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Doesn't Mexico have a shitton of oil, or am I wrong? The only reason we give a shit about the Middle East is because of the Zionists in control and the holohoax myth. Refer to George L. Rockwell's The Fable of the Ducks and the Hens: A Dramatic Saga of Intrigue, Propaganda and Subversion (1959) for a summary.
lol ur madden, john madden even
I don't know if it was because he was from a German city (especially Berlin; cities are always breeding grounds for mentally-ill degenerates; see Dr. John Calhoun's Mouse Utopia experiment[s; also done with rats]), but one of the Europeans I met, as mentioned before, was the most pathetic faggot I've ever had the misfortune to meet. I wanted nothing more than to knock the teeth out of his whiny mouth.
Nu/pol/ anyway, and Zig Forums and the other boards are in decline as well. Fuck, I miss the old days. Coincidentally, when "Zig Forums is always right" fell out of use, Zig Forums became wrong. Sounds silly, but I think you can gather what I mean by that.
No, but during the Trump campaign a lot of anons were hoping for imperium, spurred on by shills. I know that gets thrown around a lot, but I really do mean it. Like a stupid faggot, I didn't save a time-stamped image of someone who proved he worked in Trump Tower, posted on 8/pol/ around when Trump announced he was running for President. That, and the mysterious pro-Trump ads that appeared on this site for those who didn't have an adblocking-software, or who didn't have one on for whatever reason. Somewhat related, EmpLemon is a massive fucking faggot (and not white), but sometimes he makes interesting points, and his Trump video was pretty good, but it's wrong. I think Trump definitely wanted the Presidency, more for personal ambition and pride. Perhaps television ratings were a secondary goal; somewhat-/x/-tier webm related.
Ron Paul should have been our president, case in point, the documentary Spin (1995), as well as that one video on YouTube that lines up with the footage in that doc (titled "How Ron Paul was Cheated out of the Presidency", or something like that).
G'night Zig Forums. Maybe some of you are wise enough to find truth when it comes your way.
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