Depression rates among youth in U.S. higher than ever

FRIDAY, May 11, 2018 – Americans are fast becoming a very depressed lot.
New research shows there's been a sharp spike in cases of major depression in the United States in recent years, especially among teens and millennials.
The Blue Cross Blue Shield Association analysis of medical claims data showed that the overall rate of major depression was 4.4 percent and that diagnosis rates rose 33 percent between 2013 and 2016. Those rates increased 63 percent among teens and 47 percent among millennials.
Diagnosis rates in 2016 varied by as much as 300 percent between states, from a high of 6.4 percent in Rhode Island to lows of 2.1 percent in Hawaii and 3.2 percent in Nevada.
Diagnosis rates differed by as much or more than 400 percent among cities, from a high of 6.8 percent in Topeka, Kan., to lows of 1.5 percent in Laredo, Texas, and 2 percent in McAllen/Edinburg/Mission, Texas.
Women were twice as likely to be diagnosed with major depression than men, 6 percent vs. 3 percent, according to the health insurance company's Health of America Report, released Thursday.
People with major depression are nearly 30 percent less healthy, on average, than those without depression. Eighty-five percent of people with major depression have one or more other serious chronic health conditions, and nearly 30 percent have four or more other health conditions, according to the report authors.
People with major depression also use health care services more than those without a depression diagnosis, resulting in significantly higher health care spending – about $10,673 compared to $4,283.
"Major depression diagnoses are growing quickly, especially for adolescents and millennials," said Trent Haywood, senior vice president and chief medical officer for Blue Cross Blue Shield.
"The high rates for adolescents and millennials could have a substantial health impact for decades to come. Further education and research is needed to identify methods for both physicians and patients to effectively treat major depression and begin a path to recovery and better overall health," Haywood said in a association news release.
One mental health expert offered some possible explanations.
"It is possible that the increased rates of depression in adolescents are related to a combination of increased electronics use and sleep disruptions in already vulnerable individuals," said Dr. Karyn Horowitz, a psychiatrist affiliated with Emma Pendleton Bradley Hospital in East Providence, R.I.
"Increased use of electronics, video games more commonly in boys and social media/texting more commonly in girls, can lead to increased conflict both within the home and with peers," she said in the release.
"In preliminary literature, high users of social media have been linked with higher rates of social isolation than low users," Haywood said. "It is important to further explore this relationship."

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I think it's because of rumination through the internet. In the past it was literally get over it. Now you can join sine tumblr or reddit or Twitter cohort who will like all your sad sack posts and convince you to remain in that depressed mind set. Same thing applies to other mental illness, such as trannies.

In the old days, you just became a goth.

I'd be depressed too, if I was an asexual video game playing anime watching faggot

Shut up & get out boomer / Gen X. It's the failing of society.

puny little gay Americans, as you wallow in self pity and homosexual sadness the spics grow stronger (as in remain weak but become strong compared to degenerate americans who have become the epitome of weakness and faggotry), the spic like the nigger has the capacity to survive in the most hazardous conditions due to denial of reality alone, the spic might be living in a rundown shack and eating shit everyday but when people point it out it simply can ignore them while proudly doubling down on its aberrant behavior

A European criticizing Americans when he's prepping the refugee bulls for this wife/gf/daughters. Begone faggot!

And now he's going to post a bunch of goblin images.

lol take away video games and social media then suicide rates will fucking skyrocket to astronomical proportions. Surely millenials can't be depressed because they have no future as it was stolen by the incompetence of previous generations right? No it must be those gosh darned video games. The audacity of these people, DotR for baby boomers fucking when?

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if his post is something from a goblin macro, he kinda has it coming tho

Is depression the new (((ADHD)))?
Just a bullshit made up issue to get children hooked on some (((medicine)))?

They just need more vitamin D

Oh, the feelings of depression are real, I'm sure.

Nihilistic thoughts about how pointless your entire life is, and will always be. Your loss of a childhood because of government schooling.

Shipped straight to university to learn. Only to realize it's just more of the same. And now you're in debt for the rest of your life.

But the jobs you need to take aren't satisfying. It's just petty enslavement. So now you've lost your childhood, everything you've ever learned is just brainwashing of some sort, and now you owe money, and can only pay it off be sacrificing the rest of your pitiful life.

Spiritual endeavors turn sour due to scientific information that reveals the false nature of gods and religions. Communities cannot exist because of the brainwashing. Organic cultures, even simple, primitive cultures like "furry" or "anime" that you might develop while still young and hopeful are eventually co-opted and turned into more brainwashing or social control.

Everything you ever wanted to do is tarnished.

Drugs that make a person happy might also make them mad enough for utter revolution.

So the alternative are drugs that just remove sadness, instead of revealing sources of potential happiness or change.

Such is life in Europe.

Nothing to do with changing demographics. Fuck off razzists.

You had my respect up to the point you used the words, "cultures" "furry" and "anime" in the same sentence.
kys tbh


Yup. Totally our fault boomers have fucked the world sideways

Don't get the wrong idea when I say those words.

The early internet in the 1990's and 1980's had adults, yes, but it was teens who were making new friends and forming new communities.These teens emerged from the ashes of Western culture. They were forced into dogmatic, government run schools, and their family's culture was purged from them.

Think of it this way: Anime in 200 years turns into fine art, music, and sculptures, if left to evolve naturally.

Furry evolves into Nordic, Celtic, or other ancient traditions that worship nature.

Of course they look foolish because children and morons ended up taking the torch, but if given room to develop naturally over multiple generations, if refined, they end up looking like any appreciation of art or nature.

Don't think I praise furries or weeaboos. That's not my intention at all. It's that young people naturally form cultures on their own. It's the concept of any fandom forming, and people wanting to form identities and personalities.

No matter how cringy it is, on a more grand, long-term view, these cultures will end up forming something as intellectual as worshiping a Greek god.

Now, I don't worship Greek gods because I think it's silly. But it's the same with furries or anime. Of course it's silly, but to the people who like these things, it's their favorite stuff, and if not deliberately purged by meddlers, it'll be passed to their children, in a benevolent, natural way. It's just communication happening naturally, without third-party meddling and interaction.

But in this world, we get socially or politically motivated parties who infiltrate and ruin things, or two cultures meet, and war happens. Anime meets Feminism, which forms SJWs.

Furries meet uh, well, furries are fucking terrible inherently, but still, I'll mention that even "My Little Pony" is worse than even the worst elements of furry, and MLP shit couldn't have existed without the preexistence of furries.

But my point isn't to defend these *specific* subcultures.

It's to simply mention that they exist, and they exist because of teens and children who organically form communities and cultures. Adults do not invent new cultures. It is young people who do this while forming friends and allies.

Depression happens when these cultures are co-opted by politically scheming do-gooders who claim to know better, so they begin to censor the aspects that they don't like.

Same with 4chan culture. It got diluted and censored. Zig Forums is going the same way. People who gain power begin to cut away the parts that naturally formed, such as boards being removed on Zig Forums that were more politically incorrect than even Zig Forums.

If you think I'm wrong, prove me wrong.

But I'm quite sure that people naturally form cultures, often inspired by art or nature, and when these cultures are deliberately infiltrated or purged, you get people with meaningless lives, who are filled with sadness and despair because they can't just "be themselves."

They have to conform to a culture that they did not invent, and cultures that they do invent are purged. This causes deep sadness and identity crises.

The world has always been fucked up since the beginning of time. The difference is that previous generations of men acted like men and got on with it, didn't look for easy excuses to remain infantile, defeatist and inactive.
The best thing you could possibly do even by your own logic is to kill yourself, since obviously the world is ruined and there is no hope for a better future.
Make sure you stream your suicide, so the rest of us can laugh at your demise.

Millennials fail to realize that there was absolutely ''nothing' unique about your upbringing.
There was no "teen culture" on the 1990s internet (there was no internet in the 1980s, retard). The 1990s internet consisted of bbs, usenet, ftp and gopher sites which were predominately populated by STEM field men well into their adulthood.
Anime is simply commericalized cartoon made popular in Japan and co-opted by edgy, marginalized weeaboos with no local social group to relate to. Stop romanticizing something that is absolutely not art.
Furry is an aberrant homosexual sexual fetish that has nothing to do with Nordic or Celtic folklore.
Every generation has been "forced" into government run schools, but no other generation is as whiny and infantile as the millennials who desperate need to transfer all of their own guilt and self-loathing onto the "boomer" boogeyman.

You're still not understanding that my words are not about furry or anime in any concrete aspect.

It is that culture is subverted. It is that people's goals, friendships, loves, and interests that are formed while young are subverted and manipulated.

Everything that a person is born into is fake and artificial.

It's not that "government funded schooling" is bad even.

It's the propaganda. It's the indoctrination. It's the censorship.

How are you not understanding this?

Of course anime is a pathetic excuse for art or fine culture.
Of course furry has nothing to do with folklore of any sort.

But the fact that people are interested in this only highlights the idea that people want to connect with art and nature on some level.

Instead, they are indoctrinated into either Zig Forums-sided nonsense, or SJW bullshit.

They are given politics, rather than organic culture that forms a cohesive community. At least try to understand, you fucking moron. How can you even be this thick?

You idealize childhood as some kind of "pure" state of being, when that's 100% not true. Children have their own politics and are frequently more cruel and deceptive to each other than adults are.
There is just as much genuine as fake and artificial, you just choose to focus on the negative because it gives you an excuse and serves as a crutch to avoid facing difficult challenges of adulthood. Best to find an external boogeyman and put off personal responsibility for one more day.
No one is stopping you from using tools that no other generation has ever had to fight against the "propaganda," "censorship" and all the rest if it bothers you so much. Shitposting on Zig Forums accomplishes nothing.

It doesn't "bother" me.

I don't have depression. I'm only commenting on why other people do. They have no capacity to create culture. They cannot escape surveillance due to technology, so kids or teens can't actually be alone to form new ideas or ways of living.

Any time it does begin to form, like in the example of 4chan or Zig Forums, it gets crushed due to censorship or infiltrators who corrupt the original culture.

This just leads to their depression as adults who have to work jobs in a "multi-cultural" landscape, where each culture is fake and artificial feeling.

There's no point in working if you have no community that understands you. local communities don't exist for youth. Every game of sports is monitored. Video games have toxicity filters or something. Everything is surveilled and monitored, and people can't just be themselves.

So they become depressed.

It's supposed to be anxiety disorders when your young and depression later in life

Every generation has had its toxic distractions that were co-opted by commercial and political interests. Again, there's nothing unique about what millennials face today that other generations had to face in the past, but they faced it with more courage and less whining or mental gymnastics to avoid taking personal responsibility for their lives.
4chan wasn't formed to create youth culture. m00t created it to share his interest in anime, because he was mocked on Something Awful for being a weeaboo. Then 4chan became a place to be ironic and memes spontaneously formed. It became a victim of its own success when Anonymoose 2.0 showed up and turned it into an SJW site conducting "raids" that were co-opted by the F.B.I.
You have no clue what you are talking about, but if you really want to create culture, then you should drop the escapism of anime, vidya and blaming "boomers" for all your problems.
Life is a struggle and always has been. If that's too much for you, then suicide is an honorable option. Nature is only concerned with survival of the fittest. Humans did not create this, but we are bound by nature's laws.

You have problems dude. Seek help. I am a man. I own a house and have good income. Doesn't changes facts if that's true of myself or not. Boomers are the biggest pussy generation to exist. Maybe besides the new kids. Boomers grew up with everything, learned nothing from their parents. Flushed everything down the toilet to make their own lives slightly better than other generations. Look at them now bankrupt (cause they didn't save). And their dumbasses probably pulled out of any investestments back in 08. They even lost americas first way. Only generation that is making a difference is min and the ones right after(most conservstive generation in a LONG time). Fucking just die already boomers, world will be much better when you low IQ fags die

Virtue signaling on Zig Forums or social media doesn't count as an "accomplishment" moron.
Millennials have accomplished exactly nothing of value in society and never will because you have no balls, no spine and no manhood.

Gee, don't rope me in with the others who blame boomers.

I only know what I know, and that's that humans naturally create culture, and it happens more in their youth than when they're an adult.

Youths who cannot create culture/community/love will become depressed people.

People who feel like they cannot influence their culture, community, or even their own future become depressed.

You'll be naive to think it's just because it's generation #54250235 instead of #54250234.

It's not "kids today are just weak."

That answer would be absurdly stupid.

It's that people today are oppressed even more than they used to be. Or are you not aware of how every major communication network or social network is completely censored?

That alone makes people feel weak.

Past generations willfully faced prison or death to fight against "oppression" Even the boomers faced off against the National Guard at Kent State and four were shot to death, but it didn't didn't end the anti-war protests.
Millennials whine about "oppression" when they get their YouTube, Twitter or Patreon accounts terminated. Wow, what a huge act of courage and sacrifice! You should be proud of yourselves. You'll definitely go down in history as the greatest generation.

You sure are sarcastic and condescending.

What do you propose people do then?

Give us answers if you're going to step onto such a high tower to look at the inferiors below you. What should we do?

What makes a man strong?

What does a strong man do with his strength?

Don't give me a foolish answer, or you'll look seriously stupid.

Typical millennial response. No. Find your own solutions and your own answers. That's the work of each generation.

Then stop speaking to me.

I have no desire to talk to a fool.

All mental illnesses have always been bullshit peddeled by kikes to get people drugged up or shamed in society. Either it is they are insane/do things over and over again expecting different results. Or it is a chemical imbalance in the brain that can be fixed by a healthy diet and excercise along with removing them from the source of pain. Everything else is kikery bullshit or demon possession.

Prove yourself right, what even fucking comes upon the closeness of being more politically incorrect then Zig Forums? Adolf hitler in the flesh perhaps? God Himself? /polk/? Other then those two I don't know.

Pic related.

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Should be

We got Trump elected

Zig Forums has been reigned in by plebbit cancer, I can't speak for the other one however.

No you didn't. Hillary got Trump elected.

She was exposed by us


Lol @ you being SO stupid that you think Trump actually 'won', or that YOU had any role in it !!

Hahahahah !!

>implying that every single election since atleast John F Kennedy hasn't been rigged to only have the candidate (((they))) choose be elected.

You're reading comprehension is garbage

disgusting and please stop with this shit.
yeah I wonder why that could be:
>and no, socially retarded couples don't make good parents, they just produce more elliots for the future
this surely must have been the video games

I just know one thing for sure. This ship is sinking and I will not be the idiot that works until age 80 so the people who ruined this planet can live their happy life in retirement and spit on me for beeing a lazy millenial shit. They grew up in blossoming job situatons, they worked 40 years, saved up thousands of dollars in their retirement funds and expect me to pay them money. Fuck no, I will rather go NEET for a few years, blow my savings away and then blow my head away. Also, taxes are rising everywhere and who in their fucking right mind will work 60 hours a week to pay half his earnings to tax collectors. I would rather sell drugs on the internet than to be such a slave.

This is not even about tfw_no_gf/wife/family
This is about having no future on this shit planet.

Q: were you BORN ILLITERATE, or did you have to go to school to learn that?

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And what's being depressed going to do about it? Go make the world a better place instead of just wishing for it, cuck. The problem with all you millennial faggots is that you're quick to spot a problem but then demand all the old fucks in parliament to fix their problems for you instead of fixing it on your own.
Grow up and face your problems yourself like a grown man should, bitch


I really think the problem is twofold and I think it's a problem that if people buckled down, and stopped bickering with each other, could be solved. Millennial need to realize that the world won't give them what they want and they will have to work hard for it, and the older generations need to realize that it's a much harder world today than perhaps it's ever been and they need to work with millennial to fix it.

It's always one side that is the entitled brat but humans are entitled by nature; we're all entitled brats. It's time to stop the grandstanding and bloviating and actually work towards a better future.

Though I think that's the crux of the issue. No one wants to do that. They'd rather bicker and argue than actually fix anything and I think that's why depression is up. It isn't some ethereal problem or even the problems facing us all today. It's the human race's absolute refusal to come together that is making people depressed.

It's impossible to come together when you have boomers and gen-x niggers yelling at you that you are lazy when you are working harder than they ever had to and you still can't even afford a shitty studio apartment.

I absolutely agree, but would you agree that laying all the blame on them solves nothing?

The problem is that if you aren't immediately given a raise and a participation trophy simply for showing up for work, then this somehow makes your work "harder" than past generations.
You don't even know what hard work means, because if you did if would have sculpted you into a man instead of a whiny baby blaming the meanie boomer/gen x boogeyman

If they weren't being a bunch of ivory tower niggers telling you to just go talk to the manager to get a good job and then calling you lazy when that doesn't work nobody would hate them like they do. Of course all they ever do is sit in their easy ass jobs that they got when it was possible to just walk into a building and get a job by just asking and they never fucking retire or die so that younger people can find work leading to the job market being impossible to enter and then they call you fucking lazy for something that is their fault. Not to mention constantly calling for more immigration so that they can hire Paco under the table because he doesn't pay taxes like the spic he is so he can live off of $3.00/hr now that last one is more boomers than gen-x but those faggots just take all the jobs that millennials should have been able to get as teenagers but since they have work experience those shitty grocery store jobs go to them. Leaving the millennials with nothing so it is little wonder why millennials hate both the boomers and gen-x and why it drives me up a fucking wall when they call you lazy for being younger. I'm not being lazy you stupid niggers you have made it completely impossible for me to find even the shittiest of jobs.

Nigger the problem is that you faggots never retire or die and gen-x and their ten year head start has given them the work experience to take all of the lesser jobs that would other wise be available if boomer niggers like yourself would just fucking die.

Next you'll tell me that real Communism hasn't been tried yet

If the previous generations couldn't have done anything to change this how the fuck are millennials supposed to fix everything by themselves?

I got my first job at 10 and retired at 40. I never whined or complained or blamed anyone else for my problems which is why I succeeded.
Sorry your parents or grandparents mismanaged their money and got BTFO in 2008, but that doesn't represent their entire generation.
Living the easy life is what you see because the hard work has already been done and now it's time to relax and shitpost.
And no, boomers and gen x aren't going away, Millennials are because you are weak ass faggots who are going to suicide yourselves and/or go full Supreme Gentleman while the rest of us laugh and consign you to the dustbin of history, never to be mentioned again.

How was the generation that ended slavery supposed to do it by themselves? Or the generation that granted America it's independence? Or any generation that did anything of note? Three simple words,


The thing you fail to realize or choose not to is that the world doesn't care who or what you blame or whether or not you run and hide. The wheels will continue to roll and grind and you are soon to be crushed underneath them without a fight.
And nothing of value was lost.

I'll remember that when I'm killing all you old fucks when society collapses.

You don't even have the balls to leave your house and face the world outside. You are a threat to literally no one.

I'll be sure to laugh when your spic gardeners are eating you.

doesn't that mean everyone will be crushed since no one is doing anything to solve anything

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And you have pulled the mask of the eternal boomer. They think they will be dead before the plane they are nosediving hits the ground.

The world outside is doing just fine, no matter what the clickbait alarmist media suggests. The media tagline for decades has been "If it bleeds, it leads."
You are being trolled by the media. The world has never been richer, more powerful, healthier or longer living. If you weren't a bunch of soft cunts, you'd take advantage of all the tools at your disposal and make bank instead of shitposting, jerking off to anime and blaming meanie boomers for all your own mental problems and lack of motivation.

Yet all of the youngest people are more poor, unhealthy, and hopeless than they have ever been. It's almost like you live in an ivory tower and don't notice that the world cannot continue like this.

Oh a thousand pardons my faggot boomer I completely forgot about the millions of dollars and contacts in every line of work that I was born with silly me.

There are millions of ways of earning money just by working online and never leaving your house. Time is money. millennials would rather use that time to shitpost, check your phone every minutes, netflix and chill, play vidya, fap to anime, etc. You don't get money by sitting on your ass and doing nothing, you have to hustle and earn it, but millennials would rather complain, remain infantile and do nothing to help themselves. And yet, you expect sympathy from generations who had none of the modern tools and options and had to sweat for every dollar they earned.
You have no sympathy or pity from anyone. This world can live without you. If you want anything, you'll have to fight for it. It's always been this way.

Ok boomer nigger please enlighten me to these jobs that you can just go do on the internet to make enough money to afford an apartment and an internet connection to actually do the job.

fuck off and do your own homework
it's a sink or swim world, bitch. sorry your overprotective helicopter parents didn't warn you about the real world outside


as someone who has looked for an internet job most are scams or pyramid schemes and often don't pay you, the others are already taken

good to know a millennial is living up to his lazy, worthless stereotype

Good to know that you're a stupid nigger that can't even shame a young person for being lazy unless he lies about mythical internet jobs that are super easy to get you just need to find them but I won't even tell you how to get them or what you even have to do at these jobs.

you wouldn't even have an internet to shitpost on if it weren't for boomers and gen x'ers who created online companies and jobs for themselves on the internet with no roadmap and no one to help them.

Except for the part where all their parents were rich and the government gave them millions to do it.

ok brah, i'm done. stay infantile and enjoy the eventual suicide

The government funded the whole fucking thing you stupid boomer nigger. Learn some fucking history.

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California hustler, im a fly young felon….

The number one cause of non-accidental death is UK and USA for men 14-44 is suicide. (In reality a lot of accidental deaths are suicidal as well, like, car crashes and drug overdoses)

Don't worry though we will all be replaced with immigrants.

You're so fucking weak and destined to fail you can't even do a simple fucking Google search. Yet you wonder why people say that millennials are the generation that's going to fuck up everything.

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this is true. i know a guy who works in mental health and runs their databases and they find that when the drop-in groups are all about complaining about shit then people either don't come back or they get worse each visit compared to if they try to find optimism and try give each other advice

oh the humanity, how will america ever recover, they'll just have to remove that plate from lady liberty that says "#MAGA"

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don't worry boomer
we will all be crypto billionaires with lambos and shit


I only have depression when I'm out of cannabis

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None of this works. It's all bullshit.

fuck you for this btw
t. sperg

I blame the lack of community. too many shut ins not going out and talking to.real people and finding a belonging. the generation growing up with the internet think they are the smartest but they are usually the dumbest with no life skills and crippling loneliness and depression(in a sense, but i could be completely off here).

Ms vs Bs
D&C works everytime, handrubbing intensifies

less minerals and more chemicals means less energy for physical and mental health, while fiat and inflation means you will work more for less than those 50 years ago. Driving around means you can use more energy and time for labor.

Soon the planet will be in a ripe, negative and ruined state for the reptoid overlords, all thanks to humans doing stuff.
You cannot get together and stop chemtrails or ocean acidification, fukushima or corruption.
You can't even convince older gens of the problems, they never lived in war. Everyone fears the idea that humanity lost ww2 and more is coming, so they shrink back and blame the kids. Opportunity and voting choice has huge negative consequences in a corrupt system because those saying it is actualy corrupt and hey, look at all these genocidal factors, those will be denied, ignored and spat on until its too late and humanity and nature finally goes off the cliff.

Most of society is not seeing how bad it really is to animals and nature, it is horrendously bad and most dont care. It pisses me off how much people are not onoy apathetic, but hostile if you do care.

Who is going to listen? Money is controlled as fiat, that means everything else is, what are you gonna do? School wasted your time, exhausted you, work also, years of it and no small business or trades education to show for it. Not everyone has a house and family as a base to pursue things.

When the gens really start getting old we will be really screwed, and not just from jobs or economy but from racists. Already people dont recognise what country they thought they lived in.
The new gen will be progress delusional faggots into defcon and space war in a multiculti war zone sucking up to loominati socs thinking life is a ok.
Go outside and it is a modern commy state anywhere you go, any kind of talk to make the world a better place makes people shit on you and say, "what are you doing to make the world a better place"? So you take it and move on to the next shitter, and on and on. There are no problems, everything is fine. You are just a ___label, just be normal and ignore reality and again, wait for the cliff. Basically, everyone is stupid and nobody knows what to do, and will not listen.

Those who have been able to make a family will be in even more denial in the coming future as the new youth have the same paralysis and live at home, cant find work, persecuted by terror noone will comprehend, killed by racists and robot cars, drugs and suicide, etc etc. By then people might start noticing something is seriously wrong with the eco system, or lack of.
In Europe people have culture, nature, here in Alberta its parking lots and work(that cannot be found) and disdain for Europe. Much of north america it seems is just a protestant workaholic culture, so suicides make sense. European suicides also make sense as poverty and isolation from ones own people become the norm.

Its ok, its not the first civilisation you know to grow too big, to screw over the kids and fall.(might be the last though)

It is called the end for a reason. Trust in Christ.

Depression (isolation, low energy) is a basic animal sickness behavior. Depression isn't a "mental illness", it's a WHOLE BODY illness, in most cases caused directly by things we are, or are not eating (calories are not nutrition after all).

There are many possible causes, but this industrial sludge is a big one. Vegetable oil, corn oil, soy oil, even the so called "healthy" canola oil is a slow poison that directly attacks you with a flood of free radicals that wear you down over the years. This shit is literally converting into trans-fat and mega-trans-fats as it sits there on the shelf because it is so unstable.This shit is in nearly everything, and it gets even worse when it is combined with sugar.

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Jeez, from the sounds of these replies, it's like Baby Boomers just live to die.
Just work, buy, consume, die.
Most of them don't own a business, don't have any talent, unambitious, so on. They just feed their family the old fashioned way, and lived an unambitious life.
Now there's these Millennials and Homelanders that can create all kinds of stuff with the new technology, talent is everywhere and the old fucks can't catch up and would lack the true nuance and creativity even if they tried.

You keep blaming millenials for being pansies, but who was the one to raise them?

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so butter then

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Spoiler: I'm 21, I'm just so fed up with everyone my age being a limp dick cuck who blames everyone but themselves for them not being in a better place in life. Stop hoping for a better future and demanding other people make it for you. Seize it for yourself, you blackpilled brainlet

Plate was put there by a KIKE a long long time after the statue was built.
It isn't to do with that at all.
No, the US isn't an immigrant country, it is a colony of the British empire that became independent.