there a music genre more Zig Forums than Gangsta rap and horrocore?
Zig Forums music general
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Horrorcore gay.
I have an intense dislike of negroes
choose one
I prefer this one.
Get out.
J-pop and vidya music master race here.
absolutely you insufferable faggot. nationalist music from the soviet bloc, europe, civil war era murica, revolutionary war era murica, etc etc. take your nigger rap and fuck off with it.
of course the vietnam fucking shit has shit taste
Enjoy the slav way
I guess military anthems and marching songs aren't Zig Forums enough anymore?
There is only one way to prepare and execute a clean assault (skip to 01:57 if you're not patient).
Your taste is objectively bad OP. Here's some good Zig Forums music
Operating tunes of course.
We need to bring guns back.
fuck off, and neck yourself, you fucking faggot
Only WE can stop bullying at our schools
Stand up to bullies before it’s too late!
i'll only ever let 1 nigger enter my house and brain
(((Jewnited Kingdom)))
The only appropriate music for a proper Zig Forumsommando is rock
That was just hilariously awful. Do people unironically listen to this nigger shit? Get the fuck out of here OP.
I could recognize the work of Groidssuck anywhere.
Martial industrial is the only music genre that could be considered Zig Forums
I've come here to topple governments for Israel and rape yazidis, and I'm all out of yazidis…
Horrorcore is wigger music.
Catchy nasheed friend.
Irish Republican music
Unironically this
I remember seeing someone post some middle Eastern rap song sung by a female who had red hair I think. She was kitted out and had a bunch of military dudes in the background as backup. I can't find it again for the life of me though, because I don't speed Yid or kebab. It was catchy too. Someone post it if you have it, please.
Most horrorcore is edgy trash sung by faggots. Memegrips is more Zig Forums than that shit.
Not what you're looking for, but still entertaining.
Zig Forums is nigger-tier in terms of base behavior.
*This is the only good trait.
Anyone have this one Hezbollah song that's been taken off of YouTube? Think it was titled "SAA Hezbollah, Syria 2016"
>only martial industrial
Not even funny.
Martial industrial is good, but it can be repetitive.
Also, we already have a thread you niggers
Nigger you don't know my j-pop.
Fuck off nigger.
this dude makes irish-american music from the civil war. it's pretty kay.
another fav
Best song for rolling up and hopping out to blast niggers with your kalash.
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We already have a t33h3h4rt3
I hate 1995+ fags
I do love old British Imperial military music. There's nothing quite like it. Really makes you sad when you see how far the old man has fallen.
Armenian music is pretty Zig Forums
you'll like this then
This is catchy.
Yeah, seeing the old criminal Anglokike withering away, after centuries of fighting against those who would save Europe from the Jews, sure makes me feel terribly, terribly sad.
Are you saying you don't like Anglo expats buying up all the good property in Southern France and then proceeding to constantly ramble about how shit France is compared to the UK?
Wait, is that really a thing? I know they do the same thing here, so I really wouldn't be surprised. I suppose the difference is, it seems like every second one is a mulatto hellbent on social activism.
Zig Forums music?
The theme of any true Aussie vigilante.
Always reminds me of The Spy Hunter Theme.
cringy gamer OST but still can be applied
Hahaha character is like 48 Hrs
warbringer is best Zig Forums music
Songs about napalm strikes written by some dudes that called in a bunch of napalm strikes. Vietnam still remains as the war with the best soundtrack.
Fucking newfags, I swear…
Did you forget what your island is for m80? Just be glad they didn't put the average British 8channer in charge of modern transportation, you'd be up to your tits by now :^)
even better from zevon
7 Nation Army