiiiiiights"
"muh guuuuuuuuuns"
"muh freeeeeeeeduuuuumbs"
lelelelelelelel @ the nation of cuckmutts
Everyone can tell you noflag kikes are feds/shills. You don't even try to subvert our dead board.
Zig Forums is not about weapons and never was.
Zig Forums is about hating the eternal mutt scum.
Fact: Amerimutts caused every war in the universe.
Fact: Amerimutts caused every crime in the universe.
Fact: Disagreeing with me makes you an amerimutt.
You know your little method will just make the factual calling out of mutts more popular and not make it any less hurtful, right?
How many mutt babies have you stabbed, gutted, and plastered against walls.
Stop being a cuck. Come to jewsa muttland and kill mutts.
Or are Germans too cucked to do anything against the mutts that enslaved them?
I guess all that effort was worth it in the end! Danke dir, Kamerad #124!
lolololol you keep saying muttmuttmutt, yet you don't have the balls to kill one lolololololol whatacuck lolololololol
The shitcunt really can't ban you mutts fast enough, lel
Upboat for letting funneh maymay.
You get one 8gag gold point.
Please continue these dank maymays (=^
Sick judicial system burgers.
but thanks to war crime tribunals not requiring evidence it's all that's needed.
What did the orange kike even gain from deporting some slav peasant sentry
Even BRD GmbH couldn't convict him for extra media point
Old man is going to die peacefully in a care center
Orange kike lost all respect from a significant of magapedes
kikes and lefties still use him as a cum rag
Bitte schön :3
If it does that the the USG looses a major bargaining point with foreign powers. You can't crack down on your own population and at the same time try to shame Russia, China, or Goatfuckerstan for doing the same.
You are still not white, shitcunt.
The United States clearly doesn't view White people as its "own population". They are a slave class kept in fine enough conditions most of the time to not quite recognize it. The US doesn't care about being hypocritical at all with regards to Russia or China. The butthurt belt surrounding those two countries is weak enough that they'll fall in line with the US no matter what, while still taking the respective neighbor's money, too.
Yea but then Saint McVeigh bombed a federal building
I talked with my neighbor about a potential gun grabbing scenario but he scoffed at me as soon as I mentioned resisting. He told me that he'd be one of the first in line to give his gun up considering he respects those boys in blue and his federal government. He also mentioned that he knows I'm the type to try and bury mine so he'd tell the cops that as well. He also pointed to another redpilled neighbor we have and said he'd tell the cops he'd try to fire on them when they came round. This man was a boomer.
Does he look like Louis CK?
Sounds racist, I'm sure his employer won't like that. Also, try to get as many punitive tickets as possible for him. Nothing breaks a cuck harder than having his blueniggers take $300 away from him for some bullshit code violation. If that doesn't get him to shut the fuck up, imply that he won't have a family or house to go back to the next day and that he won't have his gun to protect himself. That should legit scare the shit out of him. That's how gangs keep people from talking. I would also go ahead and talk to that redpilled neighbor and let him know whats going on. Snitches get stitches.
Yet the thing that would collapse the monetary house of cards are things like nobody using it or everyone cashing in for gold or alternative currency. This is the biggest reason governments are shit scared of bitcoin and put gigantic punishments on moonshining- there is no way to tax a transaction made over the fence. Additionally, they cannot decide how much it's worth on a whim when they can't even keep track of a single muslim extremist, let alone force other nations producers to accept a dictate that their product is worth this much paper. Were china to stop accepting american paper, and suddenly call it in for its foreign debts, war would ensue by america terrified of actually paying it.
Air traffic does not cover all parts of the globe, and I would not care for a thugs evaluation of my skills in any case. I am out for my own self interest- I'd rather make 100% of my profit rather than have some shithead take 30% as per shitcunt taxation. All the better if they think I'm replaceable- if I make something that benefits my customers and nobody else, they have lost the fight in the long term.
Why haven't you realized that politics is where you go to collect taxpayer dollars. If you want some for your own program then join the game.
The US could selectively default on only the debt held by the chinks. Easier than having a war. Unless you mean economic "war", but this is Zig Forums so I'm discounting that possibility.
The other day when the stock market was taking a shit some boomer fucks in /smg/ were talking about seizing property from younger generations to keep their scam economy going.
You're already fucked, you ungrateful little bastard. There's no reason you shouldn't give grandpa a little parting gift before he heads off to heaven. If you cowardly little shits aren't courageous enough to fight Iran, the least you could do is fund my lifestyle. Do you think life in Florida is cheap? Do you think wars for Israel are cheap? Do you think belonging to a sham sect of Christianity based around generous donations is cheap? Do you think crashing the largest economy into the ground is cheap? Grow up and gimme the last remaining shreds of your future already.
At least now the next Hitler will know for sure that reactionary, "conservative" cuckolds should be treated the same way kikes should be. After taking over, of course.